OpenGL - Rendering Transparency Under Additive Layer - c++

Is there a blending equation that can be made using the OpenGL glBlendFunc that would allow for a transparent color (RGBA) to be rendered behind an additive overlay.
Rendering Ontop:
This effect can be achieved using glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
Rendering Underneath:
Is there an equation for this blending effect?

There are no glBlendFunc options for directly drawing overlay. Info can be found here:
However, your effect doesn't seem to be overlay, seems to be either screen
or additive
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
I'd suggest you try all combinations, there aren't that many possible. If you need crazier effects however, you'll need to code shaders.
P.S. I lied. You don't HAVE to code shaders to do crazy effects like overlay, but you have to draw so many times it becomes unusable in real time. I should have said it's better to use shaders.


Additive Blending with white Background

I searched a while, but couldn't find a answer to my problem.
I am trying to add a transparent object in front of an image containing white. For this I use additive transparency
//enable trancparency
// disable backface culling
// disable depth buffer writing
// additive blending
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
it looks like this know.
White background still white
I tried to add
Is there a way to say opengl that when he adds red to white it should take the red one and not white?
Sorry my bad english, but I hope someone understands my problem and can help me!
Thanks a lot!!!
Is there a way to say opengl that when he adds red to white it should take the red one and not white?
Of course not; that's impossible. Well, for non-HDR rendering.
Your (non-HDR) colors are clamped to the range [0, 1]. And white is defined a 1.0 for all three channels. The result of your addition will still be clamped to [0, 1]. So 1 + something will still be 1. And 1 + 0 will still be 1.
You cannot make a color channel whiter-than-white.
You probably want linear interpolation blending, not additive:
Additive blending can only be used sparingly in non-HDR rendering systems.

Shader transparancy not working with one half

glEnable (GL_BLEND);
and used this in the fragment shader.
I've used Alpha blend to get the transparency working however it only seems to work from one side.
Not sure what the problem is, am new to programming and shading. Link to see the picture
I think you see 2 distant faces blending where color is darker.
Maybe Culling is not activated.
Face culling is the ability to discard face drawing upon certain condition.
To achieve what you want, You have to discard faces not facing the camera which is call backface culling. You do this:
glEnableGL(GL_CULL_FACE); //(enable face culling)
glCullFace(GL_BACK); //(discard back faces)
Everything is fine. It's called Transparency Sorting.
Some more info:
Rendering transparent objects in OpenGL
opengl z-sorting transparency

OpenGL FBO - White pixels appear transparent

I'm making a 2D game using OpenGL. I recently tried implementing Framebuffer-objects, and I am having some problems regarding blending.
I'm creating an FBO (using GL_RGBA as format).
When I render to the FBO, I first clear it to fully transparent black, and disable GL_BLEND. I then draw my textures and then I enable GL_BLEND again.
When I'm drawing the FBO-texture, I use GL_SRC_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA as source and destination pixels respectively, as the blending-function. I am rendering it as a textured quad.
This does not work properly, as white pixels appear transparent. I have tried experimenting with different blend-function values, but all that I have tried have had issues. I do not fully understand how blending works, so it's hard for me to wrap my head around this. Maybe I'm missing something obvious here?
Here's an image of how it looks right now. There is supposed to be a glow around the button when it is being highlighted, but instead the pixels around it appear transparent:
You can also see two boxes of text in the image. The top one is drawn normally, without an FBO. The textures are also rendered normally without an FBO, so I know that the problem lies within my framebuffer-code somewhere.
I have pasted my "RenderTarget" class to pastebin (I'm used to calling it a rendertarget instead of FBO):
This is how I use it:
// draw stuff
Can someone help me? Let me know if you need any more info about my issue.
Here are the properties of OpenGL that I set on startup:
// Initialize shaders
// Set some OpenGL properties
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0f);
// Enables/disables
I'ts a bit difficult to tell what your problem is exactly, because you didn't provide source code. Alas, I see several potential troublemakers:
First you told that you want to draw a glow around the button. I presume, that all the buttons are drawn into the FBO, merging them into a UI overlay. Glow sounds to me, like you want to blend something, so you probably also want to have blending enabled, drawing to the FBO.
Next be aware of depth buffer issues. Blending and Depth Buffering have peculiar interactions. In your case I suggest disabling depth testing and depth writes to the FBO (or not using a depth buffer attachment to the FBO at all). Draw the glowing button last, so that it won't block the other buttons from being drawn. Also you must make sure, that your glow comes out with a nonzero alpha value, otherwise it will blend transparent. This is something you control in your shaders, or texture environment (depending on what you use).
Update 1:
Your FBO class doesn't propperly ensure, that textures attached to a bound framebuffer must not be bound themself. It's easy to fix though, by moving attachment code into bind, where the textures are also unbound apropriately. See my edited pastebin (I probably missed a few things).

Creating an OpenGL texture with alpha using NSBitmapImageRep

I am loading a PNG using:
theImage = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithContentsOfFile:imagePath];
from which I can successfully create a gl texture and render correctly without any transparency. However, when I switch blending on using:
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
The texture renders with the correct transparent background, but the image colours are incorrect.
I have tried several options in the blend function, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_DST_ALPHA, etc.
I was taught maybe I need to reorder the bits in the image data, maybe the channels have been mixed up, but I would not expect it to render correctly when blending is off in that case.
Alternatively, I could use libPNG I guess, but I would like to try using a NSBitmapImageRep if it is possible.
How about supplying a screenshot?
Anyway, your blending function is wrong either way for simple transparency channel blending. It should be either
normal alpha: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
premultiplied alpha: glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

Procedure for alpha blending textured quads in OpenGL 3+?

I am attempting to put together a simple program that just displays two textured quads overlapping each other, and the textures have alpha channels.
I have successfully been able to get the quads themselves to display, and the textures look correct except for the transparency.
On this topic, the GL_BLEND flag does not seem to do anything at all, whether it is enabled or not. Is this particular flag inapplicable when shaders are being used?
I know for a fact that the alpha is being rendered in correctly, since if I set out_color = texture.aaaa, I get a nice pattern of blacks/whites/grays that match the original texture.
So, if GL_BLEND doesn't work, what are the usual methods for getting alpha blending working?
All that glEnable(GL_BLEND) does is turn blending on and off. It does not say what the blending will do; that is controlled by the various blending functions. If you want a typical alpha transparency blend, you do this:
glBlendEquationSeparate(GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_ADD);
If you use pre-multiplied alpha (and you probably should), you would do:
glBlendEquationSeparate(GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_ADD);