Consuming REST servce from PEGA 7 with HTTP Header parameter - web-services

I am not a PEGA developer. But this question is for any PEGA developer/admin. This is about an issue which I noticed recently while trying to integrate my application (using REST service) with PEGA 7.
I created a REST service from my application and hosted it with OAuth 2.0 authentication. PEGA application has to consume my service.
To test the connectivity from PEGA to my application, I'd created an OAuth token myself and shared the same with PEGA developers asking them to call my service directly by skipping the authorization calls.
Using any REST testing tool such as Chrome's REST console, APIgee, etc., I was able to test my REST service by just passing the http-header param as [param name: Authorization & param value: OAuth ].
But PEGA had an issue in directly supplying the http-header parameter to test my service from PEGA PRPC application.
My Questions for PEGA developers/Admins are,
is it difficult from PEGA to add a header param in http calls
On request, PEGA screen was shared with me while a developer attempted to test my service from PEGA. During which I noticed that PEGA did not have any trace logs to
capture the exact http request that was generated. Is it true that we could not see the http request (header/body) that was generated from the REST connector tool?

Adding a header parameter is relatively simple. To get information from a REST API in PEGA you define a Connect-REST rule. Sadly, I don't have enough reputation to post images in my answer but I uploaded a shot of the headers area to imgur which you can see here Make sure you tell your PEGA developers choose "Constant" as Map From and put the token in quotes in the "Map From Key" field like I did in the image.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to log the complete outgoing packet. If you set the logging level to DEBUG for the activity Rule-Connect-REST.pyInvokeRESTConnector it log a lot more information during the connection process, including the complete outgoing URL, but not the headers. For your PEGA developers, to change the logging level of this activity go to the Main Menu (click on DesignerStudio) -> System -> Tools -> Logs -> Logging Level Settings. There set the logger name to "Rule_Obj_Activity.pyInvokeRESTConnector.Rule_Connect_REST.Action" and the level to DEBUG.
If that's not enough to solve the problem your PEGA developers do have the option of adding in their own logging. Connector rules in PEGA are invoked rather than assembled, the code that creates the packet and makes the call to the remote service is in step 5 of that activity, pyInvokeRESTConnector. That activity can be private checked-out like any other so you could add in your own custom logging to make sure everything is being set up correctly there. However I would strongly advise them against overriding that activity in an application ruleset. Private checkouts are temporary so they are fine but an override is permanent and will also override all future updates if they decide to upgrade to another version of PRPC.

You could use the Tool Fiddler to see what exactly goes out of Pega to invoke your service.
For OAuth Authentication , make sure the Pega Authentication Profile is set to OAuth and the token is extracted properly.
Fiddler will help you see whats going on.


Using AWS Java SDK 2.0 WebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider gives SdkClientException

I have an application that already works using Kinesis. The application uses AWS Session Credentials but we are switching to using either AWS Session Credentials or Web Identity Token ( depending on the deployment environment.
When I add in the code to use WebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider I get the stacktrace below. I can't provide the code but rest assured I'm setting an HTTP client for Kinesis. But if you look at the stacktrace it shows that a default HTTP client is being configured via the Provider deep within the AWS SDK code. I have no influence over the Credentials Provider setting the HTTP client as the WebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider doesn't give me a way to tell it that I don't need a default HTTP client being set.
I know one option is to create my own implementation of the WebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider but I'd rather not do that.
Question: What else can I do to work around this?
Caused by: Multiple HTTP implementations were found on the classpath. To avoid non-deterministic loading implementations, please explicitly provide an HTTP client via the client builders, set the system property with the FQCN of the HTTP service to use as the default, or remove all but one HTTP implementation from the classpath
at java.base/$3$1.accept(
at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.tryAdvance(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/$FindOp.evaluateSequential(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseGet(

Accessing a SOAP service URL from a Clients point of view

I was asked this question in a technical interview for a integration intern role.
He was digging much into understanding of SOAP web services.
Question). Consider that you are exposing a web service through SOAP to a Client.
The url through which you are providing the service is up and running when you check it.
But the Client has a problem, he is not able to access your webservice.
How will you go on troubleshooting this issue?
My response:
I would first check whether the url the client is trying to access the service is correct.
Will check the .wsdl file: port, bindings & will check once whether upon sending a SOAP request to the URL, am I receiving the SOAP response in local through SOAP UI.
If I get error, will troubleshoot based on the kind of error I get: Like page not found, null exception etc.
I felt he was still expecting some other point. He hinted saying where in what registry you will check all the web services which have been hosted(I guess this was much of a production support issue :P)
I told I may look into UDDI registry, but was not sure with this.
Please let me know your inputs on what could be possibly a right approach?
Apache jUDDI PMC here. Yes UDDI could be used to verify that the client is pointed at the right location, assuming the client knows where the UDDI server and that it is registered and the client knows what to query for on the UDDI server and a UDDI query is part of that client's normal workflow. That's a lot of assumptions but certainly feasible.
Most of time, the endpoint is in a config file somewhere or some idiot hard coded it.
That said, this my go to list for checking SOAP service connectivity (from the client's perspective)
DNS resolution of the hostname in the URL
Ping the remote host
HTTP GET to the URL of the SOAP service + ?wsdl (this usually works). This is also a good time to verify SSL connectivity.
You can also parse the WSDL doc, assuming one is returned for identify the endpoint url.
Finally if that all works, execute the service. HTTP 200 is general a positive sign
Another alternative approach is to implement a very simple API (wsdl method) on every SOAP service that simple returns a true/false that answers the question "Am I open for business?". This method would provide a standardized approach for identifying if a service was available or not by testing an external dependencies (databases and whatnot).

TomEE server is not passing web service request to the webmethod

I am new in the area of SOAP Based web services. I am using TomEE server. The server is a bit customized according to my organization's need.
Few days back, when I was trying to run the web services example from TomEE website, I was able to generate the wsdl and calling the web service by a client.
Now, when I need to use the customized version of TomEE plus (by the organization), I can see that the request does reach to the server and hence there is a log entry also but my #WebMethod is not getting executed.
Does any one has any idea about any configuration which can prevent the request from reaching to the webservice method? Is there any pointer around how can I debug further to reach out to the root cause of this issue?
Without further information about what is customized it's like fishing in the dark.
I would guess that perhaps the global web.xml or the server.xml of tomee server is changed so that some URI context mappings are not forwarded or ignored. But it's only a lucky tip.

calling user management services on WSO2 Identity Server

I am looking at two WSO2 client samples that call the user management web service. The first is a simple client, the second is a web app.
The first client sets the system SSL properties and then instantiates a WSUserStoreManager object.
The second one, the web app, does not set SSL properties at all, and instead instantiates a RemoteUserStoreManagerServiceStub.
Could someone please explain why these differences? What service to call when two similar are available (a regular and a 'remote' one)? Isn't it always necessary to set up the SSL properties when calling a https endpoint? Thanks.
if you are calling to HTTPS end point, you need to set the SSL trust store properties to trust the server. But it is under control of the client, If client wants, it can trust it, if not it can ignore. If you want to ignore, you want to override default TrustManager of java.
However, normally java has a trust store file called "cacerts" where it contains all trusted CA certificate. But WSO2IS server's certificate is a self signed one and java can not trust it. Therefore, if you want, you can import certificate in to the "cacerts file. I am not sure about why there are two different in client and web app. However, if you are calling HTTPS, trust must be created. Please check web app source more. Some time, it may have ignore the trust. As web app is run in a app server, sometime java SSL trust properties may have been set to correct file.

Unauthorized HTTP request with Anonymous authentication of SAP PI service

I have a .WSDL file from our client company, for which I need to use to call a web service. Their system is SAP (SAP PI). My application is a C# .NET 3.5 client developed in VS 2008. I added a Service Reference in Visual Studio using their provided .WSDL file. This created a reference class for me to use to call their service, and set up several bindings in the app.config file for me.
I did not change anything in the app.config file, but did create code to call their web service. However, when I call their webservice, I receive the following exception:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Basic realm="SAP NetWeaver Application Server ..."'.
(I modified slightly the string used in the 'Basic realm' section so as to not give it out.)
Did the app.config not get built correctly from the WSDL? Am I supposed to modify the app.config file somehow?
Things I've tried:
changed authenticationScheme in app.config from Anonymous to Basic
(as well as all the other authentication types)
changed realm string in app.config to match the realm in the exception message
set username/pw fields in the ClientCredentials.Username object in my code
Any pointers or help would be appreciated.
Edit: After some more investigation, I found that Visual Studio has several warnings about the extension element Policy and Policy assertions:
Custom tool warning: The optional WSDL extension element 'Policy'
from namespace '' was not
Custom tool warning: The following Policy Assertions were not Imported:
Assertions: ...
I wasnt able to find out if this was related or not to my current issue with the authentication scheme. It does seem to be related, but I havent been able to find any solutions to getting these policy warnings resolved either. It seems WCF doesnt handle the statements in the wsdl very well.
Most SAP services dont support anonymous.
So pass some form of authentication data with the call.
User and password / X.509 Ticket...
If you are sending auth data with the call the try this
Ask the SAP guy to regenerate the WSDL with
No SAP assertions, No policy, SOAP 1.1.
You can also try and edit the WSDL by hand to remove the extra guff...
As a starting point, I'd verify that you can call the service successfully with the provided username and password. Use something like SoapUI to test that everything works correctly - just create a new project, import the WSDL provided by SAP PI, set the username and password and execute the call. You'll probably get some form of exception with an empty payload, but at least that'll verify that the username and password are correct.
Once you've verified that's working, check that your application is calling the service correctly and that the http basic authentication headers are being sent. You can confirm this by using a network monitoring tool and checking that the http request is being generated correctly. Something like netcat for Windows can do it - just make it listen to a port on your local machine and then specify localhost and the port as your SOAP endpoint.
Once you've verified both of those are correct, your call should succeed.
There must be the Basic authentication header missing or something wrong
with the credentials.
SAP PI always defaults to Basic Authentication if a Service is published via it's SOAP Adapter. I would investigate if WCF really does send out that header (e.g. Point your client endpoint to TCP Gateway and let TCP Gateway point to the SAP PI Endpoint from the WSDL).
About the Warnings: AFAIK the WSDL generated by SAP PI will always contain these Policy Tags, you can't really ommit it. What you can do is simply throw them out as they are not really validated