Following is a event handler used in a xml file in config folder.
<event-handler name="survey.completioninf">
<message name="checkLogin">
<argument name="role" value="suadmin,manager" />
<message name="getPrograms" />
<result name="NotLoggedIn" do="user.login" redirect="true" />
<result name="NotAuthorized" do="user.notauthorized" redirect="true" />
<result do="view.template" />
<include name="body" template="survey/completioninf.cfm" />
Is there any way I can include a different view file based on a result value or attribute?
I need to keep the event name consistent.
You can create a new result for each include you need (based on result value or attribute). If you set redirect="false" then it will stay under your survey.completioninf event name. Basically this event becomes a filter and redirects to the appropriate include silently.
<event-handler name="survey.completioninf">
<message name="checkLogin">
<argument name="role" value="suadmin,manager" />
<message name="getPrograms" />
<result name="NotLoggedIn" do="user.login" redirect="true" />
<result name="NotAuthorized" do="user.notauthorized" redirect="true" />
<!-- Add your new results here and redirect to the desired events -->
<result name="SurveyIsNotComplete" do="survey.ContinueSurvey" redirect="false">
<result name="SurveyIsComplete" do="survey.CompletedSurvey" redirect="false">
<!-- You will need to create new events to handle these results -->
<event-handler name="survey.CompletedSurvey">
<message name="checkLogin">
<argument name="role" value="suadmin,manager" />
<message name="getPrograms" />
<result name="NotLoggedIn" do="user.login" redirect="true" />
<result name="NotAuthorized" do="user.notauthorized" redirect="true" />
<result do="view.template" />
<include name="body" template="survey/completioninf.cfm" />
<event-handler name="survey.ContinueSurvey">
<message name="checkLogin">
<argument name="role" value="suadmin,manager" />
<message name="getPrograms" />
<result name="NotLoggedIn" do="user.login" redirect="true" />
<result name="NotAuthorized" do="user.notauthorized" redirect="true" />
<result do="view.template" />
<include name="body" template="survey/continueSurvey.cfm" />
I don't know how to create a validator for 2 variables:
Q1. An user code that needs to be checked if exists prior to running the SQL query. I have an endpoint to check if the user code exists or not, how do I make it into a validator?
Q2. An array of dates, the best I could do was to use a pattern validator. I know there's also the possibility to set a parameter with paramType="array" and sqlType="date", but how can I configure this in the query parameters of the resource?
Please check the Data Service definition below:
<data name="APIDataService" serviceNamespace="" serviceGroup="" transports="http https local">
<description />
<config id="postgresDataService">
<property name="carbon_datasource_name">APIPostgres</property>
<!-- TODO: Q1. Here is the resource I want to use to validate the user code -->
<query id="validateUserCode" useConfig="postgresDataService">
FROM user
WHERE code ILIKE :user_code ) )::INT AS does_user_exist
<param name="user_code" sqlType="string" />
<result element="result">
<element column="does_user_exist" name="doesUserExist" xsdType="integer" />
<resource method="GET" path="validateUserCode">
<call-query href="validateUserCode">
<with-param name="user_code" query-param="user_code" />
<query id="apiReportUserTotalEventsByDay" useConfig="postgresDataService">
FROM user_event
AND calendar_date BETWEEN :calendar_date_start AND :calendar_date_end
AND record_date = ANY( ('{'||:record_date_array||'}')::DATE[] )
AND user_code = :user_code
<!-- TODO: Q1. Here is the user code I want to validate -->
<param name="user_code" paramType="scalar" sqlType="string" />
<param name="calendar_date_start" paramType="scalar" sqlType="date" />
<param name="calendar_date_end" paramType="scalar" sqlType="date" />
<!-- TODO: Q2. Here is the array of date that I want to know
how I could convert into an paramType="array" sqlType="date" -->
<param name="record_date_array" paramType="scalar" sqlType="string" >
<validatePattern pattern="\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s*(,\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s*)*" />
<result element="result">
<element column="calendar_date" name="calendar_date" xsdType="string" />
<element column="record_date" name="record_date" xsdType="string" />
<element column="user_code" name="user_code" xsdType="string" />
<element column="event_type_id" name="event_type_id" xsdType="integer" />
<element column="event_count" name="event_count" xsdType="integer" />
<resource method="GET" path="apiReportUserTotalEventsByDay">
<call-query href="apiReportUserTotalEventsByDay">
<with-param name="user_code" query-param="user_code" />
<with-param name="calendar_date_start" query-param="calendar_date_start" />
<with-param name="calendar_date_end" query-param="calendar_date_end" />
<with-param name="record_date_array" query-param="record_date_array" />
I am trying to import vendor invoice using the composite data entity "Vendor invoice V2" data entity (VendInvoiceV2Entity), but I am getting the following error:
Package execution failed please check event log in DMF service box
'0' 'Vendor invoice V2' record(s) inserted in staging
I am using the following file for import:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DELIVERYNAME>New address created from PO</DELIVERYNAME>
<LOG />
<PORT />
<SITE />
<DELIVERYNAME>New address created from PO</DELIVERYNAME>
<PORT />
<TAX1099BOX />
<UNIT />
I checked the "Event log" as well, but did not get any useful information
The issue of the question is probably caused by a data issue and not by a bug in the import/export framework logic. Without having access to an environment with that data, there is probably little that can be provided in terms of an answer to the specific issue of the question. But here are some general pointers on how to further analyze the issue.
