Cannot get response when using socket in C++.NET - c++

I wrote two programs, one as server and another as client. The server is written in standard C++ using WinSock2.h. It is a simple echo server which means the server responds what it receives back to the client. I used a new thread for every client's connection, and in each thread:
Socket* s = (Socket*) a;
while (1) {
std::string r = s->ReceiveLine()
if (r.empty()) {
delete s;
return 0;
Socket is a class from here. The server runs properly and I've tested it using telnet, it works well.
Then I wrote the client using C++.NET (or C++/CLI), TcpClient is used to send and receive message from the server. The code is like:
String^ request = "test";
TcpClient ^ client = gcnew TcpClient(server, port);
array<Byte> ^ data = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(request);
NetworkStream ^ stream = client->GetStream();
stream->Write(data, 0, data->Length);
data = gcnew array<Byte>(256);
String ^ response = String::Empty;
int bytes = stream->Read(data, 0, data->Length);
response = Encoding::ASCII->GetString(data, 0, bytes);
When I run the client and tries to show the response message onto my form, the program halted at the line int bytes = stream->Read(data, 0, data->Length); and cannot fetch the response. The server is running and there's nothing to do with the network as they are all running on the same computer.
I guess the reason is that the data server responds with is less than data->Length, so the Read method is waiting for more data. Is that right? How should I solve this problem?
I think I've solved the problem... There are another two methods in the Socket class, ReceiveBytes and SendBytes, and these two methods will not delete the unused space in the bytes array. So the length of data back from the server will match that from the client, thus the Read method will not wait for more data to come.

std::string Socket::ReceiveLine() {
std::string ret;
while (1) {
char r;
switch(recv(s_, &r, 1, 0)) {
case 0: // not connected anymore;
// ... but last line sent
// might not end in \n,
// so return ret anyway.
return ret;
case -1:
return "";
// if (errno == EAGAIN) {
// return ret;
// } else {
// // not connected anymore
// return "";
// }
ret += r;
if (r == '\n') return ret;
i guess receiveline function of the server is waiting for an enter key '\n'.
just try with "test\n" string.
String^ request = "test\n";
// other codes....


How to use grpc c++ ClientAsyncReader<Message> for server side streams

I am using a very simple proto where the Message contains only 1 string field. Like so:
service LongLivedConnection {
// Starts a grpc connection
rpc Connect(Connection) returns (stream Message) {}
message Connection{
string userId = 1;
message Message{
string serverMessage = 1;
The use case is that the client should connect to the server, and the server will use this grpc for push messages.
Now, for the client code, assuming that I am already in a worker thread, how do I properly set it up so that I can continuously receive messages that come from server at random times?
void StartConnection(const std::string& user) {
Connection request;
Message message;
ClientContext context;
stub_->Connect(&context, request, &reply);
// What should I do from now on?
// notify(serverMessage);
void notify(std::string message) {
// generate message events and pass to main event loop
I figured out how to used the api. Looks like it is pretty flexible, but still a little bit weird given that I typically just expect the async api to receive some kind of lambda callback.
The code below is blocking, you'll have to run this in a different thread so it doesn't block your application.
I believe you can have multiple thread accessing the CompletionQueue, but in my case I just had one single thread handling this grpc connection.
GrpcConnection.h file:
void StartGrpcConnection();
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> m_channel;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<push_notifications::Message>> m_reader;
std::unique_ptr<push_notifications::PushNotificationService::Stub> m_stub;
GrpcConnection.cpp files:
void GrpcConnectionService::StartGrpcConnection()
m_channel = grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
LongLiveConnection::Connect request;
m_stub = LongLiveConnection::LongLiveConnectionService::NewStub(m_channel);
grpc::ClientContext context;
grpc::CompletionQueue cq;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReader<LongLiveConnection::Message>> reader =
m_stub->PrepareAsyncConnect(&context, request, &cq);
void* got_tag;
bool ok = false;
LongLiveConnection::Message reply;
cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);
if (ok && got_tag == (void*)1)
// startCall() is successful if ok is true, and got_tag is void*1
// start the first read message with a different hardcoded tag
reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);
while (true)
ok = false;
cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);
if (got_tag == (void*)2)
// this is the message from server
std::string body = reply.server_message();
// do whatever you want with body, in my case i push it to my applications' event stream to be processed by other components
// lastly, initialize another read
reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);
else if (got_tag == (void*)3)
// if you do something else, such as listening to GRPC channel state change, in your call, you can pass a different hardcoded tag, then, in here, you will be notified when the result is received from that call.

