Partially render a 3D scene - opengl

I want to partially render a 3D scene, by this I mean I want to render some pixels and skip others. There are many non-realtime renderers that allow selecting a section that you want to render.
Example, fully rendered image (all pixels rendered) vs partially rendered:
I want to make the renderer not render part of a scene, in this case the renderer would just skip rendering these areas and save resources (memory/CPU).
If it's not possible to do in OpenGL, can someone suggest any other open source renderer, it could even be a software renderer.

If you're talking about rendering rectangular subportions of a display, you'd use glViewport and adjust your projection appropriately.
If you want to decide whether to render or not per pixel, especially with the purely fixed pipeline, you'd likely use a stencil buffer. That does exactly much the name says — you paint as though spraying through a stencil. It's a per-pixel mask, reliably at least 8 bits per pixel, and has supported in hardware for at least the last fifteen years. Amongst other uses, it used to be how you could render a stipple without paying for the 'professional' cards that officially supported glStipple.
With GLSL there is also the discard statement that immediately ends processing of a fragment and produces no output. The main caveat is that on some GPUs — especially embedded GPUs — the advice is to prefer returning any colour with an alpha of 0 (assuming that will have no effect according to your blend mode) if you can avoid a conditional by doing so. Conditionals and discards otherwise can have a strong negative effect on parallelism as fragment shaders are usually implemented by SIMD units doing multiple pixels simultaneously, so any time that a shader program look like they might diverge there can be a [potentially unnecessary] splitting of tasks. Very GPU dependent stuff though, so be sure to profile in real life.
EDIT: as pointed out in the comments, using a scissor rectangle would be smarter than adjusting the viewport. That both means you don't have to adjust your projection and, equally, that rounding errors in any adjustment can't possibly create seams.
It's also struck me that an alternative to using the stencil for a strict binary test is to pre-populate the z-buffer with the closest possible value on pixels you don't want redrawn; use the colour mask to draw to the depth buffer only.

You can split the scene and render it in parts - this way you will render with less memory consumption and you can simply skip unnecessary parts or regions. Also read this


Create "Union" of two masking images in OpenGL

for a current 2D project I am rendering different objects on a scene.
On top of this I render images which have a cut out part, for example a transparent circle on a black image. When moving the cut-out circle, this creates the effect that of course only the within the transparent part, the background objects are visible.
Now I want to add a second masking layer with a different transparent shape on it and create a union of these two, showing the background images underneath each of the transparent parts.
The following images show an example illustration:
Background objects
Masking image 1
Masking image 2
Desired Result
For rendering, I am using libgdx with OpenGL 2.0 and scene2d as scenegraph. Basically, the background objects are added as actors onto a stage and then another Group-object rendering the masks.
Now I've tried by setting the Blending-function while rendering the masks, but I can't figure out if its possible to "unionize" the alpha values of each mask. But is that even possible?
I've though about using stencil buffers but I can't get this to work yet. I would be thankful if anybody could give me an approach on how to achieve this effect. Also, using stencil buffers would result in a pretty chopped of edge as the mask is either 0 or 1, correct?
A potential approach could be to use render-to-texture and compositing manually. I'm saying "potential", because there's hardly one best way here. Using built-in blending modes can certainly have some performance gains, but it limits you to the provided blending function parameters. While certainly doable with stuff like rendering the mask to the framebuffer alpha channel, and then using that with GL_DST_ALPHA/GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, it gets tricky once your layout gets more complex.
Render-to-texture, OTOH, has no such drawback. You're taking the control of the entire compositing function and have the freedom to do whatever processing you wish. To elaborate a bit, the rendering would work like this:
Set up a texture for the objects, and render your objects to it.
Set up a texture for the mask - this could be e.g. one-channel 8-bit. Retarget the rendering to it, and render the mask with a shader that outputs the mask value.
If you want to add another mask, you can either render more stuff to the same mask texture, or create yet another one.
Crucially, it doesn't matter which order the above operations are done, because they're completely separate and don't impact each other; in fact, if the mask doesn't change, you don't even need to re-render it.
Render a full-screen quad with your compositing shader, taking those two textures as inputs (uniforms).
So, to sum up, render-to-texture is a bit more flexible in terms of the compositing operation, gives you a way to do other post-effects like motiong blur, and gives you more leeway in the order of operations. OTOH, it imposes a certain limit on the number of textures or passes, uses more memory (since you'll be keeping the intermediate textures in, as opposed to just working on one framebuffer), and might have a performance penalty.
If you decide to stick to the built-in blending, it gets a bit trickier. Typically you'll want to have alpha 0 as "no image", and 1 as "all image", but in this case it might be better to think about it as a mask, where 0 is "no mask" and 1 is "full mask". Then, the blend func for the mask could simply be GL_ONE/GL_ONE, and for the final image GL_ZERO/GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA. That certainly restricts your ability to actually do blending and masking at the same time.
There exists a function called glBlendFuncSeparate that might make it a bit more flexible, but that's still not gonna give you as many possibilities as the method mentioned above.
Alternatively, actually learning how to set up stencil buffer would solve that specific issue, since the stencil buffer is made with specifically this use in mind. There's a lot of tutorials online, but basically it amounts to a few calls of glStencil(Op|Func|Mask), optionally with disabling the writes to the color buffer with glColorMask.

