I have a NSDictionary of type String:AnyObject, and I want to have it be type String:String. How can I convert them with the same key to type string using a loop? I would think I could figure it out, but Xcode 6 sourcekit keeps crashing whenever I put in a for loop for the dictionary.
PS. I'm writing this in Swift, not Obj-C.
This way you can loop over the dictionary for objects:AnyObject:
let dict = ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3]
var string = ""
for object in dict.values {
string += "\(object)"
// string = "312"
If you want to loop over just the keys change to .keys as in the following:
for key in dict.keys {
string += key
// string = "CAB"
Finally to loop over both keys and values with a Tuple (key, object) :
let dict = ["A":1, "B":2, "C":3]
var string = ""
var sum = 0
for (key, object) in dict {
string += key
sum += object
// sum = 6
// string = "CAB"
Note: This works with Beta 3.
Below is my terraform code where I have a list of objects which has 5 values, is it possible to concat each value in the list with the string values
mylist = ["aaa","bbb","ccc","ddd","eee"]
str1 = "hello"
str2 = "Data"
mergedstring = "${local.str1},local.mylist,${local.str2}"
I need the output in the following format
How can I achieve this?
You can do this as follows:
mylist = ["aaa","bbb","ccc","ddd","eee"]
str1 = "hello"
str2 = "Data"
mergedstring = join("\n",[for v in local.mylist: "${local.str1},${v},${local.str2}"])
I have 2 Lists (uid and url) that are growable, and I need to set the first List as the key and the second as value. At some point, i'll have a 3rd List (randomUids) which will be keys and will print out the corresponding values. Here is the example code:
List<String> uid = ["uid1", "uid2","uid3","uid4"]; //Lists will grow larger after a while
List<String> url = ["url1","url2","url3","url4"];
List<String> randomUids = ["uid4", "uid2"];
When I try:
Map<List, List> mapKeyValue = Map();
mapKeyValue[uid] = url;
print( uid.contains(randomUids));
I get a false. Also, the print returns uid and url Lists as 2 long indices instead of separate Strings. How can I iterate the List so that url.contains(randomUids) is true. Also how can I print out the values of randomUids.
When I try:
print( uid.contains(randomUids));
I get a false.
Your code asks if uid (a List of Strings) contains randomUids (another List of Strings). It returns false because uid's elements are not Lists; they're Strings.
Presuming that you want the nth element of uid to correspond to the nth element of url, and you can guarantee that uid.length == url.length, you can construct a Map of UIDs to URLs:
assert(uid.length == url.length);
var uidMap = <String, String>{
for (var i = 0; i < uid.length; i += 1)
uid[i]: url[i],
And then you can iterate over randomUids and do lookups:
for (var uid in randomUids) {
if (uidMap.containsKey(uid)) {
I am trying to automatically RegExp(extract) the digits(AREA number) in Column 3 combined with the Text 'A' to append in Column 1 Date INDEX.
The problem is I'm not yet familiar in using google sheets app-scripts.
Tried looking for solutions with similar situation as me, but to no avail.
I don't know to put VBA to app-scripts.
Tried using some codes.
I still can't seem to make it work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you if you can help me out. Thanks.
The scenarios is in the office i cant make column for the formula.
It must be "behind the scene".
My googlesheets
function onEdit(e) {
var rg=e.range;
var sh=e.range.getSheet();
var area=sh.getName();
var regExp = new RegExp("\d*"); // Extract the digits
var dataIndex = regExp.exec(area)[1];
if(rg.columnStart==3) { // Observe column 3
var vA=rg.getValues();
for(var i=0;i<vA.length;i++){
if(vA[i][0]) {
sh.getRange(rg.rowStart + i,1).appendText((dataIndex) +'A'); // append to column 1 with 'A' and extracted digits
This answer extends your approach of using a script with an OnEdit trigger. But there are a number of differences between the two sets of code.
The most significant difference is that I have used the Javascript split method (var fields = value.split(' ');) to get distinct values from the data entry.
Most of the other differences are error checking:
if(rg.columnStart === 3 && area === "work") {: test for sheet="work" as well as an edit on Column C
var value = e.value.toUpperCase();: anticipate that the test might be in lower case.
if (fields.length !=2){: test that there are two elements in the data entry.
if (fields[0] != "AREA"){: test that the first elment of the entry is the word 'area'
if (num !=0 && numtype ==="number"){; test that the second element is a number, and that it is NOT zero.
if (colA.length !=0){: test that Column A is not empty
var newColA = colA+"A"+num;: construct the new value for Column A by using unary operator '+'.