How to do IPC using Unix Domain Socket in D?

Here I have a program that wants to
detect whether if it's the only instance
1.1. it does that by trying to create a Unix Domain Socket
and trying to binding it to a specific address.
if a duplicate program is not running, establish an UDS
and then listen to the socket.
2.1. if any message comes through that socket, the program will log the incoming message
2.2. otherwise it should keep listening to the socket forever
if there's a duplicate program it should send a message and then exit.
Here's what I have:
import std.socket, std.experimental.logger;
immutable string socketAddress = "\0/tmp/com.localserver.myapp";
void main()
auto socket = new std.socket.Socket(std.socket.AddressFamily.UNIX,
auto addr = new std.socket.UnixAddress(socketAddress);
auto isUnique = () {
bool result;
scope (success)
log("returns: ", result);
result = true;
catch (std.socket.SocketOSException e)
result = false;
// else throw error
return result;
if (isUnique)
log("Unique instance detected. Listening...");
// works upto now
char[] buffer = [];
while (1)
if (buffer != []) {
log("Received message: ", buffer);
buffer = [];
log("Duplicate instance detected.");
import std.stdio;
stdout.write("Enter your message:\t");
log("Message has been sent. Exiting.");
The documentation does not seem very friendly to those who does not have any experience in socket programming. How can I send and receive message with std.socket.Socket?
After binding, you actually need to accept. It will return a new Socket instance which you can actually receive from. Your client side branch looks ok. I think that is your key mistake here.
I also have a code sample in my book that shows basic functionality of std.socket which can help as an example:
it is tcp, but making it unix just means changing the family, like you already did in your code.
You can also look up socket tutorials for C and so on, the D socket is just a thin wrapper around those same BSD style socket functions.
As Adam pointed out I had use listen() method first and then apply the accept() method which returns a socket that can receive message. Then the receiver socket takes a char[N] buffer.
import std.socket, std.experimental.logger;
class UDSIPC
static immutable string socketAddress = "\0/tmp/com.localserver.myapp";
static immutable size_t messageBufferSize = 64;
static immutable string socketAddressName = "\0/tmp/com.localserver.myapp";
Socket socket;
UnixAddress uaddr;
this(in string socketAddressName = socketAddressName)
socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.UNIX, SocketType.STREAM);
uaddr = new UnixAddress(socketAddress);
bool getUniqueness()
bool result;
scope (success)
log("returns: ", result);
result = true;
catch (SocketOSException e)
result = false;
// else throw error
return result;
string getMessage()
auto receiverSocket = socket.accept();
char[messageBufferSize] buffer;
auto amount = receiverSocket.receive(buffer);
import std.string;
return format!"%s"(buffer[0 .. amount]);
void sendMessage(in string message)
void main()
auto ipc = new UDSIPC();
if (ipc.getUniqueness())
while (true)
import std.stdio, std.string;