Performance of GL_POINTS on modern hardware

Is there any difference in performance between drawing a scene with full triangles (GL_TRIANGLES) instead of just drawing their vertices (GL_POINTS), on modern hardware?
Where GL_POINTS is initialized like this:
I have a somewhat low-end graphics card (9600gt) and drawing vertices-only can bring a 2x fps increase on certain sceneries. Not sure if it applies too on more recent gpus.
2x fps increase on
You lose 98% of picture and get only 2x fps increase. That's not impressive. If you take into account that you should be able to easily render 300..500 fps on any decent hardware (with vsync disabled and minor optimizations), that's probably not worth it.
Is there any difference in performance between drawing a scene with full triangles (GL_TRIANGLES) instead of just drawing their vertices (GL_POINTS), on modern hardware?
Well, if your scene has a LOT of alpha-blending and very "heavy" pixel shaders, then, obviously, displaying scene as point cloud will speed things up, because there's less pixels to fill.
On other hand, this kind of "optimization" will be completely useless for any practical task. I mean, if you're using blending and shaders, you probably wouldn't want to display your scene as pointlist in the first place, unless you're doing some kind of debug render (using glPolygonMode), and in case of debug render, you'll probably turn shaders off (because shaded/lit point will be hard to see) and disable lighting.
Even if you're using point sprites as particles or something, I'd stick with triangles - they give more control and do not have maximum size limit (compared to point sprites).
I can display more objects?
If you want more objects, you should probably try to optimzie things elsewhere first. If you stop trying to draw invisible objects (outside of field of view, etc), that'll be a start that can improve performance.
you have a mesh which is very far away from the camera. 1 million triangles and you know it is always in view. At this density ratio, triangles can't be bigger than a pixel,
When triangles are smaller than a pixel, and there are many of them, your mesh start looking like garbage and turns into pixelated mess of points. It will be ugly. Roughly same effect as when you disable mippimapping and texture filters and then render checkboard pattern. Using points instead of triangles might even aggravate effect.
: If you have 1mil triangle mesh that is always visible, you already need different kind of optimization. Reduce number of triangles (level of detail, dynamic tesselation or some solution that can simplify geometry on the fly), use bump mapping(maybe parallax mapping) to simulate extra geometry details that aren't even here, or even turn it into static background or a sprite. That'll work much better. Trying to render it using points will simply make it look ugly.
No, if the number of triangles is similar to the number of their shared vertices (considering the glDrawElements rendering command being used) in both modes the geometry-wise part of the rendering pipeline will be evaluated at roughly the same speed. The only benefit you can get from drawing GL_POINTS relies solely on the percentage of empty screen space you get from not drawing faces, thus only at fragment shader level.

