Famo.us how to create a Select Surface or something equivalent - famo.us

I need a select box with options and an on select / on change so i can populate a second select box.
My first instinct was to just create one using a surface with a click event and a renderController / scrollview to make my drop down appear. This works wonderfully except that if I leave and come back to the page the zindex of the scrollview breaks and it scrolls over the container size.
Its a bug I need to deal with but my other problem is that with the small Iphone screen size conventional drop downs just eat to much screen real-estate.
This stackoverflow famo.us: how to handle textbox.onchange events had some great hints on how to edit an InputSurface. I thought using that and looking at the code for a Surface I could do it but no luck.
Any Ideas on how to deal with the lack of a select surface?

You can access the value property from inside the callback function:
function SelectSurface(options) {
Surface.apply(this, arguments);
this.onchange = options.onchange;
this._superDeploy = Surface.prototype.deploy;
SelectSurface.prototype.elementType = 'select';
SelectSurface.prototype = Object.create(Surface.prototype);
SelectSurface.prototype.constructor = SelectSurface;
SelectSurface.prototype.deploy = function deploy(target) {
target.onchange = this.onchange;
var regionSelector = new SelectSurface({
onchange: regionSelect(),
content: '<option disabled selected style="display:none;">REGION</option><option value="central">CENTRAL</option><option value="northern">NORTHERN</option><option value="pacific">PACIFIC</option><option value="southern">SOUTHERN</option><option value="western">WESTERN</option>',
var regionSelect = function(){
return function() {


data-dialog created dynamically

I'm using polymer 1.0.
I'm trying to open a with on a clic on an element created dynamically with template repeat.
Here is the code :
and the script (from doc) :
dialogClick: function(e) {
var button = e.target;
while (!button.hasAttribute('data-dialog') && button !== document.body) {
button = button.parentElement;
if (!button.hasAttribute('data-dialog')) {
var id = button.getAttribute('data-dialog');
var dialog = document.getElementById(id);
if (dialog) {
This work only if the value of data-dialog is simple text. If I want to change it by data-dialog="{{item.dialogName}}" for instance, it doesn't work. It is not found by the while loop and exit with the if. in the source code of the page, there is no data-dialog in the paper-button.
Any idea ?
I've ran into a similar problem when using data attributes on custom elements. You might want to subscribe to this polymer issue.
As a workaround, place the data attribute in a standard element that is a parent of the button and search for that one instead.
Also, you might want to consider using var button = Polymer.dom(e).localTarget instead of directly accessing e.target, since the later will give you an element deeper in the dom tree under shady dom.

Sitecore, render Item in code with personalization in mvc

My terminology might be slightly off as I am new to Sitecore mvc. I am trying to hardcode a view rendering with a hard coded datasource (I have to do it this way for other requirements) This view rendering has placeholders that are dynamically set and then personalized.
How can I trigger the ViewRendering on an item?
I've tried ItemRendering, but it doesn't seem to be picking up the stuff set up in the PageEditor.
* To be clear, the helpful posts below have the rendering working, but we do not seem to be getting the personalized datasources. *
I believe this is what you're after:
Item item = /* think you already have this */;
// Setup
var rendering = new Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation.Rendering {
RenderingType = "Item",
Renderer = new Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation.ItemRenderer.ItemRenderer {
Item = item
rendering["DataSource"] = item.ID.ToString();
// Execution
var writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
var args = new Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.Response.RenderRendering(rendering, writer);
Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.PipelineService.Get().RunPipeline("mvc.renderRendering", args);
// Your result:
var html = writer.ToString();
You can statically bind a View Rendering using the Rendering() method of the Sitecore HTML Helper. This also works for Controller Renderings using the same method.
#Html.Sitecore().Rendering("<rendering item id>")
This method accepts an anonymous object for passing in parameters, such as the Datasource and caching options.
#Html.Sitecore().Rendering("<rendering item id>", new { DataSource = "<datasource item id>", Cacheable = true, Cache_VaryByData = true })
In your view rendering, I am assuming you have a placeholder defined along with the appropriate placeholder settings in Sitecore (If not, feel free to comment with more detail and I will update my answer).
In this case, "my-placeholder" will be handled like any other placeholder, so you will be able to add and personalize components within it from the Page Editor.

Famo.us - StateModifiers disappearing?

