updating cv::capturevideo frame in a boost::thread safely - c++

I want to render via openGL 2camera in the same time. I want to refresh each frame as soon as possible. To update those frame I am using a thread in an infinite loop.
My actual problem is that my program crash if I put the resolution of those camera to high.
With 160:120 there's no problem. But if i put the max resolution (1920:1080) there's just 5 or 6 update of the image before crashing.
note: the number of update is not always the same before crashing
I suppose that If the resolution is low enough, frame_L and frame_R are changed quick enough that there's no colision beetween the main loop and the thread.
So I suppose that my mutex isnt doing what it should. How should I do?
(I'm not an expert in thread and variable safety)
My code:
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
boost::mutex m; //for an other thread
boost::mutex n;
cv::VideoCapture capture_L(0);
cv::VideoCapture capture_R(1);
cv::Mat frame_L;
cv::Mat frame_R;
void MyThreadFunction()
while (1)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk(n);
if (capture_L.grab()){
cv::transpose(frame_L, frame_L);
if (capture_R.grab()){
cv::transpose(frame_R, frame_R);
int main()
capture_L.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 160);
capture_L.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 120);
capture_R.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 160);
capture_R.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 120);
boost::thread thrd(&MyThreadFunction);
[ use frame_L and frame_R ]

This is the code that I use for my threaded camera grab. Its part of a camera Object (eg; Each camera has it's own object and own thread for the capturing.
void Camera::setCapture(cv::VideoCapture cap)
videoCapture = cap;
int iret = pthread_create(&cameraGrabThread,NULL,&Camera::exec,this);
void *Camera::exec(void* thr)
reinterpret_cast<Camera *> (thr)->grabFrame();
This ensures that a new thread is started when a capture is set for that camera. The following code is run by the exec part of the thread to actually grab the frame.
void *Camera::grabFrame()
std::cout << "Unable to read frame" << std::endl;
usleep(8000); // Sleep 8ms
And finally, the camera needs to be able to return the latest frame;
cv::Mat Camera::getLatestFrame()
while (getMilisecSinceLastCapture() < 35) //Enforce min time of 35 ms between frame requests.
cv::Mat result = latestFrame.clone();
return result.clone();
Changing the size can be done by using
void Camera::setImageSize(const cv::Size& size)
videoCapture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, size.height);
videoCapture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, size.width);


OpenCV multithreading for videoCapturing and Processing independently C++

As the title, i'm trying to do the following things:
First, a videoCapture object that read frame from external source (like video, webcam).
Second, for each frame captured, the processing thread(s) processes it and imshow to the screen.
I've tried this:
#define FRAME_FPS 10
void frameCaptureThread(cv::VideoCapture* cap, cv::Mat* ref){
while (cap->read(*ref)) {
void frameProcessThread(cv::Mat* ref){
/* Processing ... */
cv::imshow("frameWindow", *ref);
int main() {
cv::VideoCapture videoCapture("videoPath");
cv::Mat sharedMat;
std::thread t1(frameCaptureThread, &videoCapture, &sharedMat);
std::thread t2(frameProcessThread, &sharedMat);
return 0;
This looks wrong right, because i think the frameProcessingThread is put in a while(True) loop thats run forerver and beside that, it also has to check if the *ref is empty or not.
Is there a way to make the Processing Thread only do the process if:
the new frame is coming AND it just finished it recent task.
And if i want to create another thread to do other processing task, what should i do ?
I've look around for some async concepts but have no idea what is the optimal way for this situation.

Thread with expensive operations slows down UI thread - Windows 10, C++

The Problem: I have two threads in a Windows 10 application I'm working on, a UI thread (called the render thread in the code) and a worker thread in the background (called the simulate thread in the code). Ever couple of seconds or so, the background thread has to perform a very expensive operation that involves allocating a large amount of memory. For some reason, when this operation happens, the UI thread lags for a split second and becomes unresponsive (this is seen in the application as a camera not moving for a second while the camera movement input is being given).
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about how threads work on Windows, but I wasn't aware that this was something that should happen. I was under the impression that you use a separate UI thread for this very reason: to keep it responsive while other threads do more time intensive operations.
Things I've tried: I've removed all communication between the two threads, so there are no mutexes or anything of that sort (unless there's something implicit that Windows does that I'm not aware of). I have also tried setting the UI thread to be a higher priority than the background thread. Neither of these helped.
Some things I've noted: While the UI thread lags for a moment, other applications running on my machine are just as responsive as ever. The heavy operation seems to only affect this one process. Also, if I decrease the amount of memory being allocated, it alleviates the issue (however, for the application to work as I want it to, it needs to be able to do this allocation).
The question: My question is two-fold. First, I'd like to understand why this is happening, as it seems to go against my understanding of how multi-threading should work. Second, do you have any recommendations or ideas on how to fix this and get it so the UI doesn't lag.
Abbreviated code: Note the comment about epochs in timeline.h
#include "Renderer/Headers/Renderer.h"
#include "Shared/Headers/Timeline.h"
#include "Simulator/Simulator.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
unsigned int __stdcall renderThread(void* timelinePtr);
unsigned int __stdcall simulateThread(void* timelinePtr);
int main() {
Timeline timeline;
HANDLE renderHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, &renderThread, &timeline, 0, 0);
if (renderHandle == 0) {
std::cerr << "There was an error creating the render thread" << std::endl;
return -1;
SetThreadPriority(renderHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
HANDLE simulateHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, &simulateThread, &timeline, 0, 0);
if (simulateHandle == 0) {
std::cerr << "There was an error creating the simulate thread" << std::endl;
return -1;
SetThreadPriority(simulateHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE);
WaitForSingleObject(renderHandle, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject(simulateHandle, INFINITE);
return 0;
unsigned int __stdcall renderThread(void* timelinePtr) {
Timeline& timeline = *((Timeline*)timelinePtr);
Renderer renderer = Renderer(timeline);
return 0;
unsigned int __stdcall simulateThread(void* timelinePtr) {
Timeline& timeline = *((Timeline*)timelinePtr);
Simulator simulator(timeline);
return 0;
// abbreviated
void Simulator::run() {
while (true) {
// abbreviated
// abbreviated
#ifndef TIMELINE_H
#define TIMELINE_H
#include "WorldState.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
class Timeline {
bool tryGetStateAtFrame(int frame, WorldState*& worldState);
void push(WorldState* worldState);
// The concept of an Epoch was introduced to help reduce mutex conflicts, but right now since the threads are disconnected, there should be no mutex locks at all on the UI thread. However, every 1024 pushes onto the timeline, a new Epoch must be created. The amount of slowdown largely depends on how much memory the WorldState class takes. If I make WorldState small, there isn't a noticable hiccup, but when it is large, it becomes noticeable.
class Epoch {
static const int MAX_SIZE = 1024;
void push(WorldState* worldstate);
int getSize();
WorldState* getAt(int index);
int size = 0;
WorldState states[MAX_SIZE];
Epoch* pushEpoch;
std::mutex lock;
std::vector<Epoch*> epochs;
#endif // !TIMELINE_H
#include "../Headers/Timeline.h"
#include <iostream>
Timeline::Timeline() {
pushEpoch = new Epoch();
bool Timeline::tryGetStateAtFrame(int frame, WorldState*& worldState) {
if (!lock.try_lock()) {
return false;
if (frame >= epochs.size() * Epoch::MAX_SIZE) {
return false;
worldState = epochs.at(frame / Epoch::MAX_SIZE)->getAt(frame % Epoch::MAX_SIZE);
return true;
void Timeline::push(WorldState* worldState) {
if (pushEpoch->getSize() == Epoch::MAX_SIZE) {
pushEpoch = new Epoch();
void Timeline::Epoch::push(WorldState* worldState) {
if (this->size == this->MAX_SIZE) {
throw std::out_of_range("Pushed too many items to Epoch without clearing");
this->states[this->size] = *worldState;
int Timeline::Epoch::getSize() {
return this->size;
WorldState* Timeline::Epoch::getAt(int index) {
if (index >= this->size) {
throw std::out_of_range("Tried accessing nonexistent element of epoch");
return &(this->states[index]);
Renderer.cpp: loops to call Presenter::update() and some OpenGL rendering tasks.
// abbreviated
void Presenter::update() {
// timeline->tryGetStateAtFrame(Time::getFrames(), worldState); // Normally this would cause a potential mutex conflict, but for now I have it commented out. This is the only place that anything on the UI thread accesses timeline.
// abbreviated
Any help/suggestions?
I ended up figuring this out!
So as it turns out, the new operator in C++ is threadsafe, which means that once it starts, it has to finish before any other threads can do anything. Why was that a problem in my case? Well, when an Epoch was being initialized, it had to initialize an array of 1024 WorldStates, each of which has 10,000 CellStates that need to be initialized, and each of those had an array of 16 items that needed to be initalized, so we ended up with over 100,000,000 objects needing to be initialized before the new operator could return. That was taking long enough that it caused the UI to hiccup while it was waiting.
The solution was to create a factory function that would build the pieces of the Epoch piecemeal, one constructor at a time and then combine them together and return a pointer to the new epoch.
#ifndef TIMELINE_H
#define TIMELINE_H
#include "WorldState.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
class Timeline {
bool tryGetStateAtFrame(int frame, WorldState*& worldState);
void push(WorldState* worldState);
class Epoch {
static const int MAX_SIZE = 1024;
static Epoch* createNew();
void push(WorldState* worldstate);
int getSize();
WorldState* getAt(int index);
int size = 0;
WorldState* states[MAX_SIZE];
Epoch* pushEpoch;
std::mutex lock;
std::vector<Epoch*> epochs;
#endif // !TIMELINE_H
Timeline::Epoch* Timeline::Epoch::createNew() {
Epoch* epoch = new Epoch();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
epoch->states[i] = new WorldState();
return epoch;

OpenCV FFMPEG RTSP Camera Feed Errors

I'm getting these errors at random times when saving frames from an rtsp camera feed. The errors happen at different times, usually after 100-200 images have been saved, and the errors themselves are not always exactly the same. They cause the images that are saved at the time of the error to be distorted either to the point of being completely grey or contain distorted pixels.
#Frame_142 - [hevc # 0c3bf800] The cu_qp_delta 29 is outside the valid range [-26, 25].
#Frame_406 - [hevc # 0b6bdb80] Could not find ref with POC 41
I've tried implementing the code in both python and c++ with the same result. Also tried saving as .png instead of .jpg. The rtsp feed works fine when using imshow to display the camera, the problem only appears to happen when trying to save the frames. From what I can gather the errors have to do with ffmpeg but google isn't much help for these types of errors.
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main() {
VideoCapture cap("rtsp://admin:admin#");
if (!cap.isOpened())
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
Mat frame;
cap >> frame;
imwrite("C:\\Users\\Documents\\Dev\\c++\\OpenCVExample\\frames\\frame" + std::to_string(i) + ".png", frame);
cout << i << "\n";
return 0;
OpenCV and RTSP streams are a little tricky. This usually happens when the frames of the stream cannot be read fast enough. In that case (somewhere) a buffer receiving RTSP frames will be filled faster than is can be emptied; when the buffer is full it will be flushed and will restart filling from the most recent frame. This will corrupt the stream decoding until the next keyframe.
My suggestion is to remove the sleep even if 10ms is pretty small. Since this won't be enough (:P), the only solution is to implement a thread constantly reading frames from the cv::VideoCapture and discarding the ones grabbed while the main thread is busy saving the previous frame.
A simple implementation could be:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <thread>
class VideoSourceHandler
// Video file or IP camera
VideoSourceHandler( const std::string & source ) :
mCapture( source ),
mRun( false )
// USB camera
VideoSourceHandler( int webcamID ) :
mCapture( webcamID ),
mRun( false )
// start and stopCapture can be squashed into C'tor and D'tor if you want RTTI
void startCapture()
mRun = true;
mLoopThread = std::thread( &VideoSourceHandler::threadLoop, this );
void stopCapture()
mRun = false;
cv::Mat getFrame()
std::this_thread::yield(); // Be nice
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( mMutex );
return mCurrentFrame;
void threadLoop()
while( mRun )
// Sleep if you want to "control" FPS
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( mMutex );
mCapture >> mCurrentFrame;
std::this_thread::yield(); // Be nice
cv::VideoCapture mCapture;
std::thread mLoopThread;
std::mutex mMutex;
bool mRun;
cv::Mat mCurrentFrame;
int main()
VideoSourceHandler vsh( 0 );
while( true )
cv::Mat frame = vsh.getFrame();
if( frame.empty() )
cv::imshow( "Test", frame );
char key = cv::waitKey( 1 );
if( key == 'q' || key == 27 )
return 0;
Changing the video compression to H.264 resolved the issue for me.

How to solve the problem that multithreaded drawing is not smooth?

