Hi when I run this code I can't keep track of the position of the _monster1 instances as they are being reassigned each time the loop starts, I want to keep track of the x position of each monster that is created (on the update method) until it is destroyed by the hero character, how do I do this? Physics world is a CCPhysicsNode and Monster1 is a CCSprite. Thanks.
#interface GameScene()
#property (nonatomic) Monster1 *monster1;
-(void)addMonster:(CCTime)dt {
_monster1 = [[Monster1 alloc] init];
[_physicsWorld addChild:_monster1];
if (_monster1.position.x >= 300) {
/* do things */
I've been struggling for days with that problem: I have CCNode >> StateComponent and in the StateComponent I have a CCSprite as an attribute and add it as a child in StateComponent. When I set the position of an StateComponent object and NOT of the sprite, the bounding box of the StateComponent object appears at the right place. The default values for a sprite position are set on (0,0). The bounding box of the sprite appears at (0,0) but the sprite texture is shifted from (0,0).
I add the StateComponent object afterwards to a CCScene.
Could maybe someone help me with advice: how can I set the sprite position so that the texture and bounding box appears at the same position as the StateComponent object? Later I'd like to detect if there is a touch on the node(sprite) and then rotate the node with the sprite.
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
#interface StateComponent : CCNode {
#implementation StateComponent
-(instancetype) initWithGestureStatewithSprite:(CCSprite*) sprite andPosition: (CGPoint) spritePosition RelativeAngle:(float) angle {
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
self.sprite = sprite;
self.relativeAngle = angle;
self.position = spritePosition;
[self addChild:sprite];
return self;
#interface StateViewScene : CCScene {
#implementation StateViewScene
-(id) init {
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
StateComponent * body = [[StateComponent alloc] initWithGestureStatewithSprite [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"body.png"] andPosition: CGPointMake(512,384) RelativeAngle:0];
[self addChild:body];
return self;
Have you tried to set the content Size of the Node to the Sprite content Size?
-(instancetype) initWithGestureStatewithSprite:(CCSprite*) sprite andPosition: (CGPoint) spritePosition RelativeAngle:(float) angle {
self.contentSize = sprite.contentSize;
I managed to solve the problem by converting to node space the StateComponent position couple of times as I actually have a tree like structure of StateComponents with sprites.
Thanks for the help! :)
This article helped me and might be interesting: http://www.koboldtouch.com/display/IDCAR/Converting+Between+Coordinate+Spaces
I'm currently trying out a few things. I already did this tutorial: https://www.makegameswith.us/tutorials/getting-started-with-spritebuilder/
However I'm a little stuck now.
I created a CCNode in SpriteBuilder and added 3 images. carbody.png and 2 wheel.png.
I made all objects physicsObjects.
In code I tried to connect them with joints and move them. However the carBody moves but the wheels keep staying on their place.
#import "Car.h"
#implementation Skater{
CCNode *_wheel1;
CCNode *_wheel2;
CCNode *_carBody;
CCPhysicsJoint *_bodyWheelJoint1;
CCPhysicsJoint *_bodyWheelJoint2;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[_wheel1.physicsBody setCollisionGroup: _carBody];
[_wheel2.physicsBody setCollisionGroup: _carBody;
[_carBody.physicsBody setCollisionGroup: _carBody];
_bodyWheelJoint1 = [CCPhysicsJoint connectedPivotJointWithBodyA:_wheel1.physicsBody bodyB: _carBody.physicsBody anchorA:_wheel1.anchorPointInPoints];
_bodyWheelJoint2 = [CCPhysicsJoint connectedPivotJointWithBodyA:_wheel2.physicsBody bodyB: _carBody.physicsBody anchorA:_wheel2.anchorPointInPoints];
return self;
And in Gameplay.m I only did this:
[_car runAction:
[CCActionMoveTo actionWithDuration:10 position:CGPointMake(2000,_car.position.y)]];
The carBody moves, the wheels don't...
What am I missing?
I made a few changes now but my wheels still keep staying on their place...
#import "Car.h"
#implementation Car{
CCNode *_wheel1;
CCNode *_wheel2;
CCNode *_carBody;
CCPhysicsJoint *_bodyWheelJoint1;
CCPhysicsJoint *_bodyWheelJoint2;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
CCLOG(#"Car created");
[_wheel1.physicsBody setCollisionGroup:_carBody];
[_wheel2.physicsBody setCollisionGroup:_carBody];
[_carBody.physicsBody setCollisionGroup:_carBody];
_bodyWheelJoint1 = [CCPhysicsJoint connectedPivotJointWithBodyA:_wheel1.physicsBody bodyB:_carBody.physicsBody anchorA:_wheel1.anchorPointInPoints];
_bodyWheelJoint2 = [CCPhysicsJoint connectedPivotJointWithBodyA:_wheel2.physicsBody bodyB:_carBody.physicsBody anchorA:_wheel2.anchorPointInPoints];
return self;
CCLOG(#"Car should move");
CGPoint launchDirection = ccp(1, 0);
CGPoint force = ccpMult(launchDirection, distance);
[self.physicsBody applyForce:force];
You're simply missing the point that move (and other) actions bypass physics. Once a node has a physics body, the use of CCAction* classes that change position and rotation is a no-no, and most others (ie scale) will not be applied to the physics body either but can still be used safely.
To move a physics object, apply an impulse or force to the physics body.
What I'm trying to achieve is the ability to use a Cocos2d SneakyInput SneakyJoystick to control the movement of my LHSprite (created using level helper) Character/Player in my box2d/cocos2d game.
