How to apply Orbital Gravity in cocos2d chipmunk - cocos2d-iphone

I am building an IOS game in Cocos2d - Chipmunk - Spritebuilder. I need to make a characters orbit around around a point, and I was having quite some difficulty in implementing orbits with real physics.
So far, I have tried two methods, one is creating a distance joint from the player to the planet, and then applying a 90 degree force on the player where an angle is created between the end of the distance joint and an imaginary line drawn at a 90 angle to it. He moves around crazily and this method is not working for me.
I then tried calculating 180 points on the circumference at a radius from the planet (which is the bounds of detecting and implementing its effects on the player) - and then in a scheduled update method [character.physicsbody applyForce:nextCircumferencePoint]; This does not work, as he does not follow the path exactly and is quite far from it. I am thinking that I need to also apply a gravitational force towards the planet which would cause him to circle it. Though I don't know how to calculate that force, apply it, or if it would even help.
A third method which would never work, but was used for testing was to set his position to the next circumference point. He does orbit, but any collision won't work (such as if a piece of space junk goes in his way.) He will simply be positioned right over any other object. This world great if you don't need collisions, are writing your own physics engine. This is not a polished way of doing things, so will avoid it.
Please correct anything I have already done and tell me how it would work, or shed light on other options and how to implement them.

Check out my answer here. It's for box2d, but you can do it with Chipmunk. If bodyA position will change, orbit will be same. You just need to change speed of body movement for your needs, just increase smoothness and slow down your update method.


implement 2D gravity and basic collision C++ and OpenGL Tile based side scroller game

I have some questions for correctly implementing a system that add gravity to my player while still detecting and correcting collision with the floor. I understand the basic math for the AABB and adding gravity vector to the players velocity vector then adding it to the position. For some reason when I try the player stops for the first few frames then eventually the velocity builds up to be more than the tile width and it goes through. I guess my real question is how to properly implement the gravity with the collision. Do I make gravity vector 0, 0 when it hits the floor or when I am just standing on the floor my collision detection will constantly move me out of the floor? I really don't know the flow of the logic with this situation.
Edit 1:
I am trying to make the simple engine myself to gain experience with programming. I kind of solved the one problem, I now can stop on the floor. My current logic is:
add gravity to velocity, check for collision, adjust the velocity by the offset of the collision, if any, add velocity to the position then set velocity to 0.
m_velocity += m_gravity;
glm::vec2 mtd = collideWithObject(objectVector);
m_velocity -= mtd;
m_position += m_velocity;
m_velocity.x = 0.0f;
m_velocity.y = 0.0f;
It works but I am not sure if that is the flow, I guess I just want to know what is the most common way to implement this.
For some reason when I try the player stops for the first few frames then eventually the velocity builds up to be more than the tile width and it goes through.
If you are applying physics in increments - such as once every frame - you must account for the infinite increments that exist between each of those points.
For a simple "plane collision", like your floor, don't test if your current AABB collides with the floor. Create the smallest AABB that includes your current AABB and the last AABB. If that box collides, you've collided with the plane.
as #MorphingDragon mentioned, you should consider Box2D, many games use Box2D.
For your question "Do I make gravity vector 0, 0 when it hits the floor or when I am just standing on the floor my collision detection will constantly move me out of the floor? I really don't know the flow of the logic with this situation.". I just assume you know Verlet integration, for calculate your new position, you don't need to change your gravity, [as you know, gravity is everywhere on earth, or you want to do a game in space, ;)] you just need to handle the collision detection logic as "when collision happens, just make the collision point satisfy my constraints", and your constraint should be "all point should not be placed under the floor, otherwise just move it and make it sit on the floor".
The collection detection and constraint solver theory should be very common in modern physical engine and easy to understand and implement.
Hope this help.

