Visual Studio 2013: Creating ordered tests - unit-testing

Can someone suggest a way to run tests in a specific order in Visual Studio 2013 Express?
Is there a way to create a playlist for the tests, which also defines the order in which to run them?
By the way: These are functional tests, using Selenium, written as unit tests in C#/Visual Studio. Not actual unit tests. Sometimes a regression test suite is so big it takes a while to run through all the tests. In these cases, I've often seen the need to run the test in a prioritized order. Or, there can be cases where it's difficult to run some tests without some other tests having been run before. In this regard, it's a bit more complicated than straight unit tests (which is the reason why it's normally done by test professionals, while unit tests are done by developers).
I've organised the tests in classes with related test methods. Ex.: All login tests are in a class called LoginTests, etc.
Class LoginTests:
- AdminCanLogin (...)
- UserCanLogin (...)
- IncorrectLoginFails (...)
- ...
- CanCreateEmptyPost (...)
- CanCreateBasicPost (...)
These classes are unit test classes, in their own project. They in turn calls classes and methods in a class library that uses Selenium.
MS suggests creating an "Ordered Unit Test" project. However, this is not available in the Express edition.

To address your playlist request directly see MS article: Resharper also has a nice test play list tool as well.
Here is an article on how to setup Ordered Tests but you cannot use this feature with Express as it requires Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium, Visual Studio Test Professional.
If you need them ordered then they are more then likely integration tests. I am assuming you would like them ordered so you can either prepare data for the test or tear data back down after the test.
There are several ways to accommodate this requirement if it is the case. Using MSTest there are 4 attributes for this you can see more details of when they are executed here
My other suggestion would be to have a helper class to preform the tasks(not tests) you are looking to have done in order, to be clear this class would not be a test class just a normal class with common functionality that would be called from within your tests.
If you need a test to create a product so another test can use that product and test that it can be added to a shopping cart then I would create a "SetupProduct" method that would do this for you as I am sure you would be testing various things that would require a product. This would prevent you from having test dependencies.
With that said, integration tests are good to verify end to end processes but where possible and applicable it might be easier to mock some or all dependencies such as your repositories. I use the Moq framework and find it really easy to work with.
This code is from the blog post linked above, I am placing it here in case the link ever dies.
Here is an example of a test class using the setup / tear down attributes to help with your tests.
public class VSTSClass1
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
public static void ClassSetup(TestContext a)
Console.WriteLine("Class Setup");
public void TestInit()
Console.WriteLine("Test Init");
public void Test1()
public void Test2()
public void Test3()
public void TestCleanUp()
public static void ClassCleanUp()
Here is the order that the methods were fired.
Class Setup
Test Init
Test Init
Test Init
If you give more information on what you are trying to accomplish I would be happy to assist you in when to use which attribute or when to use the help class, note the helper class is NOT a test class just a standard class that has methods you can utilize to do common tasks that may be needed for multiple tests.


Testing NUnit Startup Azure Function

I want to put Unit Test to this class with NUnit, how do I do it?
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Universal.DataTransferNCFDGII.Function.Services;
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Universal.DataTransferNCFDGII.Function.Startup))]
namespace Universal.DataTransferNCFDGII.Function
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IInsertData, InsertData>();
Generally you do not test classes and methods Startup and Configure as there is no real logic of yours in need of testing. You would just be testing that the dependency injection setup works and that is not your code. It is a good practice while writing tests to remember to only test your code, not third party or .NET libraries. It would be better to cover this with an integration test, rather than unit test.
If you are concerned with no test for this class and method impacting your code coverage, you can just put the ExcludeFromCodeCoverage attribute on your method or class, like this:
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)

how to run specific xunit test cases depending upon the app.config key value

We have to use an app.config key in our unit test cases, but the value of that key is supposed to be different in the test cases. So depending on that values how to run specific cases? If one unit test case runs then other test cases should not run how to manage this programmatically in c#?
Thank you
One approach you can follow is to wrap the use of your configurations in an interface.
public interface IConfigurationWrapper
string GetConfigA();
string GetConfigB();
public class ConfigurationWrapper : IConfigurationWrapper
public ConfigurationWrapper ()
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["countoffiles"]
And then on your tests mock it with NSubsititute or any other mocking library:
var configurations = Substitute.For<IConfigurationWrapper>();
configurations.GetConfigA().Returns("Config A for testing!")
Them you can use this mock(s) to run parameterized tests with xUnit.
This project of mine, has an implementation of this wrapper pattern for testing.