I can get it to work, however, the sneakyJoystick joystick is in the same layer that my gameplay is in, and seen as though my game screen 'follows' the character - the joystick actually moves off the screen when the camera/screen is moved.
I have tried setting the joystick up in a separate layer ('MyUILayer'), and using it to control my character in my 'GameLayer'.
Here is how i've tried doing this:
in 'MyUILayer' i have the code to set up the following sneakyJoystick components:
#interface MyUILayer : CCLayer {
SneakyJoystick *leftJoystick;
SneakyButton * jumpButton;
SneakyButton * attackButton;
#property (readonly) SneakyButton *jumpButton;
#property (readonly) SneakyButton *attackButton;
#property (readonly) SneakyJoystick *leftJoystick;
Now, in 'GameLayer I tried to access the value created by the sneakyJoystick called 'leftJoystick' in 'MyUILayer'.
in the declaration file (GameLayer.h):
#import "MyUILayer.h"
#interface GameLayer : CCLayer {
LHSprite *character;
b2Body *characterBody;
SneakyJoystick *characterJoystick;
SneakyButton *jumpButton;
SneakyButton *attackButton;
in GameLayer.mm:
//in my INIT method
MyUILayer *UILAYER = [[MyUILayer alloc]init];
characterJoystick = UILAYER.leftJoystick;
[self scheduleUpdate];
// Define what 'character' is and what 'characterBody' is ('character is a LHSprite, and 'characterBody' is a b2Body)
//in my tick method
b2Vec2 force;
force.Set(characterJoystick.velocity.x * 10.0f, 0.0f);
characterBody->ApplyForce(force, characterBody->GetWorldCenter());
I really can't understand why 'characterBody', in 'GameLayer' won't move based on the value of 'leftJoystick', in 'MyUILayer'.
Sorry if its a bit long winded! - I have also uploaded my project file, so you can take a look at the project itself: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2578642/ZOMPLETED%202.zip
Huge thanks to anyone who can help!
The problem lies in the way you are associating the MyUILayer with the GameLayer. On myscene.mm, you are creating a MyUILayer and a GameLayer, and adding them both to the scene. This is ok. But then, you make a NEW MyUILayer on GameLayer, and associate that joystick. You should associate the joystick in the MyScene.mm by using properties like so:
In MyScene.mm
// Control Layer
MyUILayer * controlLayer = [MyUILayer node];
[self addChild:controlLayer z:2 tag:2];
// Gameplay Layer
GameLayer *gameplayLayer = [GameLayer node];
gameplayLayer.attackButton = controlLayer.attackButton;
gameplayLayer.leftJoystick = controlLayer.leftJoystick;
gameplayLayer.jumpButton = controlLayer.jumpButton;
[self addChild:gameplayLayer z:1 tag:1];
In GameLayer.h add
#property (nonatomic, retain) SneakyButton *jumpButton;
#property (nonatomic, retain) SneakyButton *attackButton;
#property (nonatomic, retain) SneakyJoystick *leftJoystick;
In GameLayer.mm add
#synthesize jumpButton = jumpButton;
#synthesize attackButton = attackButton;
#synthesize leftJoystick = characterJoystick;
In GameLayer.mm, remove the UILAYER code in the init method
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
//instalize physics
[self initPhysics];
[self lvlHelper];
[self characterLoad];
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:character worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0, -100, 870, 420)]];
[self scheduleUpdate];
return self;
I am using tilemap in my box2D game in which I have created powers. When the player hits the power, a score label is displayed on the screen. Along with this I want to remove that power from the tilemap when player hits it. I have displayed label but I am unable to remove the power. Here is some code :
In ContactListener I am calling the method which removes the power from tilemap :
void ContactListener::BeginContact(b2Contact *contact) {
else if(actorA.tag==obj.gamePower.tag) //obj is a DataClass object.
[GameScene addPointLabel]; // For displaying score label
[GameScene removePower:actorA];
GameScene *obj=[[GameScene alloc]init];
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)sender;
[obj removePowerFromScene:sprite];
[obj release];
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)sender;
[self removeChild:sprite cleanup:YES];
I have created an object layer on tilemap to display power. But somehow, I am unable to remove it. Can someone help me?
If power is a CCNode why don't you remove it with [power removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES] ?
The (removePower:) does remove nothing because it creates a new scene and remove the sprite from that scene where the sprite does not belong to.
Another notice, be careful with contact listener. Removing o node in BeginContact is potential of crash. Let imagine the case that powerA contacts with both actor1 and actor2. The first call to BeginContact with powerA and actor1 removes powerA, so subsequent call to BeginContact with powerA envolved will crash !
Hey people,
I'm creating a game in cocos2d, (I'm very new to it, and was trying to solve this thing)
in the game I'm making I created a "Bomb" class, and a "Player" class,
I want the bomb to check for collision with the player, if a collision detected, explode.
My problem is that I have no idea how to get the player's position from the bomb class,
I'd be happy if you guys could help me out here,
You did add the CCSprites to a CCLayer, didn't you? Then that CCLayer should have the access to both of them. So, you can use the CCLayer's tick function to track the positions of the CCSprites and trigger actions if their bounding boxes overlap.
Some sample code to illustrate:
#interface MyLayer : CCLayer {
BombSprite *bomb;
PlayerSprite *player;
#implementation MyLayer
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
bomb = ...
player = ...
[self schedule:#selector(tick:)];
return self;
- (id)tick:(ccTime)dt {
if (CGRectContainsRect([bomb boundingBox], [player boundingBox])) {
// call [player didCollideWith:bomb] or something