Assertion error on ZeroMQ Majordomo worker

I got a problem with the ZeroMQ Majordomo worker API, which fails on an assertion, using this simple worker, client.
The broker I am using is all from the example section from ZeroMQ site. What's the m_reply_to used for and when is it set?
mdwrkapi.hpp:123: zmsg* mdwrk::recv(zmsg*&): Assertion `m_reply_to.size()!=0' failed.
Here is the worker code.
mdwrk session ("tcp://localhost:5555", "GenericData", verbose);
zmsg *reply = 0;
while (1) {
zmsg *request = session.recv (reply);
if (request == 0) {
break; // Worker was interrupted
reply = request; // Echo is complex… :-)
And here is the client part:
mdcli session ("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);
int count = 1;
while(1) {
zmsg * request = new zmsg("Hello world");
zmsg * reply = session.send ("GenericData", request);
if (reply) {
delete reply;
} else {
continue; // Interrupt or failure
puts("Interupt or failure");
What's the m_reply_to used for?
As taken from the Majordomo source code, m_reply_to is declared as:
/* =====================================================================
Majordomo Protocol Worker API
Implements the MDP/Worker spec at
Copyright (c) 1991-2011 iMatix Corporation <>
// Return address, if any
std::string m_reply_to; // <<------------------------- RETURN ADDRESS
and serves for storing a return address like here, in recv():
// We should pop and save as many addresses as there are
// up to a null part, but for now, just save one...
m_reply_to = msg->unwrap ();
When it is set?
As taken from the source code, it may happen inside a recv():
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Send reply, if any, to broker and wait for next request.
zmsg *
recv (zmsg *&reply_p)
// Format and send the reply if we were provided one
zmsg *reply = reply_p;
assert (reply || !m_expect_reply);
if (reply) {
assert (m_reply_to.size()!=0);

Socket Write Failure when sending File

I've been stuck on this issue for awhile where I'm unable to send a file through a socket. I've sent other information just fine using this method, but the problem seems to appear when I try to send a PNG file as a string.
These are the methods I use to to send and receive information:
// Sends a Message to the specified Socket
void Server::sendMessage(int socket, string message)
// Write the Message Size to the Socket
send(socket, itoa((message.length() + 1)), sizeof(size_t));
// Wait for Write Confirmation
bool response;
receive(socket, &response, 2);
// Write the Message to the Socket
send(socket, (char*) message.c_str(), message.length() + 1);
// Wait for Write Confirmation
receive(socket, &response, 2);
// Receives Message from the specified Socket
string Server::receiveMessage(int socket)
// Read the Message Size from the Socket
int size;
receive(socket, &size, sizeof(size_t));
// Send Write Confirmation
send(socket, itoa(true), 2);
// Receive the Message from the Socket
char message[size];
receive(socket, message, size);
// Send Write Confirmation
send(socket, itoa(true), 2);
// Return the Message as a String
string msg(message);
return msg;
The send and receive methods are just relays for write and read respectively. I'm only doing error checking in those methods, and it's the send method that's telling me that the write isn't working. In case it matters, this is my send method:
// Sends a Data Packet to the specified Socket
int Server::send(int socket, void* data, int size)
// Write the Data to the Socket
int count = write(socket, data, size);
// Make sure the Write Succeeded
if(count == -1)
print("$f1Error: $f0Unable to Write to Socket $t1%i$t0\n", socket);
return count;
I should note that the Server operates as a Thread, therefore the above three functions are static. The Client also contains the same four networking functions.
The command line breaking this happens in a separate static function which I use to handle Clients. Here is the relevant portion of said method:
// Handles each Client with a Thread
void* Server::server_handleClient(void* arg)
// Determine the Socket Descriptor
int socket = *((int*) arg);
// Create the Rover
Rover* rover = new Rover();
// Loop Indefinitely
// Take a Picture and Send it
sendMessage(socket, rover -> takePicture());
// Delete the Rover
delete rover;
// Close the Socket
// Return a Successful Status
return (void*) new int(0);
Here you can see that I make use of a method from another class I've created. Here is the takePicture method from the Rover class, which is where I actually grab the picture:
// Takes a Picture and Returns the Photo as a String
inline string Rover::takePicture()
// Open the Picture File
ifstream picture;
string filepath = "./Server/Pictures/" + getDirection() + ".png";;
// Make sure the File Opened
return "";
// Read the File into a String Buffer
stringstream buffer;
buffer << picture.rdbuf();
return buffer.str();
So in short, the Server gets a picture from the Rover which it then sends to a Client. When I check the contents of the string for the photo, it's all there. All possible photos are reasonable in size (the photo used for testing is 674,962 bytes, and the buffer size sent is 674,963 which is expected).
I've used these methods for sending various messages, and all of that worked fine. I'm able to send strings (Like "Hello World!") and integers just fine.
Is there something that I'm doing wrong? Is the file that I'm trying to send simply too large? Is there some information that I'm missing? I need help...
I've made a few changes with a little progress. I made one small change to the sendMessage command. The current problem is that the picture isn't being sent properly.
New sendMessage function:
// Sends a Message to the specified Socket
void Server::sendMessage(int socket, string message, bool data = false)
// Write the Message Size to the Socket
send(socket, itoa((message.length() + 1)), sizeof(size_t));
// Wait for Write Confirmation
bool response;
receive(socket, &response, 2);
// Determine the Type of Data to Send
// Write the Message Data to the Socket
send(socket, (char*), message.length() + 1);
// Write the Message to the Socket
send(socket, (char*) message.c_str(), message.length() + 1);
// Wait for Write Confirmation
receive(socket, &response, 2);
The Client's copy of this function has been updated to match as well.
Now that we're working on getting the PNG file saved, here's the function that deals with that as well:
// Handles each Client with a Thread
void* Client::client_handleServer(void* arg)
// Define Socket Variables
int socket = *((int*) arg);
// Export the Picture to the Client's Directory
message = receiveMessage(socket);
ofstream picture;"./Client/Pictures/Picture.png", std::ifstream::binary);
picture << message;
Currently you are opening the file in textmode. that means any characters in the files which contain newlines "\n" are converted to new line + carriage returns "\r\n".
Open your file in binary mode, like so, std::ifstream::binary);
then it may work.
void Server::sendMessage(int socket, string message)
The problem is right here. Don't use string as a container for binary data. Pass the image around as a byte array. Same applies to this:
string Server::receiveMessage(int socket)
I eventually figured everything out in the long run.
Pictures are binary files, and I was using Strings which use ASCII Characters. The issue with this is that binary data does not always translate to ASCII, and Strings are terminated by null characters, whereas binary data can contain null data within it. Long story short, strings do not work.
To preserve the message handling I had in place, I ended up just converting the binary data to hexadecimal data (0-F) which could be displayed in a String.