GLSL Shaders: blending, primitive-specific behavior, and discarding a vertex

Criteria: I’m using OpenGL with shaders (GLSL) and trying to stay with modern techniques (e.g., trying to stay away from deprecated concepts).
My questions, in a very general sense--see below for more detail—are as follows:
Do shaders allow you to do custom blending that help eliminate z-order transparency issues found when using GL_BLEND?
Is there a way for a shader to know what type of primitive is being drawn without “manually” passing it some sort of flag?
Is there a way for a shader to “ignore” or “discard” a vertex (especially when drawing points)?
Background: My application draws points connected with lines in an ortho projection (vertices have varying depth in the projection). I’ve only recently started using shaders in the project (trying to get away from deprecated concepts). I understand that standard blending has ordering issues with alpha testing and depth testing: basically, if a “translucent” pixel at a higher z level is drawn first (thus blending with whatever colors were already drawn to that pixel at a lower z level), and an opaque object is then drawn at that pixel but at a lower z level, depth testing prevents changing the pixel that was already drawn for the “higher” z level, thus causing blending issues. To overcome this, you need to draw opaque items first, then translucent items in ascending z order. My gut feeling is that shaders wouldn’t provide an (efficient) way to change this behavior—am I wrong?
Further, for speed and convenience, I pass information for each vertex (along with a couple of uniform variables) to the shaders and they use the information to find a subset of the vertices that need special attention. Without doing a similar set of logic in the app itself (and slowing things down) I can’t know a priori what subset of vericies that is. Thus I send all vertices to the shader. However, when I draw “points” I’d like the shader to ignore all the vertices that aren’t in the subset it determines. I think I can get the effect by setting alpha to zero and using an alpha function in the GL context that will prevent drawing anything with alpha less than, say, 0.01. However, is there a better or more “correct” glsl way for a shader to say “just ignore this vertex”?
Do shaders allow you to do custom blending that help eliminate z-order transparency issues found when using GL_BLEND?
Sort of. If you have access to GL 4.x-class hardware (Radeon HD 5xxx or better, or GeForce 4xx or better), then you can perform order-independent transparency. Earlier versions have techniques like depth peeling, but they're quite expensive.
The GL 4.x-class version uses essentially a series of "linked lists" of transparent samples, which you do a full-screen pass to resolve into the final sample color. It's not free of course, but it isn't as expensive as other OIT methods. How expensive it would be for your case is uncertain; it is proportional to how many overlapping pixels you have.
You still have to draw opaque stuff first, and you have to draw transparent stuff using special shader code.
Is there a way for a shader to know what type of primitive is being drawn without “manually” passing it some sort of flag?
Is there a way for a shader to “ignore” or “discard” a vertex (especially when drawing points)?
No in general, but yes for points. A Geometry shader can conditionally emit vertices, thus allowing you to discard any vertex for arbitrary reasons.
Discarding a vertex in non-point primitives is possible, but it will also affect the interpretation of that primitive. The reason it's simple for points is because a vertex is a primitive, while a vertex in a triangle isn't a whole primitive. You can discard lines, but discarding a vertex within a line is... of dubious value.
That being said, your explanation for why you want to do this is of dubious merit. You want to update vertex data with essentially a boolean value that says "do stuff with me" or not to. That means that, every frame, you have to modify your data to say which points should be rendered and which shouldn't.
The simplest and most efficient way to do this is to simply not render with them. That is, arrange your data so that the only thing on the GPU are the points you want to render. Thus, there's no need to do anything special at all. If you're going to be constantly updating your vertex data, then you're already condemned to dealing with streaming vertex data. So you may as well stream it in a way that makes rendering efficient.

My own z-buffer

How I can make my own z-buffer for correct blending alpha channels? I'm using glsl.
I have only one idea. And this is use 2 "buffers", one of them storing depth-component and another color (with alpha channel). I don't need access to buffer in my program. I cant use uniform array because glsl have a restriction for the number of uniforms variables. I cant use FBO because behaviour for sometime writing and reading Frame Buffer is not defined (and dont working at any cards).
How I can resolve this problem?!
Or how to read actual real time z-buffer from glsl? (I mean for each fragment shader call z-buffer must be updated)
How I can make my own z-buffer for correct blending alpha channels?
That's not possible. For perfect order-independent transparency you must get rid of z-buffer and replace it with another mechanism for hidden surface removal.
With z-buffer there are two possible ways to tackle the problem.
Multi-layered z-buffer (impractical with hardware acceleration) - basically it'll store several layers of "depth" values and will use it for blending transparent surfaces. Will hog a lot of memory, and there will be maximum number of transparent overlayying surfaces, once you're over the limit, there will be artifacts.
Depth peeling (google it). Order independent transparency, but there's a limit for maximum number of "overlaying" transparent polygons per pixel. Can actually be implemented on hardware.
Both approaches will have a limit (maximum number of overlapping transparent polygons per pixel), once you go over the limit, scene will no longer render properly. Which means the whole thing rather useless.
What you could actually do (to get perfect solution) is to remove the zbuffer completely, and make a graphic rendering pipeline that will gather all polygons to be rendered, clip them, split them (when two polygons intersect), sort them and then paint them on screen in correct order to ensure that you'll get correct result. However, this is hard, and doing it with hardware acceleration is harder. I think (I'm not completely certain it happened) 5 ot 6 years ago some ATI GPU-related document mentioned that some of their cards could render correct scene with Z-Buffer disabled by enabling some kind of extension. However, they didn't say a thing about alpha-blending. I haven't heard about this feature since. Perhaps it didn't become popular and shared the fate of TruForm (forgotten). Also such rendering pipeline will not be able to some things that are possible on z-buffer
If it's order-independent transparencies you're after then the fundamental problem is that a depth buffer stores on depth per pixel but if you're composing a view of partially transparent geometry then more than one fragment contributes to each pixel.
If you were to solve the problem robustly you'd need an ordered list of depths per pixel, going back to the closest opaque fragment. You'd then walk the list in reverse order. In practice OpenGL doesn't do things like variably sized arrays so people achieve pretty much that by drawing their geometry in back-to-front order.
An alternative embodied by GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE is to switch to screen-door transparency, which is indistinguishable from real transparency either at a really high resolution or with multisampling. Ideally you'd do that stochastically, but that would void the OpenGL rule of repeatability. Nevertheless since you're in GLSL you can do it for yourself. Your sampler simply takes the input alpha and uses that as the probability that it'll output the final pixel. So grab a random value in the range 0.0 to 1.0 from somewhere and if it's greater than the alpha then discard the pixel. Always output with an alpha of 1.0 and just use the normal depth buffer. Answers like this say a bit more on what you can do to get randomish numbers in GLSL, and obviously you want to turn multisampling up as high as possible.
Eric Enderton has written a decent paper (which has a slide version) on stochastic order-independent transparency that goes alongside a DirectX implementation that's worth checking out.

