paint qgraphicsitem in front of its parent - c++

I want to paint a round rectangle using the paint function in QGraphicsItem, I have a parent item and I want to paint its child in front of it, but I don't know how to do it?
And I have another problem, I want to list this items base on their parent position, but positions are static, how can I position items based on the parent position?
My paint function :
void flipedWidget::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *w)
QBrush *brush;
brush = new QBrush(QColor(m_color)); // set background color
brush = new QBrush("#cccccc");
painter->drawRoundedRect(boundingRect(), 10, 10);
delete brush;


Map QWidget center position to QGraphicsScene coordinates?

I have a QGraphicsItem with an embedded QWidget, this QWidget have a QPushButton in it.
I'm trying to map the center of the QPushButton to the QGraphicsScene coordinates, so for example, I can add a Circle to the center of the QPushButton.
With the help from another post I was able to find the center of the QPushButton, but it doesn't correspond to its actual position in the QGraphicsScene.
What I tried:
Getting the QRect of the button and then its center, finally mapping to the global coordinates of the view.
Getting the QRect of the button, then its center and mapping it to the QGraphicsItem.
Getting the QRect of the button, then its center, mapping it to the QGraphicsItem and than mapping it to the scene.
In general, I tried mapping it to Scene, to Global and to Item but it always looks incorrect. And the farther I move the QGraphicsItem, the less accurate it gets. Here the circle is supposed to be positioned at the center of the "B" button:
class NodeFrame : public QFrame
QRect getButtonRect()
return layout->itemAt(0)->geometry();
QPushButton* button = nullptr;
QHBoxLayout* layout = nullptr;
// Creates and add a QPushButton to the frame.
// I need the position of this button on the QGraohicsScene
button = new QPushButton("B");
layout = new QHBoxLayout();
class Node : public QGraphicsItem
QRectF boundingRect() const override;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
QRect getButtonRect()
return frame->getButtonRect();
NodeFrame* frame = nullptr;
// Create a GraphicsProxyWidget to insert the nodeFrame into the scene
auto proxyWidget = new QGraphicsProxyWidget(this);
frame = new NodeFrame();
// Center the widget(frame) at the center of the QGraphicsItem
proxyWidget->setPos(boundingRect().center() - proxyWidget->boundingRect().center());
QRectF Node::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(-10, -10, 280, 150);
void Node::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
QPainterPath path;
path.addRoundedRect(boundingRect(), 10, 10);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// Create scene and view
auto scene = new QGraphicsScene();
auto view = new QGraphicsView(scene);
view->setMinimumSize(800, 800);
// Create the QGraphicsItem and add it to the scene
auto item = new Node();
item->setPos(50, 50);
auto btnRect = item->getButtonRect();
auto center = view->mapToGlobal(;
auto circle = new QGraphicsEllipseItem();
circle->setRect(QRectF(center.x(), center.y(), 25, 25));
// Show the the view
return app.exec();
Appreciate any help.
Solved. This was caused by two things:
1: QRectF getButtonRect() was returning layout->itemAt(0)->geometry(), (index 0 being the first and only widget in the layout) but button->frameGeometry() seems to be a more accurate visual representation of the button's geometry.
2: When adding the widget to the graphic item using QGraphicsProxyWidget, I was adjusting the position of the widget inside the graphic item using:
proxyWidget->setPos(boundingRect().center() - proxyWidget->boundingRect().center());
This was changing the position (obviously) of the widget inside the graphic item, so visually it didn't align with the result given by button->frameGeometry().

Will paint(), redraw everything from scene or will redraw only updated items in Qt?

