Invalid Credentials for generating Auth Token in GoToMeeting - gtm-oauth2

I have created Trial account in GoToMeeting and I want to use restful api services. For this I need Oauth Token which I am trying to generate using the following URL:
But when I enter the Username and Password, it shows an error of Invalid Credentials. But using the same credentilas I can login to without any error.

You need to use Gotomeeting credentials, not developer portal credentials.


SPA user login with AWS JS sdk for Cognito

I'm trying to implement user login with username and password on a spa using aws cognito, but I keep getting error on the auth flow.
Previously I was using 'amazon-cognito-identity-js' and it was all ok, but I'm moving to '#aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider' and now I can't even login my user.
From web console I can see that Cognito app client enabled auth flows are
I tried almost every AuthFlowType value but browser console logs following error or ask for additional required params based on the auth flow tested.
Browser console log error
Uncaught (in promise) InvalidParameterException: Initiate Auth method not supported.
Login command code:
command = new AdminInitiateAuthCommand({
AuthFlow: AuthFlowType.<WHAT_VALUE_TO_INSERT_?>,
AuthParameters: {
USERNAME: username,
PASSWORD: password
I added the ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH flag to the allowed auth flows for the app client from the web console and used the AuthFlowType.USER_PASSWORD_AUTH value to login, but still I'm getting the same error.
An option that works for SPA is to use the Amplify Libraries, it has an Authentication API which abstracts the logic to call Cognito user pools to authenticate. You can configure the Amplify Authentication library as per this link:
After that you can sign in using the Auth.signIn method:

Getting access token from OKTA in PKCE flow without user interaction

We have REST Web API written in .NET CORE, which are used on REACT SPA, we are using OKTA with PKCE.
For our API(s) we have end to end test cases written using postman/newman, the API(s) depend on JWT access token for finding user details.
How can I get access token from OKTA for PKCE flow without user interaction?
I followed this for getting access token but even this one throws a browser window for username/password.
Is there a way I can pass username and password in the payload and get access token back?
In essence I am after a flow which lets me fetch access token using resource owner username and password on PKCE flow.
It seems with SPA configuration it isn't possible as per OAuth specifications.
Had to create a native app with PKCE and used "Get Access Token with Resource Owner Password Credentials" API in the postman collection available on OKTA

Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential automl

I am a novice developer who wants to learn how to use artificial intelligence.
So I created model and it responds correctly according to the inputs.
So I want to test using postman a call to the API to verify that everything works and I have an error in my call:
"message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
I don't know how to authenticate myself to retrieve the access token. Could you help me find a solution please?
You have 2 solutions:
As John commented,
Install the gcloud SDK on your computer.
Authenticate yourselves with the command gcloud auth login or gcloud init (proposed at the end of the installation)
Generate an access token gcloud auth print-access-token and copy it
Tips: you can skip the 2 first steps if you use Cloud Shell
Add the access token to the header to your Postman request like this:
Key is "Authrorization"
Value is "Bearer "
The access token is valid 1H, then you have to generate a new one.
(Not recommended) Make your model public (i.e. unauthenticated) like this (only in command line, it doesn't work on the GUI)
gcloud ai-platform models add-iam-policy-binding --member="allUsers" \
--role="roles/ml.modelOwner" <Model Name>
replace Model Name by your deployed model. However, it's only for test purpose. You have any filter and anyone can use it and you will pay for the processing incurs.

OAuth exception error from Facebook access token

I am trying to build a REST API that will login to Facebook using socialite with lumen, a micro-service of Laravel. I have set up my Facebook app and configured the client_id, secret and access url accordingly.
The work flow is:
Here is the work flow
1.get user details from socialite
2.check the user existence with email ,if its exists execute auth::login, otherwise create a new record in users table and redirect to profile.
The program now redirects me to Facebook, however once the user presses the login button, it returns the following error:
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
{"error":{"message":"This authorization code has been used.","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"error_subcode":*****,"f (truncated...)
I am confused as it has not been long since I generated the token and no user login/ permissions have changed, so the token should not be expired. Do I need to store the access token in a database in order to grant the user permission or is there some way to store it in a user's browser session?(I already have a database configured on forge for user name and email)

DJANGO get access token

When I'm running the first-time log in API using username and password will get the client id and secret. using o/token api I will get the access token, o/token params are as follows:
grant_type=password username={{emailid}} password={{password}} client_id={{client id}} client_secret={{client secret}}
Is it possible to get the access token without using username and password in o/token/ api? using the only client_id and client secret can I get access token and refresh token???
Finally got solution!!!!!!
We have to use oauth2 client_credentials grant type instead of password type. For more info check this out -