Visual Studio 2012 Qt4.8 mocing failes - c++

I'm using Qt4.8 with Visual Studio 2012 with Qt VS add-in 1.1.8. And I have a problem with moc_ files generation. If I add new class (with .h and .cpp files) to my project, where Q_OBJECT is supplied, then moc_ file is not being generated correctly and I get linking errors.
In .h file's custom build tool's command line, moc.exe's commands should be filled automatically. It seems everything is OK in Production configuration, but in Debug and Release configurations custom build tools command lines are empty and every time I have to write them, build and add moc_ file to my project manually, which is quite inconvenient.
So what can be problem for automatic generation? Which solution can be?
Thank you in advance!


How do I run .cpp files in Visual Studio?

I have been following tutorials which have me download and unzip projects which contain .sln files for me to open. Following them this way is pretty easy. However, I want to be able to download a single .cpp file and run it without creating a project. I just want to get straight to into it. In Code::Blocks, setting this up is easy to figure out. For some reason, I can figure it out in Visual Studio.
I want to be able to download a single .cpp file and run it without creating a project.
You cannot. Visual Studio does not support this. A project is always required, even if it only contains a single source code (.cpp) file.
You can, however, run a single .cpp source file through Microsoft's C++ compiler on the command line (cl.exe), and then execute it. But this doesn't involve anything about the Visual Studio IDE.
if you have the source code, you could make a .cpp file by right-clicking and adding one and then ctrl+s then f5 and it might run... Idk.

VS 2019 keeps finding qrc cpp files as modified even when they are not

I work in a project using Qt compiled with Visual Studio C++ compiler.
I noticed after migrating from VS2017 to VS2019 that when building the application, VS always find qrc cpp files as modified and try to rebuild them.
Is not happening for all projects though, only some unit tests.
Does someone notice this behavior?
I've had the same issues when upgrading from vc141 (2017) to vc142 (2019). It's old but the only post I found, so:
The difference in the toolkits is that in vc142 "Custom Build Tools" are now appended to include inherited values. If your project is configured to use a build tool projectwide by default (for example meta objects from QTs signal/slot), the compiler will try to do that as well when trying to rcc the qrc files, and ultimately failing without throwing an error.
Simply removing ;%(Outputs) in Properties->Custom Build Tool->General->Outputs solved it for me.

How do I debug existing C++ source code in Visual Studio 2015?

This may have a very simple solution, but being new to Visual Studio and C++ programming, I'm having a hard time with this.
I downloaded an SDK written in C++ which contains an executable file and also the source and header files. The executable file accepts some command line arguments. So far I've been running the executable file from the windows command prompt (like C:\path\filename.exe -argument), but now I want to be able to enter these command line arguments and then place breakpoints in the source code for debugging the source code.
I don't know how I can open the source files in Visual Studio and debug it. If I just open the source file with the main function, the debug button says 'Attach' on it instead of debug.
I see another similar question here, but that question is for a project developed using Visual Studio whereas the source code I have does not have any Visual Studio project/solution files. The only files I have are the executable, the source and header files (.cpp, .h, .hpp), and CMakeLists.txt files.
You can "open" the exe as a project (you can achieve the same if you drag and drop the exe into VS icon). Then you can add command line parameters at Project Properties. You will need to have debug symbol information (usually a .pdb file), if you want source code level debugging (values of variables, etc.). If you don't have that, you can only debug at the disassembly level.
You may want to create a proper project for the source files - it is an easy task, if the project is simple - so you can rebuild the exe.

QT Visual Studio plugin fails automatic moc with non-standard header extensions

I am currently trying to port a very large project to QT. Many of the headers in this project use the file extension .hh . I would ideally like to avoid having to rename all of these files, but it appears to be causing some issues for the QT Visual Studio plugin. I am using Visual Studio 2012 and QT 5.5.
I have set up a trivial project to test this problem. If i define a class in a .h file that inherits from QObject and contains the Q_OBJECT macro the Custom Build instructions are automatically added to the files properties and moc'd files are automatically generated. If i rename the file to have a .hh extension no Custom Build instructions are generated and no moc'd files are generated.
I have attempted adding hh to the "Filter" property of the folder/filter containing my header files. This seems to result in the Custom Build instructions being applied to the headers, the correct files being generated by MOC, but not automatically included into the solution. This results the build failing with linker errors.
I would be surprised if this wasn't configurable some how. Has anyone had any success with custom file extensions before?

QCustomPlot in MSVS2012

I succeeded in building a program in visual studio 2012 that runs QT without the plugin. I included the QT include folder and manually added the libraries to the resources. And it compiled and ran.
Now I wanted to use QCustomPlot in the same way, without the QtAddin plugin. I tried multiple projects, where I added QCustomPlot's .h and .cpp and tried to compile, but it gives me tons of linker problems( Can someone point me in the right direction?
Windows 7 x64, QT 5.4.1,
After hours, I found it.
As UldisK pointed, I had to moc the header.
I followed everything in here:
In windows cmd
moc qcustomplot.h > moc_qcustomplot.cpp
then simply add the generated file to the project, and voila worked.
In the end you should have in the project:
the original qcustomplot.h
the original qcustomplot.cpp
the generated moc_qcustomplot.cpp