I have QGraphicsView which contains many QGraphicsItem such as Rectangle, polylines. I have overriden paint() method. I am drawing QGraphicsItem using boost-graph. While drawing items, I am storing boost-graph pointer on every QGraphicsItem.
Now I am right clicking on some rectangle from scene and trying to hide it. While hiding it, I am trying to hide lines connected to it also. For that, I am taking boost-graph pointer stored at every item and iterating through it.
In boost graph, there is a flag isVisible, through setting-resetting it, I am hidding-unhidding that item.
// iterating thorugh boost-graph and finding co-ordinates
myRect* _rect = new myRect(rect co-ordinates);
_rect->setPtr(boost-graph pointer);
void myView::HideSelectedRectangle() // after choosing hide from right mouse click, control comes here
foreach(QGraphicsItem* currentItem, _scene->selectedItems())
myRect* rItem = qgraphicsitem_cast<myRect*>(currentItem);
VertexDescriptor vPtr = rItem->getBoostPtr(); // getting boost-graph ptr
// logic for making it hide
// Question is how paint() will know about this QGraphicsItem that it is hidden?
class myRect: public QGraphicsRectItem
explicit myRect();
explicit myRect(QRectF &rectPoints,QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr)
: QGraphicsRectItem(rectPoints,parent){}
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
void setPtr(VertexDescriptor);
VertexDescriptor getPtr();
VertexDescriptor boostPtr;
void myRect::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
auto copied_option = *option;
copied_option.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;
auto selected = option->state & QStyle::State_Selected;
QGraphicsRectItem::paint(painter, &copied_option, widget);
painter->setPen(QPen(option->palette.windowText(), 0, Qt::SolidLine));
void myRect::setPtr(VertexDescriptor vIter)
this->boostPtr = vIter;
VertexDescriptor myRect::getPtr()
return boostPtr;
Now assume I have made _isVisible = false (which is in boost-graph) for rectangle and some connected lines.
And now I want to redraw view using paint(). And expecting, paint() should not draw those
rectangle and lines which are marked as not visible.
While doing this :
Is paint() redraw every QGraphicsItem from view or it will redraw only
those were updated ?
How paint() will know, which shape should it draw and its co-ordinates
Is it possible in my paint(), by checking QGraphicsItem's flag (isVisible) I can guide paint() which items to redraw and which not to
redraw ?

How to prevent child QGraphicsItem from being moved with parent?

I have a GraphicsBoxItem that holds a list of GraphicsImageItem (some kind of floating buttons around the box). I create them on the fly in focusInEvent() and destroy them in focusOutEvent().
Some of the GraphicsImageItem should move with the parent when clicked, some of them should stay at the same spot when clicked, until the box gets a focusOut by clicking outside of any graphics items.
Is there a way to prevent a child QGraphicsItem from being moved with the parent?
class GraphicsBoxItem : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
QColor mColor;
QVector<GraphicsImageItem*> mItemList;
GraphicsBoxItem(QGraphicsItem *parent = NULL)
mColor = Qt::lightGray;
QRectF boundingRect() const { return QRectF(50, 20, 100, 60); }
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent * event)
foreach(GraphicsImageItem *item1, mItemList)
item1 = NULL;
mColor = Qt::lightGray;
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent * event)
GraphicsImageItem *movableItem = new GraphicsImageItem(this);
movableItem->setPos(150, 20);
connect(movableItem, SIGNAL(SignalClicked()), this, SLOT(SlotButtonClicked()));
GraphicsImageItem *nonMovableItem = new GraphicsImageItem(this);
nonMovableItem->setPos(20, 20);
connect(nonMovableItem, SIGNAL(SignalClicked()), this, SLOT(SlotButtonClicked()));
mColor = Qt::blue;
bool sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem* target, QEvent* event)
if(event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress || event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick)
GraphicsImageItem* item = dynamic_cast<GraphicsImageItem*>(target);
qDebug() << "image button was clicked: Need to set the focus back to the box";
return true;
return QGraphicsItem::sceneEventFilter(target, event);
public slots:
void SlotButtonClicked()
setPos(pos().x() + 10, pos().y()+10);
SignalClicked() moves the GraphicsBoxItem by 10 pixels. Some of the GraphicsImageItem stay put, some move with GraphicsBoxItem:
class GraphicsImageItem : public QGraphicsSvgItem
GraphicsImageItem::GraphicsImageItem(QGraphicsItem *parent = NULL)
: QGraphicsSvgItem(QString(":/images/icon.svg"), parent)
QRectF boundingRect() const { return QRectF(0, 0, 30, 30); }
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
renderer()->render(painter, boundingRect().adjusted(3, 3, -3, -3));
void SignalClicked();
A child's position is always relative to its parent, if the parent moves, then the child's absolute position changes too.
If you want to create the illusion that this doesn't happen, you will have to manually move the child in the opposite direction, so it can remain in the same absolute position.
The other option would be to not have the items as children in the first place.
Maybe you should create an invisible item, then parent the movable item as well as the non-movable children to it, and the movable children - under the movable item. Then you simply only move the movable item - its children move, its siblings stay in the same position, as their parent doesn't move.
For the child items you don't want to move, try set this flag:
If you can subclass your child items, then you can override the itemChange() method and watch for:
The item's scene position has changed. This notification is sent if
the ItemSendsScenePositionChanges flag is enabled, and after the
item's scene position has changed (i.e., the position or
transformation of the item itself or the position or transformation of
any ancestor has changed). The value argument is the new scene
position (the same as scenePos()), and QGraphicsItem ignores the
return value for this notification (i.e., a read-only notification).
Then then return the child item's last scenePos() which you'll have to store as a member and update each scene position change.
Remember to set the flag:
in your child subclass's ctor.

