add href link in html panel - href

I would like to add a href link in my kibana dashboard. To do that, I add a "text" panel, select "html" mode, and edit the content with :
<a ng-href=intro.txt>Introduction</a>
When I add it and go to my dashboard, the introduction link appears but it has no href link, so clicking on it is possible but it does nothing.
When I inspect the element with chrome inspector, the tag looks like this:
My json dashboard looks like this :
"panels": [
"error": false,
"span": 12,
"editable": true,
"type": "text",
"loadingEditor": false,
"mode": "html",
"content": "<a ng-href=intro.txt>Introduction</a> ",
"style": {
"font-size": "20pt"
"title": "WELCOME"
I hope someone know how to add an href link in kibana text panel.

Ok I found the solution, the href value must be conform to a particular regex, ie starts with https or ftp or mail. This is to prevent any script injection.


Why og:image / og:url can not be followed?

Got this error in Facebook Graph API Explorer, for scrape:
"error": {
"message": "Invalid parameter",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"error_subcode": 1611071,
"is_transient": false,
"error_user_title": "URL Follow Failed",
"error_user_msg": "There was an error in fetching the object at URL '', or one of the URLs specified via a redirect or the 'og:url' property including one of",
"fbtrace_id": "AMZdGCazFLYGP6MfT-YZ-WF"
service used: ?scrape=true&id=
Sharing page point to a gif file with og:image and og:url. what is wrong? If I share the gif file in Facebook, not sharing page, gif is loaded, rendered, animated.
Does AWS need to provide something more in header?
What OAuthException means?
The tag with og:url is supposed to be readable and providing OG tags. Your gif is not readable, it's got a binary mime-type.
The path specified for og:url does not need to be a page that renders in the browser. However, it must respond to the Facebook crawler and return og:* meta tags.
When the path referred to by og:url returns an og:url link that is different, the new link is followed. The sharing details that Facebook uses are the ones at the final link in the redirect chain. The final link in the chain should also include the og:url meta tag. If og:url isn't specified, then the URL of the page is assumed to be the canonical URL.
The canonical tag is more important than the og:url tag equivalent tho, use it too:
<link rel="canonical" href="">
In your setup, you have a webpage with text/html that redirects to a gif with type image/gif.
The gif has no CORS headers at

TinyMCE Editor (3.x) altering format when pasting from Word 2015

When I copy the contents of a properly formatted word document, meaning it has H1 tags, 3 paragraphs, a URL link, and an email link, some bolded and some italicized words - basically a very basic document, the formatting isn't retained. Below is my init file.
// General options
mode : "exact",
elements : "content",
theme: "advanced",
//plugins : "safari,pagebreak,advhr,advimage,advlink,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,paste,fullscreen",
plugins : "pagebreak,style,advlink,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,print,contextmenu,paste,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template,inlinepopups",
plugin_preview_width : "500",
plugin_preview_height : "600",
// Theme options
theme_advanced_disable : "help,removeformat,sub,sup,anchor,link,unlink,image,|,insertdate,inserttime,advhr,print",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste: false,
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
valid_elements : "*[*]",
cleanup : false
When I run the following console commands, I do see the "html" code IS there. Also, when I click on the HTML icon in the toolbar, I see the HTML code there, too (though all the H1 tags are removed except for the first one).
// Get the HTML contents of the currently active editor
// Get the raw contents of the currently active editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent({format : 'raw'});
// Get content of a specific editor:
When I click the submit button, all I have on my action page is a simple cfdump and there, it is just plain text and a giant since paragraph. There are no P tags, not H1 tags, just plain text.
<cfdump var="#form.content#">
Just for grins, on the action page, I inserted the form.content into my MSSQL database with a datatype of nvarchar(2000) just to see if maybe the browser was playing games and the database only shows plain text, too. Here is another abnormality is that when I run my test page in Chrome, only plain text is saved. When I run the test page in FireFox, the Microsoft XML data is saved.
I only need one browser to work. Can someone provide any guidance on this?
Gotta love spaghetti code.
There was some logic that I missed that was doing a check for browsers that I missed so the issue was really with fckeditor and not tinymce.
/Start Snippet from:
I got the same problem with FCK 2.3.2. The best solution is to change function CreateLink in fckeditorcode_gecko.js:
Old code I had:
FCK.CreateLink=function(A){FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand('Unlink');if (A.length>0){var B='javascript:void(0);/*'+(new Date().getTime())+'*/';FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand('CreateLink',B);var C=document.evaluate("//a[#href='"+B+"']",this.EditorDocument.body,null,9,null).singleNodeValue;if (C){C.href=A;return C;}}};
New code:
FCK.CreateLink=function(A){FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand('Unlink');if (A.length>0){var B='javascript:void(0);/*'+(new Date().getTime())+'*/';FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand('CreateLink',B);var C=this.EditorDocument.evaluate("//a[#href='"+B+"']",this.EditorDocument.body,null,9,null).singleNodeValue;if (C){C.href=A;return C;}}};
In fact, I only replaced document.evaluate with this.EditorDocument.evaluate
/end snippet