Creating a working baseline
In general, when setting up an import for a complex entity like Vendor Invoice V2, I recommend the following process:
First, manually create a few data samples in the system (in this case, a pending vendor invoice). The samples should be entered with the same data that you expect from the import.
Second, create an export project and export the data samples. This will give you a template file that you can use for the import.
Third, create the import project with the template file.
Check that the import works with the template file. You should delete the sample data first to make sure the import creates new records instead of updating them.
Modify a copy of the template file to include additional import data. Import that modified copy.
Steps 1-4 are important to establish a working base line. The bulk of the work will probably be step 5. Usually, at this step, numerous issues with the import data are uncovered.
Working Contoso sample and additional ideas
Following this process, I was able to set up a working import on a 10.0.28 environment with Contoso demo data in the USMF legal entity. See below for the xml data that I used.
While testing this and when comparing my xml data with the one from the question, I noticed the following issues that may be worth investigating:
During setup of the import project, the mapping was first shown with a red x symbol. This was due to the unmapped field COMMENT_, which only seems to be supported for export, but not import. I removed it from the mapping and the red x was gone.
The xml data in the question has a field PURCHASEORDER in the line data, but the field is missing in the header data.
A couple of fields in my xml data have values, while the xml data of the question does not, and vice versa. Nothing obvious was jumping out at me for causing issues. But I recommend reviewing the import data carefully for any issues.
Working sample data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DELIVERYNAME>Contoso Entertainment System USA</DELIVERYNAME>
<LOG />
<PORT />
<SITE />
<ITEMNAME>Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite / Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite</ITEMNAME>
<PORT />
<TAX1099BOX />
I used ffplay to play mpd stream and successed,
Here the MPD file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MPD xmlns:xsi=""
<ServiceDescription id="0">
<Period id="0" start="PT0.0S">
<AdaptationSet id="0" contentType="video" startWithSAP="1" segmentAlignment="true" bitstreamSwitching="true" frameRate="24000/1001" maxWidth="1280" maxHeight="720" par="16:9">
<Representation id="0" mimeType="video/mp4" codecs="avc1.4d401f" bandwidth="10237" width="480" height="270" sar="1:1">
<SegmentTemplate timescale="24000" initialization="init-stream$RepresentationID$.m4s" media="chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.m4s" startNumber="1">
<S t="0" d="150150" r="9" />
<S d="149149" />
<Representation id="2" mimeType="video/mp4" codecs="avc1.4d401f" bandwidth="60882" width="1280" height="720" sar="1:1">
<SegmentTemplate timescale="24000" initialization="init-stream$RepresentationID$.m4s" media="chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.m4s" startNumber="1">
<S t="0" d="150150" r="9" />
<S d="149149" />
<AdaptationSet id="1" contentType="audio" startWithSAP="1" segmentAlignment="true" bitstreamSwitching="true" lang="und">
<Representation id="1" mimeType="audio/mp4" codecs="mp4a.40.2" bandwidth="128000" audioSamplingRate="32000">
<AudioChannelConfiguration schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011" value="2" />
<SegmentTemplate timescale="32000" initialization="init-stream$RepresentationID$.m4s" media="chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.m4s" startNumber="1">
<S t="0" d="159744" />
<S d="160768" r="11" />
<S d="111915" />
<Representation id="3" mimeType="audio/mp4" codecs="mp4a.40.2" bandwidth="128000" audioSamplingRate="44100">
<AudioChannelConfiguration schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011" value="2" />
<SegmentTemplate timescale="44100" initialization="init-stream$RepresentationID$.m4s" media="chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.m4s" startNumber="1">
<S t="0" d="220160" />
<S d="221184" r="11" />
<S d="158713" />
this dash stream contains 2 vindeos(480P and 720P), and 2 audios.The videos always starts low quality(480P), I want to change the video resolution to the high quality(720P) during playing process, what should i do?
