Shell extension windows : best communication between ContextMenu and IconOverlay? - c++

Hello windows experts,
I am searching for a simple way to activate an overlay on files using the context menu. Tortoise SVN gives an example of what can be done. But is very complex compared to my simple need.
For now I am looking at approaching it this way using C++:
The issue is to create the link between both of them. The following link suggests to make a map but I am quite puzzle about how:
What the best Language to use when creating Windows Shell Context Menu?

You can use the Registry, for example store an Enabled value in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\YourCompany\YourApp key. When the user executes your menu item to turn on/off the functionality, write the appropriate value into Enabled and then call SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nil, nil). That will cause the shell to re-read icons, including icons from your overlay extension. Inside the IsMemberOf method of your IconOverlay handler, check your Enabled value and return S_FALSE if the functionality has been turned off.


Trying to write a c++ console program to change a setting controlled by a windows checkbox

Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut to switch between the monitor and portion selection of this wacom preferences window, via a c++ console program?
Sorry if this is poorly worded, I've had trouble trying to find the right words to search for ways to do it.
I think it should be possible, although a bit tedious. You should be able to use the Windows API, and try to EnumWindows/EnumDesktopWindows to identify the respective application Window, and its respective controls (which are also Windows).
You should identify the window title, and class ids, for the app window, and the checkbox button controls, then when you enumerate through all the desktop windows, you can identify the ones you are interested in.
Then you can use the SendMessage() API to send messages to the controls (Windows) of interest to manipulate them.
It's a bit tedious, but sounds possible.
An example of use here to get an idea:

Terminal to open a popup window in C++

My c++ application needs to display a message via a popup window or an alternative. My application is running on Ubuntu 12.04 version. Can I program the application to open a Ubuntu type popup window? If possible, how?
Do I need to use gnome window or something like that?
The simplest way to display a popup from a program that doesn't otherwise use a GUI, is probably just execute a command-line tool that does the work:
to display a notification with no buttons, you can use notify-send
system("/usr/bin/notify-send MessageSubject \"message body here\"");
if you want buttons so the user can give a response, you could use the (much uglier) xmessage
(see each tool's manpage for all their options)
The alternative is really to use a full GUI framework (probably gtk+), and that's not typically a small change.
For example, you can use libnotify directly (giving you the same basic capabilities as notify-send, but more control), but this also depends on glib. So, now you've added two external dependencies when you could just have run system.
In order to display the popup or any kind of window, you will have to reference either gtk+ or qt libraries in your application/program. gtk+ is advisable, since the ubuntu unity desktop is also based on gtk+ - this way your program will have lesser overhead and more performance gain while running on ubuntu. You can either use the default C library (libgtk2.0) or the gtkmm (libgtkmm) for C++.
You can get more information on how to refer these libraries, initialize gtk_main in your main() function, etc. at this place:

Retrieving Menu in Explorer

As the context menu for the desktop and explorer windows is disabled, I wanted to make a little something to bring back some functionality. My idea was to just list out things in a context menu (copy, paste, new, open with, etc) whenever a user right-clicks one of these windows, and then just simulate the appropriate event in the actual menu (file->new, edit->copy, etc). It wouldn't look perfectly pretty, but it would hopefully allow for the use of right-clicking.
The problem is that I cannot seem to get the actual menu. I opened My Documents and tried going down the child list towards SysListView32, calling GetMenuItemCount each time. Most returned -1, and the only other return value than that was 0.
How am I supposed to get a handle to the (file, edit, view...) menu?
If this isn't possible, is there a way I could simulate the user clicking something on the normal context menu, even if it's disabled?
Also, is there a way of making this work for the desktop? You can get the same type of thing if you view it in the explorer window, so I figured there might be a way.
I'm running Windows XP and any help is appreciated.
As per David Heffernan's comment,
As for your question, you are on the wrong track.
GetMenuItemCount needs an HMENU but you've been feeding it HWND.
That won't work. It also won't work from a different process.
You could possibly write a program that use the shell COM APIs
to show a context menu for a shell item. But your basic problem
is the bone-headed group policy. You really need to get that fixed.
Tell the IT guy that takes the decision that I said he was a fool
and was stopping you doing any useful work. ;-)
This led me onto the path of using the correct alternative method to achieve my goal.

Is it possible to embed a command prompt in a win32 app?

In linux and when installing packages etc. There are some installers that have a progress bar and a dos window which shows the files being extracted etc. How can i add this window to my C++ Win32 programs so that i can have it showing the tasks im doing? I cannot find any documentation on MSDN.
Question: How can i add a console window (if that's what its called, sure looks like one) in my program to show the details of the task at hand being done?
Here is a window with what i am asking.. (personal info so I erased the details. :]
You cannot embed a real console window inside another window (although a windowed process can have a separate console window). While it looks like a console window / command prompt, it is just a matter of appearances. What you want to do is create a sub-window/control with similar characteristics as a console window and then redirect the console output from the application(s) being run to append to that sub-window. For more information on how to do redirect the console output in Windows, see
That "dos window" is a regular edit control: CreateWindow(ES_MULTILINE, EDIT, ...
However, it has the font set to a fixed-width one (Looks like courier). This is done by sending WM_SETFONT to the edit control.
#user995048 says "You cannot embed a real console window inside another window". But "cannot" is a strong word! I can run an entire virtualized computer in a window if I wish. :) So one can quite reasonably intuit that there are ways of doing what you say.
Sure, it is true that what you've seen are almost certainly cases of output redirection into a custom widget, designed to mimic the simple appearance of a terminal. However...if you want to embed one application's window inside another, there are things you can look into which might fit. Cooperative methods exist like GtkPlug, for instance:
To actually capture a not-designed-to-cooperate app's window and throw it in your app would be trickier. But possible, just as screen captures and virtual machines are possible. Probably best to avoid that sort of thing unless there's really a cause for it, though...
Try this
link. I think the solution provided is what you need.
I tried it many years ago and it worked. I have not tried it in newer versions of windows though.

Extend an external application's menu

I am currently writing a plugin for a third party application.
As the plugin framework does not provide any way to access the UI I am now trying to do this manually via the WinAPI.
More specifically, I want to add a custom menu item for my plugin in the "File" menu.
My first attempt using FindWindow to retrieve the handle of the main window and the using GetMenu was not successful, as GetMenu simply returned NULL.
My next step was to use EnumChildWindows and search for a child having the text "&File" (I really don't like this approach as it makes localization quite terrible). However, I only found out the handle of the menu item, but I need the corresponding HMENU to use AppendMenu then, don't I?
Simply casting does not work and results in an "Invalid menu handle".
Is it actually possible to achieve what I am trying? How?
Thanks for your ideas in advance!
It more than likely just isn't a HMENU. Custom menu implementations are common, the one Window provides is dated and inflexible. Compare to Windows Forms' MenuStrip for example.
Of course, that blows a gaping hole in your approach.