IDispatch::Invoke Returning E_INVALIDARG - c++

I have an ATL COM component which raises a few events which are handled by managed (C# and VB.NET) code. The component is currently used by a VS2005 VB.NET project (as an ActiveX control) and all of the events are raised and everything works.
However, in porting some of the code to C#, I noticed that all but one of the events are never raised. The only event which is raised passes no arguments back to the handler. All others do.
// this function is auto-generated
HRESULT Fire_SomeEvent(VARIANT_BOOL inOriginated, IUserType * inUserType)
CComVariant varResult;
T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
int nConnectionIndex;
CComVariant* pvars = new CComVariant[2];
int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize();
for (nConnectionIndex = 0; nConnectionIndex < nConnections; nConnectionIndex++)
CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex);
IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p);
if (pDispatch != NULL)
pvars[1] = inOriginated;
pvars[0] = inUserType;
DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, NULL, 2, 0 };
pDispatch->Invoke(0x7, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL);
delete[] pvars;
return varResult.scode;
Invoke is returning 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG). Yet, in VB land, when used via the ActiveX wrapper, it works. Now, I'm no COM wizard by any means, and I just don't get it. I haven't been able to find anything applicable anywhere.
I thought that perhaps it had something to do with passing a UDT, but no; an almost identical version, with the IUserType replaced by a LONG also returns E_INVALIDARG. Again, the single event which passes no arguments works.
A short example of how it may be used by the managed code. Nothing crazy here.
class Program
private ComType _c;
static void Main(string[] args)
_c = new ComType();
_c.SomeEvent += _c_SomeEvent;
static void _c_SomeEvent(bool b, IUserType udt)
// never called
I would normally spend more time debugging before reaching out here, but I have to make a call here soon. I either have to fix this, or abandon this interface and use another (which is sub-optimal for my purpose). So, hoping some of you COM pros have run into this before.

Double-check your vt values in your dispparam variants; many IDispatch implementations are quite particular about having everything line up.


how to implement node-nan callback using node-addon-api

Until now I've only implemented synchronous node-addon-api methods, i.e., a JavaScript function makes a call, work is done, and the addon returns. I have big gaps in knowledge when it comes to the inner workings of v8, libuv, and node, so please correct any obvious misconceptions.
The goal is to call a JavaScript callback when C++ garbage collection callbacks are called from v8. I originally just called the JavaScript callback from the v8 garbage collection callback but that ended up with a segv after a couple calls. It seems that just making a call into JavaScript while being called from a v8 callback has some problems (v8 docs the callbacks shouldn't allocate objects). So I looked around and found a Nan-based example that uses libuv and Nan's AsyncResource to make the callback. The following approach works using node-nan:
uint64_t et = uv_hrtime() - gcStartTime;
// other bookkeeping for GCData_t raw.
if (doCallbacks) {
uv_async_t* async = new uv_async_t;
GCData_t* data = new GCData_t;
*data = raw;
data->gcTime = et;
async->data = data;
uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), async, asyncCB);
class GCResponseResource : public Nan::AsyncResource {
GCResponseResource(Local<Function> callback_)
: Nan::AsyncResource("nan:gcstats.DeferredCallback") {
~GCResponseResource() {
Nan::Persistent<Function> callback;
static GCResponseResource* asyncResource;
static void closeCB(uv_handle_t *handle) {
delete handle;
static void asyncCB(uv_async_t *handle) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
GCData_t* data = static_cast<GCData_t*>(handle->data);
Local<Object> obj = Nan::New<Object>();
Nan::Set(obj, Nan::New("gcCount").ToLocalChecked(),
Nan::Set(obj, Nan::New("gcTime").ToLocalChecked(),
Local<Object> counts = Nan::New<v8::Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < maxTypeCount; i++) {
if (data->typeCounts[i] != 0) {
Nan::Set(counts, i, Nan::New<Number>(data->typeCounts[i]));
Nan::Set(obj, Nan::New("gcTypeCounts").ToLocalChecked(), counts);
Local<Value> arguments[] = {obj};
Local<Function> callback = Nan::New(asyncResource->callback);
v8::Local<v8::Object> target = Nan::New<v8::Object>();
asyncResource->runInAsyncScope(target, callback, 1, arguments);
delete data;
uv_close((uv_handle_t*) handle, closeCB);
My question is how would I do this using the node-addon-api instead of nan?
It's not clear to me what the node-addon-api equivalent of uv_async_init, uv_async_send, etc are. This is partially because it's not clear to me what underlying N-API (as opposed to node-addon-api) functions are required.
I have been unable to find an example like this. The callback example is completely synchronous. The async pi example uses a worker thread to perform a task but that seems overkill compared to the approach in the nan-based code using the uv primitives.
Your example is not really asynchronous, because the GC callbacks run in the main thread. However when the JS world is stopped because of the GC, this does not mean that it is stopped in a way allowing a callback to run - as the GC can stop it in the middle of a function.
You need a ThreadSafeFunction to do this. Look here for an example:

How to recover from COM error gracefully?

I have a third party COM component with its c++ interface in VC++. I am getting a crash in the call below which is crashing my application. How can I recover gracefully from this function which is not really part of my application?
inline _RecordsetPtr IGLibMgr::GetLibInfo ( _bstr_t LibPath ) {
struct _Recordset * _result = 0;
HRESULT _hr = raw_GetLibInfo(LibPath, &_result);
if (FAILED(_hr)) _com_issue_errorex(_hr, this, __uuidof(this));
return _RecordsetPtr(_result, false);
It crashes in the last line. I don't think I can modify this code since it's third party COM stuff. What options do I really have? I just want to bring up message box to user and return gracefully.
If you're not already doing this in your code, you need to be from the caller-side:
{ // setup your invoke for your object...
IGLibMgrPtr spMgr = ....
bstr_t bstrPath = ....
// invoke your call.
_RecordsetPtr spRS = spMgr->GetLibInfo(bstrPath);
... continue normal processing ...
catch(const _com_error& ce)
// handle your error here.
This is important on multiple levels. The most obvious being that not only can your IGLibMgr member throw an exception, so can the bstr_t allocation, etc. When using #import code from a COM DLL, get used to this format if using generated smart-pointers from the comutil library of MSVC.
Note: The _com_error class provides several members for obtaining why the error happened, including the HRESULT, error description string, etc. It even provides access to the IErrorInfo created by the error-returning object if it is so-nice as to provide that level of detail.

C++ access violation when calling instance method

I'm creating a DirectX 11 helper class that looks kind of like this:
#import "DXClass.h" // I have declared the constructor and the other methods here
// All of the DirectX libraries are imported in the header as well
// Pointers created, etc.
// Other DirectX objects released
// With an if (bbSRView) {}, the exception still occurs, so bbSRView is not NULL
// bbSRView is a ID3D11ShaderResourceView*
// When the other violation does not occur, one does here:
bbSRView = NULL;
// More releases
void DXClass::Initialize()
// Other initialization that works fine
void DXClass::SetupDisplay()
// This is where the debugger shows the access violation.
// factory is declared as DXGIFactory*
HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void **)&factory);
// Loop through adapters and outputs, etc.
This class is initialized like this: dxClass = new DXClass();
The Initialize() function is called in another method of the class that created dxClass.
When the application is run, I get an access violation at the beginning of the setupDisplay() function. However, if I take the code in setupDisplay() and put it in Initialize(), removing the call to setupDisplay(), no access violation occurs. Also, if I remove the code from setupDisplay() so that it is an empty function, and then call it in Initialize(), no access violation occurs.
It appears that no pointers are NULL, and the application will start fine if it is changed as described above. However, on another note, the application receives another access violation when quitting. The debugger points to a Release() call on an ID3D11ShaderResourceView*, which I have pointed out in my code snippet. This pointer also appears to be valid.
I have also checked the similar questions, but the this pointer of the class appears to be valid, and I am not creating any buffers that could be overflowing. There also isn't anything that could be deleting/freeing the object early.
I have no idea what could be causing the errors. :/
Thanks :D
Here's an isolated test, with the same errors:
I have in my main function:
App *app = new App();
In my App class, I have removed all window functionality and any other variables so that it looks like this:
dxClass = new DXClass();
delete dxClass;
void App::Run()
while (true) {} // Never reaches here
The access violation still occurs at the same place. Also, same results if I replace the factory instance variable with:
IDXGIFactory *f;
HRESULT hr = CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void **)&f);
Which has worked for me in other applications.
An access violation when calling Release() usually means the object has already received it's final Release() from somewhere else (and it has destroyed itself). One possible solution would be to AddRef() when passing the pointer into your DXClass

API Hook on a COM object function?

