NetBeans Run in external terminal - c++

I recently installed Arch Linux with XFCE4 desktop environment. I use NetBeans as my IDE. I want to debug a program through NetBeans in an external terminal, but it won't do that. It does not recognize XFCE4 Terminal, and will not run gdb within it.
Is there a way that I can permanently set NetBeans to debug/run my programs in XFCE4 Terminal (aka, add it to "run in external terminal")?
Also, I'm using NetBeans 8.0-1, and gcc 4.9 (all the latest and greatest with Arch! :), if that helps at all.
If you need any more details, please ask.

After installing Konsole (a KDE terminal), I was able to make it work! Using XFCE as my default still, though, since it's a really nice terminal.
Gnome terminal did not work. When I opened it, it did not show any text, and I couldn't verify input or output as a result.


Can I remote debug a C++ makefile project from a windows vm using Eclipse?

I am on a Windows VM which has eclipse installed.
I connect to a remote centos machine using putty (yes command line)
I work on a large C++ makefile project there.
I have learnt to use gdb within putty and everything is ok.
Is there any way I can use Eclipse present in my Windows to debug the C++ makefile project present in my remote CentOS machine ?
I have the following installed on my windows VM
I wont be able to install anything else.
I also wont be able to install anything else into my centos machine unless I can justify the reason.
I believe this is NOT an exact duplicate.
I searched high and low for a solution to this, most answers seem to be for a different application or requires some additional installations or maybe the instructions are not clear.
Please provide me a step to step guide as I am new to Eclipse, and 2yrs old into linux.
Basically a windows programmer, I have seen a VS solution to remote debugging, but I wont be able to install VS into my remote machine so thats out of question.
So the above ... or ... any GUI (Visual Studio kind) type solution that would make the remote command line GDB ... a breeze.

Can I configure C++ build and run options in eclipse CDT to point to a g++ on another computer

I have a server with a very slow connection. Hence installing eclipse on the server and taking an xwindow was not a good option.So What I attempted was to install eclipse on my client, set up sftp via nautilus and open my c++ files on my server inside my local eclipse. This works great. But to run the files, I need several libraries that are installed in the server which would be painful to install on every client I use. I am now opening an ssh connection separately in a terminal and using it to compile and run. But I felt it would be better if it is integrated with eclipse as I can make use of eclipse's debug tools and stuff. Hence I was wondering if I can make eclipse CDT point to the server's version of G++ compiler and linker, so When I press the debug or run button on eclipse it would actually run on the server and just give me the output in eclipse's console? Is this even possible?
PS - I am not addicted to eclipse. It would be great even if you can suggest any other software that would allow me to do this. I am basically doing all this just to debug my code faster with a number of break points.
I finally made it possible using Netbeans remote C++ development I found here. Works like a charm.

Use of terminal and compiler in geany for windows7

How can we integrate a terminal and compiler to geany message window in windows7 so that i can excute the c++ program ?
I'll be very quick on this one because that's a question that gets asked a lot here.
First, you need to install the compiler (gcc and g++), then, you need to edit the %PATH% environment variable of Windows 7. Just add the directory where the gcc.exe and g++.exe are located. And, voilĂ .
Here's yet another related question: Geany compiling
For your terminal question, I don't know if the VTE plugin is available for windows. You should definitely use that instead of the windows cmd...
Usually, executing a program is done by pressing F5.

How to debug a linux C++ program from Windows with Eclipse?

I use a headless (i.e. no screen) remote ubuntu server x64 for developping a C++ application (with no UI either).
I want to conveniently (IDE like, not command line) debug this program from windows (7/64), with Eclipse if possible. I have a windows share between the two and full root access on both machines.
So far I have heard of two solutions :
Remote gdb
Remote X server
I have worked on solution 1 : built a cross gdb, copied my program and libs on windows. I'm able to remote-gdb from cygwin command line, but not from eclipse (stuck at "launching... 85%" with no error message nor log)
I have also worked on solution 2 : installed xauth, set X forwarding, installed xming on my windows, set DISPLAY on the linux box. But no effect "can't open DISPLAY xxx" with no easy troubleshoot.
When googling for those problems, I only find outdated pages or different problems.
Did anyone do it ? Can you share advices or fresh pointers on how to remote debug a C++ linux app from Windows ?
I suggest to install an X11 server on your Windows machine (e.g. Xming perhaps?) and to do ssh -X with some X11 client applications (like emacs, ddd if needed, xterm) on your Linux server. Don't use a complex thing like Eclipse. You could just use emacs (remotely on the Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server)...
Once emacs works well (running on the remote Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server), you can run gdb inside it.
To get ssh -X working, you need to configure it appropriately. Maybe you forgot that step. To test it, just use ssh -X yourlinuxhost xterm, and work on configuration till that step works.
Of course you could also install Linux on your laptop or desktop, perhaps inside a virtual machine above your Windows.
NB. I never used Windows, but I do know that some X11 servers exist for it.
There is a eclipse plugin RSE (Remote System Explorer), it can pretty much do what you are expecting. The code base can be in linux server, eclipses uses telnet / ssh to login. Execution again can happen on a server, native gdb is used to debug.
You can use the following simple plugin for Eclipse.
It needs just ssh connection to the server and it cares about anything else