Rotation and Movement with rigid body in Bullet Physics

I have made a rigid body for the player and have been trying to get the rigid body moving along with the player's controls.
What I mean is that whenever I press forward I want the rigid body to move forward in the direction the player is facing, same with back, left, right. So far I'm able to use apply force to move the rigid body in static directions.
My straight question is how do I move the player's rigid body in the direction the player is facing.
Other Details:
I don't really want to use kinematic bodies if not necessary mostly because their very fiddly at the moment
I'm using glfw3 for input
This is quite amazing that you would not see how to do that after you actually managed to apply forces in static directions to something you configured over bullet.
Come on, you HAVE the skill to figure it out.
Here, just a push in the direction (hehe), hem. Just take the vector of the facing direction (which could be determined by camera, 1st or 3rd view, or even something else...).
Congrats, this vector is your force by a k factor.
You should also modulate this force according to speed, you don't need to accelerate to infinite speed, just accelerate lots at first and then regulate force to tend to desired walk speed.
Then, the side directions are obtained by rotating the facing vector by 90 degrees around the standing axis (most surely the vertical). You can obtain that by simply swapping components and multiplying by -1 one of them. x,y,z becomes y,-x,z
To go backward, its just -x, -y, -z on the facing vector.
So your up key is not bound to 0,1,0 but to facing_dir actually. This facing dir can change with mouse or some other view controls, like numeric keys 2,6,8,4 for example. Or you could drop up,left,right,down for movement and use w,a,s,d like everybody else, and use direction keys to rotate facing direction. (+mouse)
It is much more difficult to obtain the facing vector from mouse movement or direction keys than finding out how to apply the force, so if you already have the facing vector I'm puzzled that you even have a problem.

Minecraft like collision

I'm working on a Minecraft like game for educational purposes. The rendering is great so far even with 1024x1204 blocks but now that I started integrating the player collision I'm having problems.
I have a aabb for the player and aabb's for all the blocks around him. These are created dynamically and it works out pretty fast.
My problem goes as following:
I have speed vector and the current position. For each axis I calculate the potential position and make out an aabb. I check for collisions and it's free I move there otherwise I set the speed for that component to 0. I separate the axis since I want my player to slide in a direction of partially facing a wall.
The order for the axis is y,x,z. The collision response is great but I'm having some problems with the corners as it sometimes get's stuck in the world without being able to move. Not sure what the reason is for this.
I do not want to implement actual physics since those are more demanding and basically just too much for what I need.
Do you guys have any suggestions on how to implement this in a nice way? I did some searching but I didn't find anything useful for this particular situation.
This is a bit abstract in a sense that the cause of your problem can be related to many things. From the top of my head, maybe a bug in your collision detection code: somehow it allows the objects to cross boundaries by 1 (or more) unit. So when the next collision is computed 1 or more dimension is stuck (imagine having an arm already inside the wall when collision is detected. You can't get your arm out because it collide with the interior of the wall boundary)

Prevent collisions applying impulse in Bullet physics

I am developing third-person shooting game using Bullet and Ogre. When the character model collides with an object in the world, such as a power-up, the collision applies a force to the character and causes them to spin. How can I prevent the collision applying a force to the character?
I have set a method for btDynamicsWorld::setInternalTickCallback and so I know which bodies are colliding and the btManifoldPoint.
Note that I applyTorque to the body in order to rotate them smoothly so I cannot simply prevent rotation.
Thanks for your help.
I am unfamiliar with the physics engines you mentioned, but I know a thing or two about real physics...
Basically if you draw a free body diagram and arrows that represent the forces, you can determine the net effect. Or if you know the desired net effect, you can figure out where you need to add forces or remove forces.
You could add an equal and opposite force/torque at the time of impact. This would make the net forces on your object zero.
Or you could take the elements that are causing the forces and make them massless. Force = mass * acceleration. If the mass is zero and your physics engine is based on real world physics, then it shouldn't cause any net forces on collision.
Hope that helps.

How do I give a Box2d Kinematic body a predefined curved path

I'm new to using Box2d and really can't find a consistent answer to my question so please excuse me.
I'm writing a game for the iPhone -- who isn't these days -- and I'm using Cocos2d and Box2D. I have objects that move around in the game and I would like to give them a more of a curved path. From my studies I know that I should use body of type b2_kinematicBody which allows me to change the linear velocity every tick and keeps them from colliding with my other flying bodies. I do understand that if I know my current position (x,y) and my next position in the step (x1,y1) I would be able to compute the vector for velocity. Does anybody have a good way to give an object a defined curved path? I'm thinking it has to be some kind of parametric equation.
Take a look at bezier curves. After curve defenition you can compute the derivative (it's easy for bezier) and use it as a velocity for your body
OH whats the game called? sounds like a good one. have you looked into maybe just doing that in version 2.0