How do I get the value of a WFFM field as a tag and output it in a Sitecore DMS report? - sitecore

If I create a Web Forms For Marketers form with Analytics enabled I can choose to add each field as a tag to a Visitor. I can't see how to configure which tag they should be added to, or even what the tag is called by default (I'm assuming a tag with the field name is created).
I'd also like to know how to retrieve the tag data in a visit report (i.e. the one you'd get if you double clicked on a form submission in the Form Reports dialogue). I can see how to access plenty of inbuilt tags, but I can't find out how to fill these specifically from the form, and I cant see any fields in the report designer representing the field names I have.

Question 1: How to set the name of the tag
If you set the "Tag" checkbox on the form field, the Item Name (=field name) of the form field is used as tag name.
If you have database access, you can check the "VisitorTags" table on the analytics database to see which tags are written and how they are called.
Question 2: Retrieve Tag data in visit reports
In the VisitDetail report, the following inbuilt tags will be displayed if set:
First Name
Second Name
Full Name
Name your form fields accordingly and the values will be used in the report out of the box.
If you want to use custom tags in reports, have a look at the .mrt files in /sitecore/shell/Applications/Reports/. You will have to extend the report to use your own tags.
Example: Adding a custom tag to the VisitDetail report.
Extend the SQL Query to fetch tags in the /sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports SQL Queries/Visits Visitor Tags item. Add the line
, MAX(CASE WHEN [TagName] = 'SomeCustomTag' THEN [TagValue] ELSE NULL END) [SomeCustomTag]
Extend the VisitDetail.mrt, add a column with value SomeCustomTag to the VisitorTags section just like the predefined tags.
Use the value of your custom tag inside the report text by using {Visit.VisitorTagsRelation.SomeCustomTag}
I use a text editor to edit the .mrt files, but you can probably also do it in Reports Designer.


how to create new tag or select from current tags using Django forms

I have 3 tables, Products, Articles, and tags.
products and articles both have a "tags" field which has ManyToMany relation with the "tags" table
I want to be able to reference multiple tags or create new tags while adding a product or an article (in one field)(using Django forms)
for example, "test1" and "test2" are already in the tags table, I want the field to be like this:
1.I type "te" in the tags field
2.A drop down with "test1" and "test2" is opened which I can choose each one of them to be added in the field
3.I type "test3" (which isn't already in the tags table)and hit enter and "test3" is added to the field
products and articles both have a "tags" field which has ManyToMany relation with the "tags" table
(just like tags in a post in StackOverflow)
I think Django built-in forms can handle this but I'm overwhelmed by the documentation and lost in the configuration of my Django forms.
what kind of fields and widgets should I use for this purpose?
Excuse me if the question is vague I'm new to Django and I would appreciate any kind of help.
I figured it out. I did it with a combination of an Ajax call and its endpoint for searching in the current tags plus some JS to get the JSON data and put it in the field and finally in the Views file I implemented some logic for this field of the form so the data would be saved in the correct normalized format after the form submission.

How to fill a update form with values using :APP_USER id in Oracle Apex?

I have a classic report which shows profile details of a user. There is "Update Profile" button on the top of the report which when clicked redirects a user to a form from which the user can update information. I want to populate the fields in the form with the present data of the user
If I had used interactive report than I could have passed the "student_id" to the target form page. In classic report I cannot do so. I tried passing the :APP_USER instead of "student_id" but that didn't work. How can I solve this issue.
It would be better if the form can fill itself with the :APP_USER id without passing the id from the report
How can I do so?
I tried doing it by passing where clause in Source section as show in the bellow pic:
It didn't work. The form is still empty
In the form region attributes, under "Source", there is an attribute "Where Clause". You can use that to only retrieve the row for the currently logged on user.
username = :APP_USER
Replace "username" with the column name in your table

Save the dynamically populated value on dropdown

I'm using wagtail CMS for Django, I want to add a dynamically populated value for a dropdown and save it on the Page model, this is my code:
class MyPage(Page):
domain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=MY_CHOICES)
subdomain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=[('', '------')]
I've got some frontend logic to populate dynamically the options for subdomain, but after I hit save I got: The page could not be created due to validation errors And in the subdomain field: Select a valid choice. [my value] is not one of the available choices.
I can't use ForeignKey to populate subdomain because it depends from an external API service that we're using.
I tried to use a custom field that inherits from CharField with no success, it looks it executes validate method only for the domain field.
If you use the choices argument, you have to predefine the list of possible values. Read the relevant part of the docs (last two paragraphs of that section).
You could omit the choices argument from the model field definition and only render a HTML select tag in the frontend (which is then filled with options dynamically, like you explained).
You could also look into changing the default widget of the CharField to a select tag, like this answer and this part of the docs show.

How to pass parameters to Forms in Sitecore WFFM

Is there a way to pass custom values to a web form in WFFM?
There is a field named "Parameters" under the section "MVC Specific Settings" on "Form" template, setting this field by some values in the content editor and publishing, does not get transfer or populate to the Sitecore.Forms.Mvc.ViewModels.FormViewModel.
For Example:
You can try to get Parameters field value manually by getting rendering datasource item and then parsing Parameters field.

Sitecore WebForms for Marketers : send email to users

I am using Send Email Message action. I have added one action for send email to admin and another thank you mail to user who filled the form so my question is how I can add user email in Send Email Editor. I tried to add email Insert Field but it is not working.
By Default, the TO Dropdown only allows content from the Email Field Type. To allow other field types, please go to to the Send Email Message action found here by default: /sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/Actions/Save Actions/Send Email Message
go to the Editor section, and enter the following into the QueryString field:
AllowedToTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}
The first guid is for the standard Email Field type, and the second one will be your custom field. This should allow you to choose from those fields in the TO field.
For best practices, you should duplicate the Send Email Message action, and apply the changes there to prevent issues with future upgrades.
To allow your custom fields to be selectable for the CC and From fields as well, your query string would look like this:
AllowedToTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}&AllowedCCTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}&AllowedFromTypes={84ABDA34-F9B1-4D3A-A69B-E28F39697069}|{YOUR CUSTOM FIELD TYPE GUID}
From there, to send an email to one of the fields on the form, simply choose the field by clicking the little arrow next to the 'To' field
I have noticed a bug in previous version of wffm where it places double brackets around the field name, for example: [[email address]]. If you notice the double brackets [[..]], then erase the entire field and select it again as shown above.
I found there is an issue a with the To: field in certain browsers - not sure if this is related to Bug 402562.
In Chrome I get js error messages but in Firefox I can insert the email field with no issues.
As stated my #amir818, you need to add the field name with brackets in the To field. If you are using Chrome then the arrow may not work due to a javascript error, it works in IE though.
Alternate way to add the field into the message body from the Insert Field droplist and then copy+paste into the TO field. Looking at your field names it should be [Emailaddress].
The double brackets that amir mentioned is a bug, you can get a fix from Sitecore and quote ticket number 402562. When you edit the form again, the field has 2 sets of brackets added which then breaks the send action, e.g. it would end up as [[Emailaddress]] which is incorrect and therefore fails