How to create a unit test class

I inherited a solution with 4 projects: Front-End Project, Business Project, Data Project and a Test Project.
The test project is quite... let's say empty... and now after I changed a few things on some searches methods of the business class I would like to generate some tests to validate the changes i've made.
So my question is: Is there a automatic way to generate a "empty frame test class" to test my actual code? Something like "right click the class you want to test and click generate test class and choose the project where it will be created" maybe?!?
I'm using VS 2012 Ultimate
There's no tests for the class I'm working on
There is built in functionality that allows you to create unit test classes. I am not sure if that also works in combination with NUnit though.
Anyway, I never used it. What I do is:
add a test class to the test project
decorate the class with the [TestFixture] attribute
write the first method of what I want to test
decorate the method with the [Test] attribute
write the test
and start the TDD cycle.
A typical test class skeleton will look like this
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests.Framework
public class SomeClassTests
public void AMeaningfulTestMethodName()
// the test
I also have Resharper at my aid so that I can run the test from visual studio straight away.
Since it's so little effort for me to add a new test fixture to the project, I don't see the need of adding it via templates. The most annoying part of templates is that they overgenerate. Templates will generate [SetUp] and [TearDown] fixtures which I don't always need. I like to keep my classes as clean as possible. But it's a matter of taste.
Here are some links that you might find helpful if you want to:
save your own predefined test class template
want to use the built in functionality of visual studio
follow a msdn walkthrough regarding the topic

Using IOC To Configure Unit and Integration Tests

I have a unit test project which uses Ninject to mock the database repositories. I would like to use these same tests as integration tests and use Ninject to bind my real database repositories back into their respective implementations so as to test/stress the application into the DB.
Is there a way to do this with Visual Studio 2012 or is there another test framework, other than MSTest, which allows for this type of configuration?
I would really hate to rewrite/copy these unit tests into an integration test project but I suspect I could copy the files in as links and have a single test file compiled into two projects (Unit and Integration).
Your requirements sound really odd to me. The difference between a unit test and an integration test is much bigger than just connecting to a database or not. An integration test either has a much bigger scope, or tests if components communicate correctly. When you write a unit test, the scope of such a unit is normally small (one class/component with all dependencies mocked out), which means there is no need for using a DI container.
Let me put it differently. When the tests are exactly the same, why are you interested to do the same test with and without the database. Just leave the database in and just test that. Besides these tests, you can add 'real' unit tests, that have a much smaller scope.
With Nunit you can do this with TestCase,
say you need to use the unit and unit/integration test using CustomerRepository and OrderRepository,
public class TestCustomerRepository
IKernel _unit;
Ikernel _integration;
public void Setup()
//setup both kernels
public void DoTest(String type)
var custRepo = GetRepo<ICustomerRepository>(type);
var orderRepo = GetRepo<IOrderRepository>(type);
//do the test here
protected T GetRepo<T>(String type)
if (type.Equals("Unit"))
return _unit.Get<T>();
return _integration.Get<T>();
This is the basic idea.

Can You Specify the Order of Test Execution in VS 2005 Test Engine?

I am using the provided Unit Test Engine in Visual Studio 2005 and am wondering if there is a way for me to specify the order of tests. I have numerous test classes and numerous test methods inside of each. I would like to control the order in which the test classes are executed and the order of the test methods in each.
Why? Actually tests are supposed to be able to run alone. If you need to execute some particular code before running a test you should have that in your test class:
//Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
public void MyTestInitialize()
//Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
public void MyTestCleanup()
I don't think the order of your test execution should matter. But if you really need to order them fellow Matthew Whited link.
you can use Ordered Tests