wxwidgets event at specific time - c++

I need to check system time and if the time is right (i think the right time has passed during some interval ago would be more correct) make certain actions using wxwidgets.
I haven't found a specific class or event that can handle such conditions (I know there is wxTimer widget but it is timer - it counts time since some moment but not checks it)
Is there a better way than having a thread that just runs a while(true) loop checking system time?

Looks like the wxTimer class generates an event when the duration has elapsed:
wxTimerEvent documentation.

I would use the boost::asio deadline timer for this.
void handler(boost::system::error_code ec) { ... }
io_service i;
deadline_timer t(i);

You can use wxTimer to perform an action at some point in the future, just start it with the interval equal to the difference between this point and now (wxDateTime can help you with that).


What method is usually used to detect the time case?

There is a API for me to get some data,such as:
int API_func(pointer * data)
the return value is used to judge whether the function is done, and the data will be writen to the pointer address;
but if something wrong, the API_func may not get return ,The program may get stuck,so I need a timer to calculate the timer when call the API_func,and once the time over 30s ,I need to send a signal to GUI,so how can I do?
I am a green hand ,so I want know how the Master do ?
My method is:
Thread_1: main Thread ,call API here,
Thread_2: timer Thread,include a timer function
when Thread_1 call API,send a msg(FIFO) to active the timer function at timer Thread,if the API cant return successed ,the timer at the Thread_2 will overtime ,then send a msg to GUI ?
is any better method ? thank a lot!
sorry,i am green hand in stackoverflow,so i dont how to express what I mean:
fake code:
set_timer_flag_on(FILE *time_flag_1)
if (1==check_timer_flag(FILE *time_flag_1))
you can call int API_func(pointer* data) in a separate thread and signal the main thread by a condition variable. For int API_func(pointer* data) you write a wrapper. an example is in How to implement timeout for function in c++

what if notify() is called before wait()?

I have a situation where a notify() 'can' be called before a wait().
I am trying to make a simulator to schedule its next event when I 'notify' him by sending him messages. So I have devised a wait->notify->scedule chain
void Broker::pause()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
std::cout << "pausing the simulation" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Simulation UNpaused" << std::endl;
// the following line causes the current function to be called at
// a later time, and a notify() can happen before the current function
// is called again
Simulator::Schedule(MilliSeconds(xxx), &Broker::pause, this);
void Broker::messageReceiveCallback(std::string message) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
the problem here is that: there can be situations that a notify() is called before its wait() is called.
Is there a solution for such situation?
thank you
Condition variables can hardly be used alone, if only because, as you noticed, they only wake the currently waiting threads. There's also the matter of spurious wake-ups (ie. the condition variable can sometimes wake up a thread without any corresponding notify having been called). To work properly, condition variables usually need another variable to maintain a more reliable state.
To solve both those problems, in your case you just need to add a boolean flag:
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
while (!someFlag)
someFlag = false;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
someFlag = true;
I think that syam's answer is fine in general but in your specific case where you seem to be using ns-3, I would suggest instead that you restructure your code to use the right primitives in ns-3:
I suspect that you use one of the ns-3 realtime simulator implementations. Good.
Schedule a keeplive event for the 0.1s to make sure that the simulator keeps running (it will top running when there are no events left).
Optionally, use a boolean in this keepalive event to check if you should reschedule the keepalive event or call Simulator::Stop.
Create a thread to run the simulator mainloop with Simulator::Run(). The simulator will sleep until the next scheduled event is supposed to expire or until a new event is externally scheduled
Use Simulator::ScheduleWithContext to schedule an event externally from another thread.
Keep in mind that the ns-3 API is not thread safe in general. The only ns-3 API that is thread-safe is ns3::Simulator::ScheduleWithContext. I can't stress out how important it is to not use any other API available in the ns-3:: namespace from a thread that is not the main thread.

How to implement simple tick-based engine in c++?

I'm writing a text game and I need a simple combat system, like in MUDs, you issue commands, and once in a while "tick" happens, when all those commands execute, player and monsters deal damage, all kinds of different stuff happens. How do I implement that concept?
I thought about making a variable that holds last tick time, and a function that just puts events on stack and when that time is (time +x) executes them all simutaniously. Is there any easier or cleaner variant to do that?
What would be possible syntax for that?
double lastTickTime;
double currentTime;
void eventsPile(int event, int target)
// how do i implement stack of events? And send them to execute() when time is up?
void execute(int event, int target)
if ((currentTime - lastTickTime) == 2)
eventsHandler(event, target);
{ // How do I put events on stack?
The problem with simple action stack is that the order of actions will probably be time based - whoever types fastest will strike a first hit. You should probably introduce priorities in the stack, so that for instance all global events trigger first, then creatures' action events, but those action events are ordered by some attribute like agility, or level. If a creature has higher agility then that it gets the first hit.
From what I've seen, most such engines are event, rather than time, based. with a new tick being triggered some interval after the last tick ended. (thus mostly avoiding the issue of ticks taking longer than the interval)
This also simplifies implementation; you simply have a game loop that triggers a tick event, then sleeps/yields for the required interval. Which is trivial.
It can further be simplified by modeling the world as a tree, where each element manages propagating events (such as ticks) to their children. so long as you avoid / manage 'loops', this works well (I've done it).
This effectively reduces the tick system to something like this (psudocode):
while (isRunning) {
In most cases, theres little need to get much fancier than adjusting for the length of the previous duration.
Any individual entities actions would be part of their own action queue, and handled during their own "tick" events.
Usually user commands would be split into "ingame" and "meta" commands, anything ingame would merely amend their character's action queue, to be processed in their next tick, as per normal for any other entity.
Simple round-based combat follows naturally from this foundation. realtime can be modeled with a finer division of ticks, with optional 'time-pooling'.
Use a timer executing every x ms (whereas x is your ticktime), execute any actions put on the stack in that method.