function onEdit(e){
// so5911459101
// test for edit in column C and sheet = work
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet;
// get Event Objects
var rg=e.range;
var sh=e.range.getSheet();
var area=sh.getName();
var row = rg.getRow();
// test if the edit is in Column C of sheet = work
if(rg.columnStart === 3 && area === "work") { // Observe column 3 and sheet = work
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the edit is in Column C of 'Work'")
// get the edited value
var value = e.value.toUpperCase();
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the value = "+value+", length = "+value.length+", uppercase = "+value.toUpperCase());
// use Javascript split on the value
var fields = value.split(' ');
// Logger.log("DEBUG: number of fields = "+fields.length)
// test if there are two fields in the value
if (fields.length !=2){
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the value doesn't have two fields")
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the value has two fields")
// test if the first field = 'AREA'
if (fields[0] != "AREA"){
// Logger.log("DEBUG: do nothing because the value doesn't include area")
// Logger.log("DEBUG: do something because the value does include area")
// get the second field - it should be a value
var num = fields[1];
num =+num
var numtype = typeof num;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: num= "+num+" type = "+numtype); //number
// test type of second field
if (num !=0 && numtype ==="number"){
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the second field IS a number")
// get the range for the cell in Column A
var colARange = sh.getRange(row,1);
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the ColA range = "+colARange.getA1Notation());
// get the value of Column A
var colA = colARange.getValue();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Col A = "+colA+", length = "+colA.length);
// test if Column A is empty
if (colA.length !=0){
var newColA = colA+"A"+num;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the new cola = "+newColA);
// update the value in Column A
// Logger.log("DEBUG: do nothing because column A is empty")
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the second field isn't a number")
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the edit is NOT in Column C of 'Work'")
If the value in Column C is sourced from data validation, then no need for and testing except that the edit was in Column C and the sheet = "work".
Included two additional lines of code:
var colAfields = colA.split('-');
var colAdate = colAfields[0];
This has the effect of excluding any existing characters after the hyphen, and re-establishing the hyphen, row number plus "A" and the AREA numeral.
function onEdit(e){
// so5911459101 revised
// only one test - check for ColumnC and sheet="work"
// test for edit in column C and sheet = work
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet;
// get Event Objects
var rg=e.range;
var sh=e.range.getSheet();
var area=sh.getName();
var row = rg.getRow();
// test if the edit is in Column C of sheet = work
if(rg.columnStart === 3 && area === "work") { // Observe column 3 and sheet = work
Logger.log("DEBUG: the edit is in Column C of 'Work'")
// get the edited value
var value = e.value
//Logger.log("DEBUG: the value = "+value+", length = "+value.length);
// use Javascript split on the value
var fields = value.split(' ');
// get the second field - it should be a value
var num = fields[1];
// get the range for the cell in Column A
var colARange = sh.getRange(row,1);
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the ColA range = "+colARange.getA1Notation());
// get the value of Column A
var colA = colARange.getValue();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Col A = "+colA+", length = "+colA.length);
// use Javascript split on Column A in case of existing value
var colAfields = colA.split('-');
var colAdate = colAfields[0];
// build new value
var newColA = colAdate+"-"+row+"A"+num;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the new cola = "+newColA);
// update the value in Column A
Logger.log("DEBUG: the edit is NOT in Column C of 'Work'")
def map = new HashMap<String,List<String>>()
def list = new ArrayList<String>()
def list1 = new ArrayList<String>()
def data = new ArrayList<String>()
for(e in map){
println "key = ${e.key} value=${e.value}"
// data = "${e.value} as String[]"
data = "${e.value}"
println "size ${data.size()} " --(B)
def check(input)
println "${input.size()}" ---(A)
for(item in input){
print "$item "}
I have to pass string[] to another java function from this groovy script. so I am trying to read the array list and then convert it into String array. But the problem is when I assign {e.value} to variable data and try to get the size data.size() (both step (A) and (B) ). and the size is 34. It is counting each character not the word as whole from the list. I want to iterate over each word from the list. Kindly let me know how to resolve this problem.
sample output is
key = abc value=[hello1, world1, sample1, sample1]
size 34
Here is the groovified vesion of creating the map and accessing it:
def map = [abc:['hello1', 'world1','sample1', 'sample1'], bcd:['hello2', 'world2','sample2', 'sample2']]
map.collect{ println "key: ${it.key}, list: ${it.value}, and size: ${it.value.size()}" }
key: abc, list: [hello1, world1, sample1, sample1], and size: 4
key: bcd, list: [hello2, world2, sample2, sample2], and size: 4
If you want to convert a list to an array you can just do it:
def list = ['hello1', 'world1','sample1', 'sample1']
assert list instanceof List
def array = list as String[]
assert array instanceof String[]
assert !(array instanceof List)
How can I add a dynamic key to an anonymous List such as the mydatetime below:
DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Parse(datepickerval, ukCulture.DateTimeFormat);
var qid = (from p in db.Vw_INTERACTPEOPLE
select p
var AvilList = new List<object>();
var ddate = myDateTime.DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3) + "Jul" + myDateTime.Day;
foreach (var q in qid)
{// Availability
Name = q.Fullname,
here >>> ddate = "Some Test"
As adam says above there is no way to do this using Lists, however since the Slickgrid is expecting a Json return, I simply built the string in .net then returned it via the JavaScriptSerializer serializer, then in the code behind simply used eval to de-serialize back into an array.