Berkeley Socket Send returning 0 on successful non-blocking send

I am writing a non-blocking chat server, so far the server works fine, but I can't figure out how to correct for partial sends if they happen. The send(int, char*, int); function always returns 0 on a success and -1 on a failed send. Every doc/man page I have read says it should return the number of bytes actually feed to the network buffer. I have checked to be sure that I can send to the server and recv back the data repeatedly without problem.
This is the function I use to call the send. I both tried to print the return data to the console first, then tried line breaking on the return ReturnValue; while debugging. Same result, ReturnValue is always 0 or -1;
int Connection::Transmit(string MessageToSend)
// check for send attempts on a closed socket
// return if it happens.
if(this->Socket_Filedescriptor == -1)
return -1;
// Send a message to the client on the other end
// note, the last parameter is a flag bit which
// is used for declaring out of bound data transmissions.
ReturnValue = send(Socket_Filedescriptor,
return ReturnValue;
Why don't you try to send in a loop? For instance:
int Connection::Transmit(string MessageToSend)
// check for send attempts on a closed socket
// return if it happens.
if(this->Socket_Filedescriptor == -1)
return -1;
int expected = MessageToSend.length();
int sent = 0;
// Send a message to the client on the other end
// note, the last parameter is a flag bit which
// is used for declaring out of bound data transmissions.
while(sent < expected) {
ReturnValue = send(Socket_Filedescriptor,
MessageToSend.c_str() + sent, // Send from correct location
MessageToSend.length() - sent, // Update how much remains
if(ReturnValue == -1)
return -1; // Error occurred
sent += ReturnValue;
return sent;
This way your code will continually try to send all the data until either an error occurs, or all data is sent successfully.