I am getting this error while I am trying to test the data service on the wso2 dss
DS Fault Message: Error in
'SQLQuery.processStoredProcQuery'DS Code: DATABASE_ERRORSource Data
Service:-Name: CustomerDSLocation: \CustomerDS-1.0.0.dbsDescription:
N/ADefault Namespace: Request
Name: op1Current Params: {Name=?, NID=?}Nested Exception:-DS Fault
Message: Error in 'createProcessedPreparedStatement'DS Code:
UNKNOWN_ERRORNested Exception:-java.sql.SQLException: Parameter index
of 3 is out of range (1, 0)
any suggestions?
edited: The bds file is as follows, this is a sample case mentioned in the wso2 documentation.
<data name="CustomerDS">
<config id="default">
<property name="">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/CustomersDatabase</property>
<property name="">root</property>
<property name="">root</property>
<query id="q1" useConfig="default">
<sql>call getCustomer(?,?,?,?)</sql>
<result element="Entries" rowName="Entry">
<element name="Flag" column="Flag" xsdType="xs:integer" optional="true" />
<element name="Customer" column="Customer" xsdType="xs:string" optional="true" />
<param name="NID" sqlType="STRING" ordinal="1" />
<param name="Name" sqlType="STRING" ordinal="2" />
<param name="Flag" sqlType="INTEGER" type="OUT" ordinal="3" />
<param name="Customer" sqlType="STRING" type="OUT" ordinal="4" />
<operation name="op1">
<call-query href="q1">
<with-param name="NID" query-param="NID" />
<with-param name="Name" query-param="Name" />
I found the reference code at
and the procedure call that is finally working for me is (which changes in procedure itself)
<data name="CustomerDS">
<config id="default">
<property name="">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/CustomersDatabase</property>
<property name="">root</property>
<property name="">root</property>
<query id="q1" useConfig="default">
<sql>call getCustomer(?,?)</sql>
<result element="Entries" rowName="Entry">
<element name="Flag" column="Flag" xsdType="xs:integer" optional="true" />
<element name="Customer" column="Customer" xsdType="xs:string" optional="true" />
<param name="NID" sqlType="STRING" ordinal="1" />
<param name="Name" sqlType="STRING" ordinal="2" />
<param name="Flag" sqlType="INTEGER" type="OUT" ordinal="3" />
<param name="Customer" sqlType="STRING" type="OUT" ordinal="4" />
<operation name="op1">
<call-query href="q1">
<with-param name="NID" query-param="NID" />
<with-param name="Name" query-param="Name" />
And the tentative working procedure call for now is :
CREATE procedure getCustomer(NID varchar(200),Name varchar(200))
DECLARE id varchar(200);
DECLARE flag int;
SET Flag = 0;
SET id = CONCAT(NID, '_' , Name);
INSERT INTO Customer(NID, Name, customerID) VALUES(NID, Name, id);
select flag, customerid from customer where customerID = id;
In the query q1 call getCustomer(?,?,?,?) takes 4 arguments and in the input mapping list there are only 2 input params (IN Only). This must be the reason for the this exception. Please refer this tutorial.
Can any body help me to understand the flow of model-glue event handler......its so confusing or simplify bellow code......
<event-handler name="Shipment.List" type="templatedPage">
<message name="needShipmentList" />
<include name="Primary" template="List.Shipment.cfm">
<value name="xe_Display" value="Shipment.Display" />
<value name="xe_Form" value="Shipment.Form" />
<event-handler name="Shipment.Display" type="templatedPage">
<message name="needShipmentDetail" />
<include name="primary" template="Display.Shipment.cfm">
<value name="xe_ShipmentList" value="Shipment.List" />
<value name="xe_ItemForm" value="Item.Form" />
<value name="xe_ShipmentDisplay" value="Shipment.Display" />
<value name="xe_ItemRemove" value="doItem.Remove" />
When you call for event "Shipment.List", it will broadcasts "needShipmentList" function of ShipmentController, after execution it will return on List.Shipment.cfm from on "Primary" layout of master page.
"List.Shipment.cfm" has a link whicj is triggered for needShipmentDetail function
"List.Shipment.cfm" fatches values from "Shipment.Display"-->needShipmentDetail
on display page(Display.Shipment.cfm), there are some links for remove, for listing...etc
"xe" is a convention for eXit Events