Rotate QLabel and keep its functionality/stylesheet - c++

For a while now I am searching for an adequate method to rotate a QLabel - and most important to keep its functionality and stylesheets.
I've found a pretty interesting approach here: Vertical QLabel, or the equivalent?
First I was satisfied because it efficiently rotated the label. Unfortunately the Stylesheet I've added (using a bigger font and other color) was completely lost and the alignment is gone as well (myLabel_->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); has no effect).
I've read QPainter::drawStaticText would provide more functionality but for me it doesn't work at all (I'm using the same code as in the solution before mentioned, just with the difference:
QStaticText qs = "Test1";
Using deprecated HTML ("<b>...</b>") instead of Stylesheets is also no use... Same as returning to a regular QLabel and using modern transformation stylesheets (
I'm pretty much running out of ideas now how I am able to keep the former properties of the QLabel and still be able to rotate it...

There's no easy way to do that.
QStylePainter may help with the style:
// ......
void LabelWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
QStylePainter painter(this);
painter.drawText(0, 0, text());
This will draw text with properties defined by stylesheet, but this does not solve the alignment problem.
If your drawStaticText code use rotate(90) and doesn't show any thing, it is beacuse the text is rotated around the top-left point and rotate(90) will move the text out of the widget(Try rotate(45), you will find part of the text is out of the widget). A simple solution is using QPainter::translate to move to the center.
Here is my code that support alignment:
// ......
void LabelWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
QStylePainter painter(this);
// rotate at center
painter.drawText(rect(), alignment(), text());
To support more features like word-wrapping:
// ......
void LabelWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
QStylePainter painter(this);
// rotate at center
QTextOption textOption;
if (wordWrap()) {
} else {
painter.drawText(rect(), text(), textOption);
You will have to add more features if you want other properties of the QLabel, there is no simple solution.
PS: If you want use QStaticText , make it a member variable.
The QStaticText class enables optimized drawing of text when the text
and its layout is updated rarely.
QStaticText provides a way to cache layout data for a block of text so
that it can be drawn more efficiently than by using
QPainter::drawText() in which the layout information is recalculated
with every call.

you can use QGraphicsScene
it can show a copy of anythings with customizations of size and orientation :
QLabel* myLabel_= QLabel("vertical label");
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsProxyWidget * proxy = scene.addWidget(label);
QGraphicsView view(&scene);;
then you can replace view by old myLabel_ object


Qt propagates paint events on backgroung items

I do have 2 QDeclarativeItems.
void BackgroundLayer::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
painter->drawImage( QRectF(dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1), shownImage, QRectF(sx1, sy1, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1) );
void ForegroundLayer::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
QPen pen(Qt::red, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
painter->drawLine(p1, p2);
Rectangle {
width: 1920
height: 1080
id: background_layer
anchors.fill: parent
ForegroundLayer {
id: foreground_layer
anchors.fill: parent
Drawing on ForegroundLayer triggers BackgroundLayer paint event, causing it to repaint the whole image. As a result, drawing works slow. Is it possible to avoid this and repaint the image only when it's really needed?
Why do you expect any other kind of behavior? Qt doesn't keep the images of every declarative item for you, it'd be prohibitively expensive in terms of memory. You have the option of enabling this, though: perhaps you should. See the cacheMode documentation.
When any item needs to be updated, everything underneath and intersecting the update rectangle has to be repainted too, in the Z order from bottom to top. If there are any widgets underneath the QGraphicsView and if the view itself is translucent, then these widgets will have to be repainted as well.
If you have knowledge exactly of what area needs to be updated, you should use that knowledge: call QGraphicsItem::update(const QRectF &) to indicate the bounds of what needs updating. Otherwise, with a null rectangle, the update region spans the whole item.
Also ensure that the QGraphicsView's updateMode is set to MinimalViewportUpdate.
Under the covers, all QGraphicsItem instances and all QWidget instances all paint on an internal QImage that is then blitted or swapped into the underlying native window. They paint in back-to-front Z order, and the only widgets or items that are skipped are those that are completely contained under an opaque widget or item.
Short answer : Just use a QPixmap converted once from shownImage
void BackgroundLayer::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
painter->drawPixmap( QRectF(dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1), shownPixmap, QRectF(sx1, sy1, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1) );
Explanation :
painting pixmaps on screen is much faster than images. The other choices may not work or are way too complex.
Paint events propagate from the top widgets to their children, recursively.
Basically Qt is given a rectangle to paint, and every widget inside this rectangle will receive a paint event.
I am sure what you want to achieve might be doable in some specific cases with widget attribute hacking, but I fail to see how you can do it here without having old paint artifacts from the ForegroundLayer.
Let say you have two lines AB et CD.
After the first call to paint you only want to see line AB
After the p1, p2 have been updated you only want to see line CD
In order to prevent you from seeing the line AB when painting CD, Qt has to clear the entire background in the rectangle being painted. If for some reason BackgroundLayer doesn't paint, the background image will disappear.