Greetings StackOverflowians,
As discovered here, Windows 7 features a bug in which the DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2 event does not fire for Windows Explorer instances. This event allows shell extensions to be notified when a navigation is about to take place, and (most importantly for me) have the opportunity to cancel the navigation. I've been looking for a workaround for quite some time, and I think I found one. But, I'd like to get some opinions on how safe it is.
I've been playing with API hooking a lot lately, and I'm already using it to hook a few functions for my extension. I noticed that there is a function in IShellBrowser that controls navigation. At first I thought you couldn't hook something like that, but upon reading about the layout of a COM object I realized it should be possible by just grabbing the right function pointer out of the vtable of any active instance. Sure enough, it works like a dream. After the hook is set, all navigations in all Explorer windows run right through my detour function, and I can decide whether to reject them based on their target pidl.
So my question is, is there any reason I should NOT do this? I've never heard of API hooking used to hook COM object functions. Are there circumstances it which it wouldn't work? Is it dangerous? (Any more than regular API hooking, at least)
The relevant code follows. I'm using MinHook, a minimalistic hooking library that uses the tried-and-true method of trampoline functions.
HRESULT WINAPI DetourBrowseObject(IShellBrowser* _this, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl, UINT wFlags);
BROWSEOBJECT ShellBrowser_BrowseObject = NULL;
bool Initialize() {
if(MH_Initialize() != MH_OK) {
return false;
// Get a reference to an existing IShellBrowser. Any instance will do.
// ShellBrowser enum code taken from The Old New Thing
IShellWindows *psw;
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellWindows, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IShellWindows, (void**)&psw))) {
V_VT(&v) = VT_I4;
IDispatch *pdisp;
for (V_I4(&v) = 0; !fFound && psw->Item(v, &pdisp) == S_OK; V_I4(&v)++) {
IWebBrowserApp *pwba;
if (SUCCEEDED(pdisp->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowserApp, (void**)&pwba))) {
IServiceProvider *psp;
if (SUCCEEDED(pwba->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void**)&psp))) {
IShellBrowser *psb;
if (SUCCEEDED(psp->QueryService(SID_STopLevelBrowser,IID_IShellBrowser, (void**)&psb))) {
fFound = true;
// Grab the 11th entry in the VTable, which is BrowseObject
void** vtable = (*(void***)(psb));
ShellBrowser_BrowseObject = (BROWSEOBJECT)(vtable[11]);
if(fFound) {
if(MH_CreateHook(ShellBrowser_BrowseObject, &DetourBrowseObject, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&fpBrowseObject)) != MH_OK) {
return false;
if(MH_EnableHook(ShellBrowser_BrowseObject) != MH_OK) {
return false;
return true;
HRESULT WINAPI DetourBrowseObject(IShellBrowser* _this, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl, UINT wFlags) {
if(NavigateIsOkay(pidl, wFlags)) {
return fpBrowseObject(_this, pidl, wFlags);
else {
return S_FALSE;
I've never heard of API hooking used
to hook COM object functions.
Member functions of COM Objects are not really that different and can actually be hooked just fine if you stick to the usual guidelines for hooking. A few years ago, I had to hook COM components of a proprietary CRM solution to connect it to a database server. The application worked fine and has been running quite stable for several years.

Comparing objects with IDispatch to get main frame only (BHO)

I don't know if anyone familiar with BHO (Browser Helper Object), but an expert in c++ can help me too.
In my BHO I want to run the OnDocumentComplete() function only on the main frame - the first container and not all the Iframes inside the current page. (an alternative is to put some code only when this is the main frame).
I can't find how to track when is it the main frame that being populated.
After searching in google I found out that each frame has "IDispatch* pDisp", and I have to compare it with a pointer to the first one.
This is the main function:
STDMETHODIMP Browsarity::SetSite(IUnknown* pUnkSite)
if (pUnkSite != NULL)
// Cache the pointer to IWebBrowser2.
HRESULT hr = pUnkSite->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void **)&m_spWebBrowser);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Register to sink events from DWebBrowserEvents2.
hr = DispEventAdvise(m_spWebBrowser);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
m_fAdvised = TRUE;
// Unregister event sink.
if (m_fAdvised)
m_fAdvised = FALSE;
// Release cached pointers and other resources here.
// Call base class implementation.
return IObjectWithSiteImpl<Browsarity>::SetSite(pUnkSite);
This is where I want to be aware whether its the main window(frame) or not:
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Browsarity::OnDocumentComplete(IDispatch *pDisp, VARIANT *pvarURL)
// as you can see, this function get the IDispatch *pDisp which is unique to every frame.
//some code
I asked this question on Microsoft forum and I got an answer without explaining how to actually implement that:
What jeffdav suggested is, to test wether the pDisp supports IWebBrowser2 via QueryInterface(), and if so, to check wether it is the same object as the one you stored in SetSite().
The QueryInterface() rules only require that a QI for IUnknown always results in the same pointer value, so you have to additionally QI to IUnknown and compare the resulting pointers.
This would lead to something like this in OnDocumentComplete():
IWebBrowser2* pBrowser = 0;
IUnknown *pUnk1=0, *pUnk2=0;
if( SUCCEEDED(pDisp ->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&pBrowser))
&& SUCCEEDED(pDisp ->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnk1))
&& SUCCEEDED(m_spBrowser->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnk2))
&& (pUnk1 == pUnk2))
// ... top-level
... or if you are using ATL (as m_spWebBrowser suggests):
CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> spBrowser(pDisp);
if(spBrowser && spBrowser.IsEqualObject(m_spWebBrowser)) {
// ...
Notice that I did not test this, I'm only rewriting what the guy on msdn said.
In ::SetSite you get an IUnknown pointer. Call IUnknown::QueryInterface on it (just like you're already doing), but instead use IID_IDISPATCH. Save this pointer somewhere, this pointer is the top level frame.
In ::OnDocumentComplete you're getting a IDispatch pointer, compare this one to the previous saved ptr and voĆ­la, if there is a match you're in the top level.