I wrote a data acquisition program with Qt. I collect data using the child threads of the dual cache region written by QSemphore.
void QThreadShow::run() {
m_stop=false; // when start thread,m_stop=false
int n=fullBufs.available();
if (n>0)
while (!m_stop) {
fullBufs.acquire(); // wait fo full buffer
QVector<double> dataPackage(BufferSize);
double seq=bufNo;
if (curBuf==1)
for (int i=0;i<BufferSize;i++){
dataPackage[i]=buffer2[i]; // copy data from full buffer
for (int i=0;i<BufferSize;i++){
for (int k=0;k<BufferSize;k++) {
emptyBufs.release(); // release a buffer
QVariant variantBufferData;
emit newValue(variantBufferData,seq); // send data to main thread
When a cache of sub-threads has collected 500 data, the data is input into a QVector and sent to the main thread and is directly assigned to a lineseries in qchartview every 20ms for drawing. I use QtChart to chart the data.
void MainWindow::onthreadB_newValue(QVariant bufferData, double bufNo) {
// Analysis of QVariant data
CH1.hardSoftDataPointPackage = bufferData.value<QVector<QPointF>>();
if (ui->CH1_Source->currentIndex()==0) {
for (int p = 0;p<CH1.hardSoftDataPointPackage.size();p++) {
There is a timer in the main thread.The interval is 20ms and there is a double time (time = time +1), which controls the X-axis.
void MainWindow::drawAxis(double time) {
// dynamic draw x axis
if (time<100) {
axisX->setRange(0, TimeBase/(1000/FrameRate) * 10);
// FrameRate=50
} else {
axisX->setRange(time-TimeBase/(1000/FrameRate) * 10, time);
But when I run my program, there is a problem that every time the subthread sends data to the main thread, the main thread gets stuck for a few seconds and the plot also gets stuck for a few seconds. I added a curve in the main thread getting data from the main thread, and found that both two curves will be stuck at the same time. I don't know how to solve this problem.
Besides, I want the main thread to draw the data from the child thread evenly within 20ms, instead of drawing all the points at once.
Your main thread stucks because you copy (add to series) a lot of data at one time. Instead this you can collect all your data inside your thread instance without emitting a signal. And from main thread just take little pieces of collected data every 20 ms.
Something like this:
//QVariant variantBufferData;
//emit newValue(variantBufferData,seq);//send data to main thread
//instead this just store in internal buffer
Read method
QVector<QPointF> QThreadShow::takeDataPiece()
int n = 4;
QVector<QPointF> piece;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
QPointF point = m_internalBuffer.takeFirst();
return piece;
And in Main thread read in timeout slot
void MainWindow::OnDrawTimer()
QVector<QPointF> piece = m_childThread.takeDataPiece();
//add to series

using opencv waitKey() in a multithreading application

I have a multi-threading application written in C++ with Qt5.7 and OpenNI. It has a main thread that starts a second thread which capture frame from a .oni recording file (asus xtion pro live) does some processing and through the Qt signal-slot mechanism pass the frame to the main thread, which display it using imshow().
What I want to do is to implement a pause key, so pressing for example 'p' the processing pause. I am thinking of something like this:
void Camera::run(){
while(!cameraStop && this->device.isValid())
try {
if (!buttonPause) {
emit sigFrameImageReady(frame);
if (cv::waitKey(1)==112){
catch(std::exception &ex) {
std::cerr << "getFrame()" << ex.what() << std::endl;
In this way it doesn't work, I think that's because the frame is displayed by another thread (the main one), the waitKey() here simply blocks the entire process, but if I put it in the main thread, just after imshow() in this way:
void Process::FrameImageReady(cv::Mat FrameImage)
if (modedebug)
cv::imshow("bgr", FrameImage);
if (cv::waitKey(1)==112){
waitkey seems to be ignored (image displaying works fine).. any idea?
The GUI part is only for debugging purpose.
You should implement thread safe FIFO bufer or circular buffer in your displaying thread. Signal from the camera thread would be pushing images to this buffer and the displaying thread would be taking them out and display them in a separate loop. Only that way you separate the camera event loop from the display thread.
Maybe it's a late answer but I would like to present what I have done in my recent project, in case anyone is in the similar situation and want to use the same techniques.
Basically my project is a command line program and uses QT for multi threading & inter-thread communications, while we also want some minimal UI to display images, and handle user key events, so OpenCV Highgui module is pretty much enough for me. And here is what I did to make them work together:
(Important) you have to build OpenCV with QT support to make the
following code work, that is, check WITH_QT option in cmake-gui when building OpenCV. Or if you use vcpkg, use:
vcpkg install opencv[qt]:x64-windows
First create the class for working thread, I use this thread to constantly retrieve image frames from the camera buffer and notify the main thread every time the image is ready:
class MyThread : public QThread
MyThread() : mAbort(false)
mAbort = true; // make the thread out of the loop
wait(); // wait until the run() function returns
cout << "thread terminated" << endl;
void run() override
while(!mAbort) {
cv::Mat frame;
if (myCamera->grab(frame) && !frame.empty()) {
emit imageReady(frame);
else {
cout << "failed to grab" << endl;
void imageReady(const cv::Mat& frame);
bool mAbort;
QMutex mMutex;
Then create the controller class to handle the signal from working thread, I use it to display the frame. Note it is running in the main thread:
class MyController : public QObject
MyController(MyThread* pThread) : mThread(pThread)
// this is needed as the argument is passed through queued connection
connect(mThread, &MyThread::imageReady, this, &MyController::onImageReady);
connect(mThread, &MyThread::finished, mThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
public slots:
void onImageReady(const cv::Mat& frame) {
cv::imshow("camera live view", frame);
MyThread* mThread;
Now in the main function, we can start the thread, and handle key events using cv::waitKey(), note it will also start the QT main event loop internally.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// start working thread
MyThread thread = new MyThread();
MyController controller(thread);
// handle key events
while (true) {
int key = cv::waitKey();
cout << "key = " << key << endl;
// press "ESC" to exit
if (key == 27) {
// clean up
delete thread;
delete myCamera;
return 0;