Jenkins/Hudson call script on AWS EC2 Instance - amazon-web-services

Today, on my work, when we need to deploy a Play! Framework (1.2.7) app in our EC2 Instance (AWS), we need to access the server and call a script that download all the source code, precompile the source code, start Play! Framework and restart nginx (everything in one script - .sh).
This process work fine today, but in emergency cases it's very slowly because we need to access de EC2 Instance (with key pair) and depending on the location the internet is slowly.
I want to know if is possible to use Hudson/Jenkins to just call this script on my EC2 Instances. I know that Hudson/Jenkins have a lot of functionality (test, build, etc.) but for now I just want to deploy my app (call the script from ec2-instance).
If anyone knows another tool that help, I will be very grateful.

You can use/build SBT plugins to run the remote command, or simply exec the local ssh with the command, but that can get quite hard to debug.
If you can build your instance to bootstrap itself from scratch, for example with a UserData script, then all you need to do is terminate your old instance and start a new one, and that is much easier to automate.


Best way of deployment automation

I've made a pretty simple web application which has a REST API backend service written in Python/Django and a FE service written in JS/React. Both parts are containerized and can be launched locally via docker-compose. They are situated in separate github repositories, and every time a new tag is pushed to the corresponding repo, an image is built and pushed to the corresponding ecr repo via github actions. Until that point everything works smoothly, but the problem is that, I don't know how to properly automate the deployment process to the test and production environments. The goal is to have those environments as similar as possible.
My current solution for test env is to simply upload docker-compose file to the ec2 instance via github actions, then manually run the docker-compose command, which pulls images from ecr.
Even though it's a simple solution, it's not very scalable or automated and requires some work to be done in order to update an application. The desired flow is to have a manual GitHub action in each repository, which would deploy either BE or FE to the test or prod environment without any need to ssh into the server and do any other manipulations with docker.
I was looking at ECS, but it seems that it's a solution for bigger apps, which need several or more instances to run. I want my app to be used by many users, but I'm not sure, when it will happen. So maybe i should stick to something less complicated than ECS. Are there any simpler solutions, which i am missing? Like Elastic beanstack or something from any other provider?
I will be happy to receive a feedback on anything I wrote in this post, thanks!

Startup script not running on GCP Compute Engine windows server with autoscaling turned on

I have a Managed Group in Computer engine on GCP. Autoscaling is set up and running but when a new server comes on or if I do a "Rolling Replace" the start up script is not being run. It is a very simple script that makes sure the latest code is running on the website. This is a screenshot from the "Template" that is used to create the new VMs
If I RDP into the box and run the exact same two lines of code, it works fine.
Is there something that I need to do before or after the script to make sure that the VM is fully up and ready for the command? Or something else that needs to be done.
When using a Startup Script in Windows, you need to use a specific key depending on what type of startup up script you would like to run. In your case, you are running cmd commands so in this case you have to replace the key "startup-script" with "windows-startup-script-cmd" within the Template as described here.

Run command on Cloud Foundry in it's own container

As you can see on the official doc of Cloud Foundry
A task is an application or script whose code is included as part of a deployed application, but runs independently in its own container.
I'd like to know if there's a way to run command and manipulate files directly on the main container of an application without using a SSH connection or the manifest file.
No. Tasks run in their own container, so they cannot affect other running tasks or running application instances. That's the designed behavior.
If you need to make changes to your application, you should look at one of the following:
Use a .profile script. This will let you execute operations prior to your application starting up. It runs for every application instance that is started (I do not believe it runs for tasks) so the operation will be consistently applied.
While not recommended, you can technically background a task through the .profile script that will continue running for the duration of your app. This is not recommended because there is no monitoring of this script and if it crashes it won't cause your app container to restart.
Integrate with your buildpack. Some buildpack's like the PHP buildpack provide hooks for you to integrate and add behavior to staging. For other buildpacks, you can fork the buildpack and make it do whatever you want. This includes changing the command that's returned by the buildpack which tells the platform how to execute your droplet and ultimately what runs in the container.
You can technically modify a running app instance with cf ssh, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's something you should really only do for troubleshooting or maybe testing. Definitely not production apps. If you feel like you need to modify a running app instance for some reason, I'd suggest looking at the reasons why and look for alternative ways of accomplishing your goals.

How to edit Elastic Beanstalk code without re-uploading application?

I am building a web-app using Elastic beanstalk on AWS and was wondering if there was a way that I can edit the source code without having to re-upload a zip of my application every time I want to make an edit.
The Elastic Beanstalk environment is based on EC2 instances. You can connect to your instances using SSH and, inside the instance, download your source code. If you use a non compiled language, like Javascript (Node) or Python you can edit the code directly. If you use Java you will need to upload the source code and compile it. Maybe using the environment JDK.
But keep in mind two details:
You must install your compiled/edited code in the same path used by elastic beanstalk;
If your instance is reinitialized, your changes will be lost, because in this case eb will get a fresh copy of your code based on your last upload.

How does ElasticBeanStalk deploy your application version to instances?

I am currently using AWS ElasticBeanStalk and I was curious as to how (as in internally) it knows that when you fire up an instance (or it automatically does with scaling), to unpack the zip I uploaded as a version? Is there some enviroment setting that looks up my zip in my S3 bucket and then unpacks automatically for every instance running in that environment?
If so, could this be used to automate a task such as run an SQL query on boot-up (instance deployment) too? Are these automated tasks changeable or viewable at all?
I don't know how beanstalk knows which version to download and unpack, but running a task on start-up is trivial. Check out cloud-init, a tool written by Ubuntu that's now packaged in Amazon Linux. It allows you to pass arbitrary shell scripts into the UserData section of the instance configuration, and those shell scripts will run on startup.
It's a great way to bootstrap instances on startup, which avoids the soul-sucking misery of managing AMIs.
A quick (possibly non-applicable) warning: If you're running a SQL query on a database that lives on the beanstalk AMI, you're pretty much guaranteed to lose your database at some point. Those machines are designed to be entirely transient. Do not put databases on them. See this answer for more details.
Since your goal seems to be to run custom configuration tasks, the answer is yes, there is a way to do that. You can define custom actions in an .ebextensions file packaged with your app. For example, you can configure a command to run every time a new machine is deployed: