display list with new line in a cell - templates

I use JXLS with templates to generate excels files.
I worked pretty good.
However, I would like to know if there is a way to display a list of String in a cell, with new line after each element, instead of display a new cell for each element.
Example : i have a list of employee
${employees.name} would give me :
employee 01
employee 02
employee 03
instead of :
employee 01
employee 02
employee 03

You should create a StringBuilder with "\n" (break line) in your string:
//In your Object
public String getAsString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
//In your Sheet


01 number input for date not giving output on system

I can't enter 01 into my c++ input, it will return with empty result but when i type other date such as 12 and 11 it does show in the system.
string month;
cin.ignore(1, '\n');
cout << "Please Enter Month For Example 01 for January:";
getline(cin, month);
string search_query = "SELECT DATE(OrderDate), SUM(TotalPrice) FROM order1 WHERE MONTH(OrderDate) like '%" + month + "%' GROUP BY DATE(OrderDate)";
const char* q = search_query.c_str();
qstate = mysql_query(conn, q);
This is what happen if I enter "01"
This is what happen when I enter "11"
This is when I type "12" it successfully show
The problem is that you are using the LIKE operator in MySQL, which checks to see if the pattern specified on the right occurs in the string specified on the left. The pattern "01" probably doesn't occur in the value on the left, since the string on the left should be "1" for January orders, and that doesn't have a "0" in it.
I also imagine that if you type "1" you would actually see all orders from January, October, November, and December since all those months have "1" in them.
Try using something like MONTH(OrderDate) = 1 instead.
To be more explicit: try changing the line in your program that defined search_query to this:
std::string search_query = "SELECT DATE(OrderDate), SUM(TotalPrice) FROM order1 WHERE MONTH(OrderDate) = " + month + " GROUP BY DATE(OrderDate)";
By the way, for a more robust program, you should also make sure you turn the user-supplied month number into an integer before adding it to the query string; right now you are letting users insert arbitrary strings into your query, which could be dangerous.

Find string to regular expression programmatically?

Given a regular expression, is is possible to find a string that matches that expression programmatically? If so, please mention an algorithm for that, assuming that a string exists.
Bonus question: Give the performance/complexity of that algorithm, if able.
PS: Note I am not asking this: Programmatically derive a regular expression from a string. More likely I am asking the reserve problem.
Generex is a Java library for generating String from a regular expression.
Check it out: https://github.com/mifmif/Generex
Here is the sample Java code demonstrating library usage:
Generex generex = new Generex("[0-3]([a-c]|[e-g]{1,2})");
// Generate random String
String randomStr = generex.random();
System.out.println(randomStr);// a random value from the previous String list
// generate the second String in lexicographical order that match the given Regex.
String secondString = generex.getMatchedString(2);
System.out.println(secondString);// it print '0b'
// Generate all String that matches the given Regex.
List<String> matchedStrs = generex.getAllMatchedStrings();
// Using Generex iterator
Iterator iterator = generex.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
System.out.print(iterator.next() + " ");
// it prints:
// 0a 0b 0c 0e 0ee 0ef 0eg 0f 0fe 0ff 0fg 0g 0ge 0gf 0gg
// 1a 1b 1c 1e 1ee 1ef 1eg 1f 1fe 1ff 1fg 1g 1ge 1gf 1gg
// 2a 2b 2c 2e 2ee 2ef 2eg 2f 2fe 2ff 2fg 2g 2ge 2gf 2gg
// 3a 3b 3c 3e 3ee 3ef 3eg 3f 3fe 3ff 3fg 3g 3ge 3gf 3gg
Another one: https://code.google.com/archive/p/xeger/
Here is the sample Java code demonstrating library usage:
String regex = "[ab]{4,6}c";
Xeger generator = new Xeger(regex);
String result = generator.generate();
assert result.matches(regex);
Assume you define regular expressions like this:
R :=
<literal string>
(RR) -- concatenation
(R*) -- kleene star
(R|R) -- choice
Then you can define a recursive function S(r) which finds a matching string:
S(<literal string>) = <literal string>
S(rs) = S(r) + S(s)
S(r*) = ""
S(r|s) = S(r)
For example: S(a*(b|c)) = S(a*) + S(b|c) = "" + S(b) = "" + "b" = "b".
If you have a more complex notion of regular expression, you can rewrite it in terms of the basic primitives and then apply the above. For example, R+ = RR* and [abc] = (a|b|c).
Note that if you've got a parsed regular expression (so you know its syntax tree), then the above algorithm takes at most time linear in the size of the regular expression (assuming you're careful to perform the string concatenations efficiently).
To find given expression in string which fit under that criteria, for that I had tried below algorithm.
i) Create the array for all strings available in given source.
ii) Create a function with parameters for array, expression and initial index count.
iii) Call function recursively and increase the index with every move, until we match string has not found.
iv) Return/break the function if String with desired expression is found.
Below is same java code:
public class ExpressionAlgo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String data = "A quantifier defines how often an element can occur. The symbols ?, *, + and {} define the quantity of the regular expressions";
regCheck(data.split(" "), "sym", 0);
public static void regCheck(String[] ar, String expresion, int i) {
regCheck(ar, expresion, i);
As far as I calculated the complexity of this code is N^3 because I had use split, contains method and call regCheck method recursively.