How to do remote debugging with Eclipse CDT without gdbserver?

We're using the Eclipse CDT 5 C++ IDE on Windows to develop a C++ application on a remote AIX host.
Eclipse CDT has the ability to perform remote debugging using gdbserver. Unfortunately, gdbserver is not supported on AIX.
Is anyone familiar with a way to debug remotely using Eclipse CDT without gdbserver? Perhaps using an SSH shell connection to gdb?
finally I got gdb run remotly anyhow now. At the Bug-symbol on the taskbar I took Debug Configurations - GDB Hardware Debugging.
In Main C/C++ Applications I set the full path on the Samba share of the executable (X:\abin\vlmi9506). I also set a linked folder on X:\abin in the project. Then I modified my batch-script in GDB Setup. It's not directly calling gdb in the plink-session but a unix-shell-script, which opens gdb. By this I have the possibility to set some unix environment-variables for the program before doing debug. The call in my batch:
plink.exe prevoax1 -l suttera -pw XXXXX -i /proj/user/dev/suttera/vl/9506/test/ 20155 dev o m
In the unix script I started gdb with the command line params from eclipse, that I found in my former tryals. The call in the shell command looks like this:
gdb -nw -i mi -cd=$LVarPathExec $LVarPathExec/vlmi9506
Then IBM just gives gdb 6.0 for AIX. I found version 6.8 in the net at Our Admin installed it.
I can now step through the program and watch variables. I even can write gdb-commands directly in the console-view. yabadabadooooooo
Hope that helps to others as well. Can not tell, what was really the winner-action.
But each answer gives more new questions. Now I got 3 of them.
When I start the debug config I have to click restart in the toolbar to come really in the main procedure. Is it possible to come directly in main without restarting?
On AIX our programs are first preprocessed for embedded sql. The preprocessed c-source is put in another directory. When I duble-click the line to set a breakpoint, I get the warning "unresolved breakpoint" and in the gdb-console I see, that the break is set to the preprocessed source which is wrong. Is it possible to set the breakpoints on the right source?
We are using CICS on AIX. With the xldb-Debugger and the CDCN-command of CICS we manage that debugging is started, when we come in our programs. Is it possible to get that remotely (in plink) with gdb-eclipse as well?
I wouldn't normally take a shot in the dark on a question I can't really test the answer to, but since this one has sat around for a day, I'll give it a shot. It seems from looking at:
...that even if the CDT has changed since that wiki page was made, you should still be able to change the debug command to:
ssh remotehost gdb
instead of using TM which uses gdbserver. This will probably be slightly slower than the TM remote debugging since that actually uses a local gdb, but on the other hand this way you won't have to NFS or SMB mount your source code to make it available to the local debugger (and if you're on a LAN it probably won't matter anyhow).
There's also a reference TCF implementation for linux, which you may or may not have any luck recompiling for AIX, but it allows for remote debugging if gdbserver is otherwise not available:
tried also to remotly debug an aix-appl with windows eclipse-cdt-gdb.
Got blocked at the end with unix/windows path-problems. Maybe my result can help u a little further - maybe you already got it work. I'm interested in your comment. asked on eclipse news portal- following the answer of martin oberhuber (thanks again) tried dsp dd (also blocked with path problem) and set an request in eclipse bugzilla.
here the link to news:
Here my bugzilla:
At the moment we still debug localy with xldb but I am trying ddd-gdb at the moment. At least locally gdb is running.