Why does this CSS transition event not fire when two classes are added? - css-transitions

.horizontalTranslate {
-webkit-transition: 3s;
.secondClass {
background: red;
<div class='box'></div>
var box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', function(evt) {
alert('Finished transition!');
}, false);
function transitionBox() {
// this works
box.className = 'horizontalTranslate';
// this does not work
// box.className = 'secondClass horizontalTranslate';
setTimeout(transitionBox, 100);
Why does the transition event not fire when two classes are added rather than one? I've also tried chaining my CSS selector, a la .secondClass.horizontalTranslate { ... }.

The reason is that box.className = 'horizontalTranslate'; is actually removing styling, causing the CSS transition to actually happen. But when I set box.className = 'secondClass horizontalTranslate';, the styling of the DOM node is not changing and no event is fired.
Another way to write transitionBox is this:
function transitionBox() {
If blue changes the styling of box, this works too.


React Native Render HTML bullet list is not centered with text

I'm using react-native-render-html library to display data from Django Rest Framework stored in RichTextUploadingField from django-ckeditor. As basic styling is working properly I have a problem with the <ul> tag - text is not centered with circle/square/number as shown in the image. I tried using renderersProps like:
<RenderHTML renderersProps={{ ul: { markerBoxStyle:{ paddingRight: 3, top: 5 }, markerTextStyle: { color: "red" } } }} />
But it works for specific text size. If I change the text size in style in Django admin, the element and text aren't centered again. Is there any option on how to fix it or what causes the problem?
You could add a custom CSS class to unordered list items only. Then apply your styles to that CSS class.
// this function goes through every list item in <ul> only and adds your custom class ('ul-li' in my case)
const onElement = (el) => {
const { children, name } = el;
if (name === 'ul' && children && children.length) {
children.forEach(listItem => listItem.attribs = {class: 'ul-li'})
// define your styles for your custom class
const classesStyles = {
"ul-li": {
lineHeight: '21px', // for me adjusting lineHeight did the job
// in your JSX
... // other props you may have
domVisitors={{onElement}} // first alter your html
classesStyles={classesStyles} // then apply styles

How to update Scroll values while using Bunit automation scripts

We have a requirement to update the scrollLeft value of the a element in blazor platform. We have tried to update the scroll Left property through databinding using the below code snippet. But its not working. So it is a mandatory to use the JS code to update the scrollLeft property of the parent element.
#page "/Scroll"
#using Microsoft.JSInterop;
#inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime;
<input type="button" #onclick="#OnScroll" value="scroll" />
<input type="button" #onclick="#OnScrollJs" value="scroll-Js" />
<div id="parentDiv" style="width:500px;height:300px;overflow:auto" scrollLeft="#ScrollLeft" scrollRight="#ScrollRight">
<div id="childDiv" style="width:1500px;height:1500px"></div>
#code {
double ScrollLeft = 0;
double ScrollRight = 0;
private void OnScroll()
ScrollLeft = 200;
ScrollRight = 200;
private async void OnScrollJs()
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("onChangeScrollValues", "parentDiv", 200, 200);
JS code was shown in below
window.onChangeScrollValues = function (id, left, top) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
element.scrollLeft = left; element.scrollTop = top;
From the above code when we use the JS code snippet to update the DOM elements means, it does not suitable for Bunit testing. So in this scenario how I able to set the Scroll values in Bunit scripts ?
bUnit doesn't run JavaScript, instead you can write a test that verifies that the onChangeScrollValues is correctly called when scroll-Js button is clicked.
Something like this should suffice:
// arrange
using var ctx = new TestContext();
ctx.JSInterop.Mode = JSRuntimeMode.Loose;
var cut = ctx.RenderComponent<MyComponent>(); // replace MyComponent with the name of the component.
// act
// assert

Ionic2 SearchBar confusion, onInput called after firing onClear, onCancel

I have been following the tutorial at ionic2 SearchBar to work on the filter functionality.
The question is, I am not able to figure out how to get onCancel and onClear to work.
1) Enter some keywords in SearchBar. It calls the onInput event and I get the value from searchItem.target.value unlike in tutorial which just uses searchItem.value
2) Now i try to click on clear "x" or Cancel button and it calls the onClear/onCancel event which is immediately followed by onInput event. And during this call, it does not find the searchItem.target.value and results in undefined due to which it breaks the functionality.
Can anyone provide more in depth details on how this works?
i fixed it in tutorial sample for ionic2 by stopping onClear event propagation
import {Component} from '#angular/core';
selector: 'my-search',
template: '<ion-toolbar primary><ion-searchbar (input)="onInput($event)" (ionClear)="onClear($event)"></ion-searchbar></ion-toolbar><ion-content><ion-list><ion-item *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item }}</ion-item></ion-list></ion-content>'
export class HomePage {
items = [];
constructor() {
initializeItems() {
this.items = [
'Angular 1.x',
'Angular 2',
onInput(ev) {
// Reset items back to all of the items
// set val to the value of the searchbar
var val = ev.target.value;
// if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
this.items = this.items.filter((item) => {
return (item.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);

leaflet: how to show draw control in custom (own) div?

I'm trying to put a Control into an existing div but I don't really know where or how I can force the map.addControl method to show the control (it is a draw control by the way) within an already existing div on the map. I'm using the leaflet draw plugin by the way.
My html looks something like this:
<div class="tooldiv" ng-controller="ClientState">
tooldiv is where the control should be placed.
This is my leaflet config:
var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup();
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
position: 'topleft',
draw: {
polyline: false,
polygon: {
title: 'Draw a sexy polygon!',
allowIntersection: false,
drawError: {
color: '#b00b00',
timeout: 1000
shapeOptions: {
color: '#bada55'
showArea: true
circle: false,
rectangle: false,
marker: false
edit: false
// Add and remove DrawControl menu when layer is selected/unselected
this.toggle_layer_edit = function(edit_polygon) {
if (edit_polygon === true) {
if (draw_control_check === null) {
draw_control_check = map.addControl(drawControl);
} else {
if (draw_control_check !== null) {
draw_control_check = null;
While searching for an answer I got the idea that it might not even be possible?
I think you should try overwriting the draw control's onAdd method.
Here's some untested pseudo code (I'm not sure if the assignment & call of the original onAdd method do work like this):
var drawControlOnAdd = drawControl.onAdd;
drawControl.onAdd = function (map) {
var $toolDiv = angular.element('.tooldiv');
var originalDiv = drawControlOnAdd(map);
return $toolDiv[0];

How to set a different background-color to a disabled button with QSS?

I have already tried to use disabled and !enabled but it doesn't work.
Here is my QSS code :
QPushButton {
border:1px solid #18ab29;
outline: 0;
QPushButton:hover:!pressed {
QPushButton: pressed {
QPushButton: disabled {
QPushButton: !enabled {
The documentation refers to a disabled pseudo state but without providing more information about it.
I am using QT5.3
Remove all spaces after colons (really ALL - because it invalidates the further css text) and it will work:
QPushButton:disabled {
Actually, both disabled and !enabled works.