Execute some operation after the thread is completed

Greetings, everyone!
I have a class (say, "Switcher" ) that executes some very-very long operation and notifies its listener, that operation is complete. The operation is long, and I isolate actual switching into separate thread:
class Switcher
// this is what other users call:
void StartSwitching()
// another switch is initiated, I must terminate previous switching operation:
if ( m_Thread != NULL )
if ( WaitForThread(m_Thread, 3000) != OK )
// start new switching thread:
m_Thread = StartNewThread( ThreadProc );
// this is a thread procedure:
static void ThreadProc()
Thread m_Thread;
The logic is rather simple - if user initiates new switching before the previous one is complete, I terminate previous switching (don't care of what happens inside "DoActualSwitching()") and start the new one. The problem is that sometimes, when terminating thread, I loose the "NotifyListener()" call.
I would like to introduce some improvements to ensure, that NotifyListener() is called every time, even if thread is terminated. Is there any pattern to do this? I can only think of another thread, that infinitely waits for the switcher and if the switcher is done (correctly or by termination), it can emit notification. But introducing another thread seems an overplay for me. Can you think of any other solution (p.s. the platform is win32)?
Thank you!
First, you should never call TerminateThread. You cannot know which operation is terminated when calling TerminateThread and so that could lead to memory leaks/resource leaks/state corruption.
To get your thread to be interruptable/cancelable, you supply a 'cancel' state, which is checked by the thread itself. Then your notify end will always work.
TerminateThread() here whacks the thread, and if it was inside DoActualSwitching(), that's where it'll die, and NotifyListener() will not be called on that thread. This is what TerminateThread() does, and there is no way to make it behave differently.
What you are looking for is a bit more graceful way to terminate the thread. Without more info about your application it's difficult to suggest an optimal approach, but if you can edit DoActualSwitching(), then I'd add
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_ExitThreadEvent, 0))
into the loop there, and call SetEvent(m_ExitThreadEvent) instead of TerminateThread(). Of course you'll need to create the event and add the handle to the class. If your model suggest that there is only one switching thread at a time, I'd use autoreset event here, otherwise some more code is needed.
Good luck!

Exception Handling in Qt Script with C++?

I have the following action which is executed when a certain
button is pressed in a Qt application:
#include <shape.h>
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//Other operations on g.
Topology3d(...), AlgebraicCurve(..), BoundingBox(...),
polynomial_t(...) are user defined types defined in the
corresponding header file .
Now for some values of p1 and p2, the method g.run() works perfectly.
Thus for some other values of p1 and p2, g.run() it is not
working anymore as the method gets blocked somehow and the
message "Application Not Responding" appears and I have to
kill the Application.
I would want to have the following behavior: whenever
g.run() is taking too long, gets blocked for some particular
values of p1, p2, I would want to display an warning box
using QMessageBox::Warning.
I try to do this with try{...} and catch{...}:
#include <shape.h>
class topologyException : public std::runtime_error
topologyException::topologyException(): std::runtime_error( "topology fails" ) {}
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
throw topologyException();
catch(topologyException& topException)
QMessageBox errorBox;
errorBox.setText("The parameters are incorrect.");
errorBox.setInformativeText("Please insert another polynomial.");
This code compiles, but when it runs it does not really
implement the required behavior.
For the polynomials for which g.run() gets blocked the error
message box code is never reached, plus for the polynomials
for which g.run() is working well, the error message box
code still is reached somehow and the box appears in the
I am new to handling exceptions, so any help is more than
I think the program gets blocked somewhere inside g.run() so
it does not reach the exception, still I do not understand
what really happens.
Still I would want to throw this exception without going
into the code of g.run(), this function is implemented as
part of a bigger library, which I just use in my code.
Can I have this behavior in my program without putting any
try{...} catch{...} block statement in the g.run() function?
You cannot achieve what you want with the use of try-catch. if g.run() takes too much time or goes into an infinite loop, that doesn't mean an exception will be thrown.
What you can do is, you can move the operations that take a lot of time into another thread. Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox.
For further reference, read QThread, Qt Thread Support
Thanks for the suggestions.
So I see how I should create the thread, something like:
class myopThread : public QThread
void run();
Then I am rewriting the run() function and put all the operations that take a lot of time in it:
void myopThread::run()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
Okay everything is clear so far, still I do not see how to "Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox."
I mean start the thread in the event handler refers somehow at using the connect (..Signal, Slot..) still I do not see how exactly this is done. I have never used QThread before so it is more then new.
Thank you very much for your help,
The most elegant way to solve this that I know of is with a future value. If you haven't run across these before they can be quite handy in situations like this. Say you have a value that you'll need later on, but you can begin calculating concurrently. The code might look something like this:
SomeValue getValue() {
... calculate the value ...
void foo() {
Future<SomeValue> future_value(getValue);
... other code that takes a long time ...
SomeValue v = future_value.get();
Upon calling the .get() method of course, the value computed is returned, either by calling the function then and there or by retrieving the cache value calculated in another thread started when the Future<T> was created. One nice thing is that, at least for a few libraries, you can pass in a timeout parameter into the .get() method. This way if your value is taking too long to compute you can always unblock. Such elegant isn't usually achieved.
For a real life library, you might try looking into the library documented here. As I recall it wasn't accepted as the official boost futures library, but it certainly had promise. Good luck!