Wondering if someone might help with another pair of eyes - as I am trying to work out why some of my Famo.us 'Views' are being displayed despite having an opacity StateModifier set to '0'.
Here is my code - My apologies for it not being standard - I have "Panels" instead of "Views" and a few other things..but happy to expand on the code if needed.
function _buildSidePanel() {
this._sidePanel = _createPanel.call(this);
this._sidePanel.position = this.cm(this.constructor.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sideMenu.position);
this._menuHolder = _createPanel.call(this); //My version of a View
// Create StateModifiers
this._menuHolder.position = this.cm({ align: [.5,.6], origin: [.5,.6], proportions: [.9,.8] });
this._menuHolder.fadeState = this.cm({ opacity: 0 });
this._menuHolder.sizeState = this.cm();
this._menuHolder.mC = new ModifierChain();
/* Tried splitting it to just modifiers but getting the same thing
// this._menuHolder.fadeState.setOpacity(1,this.constructor.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sideMenu.menuHolder.transition.in);
I have created a ModifierChain and added among other things an Opacity State of 0. When I add this and then add the modifier and 'View' to the container it displays the View even though the View has a StateModifier of '0' so should not be displayed.
The 'fadeState.setOpacity' command is meant to transition the fadeState to display the View but it is commented out, so the View should not be displayed.
I have this working in other areas so know the approach works. I am also (hopefully) not using the same variable names, so not using a StateModifier more than once. But still stuck as to why this is being displayed.
Any help or thoughts would be gratefully appreciated.

How change the event in [XTK]

I wonder how do I change my mouse event
because I would like to X.Caption activates only when I right-clicked on it.
thank you very much
If I'm correct ( other contributors, don't be afraid to correct me ), you might have to edit the internals of XTK for your needs. XTK has the "controls" defined in X.event.js for it's event such as HoverEvent and PanEvent which are acquired from the Google Closure Library. You can look into the Google Closure Library more as I haven't completely reviewed it, but X.caption is mostly derived from Goog.ui.Tooltip which can be used with the events from Goog.ui.Popup, Goog.ui.PopupBase, and Goog.events. You can try to include Goog.events into your Javascript and define your own click event or something related to that and look through the Google Closure Library some more.
If what I just wrote in the small paragraph above is not completely correct or anything like that, there are of course basic Javascript DOM Events for clicking. I'm not quite sure how those would work with XTK because XTK uses WebGL for rendering. You can review the basic events at http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_event.asp. If you find any solution for yourself, you are more than welcome to contribute it to XTK.
I think there are too ways no ? Change the xtk source code and compile your own version or something like this :
window.onload = function() {
myrenderer.config.HOVERING_ENABLED = false; // disabling show caption on mousehover
var mouse_x, mouse_y;
myrenderer.interactor.onMouseMove = function(event) {
mouse_x = event.offsetX;
mouse_y = event.offsetY;
myrenderer.interactor.onMouseDown = function(left,middle, right) {
if (right) {
var picked_id = myrenderer.pick(mouse_x, mouse_y);
if (picked_id==-1) throw new Error("No object");
var picked_object = myrenderer.get(picked_id);
var mycontainer = myrenderer.container;
var caption = new X.caption(mycontainer,mycontainer.offsetLeft + mouse_x + 10, mycontainer.offsetTop + mouse_y + 10,myrenderer.interactor);
// use settimeout or something else to destroy the caption
The following JSFiddle shows how to do that. To actually display a tooltip etc. you can use any JS Library like jQuery UI.

How do I utilize the save event in a Sitecore custom Item Editor?

I am creating a custom item editor, and am using the following blog post as a reference for responding to the "save" event in the Content Editor, so that I do not need to create a second, confusing Save button for my users.
I am able to save my values to the item, but the values in the normal Content tab are also being saved, overriding my values. I have confirmed this via Firebug. Is there a way to prevent this, or to ensure my save is always after the default save?
I have this in as a support ticket and on SDN as well, but wondering what the SO community can come up with.
Took a shot at an iframe-based solution, which uses an IFrame field to read and save the values being entered in my item editor. It needs to be cleaned up a bit, and feels like an interface hack, but it seems to be working at the moment.
In my item editor:
jQuery(function () {
var parentScForm = window.parent.scForm;
parentScForm.myItemEditor = window;
function myGetValue(field) {
var values = [];
jQuery('#myForm input[#name="' + field + '"]:checked').each(function () {
var value = values.join('|');
return value;
In my Iframe field:
function scGetFrameValue() {
var parentScForm = window.parent.scForm;
if (typeof (parentScForm.myItemEditor) != "undefined") {
if (typeof (parentScForm.myItemEditor.myGetValue) != "undefined") {
return parentScForm.myItemEditor.myGetValue("myLists");
return null;
In theory, I could have multiple fields on the item which are "delegated" to the item editor in this way -- working with the content editor save rather than trying to fight against it. I'm a little uneasy about "hitchhiking" onto the scForm to communicate between my pages -- might consult with our resident Javascript hacker on a better method.
Any comments on the solution?
EDIT: Blogged more about this solution