Qt -- How to set a QBrush for a QGraphicsItemGroup?

I'm trying to create an interface for myself on Qt and I need a few rectangles over a DICOM image (a magnetic ressonance image), so they need to be some color other than black but I can't find a way to set a brush for the QGraphicsItemGroup I'm using to keep the rectangles organized.
QGraphicsScene lets me add a QRect associated to a QBrush individually with
QgraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene();
QRectF rect = QRectF(QPoint(1,2),QPoint(3,4));
scene->addRect(rect, QBrush(Qt::red)); // using red as example
but adding each rectangle individually would make it all too messy and probably way slower. I need a way to set a QBrush for the rectangles but using QGraphicsItemGroup to be added to the QGraphicsScene.
Why can you not reimplement QGraphicsItemGroup and inside have a function called:
void ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup::SetRectangleBrush(const QBrush& brush)
and inside that function iterate over every rectangle you have added to the group setting the brush
QgraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene();
ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup ReimplGraphicsGroup = new ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup()
// First rect
QGraphicsRectItem rect(1,2,3,4);
// Second rect
QGraphicsRectItem rect2(5,6,7,8);
// add reimplemented graphics item group to scene
void ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup::SetRectangleBrush(const QBrush& brush)
foreach (QGraphicsRectItem rect, m_ListRects)
class ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup : public QGraphicsItemGroup {
// a member of ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup
QList<QGraphicsRectItem> m_ListRects;
void ReimplementedQGraphicsItemGroup::AddRectangle(QGraphicsRectItem rect)

QPainter::drawImage() clips QImage when X, Y are not 0 on a QDeclarativeItem

I'm developing a new QML element in C++ based on this sample code. My class inherits from QDeclarativeItem and it's paint() method is responsible to draw a QImage to the screen:
void NewQMLitem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
// image is QImage* that was loaded at the constructor of the class
painter->drawImage(0, 0, *image);
The widget size is 800x480 and the image is 400x240. The code below works perfectly as long as the drawing starts at (0, 0), as you can see below:
The problem I'm facing is that drawing at an arbitrary coordinate such as(200, 0), seems to clip the drawing. It looks like QPainter only updates the screen starting from (0, 0):
void NewQMLitem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
painter->drawImage(200, 0, *image);
And the following is the result:
My current workaround involves calling widget->update() at the end of the paint(). Of course, this is terrible because it makes the widget be painted twice.
What is the proper way to handle this? I'm currently using Qt 5.2 on Windows.
I found out that in these situations you need to call prepareGeometryChange() to let the parent know that the size/position of your widget has changed, and that it needs to query the new geometry to be able to paint it correctly to the screen.
This will make the parent invoke boundingRect() on your widget, so it's your responsibility to implement it:
void NewQMLitem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
painter->drawImage(200, 0, *image);
QRectF NewQMLitem::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height);