GLSL Interlacing

I would like to efficiently render in an interlaced mode using GLSL.
I can alrdy do this like:
vec4 background = texture2D(plane[5], gl_TexCoord[1].st);
vec4 foreground = get_my_color();
gl_FragColor = vec4(fore.rgb * foreground .a + background .rgb * (1.0-foreground .a), background .a + fore.a);
gl_FragColor = background;
However, as far as I have understood the nature of branching in GLSL is that both branches will actually be executed, since "even_row" is considered as run-time value.
Is there any trick I can use here in order to avoid unnecessarily calling the rather heavy function "get_color"? The behavior of is_even_row is quite static.
Or is there some other way to do this?
NOTE: glPolygonStipple will not work since I have custom blend functions in my GLSL code.
(comment to answer, as requested)
The problem with interlacing is that GPUs run shaders in 2x2 clusters, which means that you gain nothing from interlacing (a good software implementation might possibly only execute the actual pixels that are needed, unless you ask for partial derivatives).
At best, interlacing runs at the same speed, at worst it runs slower because of the extra work for the interlacing. Some years ago, there was an article in ShaderX4, which suggested interlaced rendering. I tried that method on half a dozen graphics cards (3 generations of hardware of each the "two big" manufacturers), and it ran slower (sometimes slightly, sometimes up to 50%) in every case.
What you could do is do all the expensive rendering in 1/2 the vertical resolution, this will reduce the pixel shader work (and texture bandwidth) by 1/2. You can then upscale the texture (GL_NEAREST), and discard every other line.
The stencil test can be used to discard pixels before the pixel shader is executed. Of course the hardware still runs shaders in 2x2 groups, so in this pass you do not gain anything. However, that does not matter if it's just the very last pass, which is a trivial shader writing out a single fetched texel. The more costly composition shaders (the ones that matter!) run at half resolution.
You find a detailled description including code here: fake dynamic branching. This demo avoids lighting pixels by discarding those that are outside the light's range using the stencil.
Another way which does not need the stencil buffer is to use "explicit Z culling". This may in fact be even easier and faster.
For this, clear Z, disable color writes (glColorMask), and draw a fullscreen quad whose vertices have some "close" Z coordinate, and have the shader kill fragments in every odd line (or use the deprecated alpha test if you want, or whatever). gl_FragCoord.y is a very simple way of knowing which line to kill, using a small texture that wraps around would be another (if you must use GLSL 1.0).
Now draw another fullscreen quad with "far away" Z values in the vertices (and with depth test, of course). Simply fetch your half-res texture (GL_NEAREST filtering), and write it out. Since the depth buffer has a value that is "closer" in every other row, it will discard those pixels.
How does glPolygonStipple compare to this? Polygon stipple is a deprecated feature, because it is not directly supported by the hardware and has to be emulated by the driver either by "secretly" rewriting the shader to include extra logic or by falling back to software.
This is probably not the right way to do interlacing. If you really need to achieve this effect, don't do it in the fragment shader like this. Instead, here is what you could do:
Initialize a full screen 1-bit stencil buffer, where each bit stores the parity of its corresponding row.
Render your scene like usual to a temporary FBO with 1/2 the vertical resoltion.
Turn on the stencil test, and switch the stencil func depending on which set of scan lines you are going to draw.
Blit a rescaled version of the aforementioned fbo (containing the contents of your frame) to the stencil buffer.
Note that you could skip the offscreen FBO step and draw directly using the stencil buffer, but this would waste some fill rate testing those pixels that are just going to clipped anyway. If your program is shader heavy, the solution I just mentioned would be optimal. If it is not, you may end up being marginally better off drawing directly to the screen.