try to restrict ips via regular expression - regex

Trying to restrict the following ip range from tracking:
Now the what i was originally thinking was:
^46.140.137.[217 - 222]
However this will just mach any number in that range. What is the cleanest way to catch this ending number group?

This is a pretty specific question, but the answer, I suppose, is worthwhile.
The number range 217-222 is captured with
In your IP example, don't forget to escape the dots


Google Analytics IP Filter Exclude

Could someone help me with some REGEX...
I have been blocking internal traffic using the filter pattnrn:
This just bit me in the foot as this is blocking all referral traffic between our sites.
What I want to do now is block everything except 10.103..
Do I need to apply two separate ranges, or can I accomplish this with one filter?
If you want to block everything but, use an include filter instead of the usual exclude filter.
I am not sure if the filter I suggested above uses regex or not (literal string match), but it doesn't make a difference because there's no way the expression 10.103. could be misinterpreted in an IP address.
Your original pattern, on the other hand, is bogus and is probably hurting you. That's because in a regex the dot . is not a literal dot, but represents any character. Your expression, in fact, excludes every single IP that merely starts with 10 (not just 10. that is ten-dot), including, etc.
The correct version of your original excluding regex would be 10\..*, which contains an escaped dot (\.), then proceeds to any characters after that (.*).
REGEXP are very good explained in the Google Analytics Help (here).
For multiple IPs, there is this little helper, which generates the REGEXP for you.
If you want to block internal traffic, just ADD NEW FILTER and CUSTOM then EXCLUDE and put the IP in REGEXP in the field, that's it.

Regular expression for isolating Comcast IP addresses in access log file for Apache

Really the fact I want to use this for my Apache access log file is arbitrary and irrelevant, but it gives context to the situation.
I need to filter out records associated with Comcast IP addresses. Here's a list of the dynamic IP address ranges that Comcast assigns. I need a regular expression that can match all of those, and only those. I'll work on it on my own in the mean time but I figured there would be some RegEx guru out there on SO that would enjoy the problem.
Regex solution is possible, but very cumbersome, since the subnet mask is not multiple of 8. You will need to write a function to process the list and convert into regex.
It is better to use regex to grab the IP address and test the IP address against the list of IP addresses by Comcast. Simple implementation would be a set which allows you to search for the nearest number that is smaller than the argument.
That are a lot of IP adresses.
For example, defines the IP range - To match these numeric ranges with a regex:
24: 24
0-15: [0-9]|1[0-5]
0-255: [0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]
Which gives
And that's just for, 293 to go.
If you really want to do this you should write a small script to convert each IP range into a regex automatically.
Another approach would be to match any IP address and feed it into a callback that does the matching using an appropriate module / framework / API.

Regex to see if ip starts with 156.21.x.x

I'm writing a regex for google analytics and I need to block any IP from 156.21.x.x I don't care about the last 2 octets just the first two. I would like to keep the regex to as few characters as possible as google only allows 255 chars and my regex is already pretty large.
not sure what flavor of regex or what lang your using, but this will work on most regex engines:
Of course, this will match invalid ip's like 156.21.777.888, but if the list your parsing doesnt contain invalid ip addresses, then you should be ok. Or:
If you are running short on space, this would work, though you would match non-IP addresses as well. If you can assume Google will give you valid IP addresses, this is your shortest option:
Matches things like: 156.21.1000.1000 156.21.ABC
But does not match ehlo 156.21.1000.1000
The following regex would match (almost) valid IPv4 addresses that starts with 156.21:

Help decoding a regular expression for use with Google Analytics

I missed this in my original explanation. I set this up yesterday, and it ran over night. No data populated in my profile overnight. So, either my regex is wrong, or Google cannot see internal traffic IPs.
It seems that everyone has their own variation on the syntax for regular expressions.
I'm trying to include only internal traffic on one of my profiles in Google Analytics
Can someone verify for me what they expect that regular expression to match? In CIDER notation?
I don't know what CIDER notation is, but that regex matches a string that
starts with 10.
followed by 90. or 60.
followed by 10 or 9
followed by zero or more dots.
You probably want ^10\.[96]0\.(10|9)\..*$
Since the last bit (.*) is a bit too vague (unless you know that there will only ever be valid IP addresses in the live data), you might want to change that to \d+ or (if you want to restrict to a valid range from 0 to 255) 25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d
Don't know about CIDR notation, but that will match any of 10.90.9.*, 10.90.10.*, 10.60.9.* or 10.60.10.*
instead of the last asterisk, place \d+. The way you wrote it, in the end you've got to have 0 or more dots for the expression to validate.

RegEx to get numbers between periods in IP address?

Say you have an IP address: so its A.B.C.D
Is there a way to use RegEx to get A,B,C separately?
If it is just to extract the numbers from the IP and not to validate the IP address then you could just do:
However, I think a simple String.Split(".") would be an easier option.
Something very simple yet ugly would work.. giving you four groups one for each octet.
...should do it. It's no validating regex though, allows numbers beyond 255 for each part.
Here's a crazy validating one:
Credit to last regex goes to RegexBuddy makers.
First port of call for regex... RegEx Library
While others have pointed out various good regexps; May I ask why you absolutely must use regular expressions for that? It will be slow and error-prone. Most platforms do have integrated IP address functionality, or provide a way to call to inet_aton.
In case someone needs a validating RegEx for (all possible) IPv4 addresses:
The IP is contained in 2nd, 3rd and 4th parameters. 1st and last are not used. Those are necessary otherwise a wrong IP like:
would be catched as "". I am not sure if you want to allow IP ending with a dot, e.g.
If not, change the last part to ([^\d.]|$). I do not allow any dots in front of it though.
I still think this RegEx is a messed monster :) and a better solution would be to validate by hand using a function.