Sublime Text 2 BracketHighlighter for Django Template Syntax

I'd like BracketHighlighter to highlight my django template brackets {% %} and {{ }}.
I've made the following edits to User/bh_core.sublime-settings:
"user_brackets": [
"name": "django",
"open": "(\\{\\%)",
"close": "(\\%\\})",
"style": "django",
"scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],
"scope_exclude_exceptions": ["text.tex string.other.math"],
"language_filter": "blacklist",
"language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],
"find_in_sub_search": "true",
"ignore_string_escape": true,
"enabled": true
but it doesn't seem to work (even after restarting ST2). I've tried using "user_scope_brackets" as well, with no luck. Anyone know of a solution?
Install a package which supports the Django template editing through the package manager.
Check the link below for understanding how to install and proceed with package manager

How do I load a SharePoint 2013 discussion page in Reply mode?

I have a SharePoint 2013 Community Site that is used for discussions. I want to create a link to a specific discussion item that will open the discussion item in "Reply" mode, i.e. the mode you get to if you click the Reply button just under the Discussion item text. I want to do this because the Reply mode text entry box is right under the discussion item text where it is obvious to see. The default reply text entry box is at the bottom of the page and it scrolls off the page if there are already a lot of replies on the topic.
Here is the default view on a Discussion item
If you click the "Reply" link here
then the a Reply Pane opens up right under the discussion item text.
But what I want to do it to be able to send a URL by mail that will open the discussion thread already in Reply mode.
The solution I found to do this consisted of customizing the /Lists/Community Discussion/Flat.aspx with client-side script as follows.
First insert a Script Editor into the page (Settings -> Edit Page -> Add a Web Part -> Categories -> Media and Content -> Content Editor -> Script Editor.
Next upload a copy of jquery.min.js to the Site Assets library.
Then add the following code to the Script Editor using Edit Snippet:
<script src="/SiteAssets/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if ('replyMode=1') != -1)
function openReplyPane()
var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent("click", {
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true,
'view': window,
'detail': 0,
'screenX': 0,
'screenY': 0,
'clientX': 0,
'clientY': 0,
'ctrlKey': false,
'altKey': false,
'shiftKey': false,
'metaKey': false,
'button': 0,
'relatedTarget': null,
'currentTarget': 'form#aspnetForm',
'srcElement': '',
var replyLink = document.getElementById('commandBar0-reply-Link');
Save your changes.
Now if you add the string "&replyMode=1" to the end of the URL for the discussion item, you can navigate to the post, and the Reply pane will be automatically opened for the user.

Regex for parsing Facebook Open Graph meta tag

I'm trying to pull the og:title attribute from a Bing Local page for a Windows Store app.
There is no HTML parser for WinRT and C++/CX, so I've resorted to using a regex to grab the tag, then an XML parser to pull out relevant attributes.
This is what the tag looks like.
<meta property="og:title" content="Some Location Name"/>
I'm using the following regex to pull out the tag from the HTML, but whenever the content attribute has a space in it, it fails to find a match.
<meta property="og:title" content="[\s\S]*"/>
So, my regex will work for McDonald's, but not for Jack In The Box.
What do I need to do to get the entire title?
This is one of my open graph regex queries which match most things with specific problems in content, but those are rare and I'd rather have a more readable regex
<meta [^>]*property=[\"']og:title[\"'] [^>]*content=[\"']([^'^\"]+?)[\"'][^>]*>
But I do come across some times where the content comes before property so I also run this
<meta [^>]*content=[\"']([^'^\"]+?)[\"'] [^>]*property=[\"']og:image[\"'][^>]*>
You can just add a space to the regex. [ \s\S]*
DISCLAIMER: is a commercial product I work on and support.
Unfortunately, any regex you come up with is going to be hit or miss. If you end up needing to do this you can use the API available at
One of its major benefits is that it will infer information like the title or description (if you end up needing it) from the content on the page if OpenGraph tags don't exist.
To get information about a site use:
GET<URL encoded site URL>
Which will return something like:
"hybridGraph": {
"title": "Google",
"description": "Search the world's information...",
"image": "",
"url": "",
"type": "site",
"site_name": "Google"
"openGraph": {..}
"htmlInferred": {..}