Clear Transparent Background for QWidget

I have a widget as on overlay for another widget. The transparency works fine, as long as I don't clear the background of the overlay.
But I have to clear the widget to acutalize the displayed "effects". I tried to solve the inital problem (the background getting the default color) like described in 20848594, but except changing the color to black it had no effect...
Has anyone an idea why the widget which should be transparent does not display the underlaying widget(s)?
Here the code:
SudokuMarkerOverlayWidget::SudokuMarkerOverlayWidget(QWidget* parent, uint const fieldSize) : QWidget(parent)
// Translucent should be the correct one
void SudokuMarkerOverlayWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
// Tried this too, no difference
// painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
// painter.fillRect( this->rect(), Qt::transparent );
painter.eraseRect( this->rect() );
Just noticed, using CompositionMode Source instead of SourceOver for my semi-transparent painting (gradient seen in first image) also causes them to be a red-to-black-gradient instead of red-to-transparent.
That means every transparency except the inital by WA_TranslucentBackground or WA_NoSystemBackground isn't working.
Widgets in Qt can be either a 'native' or 'alien' type. In one case they're a separate operating system window. In some operating systems a transparent window isn't supported.
You might want to consider using QML if you're after fancy visual effects. That's what it was designed for.

Drawing a scalable QIcon using QPainter

I want to design a new QIcon and want it to look like a fixed text with a rounded rectangle around it
| Phy |
The icon is supposed to scale without the "pixel-blocks" effect when painting on a QPainter that eventually has a scale transformation applied (for example when I paint into a widget that is part of a QGraphicsView with a scale applied on its scene).
Therefor, I have difficulties knowing how I should paint my QIcon. If I do it in the following way, I will paint a QPixmap that always has a fixed amount of pixels, thus introducing the pixel-blocks effect inevitably when the scale is large enough
void MyWidget::drawIcon(QPainter *painter, QPoint pos) {
QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(22, 22),
isEnabled() ? QIcon::Normal
: QIcon::Disabled,
isChecked() ? QIcon::On
: QIcon::Off);
painter->drawPixmap(pos, pixmap);
What I am looking for is a way similar to how QFont with drawText works. Regardless on how large my scale is, when I draw fonts it always looks sharp and I cannot detect individual pixels.
I imagine that I could tell QPainter to paint my icon into a given pixel rectangle, and QPainter transforms the rectangle itself before letting my QIconEngine::paint render the item into a possibly larger rectangle or pixmap. But I see no way how I could do something like this.
Am I just being stupid and not seeing the obvious solution?
I was indeed completely dump. I can just use QIcon::paint and pass it the rectangle. It will correctly delegate the request to the icon engine.
I do this by creating my icons/images as SVG files, and using QSvgRenderer to paint them onto a QPainter. The required classes are in the SVG module.

How to resize QWidget in a layout while aligning it to the center and maintaining aspect ratio

Ok, so I'd like to display an image with qt where the image resizes with the browser and maintains the aspect ratio while also remaining centered in the window. I can get the resizing with aspect ratio to work correctly, but when I align it with Qt::AlignCenter, the qwidget no longer resizes (remains a fixed size). So basically, I can get either option to work but not together.
A good example of what I'm trying to do would be the imshow() function in matlab. This resizes the image while maintaining the aspect ratio and also centering the image in the window. The code I have is soemthing like this:
void roilayout::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
QSize p(roiview->refimage->size());
p.scale(roiview->view->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
and in the constructor:
roiview = new roiwindow;
QHBoxLayout *layoutContainer = new QHBoxLayout;
I searched google and couldnt find anything. Also asked a similar question a little while back but from the answers it appears I didn't ask the question clearly enough. Thanks.
A couple of things: First it would be helpful to know what type of control "view" is.
Also, I don't think you should need to resize the child control "view" (whatever type it is) within the parent's resizeEvent() callback.
A better solution might be to set the sizeHint policy on the child widget to automatically expand.

Viewing entire QGraphicsScene

I'm trying to write a map editor in Qt, using QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene for both the map and tile sheets.
The problem I'm having right now is with making a good widget for importing tiles. For this, I'm using a QTabWidget (for different tile sheets), and TileWidget as the widget for each tab, which contains the QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView.
It's working to a rough degree, but not all the tiles (or TileObjects, which are implementations of QGraphicsItem) are visible. I'm even calling view->ensureVisible(scene->sceneRect()), but still not all of the QGraphicsScene is not visible, even with scroll bars.
I understand this is due to limiting the maximum size of my QTabWidget, but that is necessary.
This happens mainly when I import a larger tile sheet.
I have a TileWidget as the QWidget for the QTabWidget, which has both the QGraphicsScene and the QGraphicsView.
TileWidget::TileWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
scene = new QGraphicsScene;
view = new TileView(scene, this);
connect(view, SIGNAL(newBrushSelected(TileObject *b)), this, SLOT(selectNewBrush(TileObject *b)));
TileView is simply a QGraphicsView re-implemented to handle mouse release events.
To add tiles, I simply call scene->addItem().
I have no other code for TileView. When I use
void TileWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
view->fitInView(scene->itemsBoundingRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
I get something like this.
It's okay for smaller tile sheets, but not for larger ones. What should I add to keep the size of the tiles normal, and navigate TileView using scroll bars?
Nevermind, figured it out. Just me being stupid.
You need something like: