Division of a big number of 100 digits stored as string - c++

I have a 100 digit number stored as string. I want to divide this number with an integer less than 10. How do I efficiently divide a big integer stored as a string with an integer?

You can check the big integer library.
You can use this library in a C++ program to do arithmetic on integers of size limited only by your computer's memory. The library provides BigUnsigned and BigInteger classes that represent nonnegative integers and signed integers, respectively. Most of the C++ arithmetic operators are overloaded for these classes, so big-integer calculations are as easy as:
#include "BigIntegerLibrary.hh"
BigInteger a = 65536;
cout << (a * a * a * a * a * a * a * a);
(prints 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)
Also check GMP

#WasimThabraze - what is your understanding of the longhand division method? Since the divisor is less than 1/2 the size of an integer you can use something like this for each divide:
char array[10] = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
void divide(int dvsr)
int rem = 0;
int dvnd;
int quot;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) ; i++){
dvnd = (rem * 10) + array[i];
rem = dvnd % dvsr;
quot = dvnd / dvsr;
array[i] = quot;
int main(void)
return (0);

I hope this helps you because not all online judges allow BigIntegerLibrary.I have assumed for some arbitrary input.
string input="123456789";
int n=input.size();
string final(n,'0');
string::const_iterator p=input.begin(),q=input.end();
string::iterator f=final.begin();
void divide(int divisor)
int reminder = 0,dividend,quotient;
/*repeatedly divide each element*/
for(; p!=q ; p++,f++){
dividend = (reminder * 10) + (*p-'0');
reminder = dividend % divisor;
quotient = dividend / divisor;
*f = quotient + '0';
/*remove any leading zeroes from the result*/
n = final.find_first_not_of("0");
if (n != string::npos)
final = final.substr(n);
std::cout << final ;
int main(){
int x;
std::cin >> x;
return 0;


Modular exponentiation of a fraction

Modular of a rational number ie a/b where a,b belong to set of integers can be found by calculating modular inverse of b.mod(m) = b-1. Finally a*b-1mod(m) gives us the required result.
How can we find modular of (a/b)n efficiently? Given n is of the order of 1e9, is there an efficient method to calculate the result keeping in mind the overflow of values?
I tried something like this as below.
const int modular = 1e9+7;
int modular_inverse(long long base) {
long long result = 1;
int power = modular-2;
int MOD = modular;
while(power > 0) {
if(power & 1) {
result = (result*base) % MOD;
base = (base * base) % MOD;
power >>= 1;
return result;
int main() {
int a = 27;
int b = 2048;
int A = a;
int B = b;
for(int i = 0; i < 1e9-1; ++i) {
A *= a;
B *= b;
A = A%modular;
B = B%modular;
int B_inv = modular_inverse(B);
long long res = A*B_inv;
res = res%mod;
cout << res << endl;
You can calculate (ab-1)nmod(M) using fast exponentiation
Note that you actually implemented fast exponentiation in the modular_inverse function where you calculate base-1mod(M) which is equal to baseM-2mod(M) if M is a prime number.
So you need to calculate b-1 (which you already do), then calculate (ab-1)mod(M) . Then raise the result to the power of n using fast exponentiation, doing all your operations modulo M.

how can i get numerator and denominator from a fractional number?

How can I get numerator and denominator from a fractional number? for example, from "1.375" i want to get "1375/1000" or "11/8" as a result. How can i do it with c++??
I have tried to do it by separating the numbers before the point and after the point but it doesn't give any idea how to get my desired output.
You didn't really specify whether you need to convert a floating point or a string to ratio, so I'm going to assume the former one.
Instead of trying string or arithmetic-based approaches, you can directly use properties of IEEE-754 encoding.
Floats (called binary32 by the standard) are encoded in memory like this:
^ ^
bit 31 bit 0
where S is sign bit, Es are exponent bits (8 of them) Ms are mantissa bits (23 bits).
The number can be decoded like this:
value = (-1)^S * significand * 2 ^ expoenent
significand = 1.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (as binary)
exponent = EEEEEEEE (as binary) - 127
(note: this is for so called "normal numbers", there are also zeroes, subnormals, infinities and NaNs - see Wikipedia page I linked)
This can be used here. We can rewrite the equation above like this:
(-1)^S * significand * exponent = (-1)^s * (significand * 2^23) * 2 ^ (exponent - 23)
The point is that significand * 2^23 is an integer (equal to 1.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, binary - by multiplying by 2^23, we moved the point 23 places right).2 ^ (exponent - 23) is an integer too, obviously.
In other words: we can write the number as:
(significand * 2^23) / 2^(-(exponent - 23)) (when exponent - 23 < 0)
[(significand * 2^23) * 2^(exponent - 23)] / 1 (when exponent - 23 >= 0)
So we have both numerator and denominator - directly from binary representation of the number.
All of the above could be implemented like this in C++:
struct Ratio
int64_t numerator; // numerator includes sign
uint64_t denominator;
float toFloat() const
return static_cast<float>(numerator) / denominator;
static Ratio fromFloat(float v)
// First, obtain bitwise representation of the value
const uint32_t bitwiseRepr = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&v);
// Extract sign, exponent and mantissa bits (as stored in memory) for convenience:
const uint32_t signBit = bitwiseRepr >> 31u;
const uint32_t expBits = (bitwiseRepr >> 23u) & 0xffu; // 8 bits set
const uint32_t mntsBits = bitwiseRepr & 0x7fffffu; // 23 bits set
// Handle some special cases:
if(expBits == 0 && mntsBits == 0)
// special case: +0 and -0
return {0, 1};
else if(expBits == 255u && mntsBits == 0)
// special case: +inf, -inf
// Let's agree that infinity is always represented as 1/0 in Ratio
return {signBit ? -1 : 1, 0};
else if(expBits == 255u)
// special case: nan
// Let's agree, that if we get NaN, we returns max int64_t by 0
return {std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), 0};
// mask lowest 23 bits (mantissa)
uint32_t significand = (1u << 23u) | mntsBits;
const int64_t signFactor = signBit ? -1 : 1;
const int32_t exp = expBits - 127 - 23;
if(exp < 0)
return {signFactor * static_cast<int64_t>(significand), 1u << static_cast<uint32_t>(-exp)};
return {signFactor * static_cast<int64_t>(significand * (1u << static_cast<uint32_t>(exp))), 1};
(hopefully comments and description above are understandable - let me know, if there's something to improve)
I've omitted checks for out of range values for simplicity.
We can use it like this:
float fv = 1.375f;
Ratio rv = Ratio::fromFloat(fv);
std::cout << "fv = " << fv << ", rv = " << rv << ", rv.toFloat() = " << rv.toFloat() << "\n";
And the output is:
fv = 1.375, rv = 11534336/8388608, rv.toFloat() = 1.375
As you can see, exactly the same values on both ends.
The problem is that numerators and denumerators are big. This is because the code always multiplies significand by 2^23, even if smaller value would be enough to make it integer (this is equivalent to writing 0.2 as 2000000/10000000 instead of 2/10 - it's the same thing, only written differently).
This can be solved by changing the code to multiply significand (and divide exponent) by minimum number, like this (ellipsis stands for parts which are the same as above):
// counts number of subsequent least significant bits equal to 0
// example: for 1001000 (binary) returns 3
uint32_t countTrailingZeroes(uint32_t v)
uint32_t counter = 0;
while(counter < 32 && (v & 1u) == 0)
v >>= 1u;
return counter;
struct Ratio
static Ratio fromFloat(float v)
uint32_t significand = (1u << 23u) | mntsBits;
const uint32_t nTrailingZeroes = countTrailingZeroes(significand);
significand >>= nTrailingZeroes;
const int64_t signFactor = signBit ? -1 : 1;
const int32_t exp = expBits - 127 - 23 + nTrailingZeroes;
if(exp < 0)
return {signFactor * static_cast<int64_t>(significand), 1u << static_cast<uint32_t>(-exp)};
return {signFactor * static_cast<int64_t>(significand * (1u << static_cast<uint32_t>(exp))), 1};
And now, for the following code:
float fv = 1.375f;
Ratio rv = Ratio::fromFloat(fv);
std::cout << "fv = " << fv << ", rv = " << rv << ", rv.toFloat() = " << rv.toFloat() << "\n";
We get:
fv = 1.375, rv = 11/8, rv.toFloat() = 1.375
In C++ you can use the Boost rational class. But you need to give numerator and denominator.
For this you need to find out no of digits in the input string after the decimal point. You can do this by string manipulation functions. Read the input character by character and find no of characters after the .
char inputstr[30];
int noint=0, nodec=0;
char intstr[30], dec[30];
int decimalfound = 0;
int denominator = 1;
int numerator;
len = strlen(inputstr);
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
if (decimalfound ==0)
if (inputstr[i] == '.')
decimalfound = 1;
intstr[noint++] = inputstr[i];
dec[nodec++] = inputstr[i];
denominator *=10;
dec[nodec] = '\0';
intstr[noint] = '\0';
numerator = atoi(dec) + (atoi(intstr) * 1000);
// You can now use the numerator and denominator as the fraction,
// either in the Rational class or you can find gcd and divide by
// gcd.
What about this simple code:
double n = 1.375;
int num = 1, den = 1;
double frac = (num * 1.f / den);
double margin = 0.000001;
while (abs(frac - n) > margin){
if (frac > n){
frac = (num * 1.f / den);
I don't really tested too much, it's only an idea.
I hope I'll be forgiven for posting an answer which uses "only the C language". I know you tagged the question with C++ - but I couldn't turn down the bait, sorry. This is still valid C++ at least (although it does, admittedly, use mainly C string-processing techniques).
int num_string_float_to_rat(char *input, long *num, long *den) {
char *tok = NULL, *end = NULL;
char buf[128] = {'\0'};
long a = 0, b = 0;
int den_power = 1;
strncpy(buf, input, sizeof(buf) - 1);
tok = strtok(buf, ".");
if (!tok) return 1;
a = strtol(tok, &end, 10);
if (*end != '\0') return 2;
tok = strtok(NULL, ".");
if (!tok) return 1;
den_power = strlen(tok); // Denominator power of 10
b = strtol(tok, &end, 10);
if (*end != '\0') return 2;
*den = static_cast<int>(pow(10.00, den_power));
*num = a * *den + b;
num_simple_fraction(num, den);
return 0;
Sample usage:
int rc = num_string_float_to_rat("0015.0235", &num, &den);
// Check return code -> should be 0!
printf("%ld/%ld\n", num, den);
Full example at http://codepad.org/CFQQEZkc .
strtok() is used to parse the input in to tokens (no need to reinvent the wheel in that regard). strtok() modifies its input - so a temporary buffer is used for safety
it checks for invalid characters - and will return a non-zero return code if found
strtol() has been used instead of atoi() - as it can detect non-numeric characters in the input
scanf() has not been used to slurp the input - due to rounding issues with floating point numbers
the base for strtol() has been explicitly set to 10 to avoid problems with leading zeros (otherwise a leading zero will cause the number to be interpreted as octal)
it uses a num_simple_fraction() helper (not shown) - which in turn uses a gcd() helper (also not shown) - to convert the result to a simple fraction
log10() of the numerator is determined by calculating the length of the token after the decimal point
I'd do this in three steps.
1) find the decimal point, so that you know how large the denominator has to be.
2) get the numerator. That's just the original text with the decimal point removed.
3) get the denominator. If there was no decimal point, the denominator is 1. Otherwise, the denominator is 10^n, where n is the number of digits to the right of the (now-removed) decimal point.
struct fraction {
std::string num, den;
fraction parse(std::string input) {
// 1:
std::size_t dec_point = input.find('.');
// 2:
if (dec_point == std::string::npos)
dec_point = 0;
else {
dec_point = input.length() - dec_point;
input.erase(input.begin() + dec_point);
// 3:
int denom = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < dec_point; ++i)
denom *= 10;
string result = { input, std::to_string(denom) };
return result;

print fibo big numbers in c++ or c language

I write this code for show fibonacci series using recursion.But It not show correctly for n>43 (ex: for n=100 show:-980107325).
void fibonacciSeries(int);
void fibonacciSeries(int n)
static long d = 0, e = 1;
long c;
if (n>1)
c = d + e;
d = e;
e = c;
printf("%d \n", c);
fibonacciSeries(n - 1);
int main()
long a, n;
long long i = 0, j = 1, f;
printf("How many number you want to print in the fibonnaci series :\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\nFibonacci Series: ");
printf("%d", 0);
return 0;
The value of fib(100) is so large that it will overflow even a 64 bit number. To operate on such large values, you need to do arbitrary-precision arithmetic. Arbitrary-precision arithmetic is not provided by C nor C++ standard libraries, so you'll need to either implement it yourself or use a library written by someone else.
For smaller values that do fit your long long, your problem is that you use the wrong printf format specifier. To print a long long, you need to use %lld.
Code overflows the range of the integer used long.
Could use long long, but even that may not handle Fib(100) which needs at least 69 bits.
Code could use long double if 1.0/LDBL_EPSILON > 3.6e20
Various libraries exist to handle very large integers.
For this task, all that is needed is a way to add two large integers. Consider using a string. An inefficient but simply string addition follows. No contingencies for buffer overflow.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
char *str_revese_inplace(char *s) {
char *left = s;
char *right = s + strlen(s);
while (right > left) {
char t = *right;
*right = *left;
*left = t;
return s;
char *str_add(char *ssum, const char *sa, const char *sb) {
const char *pa = sa + strlen(sa);
const char *pb = sb + strlen(sb);
char *psum = ssum;
int carry = 0;
while (pa > sa || pb > sb || carry) {
int sum = carry;
if (pa > sa) sum += *(--pa) - '0';
if (pb > sb) sum += *(--pb) - '0';
*psum++ = sum % 10 + '0';
carry = sum / 10;
*psum = '\0';
return str_revese_inplace(ssum);
int main(void) {
char fib[3][300];
strcpy(fib[0], "0");
strcpy(fib[1], "1");
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= 1000; i++) {
printf("Fib(%3d) %s.\n", i, str_add(fib[2], fib[1], fib[0]));
strcpy(fib[0], fib[1]);
strcpy(fib[1], fib[2]);
return 0;
Fib( 2) 1.
Fib( 3) 2.
Fib( 4) 3.
Fib( 5) 5.
Fib( 6) 8.
Fib(100) 3542248xxxxxxxxxx5075. // Some xx left in for a bit of mystery.
Fib(1000) --> 43466...about 200 more digits...8875
You can print some large Fibonacci numbers using only char, int and <stdio.h> in C.
There is some headers :
#include <stdio.h>
#define B_SIZE 10000 // max number of digits
typedef int positive_number;
struct buffer {
size_t index;
char data[B_SIZE];
Also some functions :
void init_buffer(struct buffer *buffer, positive_number n) {
for (buffer->index = B_SIZE; n; buffer->data[--buffer->index] = (char) (n % 10), n /= 10);
void print_buffer(const struct buffer *buffer) {
for (size_t i = buffer->index; i < B_SIZE; ++i) putchar('0' + buffer->data[i]);
void fly_add_buffer(struct buffer *buffer, const struct buffer *client) {
positive_number a = 0;
size_t i = (B_SIZE - 1);
for (; i >= client->index; --i) {
buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] + client->data[i] + a);
buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] - (a = buffer->data[i] > 9) * 10);
for (; a; buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] + a), a = buffer->data[i] > 9, buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] - a * 10), --i);
if (++i < buffer->index) buffer->index = i;
Example usage :
int main() {
struct buffer number_1, number_2, number_3;
init_buffer(&number_1, 0);
init_buffer(&number_2, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 2500; ++i) {
number_3 = number_1;
fly_add_buffer(&number_1, &number_2);
number_2 = number_3;
// print 131709051675194962952276308712 ... 935714056959634778700594751875
Best C type is still char ? The given code is printing f(2500), a 523 digits number.
Info : f(2e5) has 41,798 digits, see also Factorial(10000) and Fibonacci(1000000).
Well, you could want to try implementing BigInt in C++ or C.
Useful Material:
How to implement big int in C++
For this purporse you need implement BigInteger. There is no such build-in support in current c++. You can view few advises on stack overflow
Or you also can use some libs like GMP
Also here is some implementation:
E-maxx - on Russian language description.
Or find some open implementation on GitHub
Try to use a different format and printf, use unsigned to get wider range of digits.
If you use unsigned long long you should get until 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 so until the 93th number for fibonacci serie 12200160415121876738 but after this one you will get incorrect result because the 94th number 19740274219868223167 is too big for unsigned long long.
Keep in mind that the n-th fibonacci number is (approximately) ((1 + sqrt(5))/2)^n.
This allows you to get the value for n that allows the result to fit in 32 /64 unsigned integers. For signed remember that you lose one bit.

Finding square root without using sqrt function?

I was finding out the algorithm for finding out the square root without using sqrt function and then tried to put into programming. I end up with this working code in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double SqrtNumber(double num)
double lower_bound=0;
double upper_bound=num;
double temp=0; /* ek edited this line */
int nCount = 50;
while(nCount != 0)
return temp;
else if(temp*temp > num)
upper_bound = temp;
lower_bound = temp;
return temp;
int main()
double num;
cout<<"Enter the number\n";
if(num < 0)
cout<<"Error: Negative number!";
return 0;
cout<<"Square roots are: +"<<sqrtnum(num) and <<" and -"<<sqrtnum(num);
return 0;
Now the problem is initializing the number of iterations nCount in the declaratione ( here it is 50). For example to find out square root of 36 it takes 22 iterations, so no problem whereas finding the square root of 15625 takes more than 50 iterations, So it would return the value of temp after 50 iterations. Please give a solution for this.
There is a better algorithm, which needs at most 6 iterations to converge to maximum precision for double numbers:
#include <math.h>
double sqrt(double x) {
if (x <= 0)
return 0; // if negative number throw an exception?
int exp = 0;
x = frexp(x, &exp); // extract binary exponent from x
if (exp & 1) { // we want exponent to be even
x *= 2;
double y = (1+x)/2; // first approximation
double z = 0;
while (y != z) { // yes, we CAN compare doubles here!
z = y;
y = (y + x/y) / 2;
return ldexp(y, exp/2); // multiply answer by 2^(exp/2)
Algorithm starts with 1 as first approximation for square root value.
Then, on each step, it improves next approximation by taking average between current value y and x/y. If y = sqrt(x), it will be the same. If y > sqrt(x), then x/y < sqrt(x) by about the same amount. In other words, it will converge very fast.
UPDATE: To speed up convergence on very large or very small numbers, changed sqrt() function to extract binary exponent and compute square root from number in [1, 4) range. It now needs frexp() from <math.h> to get binary exponent, but it is possible to get this exponent by extracting bits from IEEE-754 number format without using frexp().
Why not try to use the Babylonian method for finding a square root.
Here is my code for it:
double sqrt(double number)
double error = 0.00001; //define the precision of your result
double s = number;
while ((s - number / s) > error) //loop until precision satisfied
s = (s + number / s) / 2;
return s;
Good luck!
Remove your nCount altogether (as there are some roots that this algorithm will take many iterations for).
double SqrtNumber(double num)
double lower_bound=0;
double upper_bound=num;
double temp=0;
while(fabs(num - (temp * temp)) > SOME_SMALL_VALUE)
temp = (lower_bound+upper_bound)/2;
if (temp*temp >= num)
upper_bound = temp;
lower_bound = temp;
return temp;
As I found this question is old and have many answers but I have an answer which is simple and working great..
#define EPSILON 0.0000001 // least minimum value for comparison
double SquareRoot(double _val) {
double low = 0;
double high = _val;
double mid = 0;
while (high - low > EPSILON) {
mid = low + (high - low) / 2; // finding mid value
if (mid*mid > _val) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid;
return mid;
I hope it will be helpful for future users.
if you need to find square root without using sqrt(),use root=pow(x,0.5).
Where x is value whose square root you need to find.
//long division method.
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n, i = 1, divisor, dividend, j = 1, digit;
cin >> n;
while (i * i < n) {
i = i + 1;
i = i - 1;
cout << i << '.';
divisor = 2 * i;
dividend = n - (i * i );
while( j <= 5) {
dividend = dividend * 100;
digit = 0;
while ((divisor * 10 + digit) * digit < dividend) {
digit = digit + 1;
digit = digit - 1;
cout << digit;
dividend = dividend - ((divisor * 10 + digit) * digit);
divisor = divisor * 10 + 2*digit;
j = j + 1;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Here is a very simple but unsafe approach to find the square-root of a number.
Unsafe because it only works by natural numbers, where you know that the base respectively the exponent are natural numbers. I had to use it for a task where i was neither allowed to use the #include<cmath> -library, nor i was allowed to use pointers.
potency = base ^ exponent
// FUNCTION: square-root
int sqrt(int x)
int quotient = 0;
int i = 0;
bool resultfound = false;
while (resultfound == false) {
if (i*i == x) {
quotient = i;
resultfound = true;
return quotient;
This a very simple recursive approach.
double mySqrt(double v, double test) {
if (abs(test * test - v) < 0.0001) {
return test;
double highOrLow = v / test;
return mySqrt(v, (test + highOrLow) / 2.0);
double mySqrt(double v) {
return mySqrt(v, v/2.0);
Here is a very awesome code to find sqrt and even faster than original sqrt function.
float InvSqrt (float x)
float xhalf = 0.5f*x;
int i = *(int*)&x;
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i>>1);
x = *(float*)&i;
x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
return x;
After looking at the previous responses, I hope this will help resolve any ambiguities. In case the similarities in the previous solutions and my solution are illusive, or this method of solving for roots is unclear, I've also made a graph which can be found here.
This is a working root function capable of solving for any nth-root
(default is square root for the sake of this question)
#include <cmath>
// for "pow" function
double sqrt(double A, double root = 2) {
const double e = 2.71828182846;
return pow(e,(pow(10.0,9.0)/root)*(1.0-(pow(A,-pow(10.0,-9.0)))));
click here for graph
This works via Taylor series, logarithmic properties, and a bit of algebra.
Take, for example:
log A = N
*Note: for square-root, N = 2; for any other root you only need to change the one variable, N.
1) Change the base, convert the base 'x' log function to natural log,
log A => ln(A)/ln(x) = N
2) Rearrange to isolate ln(x), and eventually just 'x',
ln(A)/N = ln(x)
3) Set both sides as exponents of 'e',
e^(ln(A)/N) = e^(ln(x)) >~{ e^ln(x) == x }~> e^(ln(A)/N) = x
4) Taylor series represents "ln" as an infinite series,
ln(x) = (k=1)Sigma: (1/k)(-1^(k+1))(k-1)^n
<~~~ expanded ~~~>
[(x-1)] - [(1/2)(x-1)^2] + [(1/3)(x-1)^3] - [(1/4)(x-1)^4] + . . .
*Note: Continue the series for increased accuracy. For brevity, 10^9 is used in my function which expresses the series convergence for the natural log with about 7 digits, or the 10-millionths place, for precision,
ln(x) = 10^9(1-x^(-10^(-9)))
5) Now, just plug in this equation for natural log into the simplified equation obtained in step 3.
e^[((10^9)/N)(1-A^(-10^-9)] = nth-root of (A)
6) This implementation might seem like overkill; however, its purpose is to demonstrate how you can solve for roots without having to guess and check. Also, it would enable you to replace the pow function from the cmath library with your own pow function:
double power(double base, double exponent) {
if (exponent == 0) return 1;
int wholeInt = (int)exponent;
double decimal = exponent - (double)wholeInt;
if (decimal) {
int powerInv = 1/decimal;
if (!wholeInt) return root(base,powerInv);
else return power(root(base,powerInv),wholeInt,true);
return power(base, exponent, true);
double power(double base, int exponent, bool flag) {
if (exponent < 0) return 1/power(base,-exponent,true);
if (exponent > 0) return base * power(base,exponent-1,true);
else return 1;
int root(int A, int root) {
return power(E,(1000000000000/root)*(1-(power(A,-0.000000000001))));

factorial of big numbers with strings in c++

I am doing a factorial program with strings because i need the factorial of Numbers greater than 250
I intent with:
string factorial(int n){
string fact="1";
for(int i=2; i<=n; i++){
But the problem is that atoi not works. How can i convert my string in a integer.
And The most important Do I want to know if the program of this way will work with the factorial of 400 for example?
Not sure why you are trying to use string. Probably to save some space by not using integer vector? This is my solution by using integer vector to store factorial and print.Works well with 400 or any large number for that matter!
//Factorial of a big number
using namespace std;
int main(){
int num;
cout<<"Enter the number :";
vector<int> res;
int carry=0;
for(int i=2;i<=num;i++){
for(int j=0;j<res.size();j++){
int tmp=res[j]*i;
res[j]=(tmp+carry)%10 ;
for(int i=res.size()-1;i>=0;i--) cout<<res[i];
return 0;
Enter the number :400
Factorial of 400 :64034522846623895262347970319503005850702583026002959458684445942802397169186831436278478647463264676294350575035856810848298162883517435228961988646802997937341654150838162426461942352307046244325015114448670890662773914918117331955996440709549671345290477020322434911210797593280795101545372667251627877890009349763765710326350331533965349868386831339352024373788157786791506311858702618270169819740062983025308591298346162272304558339520759611505302236086810433297255194852674432232438669948422404232599805551610635942376961399231917134063858996537970147827206606320217379472010321356624613809077942304597360699567595836096158715129913822286578579549361617654480453222007825818400848436415591229454275384803558374518022675900061399560145595206127211192918105032491008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
There's a web site that will calculate factorials for you: http://www.nitrxgen.net/factorialcalc.php. It reports:
The resulting factorial of 250! is 493 digits long.
The result also contains 62 trailing zeroes (which constitutes to 12.58% of the whole number)
Many systems using C++ double only work up to 1E+308 or thereabouts; the value of 250! is too large to store in such numbers.
Consequently, you'll need to use some sort of multi-precision arithmetic library, either of your own devising using C++ string values, or using some other widely-used multi-precision library (GNU GMP for example).
The code below uses unsigned double long to calculate very large digits.
int main()
long k=1;
cout<<"\nLarge Factorial Calculator\n\n";
cout<<"Enter a number be calculated:";
if (k<=33)
unsigned double long fact=1;
for(int b=k;b>=1;b--)
cout<<"\nThe factorial of "<<k<<" is "<<fact<<"\n";
int numArr[10000];
int total,rem=0,count;
register int i;
//int i;
cout<<"The factorial of "<<k<<" is \n\n";
if(numArr[i]!=0 || count==1)
return 0;
![Large Factorial Calculator
Enter a number be calculated:250
The factorial of 250 is
You can make atoi compile by adding c_str(), but it will be a long way to go till getting factorial. Currently you have no b around. And if you had, you still multiply int by int. So even if you eventually convert that to string before return, your range is still limited. Until you start to actually do multiplication with ASCII or use a bignum library there's no point to have string around.
Your factorial depends on conversion to int, which will overflow pretty fast, so you want be able to compute large factorials that way. To properly implement computation on big numbers you need to implement logic as for computation on paper, rules that you were tought in primary school, but treat long long ints as "atoms", not individual digits. And don't do it on strings, it would be painfully slow and full of nasty conversions
If you are going to solve factorial for numbers larger than around 12, you need a different approach than using atoi, since that just gives you a 32-bit integer, and no matter what you do, you are not going to get more than 2 billion (give or take) out of that. Even if you double the size of the number, you'll only get to about 20 or 21.
It's not that hard (relatively speaking) to write a string multiplication routine that takes a small(ish) number and multiplies each digit and ripples the results through to the the number (start from the back of the number, and fill it up).
Here's my obfuscated code - it is intentionally written such that you can't just take it and hand in as school homework, but it appears to work (matches the number in Jonathan Leffler's answer), and works up to (at least) 20000! [subject to enough memory].
std::string operator*(const std::string &s, int x)
int l = (int)s.length();
std::string r;
std::fill(r.begin(), r.end(), '0');
int b = 0;
int e = ~b;
const int c = 10;
for(int i = l+e; i != e;)
int d = (s[i]-0x30) * x, p = i + b;
while (d && p > e)
int t = r[p] - 0x30 + (d % c);
r[p] = (t % c) + 0x30;
d = t / c + d / c;
while (d)
r = static_cast<char>((d % c) +0x30)+r;
d /= c;
return r;
In C++, the largest integer type is 'long long', and it hold 64 bits of memory, so obviously you can't store 250! in an integer type. It is a clever idea to use strings, but what you are basically doing with your code is (I have never used the atoi() function, so I don't know if it even works with strings larger than 1 character, but it doesn't matter):
covert the string to integer (a string that if this code worked well, in one moment contains the value of 249!)
multiply the value of the string
So, after you are done multiplying, you don't even convert the integer back to string. And even if you did that, at one moment when you convert the string back to an integer, your program will crash, because the integer won't be able to hold the value of the string.
My suggestion is, to use some class for big integers. Unfortunately, there isn't one available in C++, so you'll have to code it by yourself or find one on the internet. But, don't worry, even if you code it by yourself, if you think a little, you'll see it's not that hard. You can even use your idea with the strings, which, even tough is not the best approach, for this problem, will still yield the results in the desired time not using too much memory.
This is a typical high precision problem.
You can use an array of unsigned long long instead of string.
like this:
struct node
unsigned long long digit[100000];
It should be faster than string.
But You still can use string unless you are urgent.
It may take you a few days to calculate 10000!.
I like use string because it is easy to write.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#pragma GCC optimize (2)
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 90;
int n, m;
int a[MAXN];
string base[MAXN], f[MAXN][MAXN];
string sum, ans;
template <typename _T>
void Swap(_T &a, _T &b)
_T temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
string operator + (string s1, string s2)
string ret;
int digit, up = 0;
int len1 = s1.length(), len2 = s2.length();
if (len1 < len2) Swap(s1, s2), Swap(len1, len2);
while(len2 < len1) s2 = '0' + s2, len2++;
for (int i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
digit = s1[i] + s2[i] - '0' - '0' + up; up = 0;
if (digit >= 10) up = digit / 10, digit %= 10;
ret = char(digit + '0') + ret;
if (up) ret = char(up + '0') + ret;
return ret;
string operator * (string str, int p)
string ret = "0", f; int digit, mul;
int len = str.length();
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
f = "";
digit = str[i] - '0';
mul = p * digit;
digit = mul % 10 , mul /= 10;
f = char(digit + '0') + f;
for (int j = 1; j < len - i; j++) f = f + '0';
ret = ret + f;
return ret;
int main()
freopen("factorial.out", "w", stdout);
string ans = "1";
for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i++)
ans = ans * i;
cout << i << "! = " << ans << endl;
return 0;
Actually, I know where the problem raised At the point where we multiply , there is the actual problem ,when numbers get multiplied and get bigger and bigger.
this code is tested and is giving the correct result.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 72057594037927936 // 2^56 (17 digits)
// #define mod 18446744073709551616 // 2^64 (20 digits) Not supported
long long int prod_uint64(long long int x, long long int y)
return x * y % mod;
int main()
long long int n=14, s = 1;
while (n != 1)
s = prod_uint64(s , n) ;
Expexted output for 14! = 87178291200
The logic should be:
unsigned int factorial(int n)
unsigned int b=1;
for(int i=2; i<=n; i++){
return b;
However b may get overflowed. So you may use a bigger integral type.
Or you can use float type which is inaccurate but can hold much bigger numbers.
But it seems none of the built-in types are big enough.