Can we extract dyanmic data from string using regex?

I want to validate and get the data for following tags(9F03,9F02,9C ) using regex:
Above string is in Tag - length - value format.
Where 9F02,9F03,9C are tags and have fixed length but their position and value in string can vary.
Just after the tag there is the length of the value in bytes that tag can store.
for example:
06=Length in bytes
000000006000= value
Standard regex doesn't know how to count very well, it behaves like a state machine in that way.
What you can do though if the number of possibilities is small is represent each possibility in a state in regex, and use multiple regex queries for each tag ...
... And so on.
Example here.
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RegEx {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "9F02060000000060009F03070000000010009C0101";
String regEx = "(9F02|9F03|9C)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx);
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
System.out.println("Tag : "+ m.group());
String length = s.substring(m.end(), m.end()+2);
System.out.println("Length : " + length);
int valueEndIndex = new Integer(m.end()) + 3 + new Integer(length);
String value = s.substring(m.end()+3,valueEndIndex);
System.out.println("Value : "+ value);
This code will give you following output :
Tag : 9F02
Length : 06
value : 000000
Tag : 9F03
Length : 07
value : 0000000
Tag : 9C
Length : 01
value : 1
I am not sure about byte length you are mentioning here, but I guess this code shall help you kick start!

Getting Specific columns from csv which contains empty cells in between

I am trying to parse specific columns from a csv using map reduce.I have some empty cells in my csv. When I am trying to run it shows some exceptions.But When i run a csv which has no empty cells I get my output.
sss xx asdas sddf
saq asdsds sdsds
ewe zz asdsd
aaa qq adsd ssdds
my csv looks like that and my mapper output must be like this
sss xx sddf 1
saq sdsds 1
ewe zz 1
aaa qq ssdds 1
My Mapper Code is
public class DataMap extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<
LongWritable,Text,Text,IntWritable> {
public final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter r)
throws IOException {
String a = value.toString();
String[] temp = a.split("\t");
output.collect(new Text(temp[0] + "\t" +temp[1] + "\t" +temp[3]), new IntWritable(a));
How can i over come this.

Strings from Excel to utf-8 mysql

I am writing some software that takes rows from an XLS file and inserts them into a database.
In OpenOffice, a cell looks like this :
Brunner Straße, Parzelle
I am using the ExcelFormat library from CodeProject.
int type = cell->Type();
cout << "Cell contains " << type << endl;
const char* cellCharPtr = cell->GetString();
if (cellCharPtr != 0) {
cout << "normal string -> " << value << endl;
The string when fetched with the library, is returned as a char* (so cell->Type() returns STRING, not WSTRING) and now looks like this (on the console) :
normal string -> Brunner Stra�e, Parzelle
hex string -> 42 72 75 6e 6e 65 72 20 53 74 72 61 ffffffdf 65 2c 20 50 61 72 7a 65 6c 6c 65
I insert it into the database using the mysql cpp connector like so :
prep_stmt = con -> prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO "
+ tablename
+ "(crdate, jobid, imprownum, impid, impname, imppostcode, impcity, impstreet, imprest, imperror, imperrorstate)"
+ " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
Having inserted it into the database, which has a utf8_general_ci collation, it looks like this :
Brunner Stra
which is annoying.
How do I make sure that whatever locale the file is in gets transformed to utf-8 when the string is retrieved from the xls file?
This is going to be running as a backend for a web service, where clients can upload their own excel files, so "Change the encoding of the file in Libre Office" can't work, I am afraid.
Your input seems to be encoded in latin1, so you need to set the mysql "connection charset" to latin1.
I'm not familiar with the API you are using to connect to MySQL. In other APIs you'd add charset=latin1 to the connection URL or call an API function to set the connection encoding.
Alternatively you can recode the input before feeding it to MySQL.