Facebook API - permissions error - facebook-graph-api

Anyone know what is the reason for this Facebook API error?
This is appearing sometimes while user is posting by /feed call.
"error":{"message":"Permissions error", "type":"FacebookApiException", "code":200, "error_subcode":1376025

Posting to a user's wall is not a default permission and as such you're probably trying to post without first checking they have granted to permission to do so. If you're finding multiple users are causing this error, consider only asking for permission when your app needs it. From the Facebook Graph API docs:
For cases where someone has granted some permissions but not others,
only prompt for missing permissions at the point at which they are
needed. For example, if your app posts stories to Facebook, only
request publish_actions when they ask to publish a story.
Alas, I could be way off - but that's what I think is happening based on your description. There isn't much else that could be causing that if it works sometimes and not others, given your error message is an exception from the Facebook API itself.

If you are using a test account along with the API for testing on Facebook and you are trying to post Facebook content such as a link to a video that has been uploaded to Facebook, then you will get this error.
In my case I was using the API to post this video: https://www.facebook.com/LADbible/videos/the-turkey-whisperer/4699159626797857/ to my test user accounts facebook page and I was getting that error. When I used a different link facebook allowed the post to go through.
This may not be a fix for you but maybe for anyone else coming across this permissions error.


Starting using Instagram oEmbed feature

What is the correct way to start using Instagram oEmbed feature? Documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram/oembed/) claims that I have to pass App Review to start using the feature. And application form says Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read. Which I don't have because I have no access to the feature.
What I have tried with no success:
I requested instagram_oembed resource with:
app token of application in live mode
app token of application in
development mode
passed URL to a post by official Instagram account
(e.g. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQG4gZxMzzO/)
passed URL to a post
of a user who is Admin of the app
In all cases I receive (#10) To use 'Oembed Read', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Oembed Read' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review.
Example of the request I do https://graph.facebook.com/v11.0/instagram_oembed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fp%2FCQG4gZxMzzO%2F&access_token=appAccessToken
We're also suffering from this issue, but so far, we thought we already figured out how to do that.
Big picture
Facebook had not sorted this thing out correctly. Or at least, we don't know why they put such a restriction to this API.
The official document is not correct. (or at least not accurate for now, for some part)
Which part was not correct?
The access token part is not right. Or at least, it's the most confusion part.
How can we resolve this?
Use the Graph API Explorer
Adjust your token(App token, Client access token, user token) with the official URLs(see below) to see if you can get the result
most of us should be able to get the result with user access token, which means you have to access this API after login!
Integrate into your app for review
The review page is also confusing:
Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read. Include the URL of a page, post or video from our official Facebook or Instagram pages, or the pages themselves., it means you can only use links like https://www.facebook.com/instagram or https://www.facebook.com/facebook
With that in mind, so far, the only way to get approved is integrate your oembed usage into your normal UI with facebook user access token ready
Question to the big picture
So, we have to ask user to login with our facebook app, then we can provide this oembed read API returned embed HTML? I'm afraid that's what we have now.
big companies might be able to apply for App Token, I guess in that scenario, facebook login is not necessary
for small companies, indie developers, hmmm, I don't know any better solutions so far.
I have run into this too. I do not have an answer at this time, I just want to report on the frustrations of their 'app review' process. Which makes it feel like you are unlikely to get it to work any time soon.
We have a custom embed code for our weblog authors to use (a shortcode kind of thing) which does the oEmbed call. We just take the HTML from the resulting JSON, and insert it into the weblog article page, and that is it. It stopped working, presenting this same error - in live mode, and in development mode.
The kicker is, I then tried submitting it for app review. Filled out everything I could to the best of my knowledge. Provided them a test account and post on our weblog to show the shortcode editing and expected placement. We got rejected. Why? Your embedding resulted in an error, we can't see it in action to approve you.
Yes. The error I am getting is that I need my 'app' to be reviewed and approved.
This is an infuriating process. This is the only Facebook / Instagram API feature we use at this point. No user data. No attempt to make an Instagram clone app or anything like that. Just an embed.
And they are making this simple use case as impossible to use as they can. And the documentation also feels like an infinite loop. They say users of the old Instagram embed call have until September 7 2021 to get approved. But the call does not work at all because we are not approved. So we cannot get approved.
Same loop here. I've managed to report it to Facebook team and get answer "Just submit your Instagram post URL"! I can't believe it, its can't be so simple. I've confirmed it few times with Facebook team person and.... get rejected!
Also, second form in App Review process will LOWERCASE all of your links and I've spent few days just to explain it to reviewers and support person. Still rejected after submitting proper url. This is insane.
My another attempt was about to build a test page where I can auth via Facebook account, parse connected Instagram accounts and GET embed endpoint with user access key in hope that reviewer HAS access to oembed feature - REJECTED. I can't even find what permission I need to add to auth URL to obtain oembed thing.
Will update my answer with new information later.
UPDATE: After reporting about the issue with lowercase URL in submission form they just APPROVED my app without APP REVIEW. Well... Facebook style...
I had exactly the same problem recently. Updated the packages with compose, changed the API version from 10 to 11... without any change.
The error was also occurring in development mode, it didn't make sense that Facebook was asking to approve in dev mode.
For me, the problem came from the management of scopes in my application, depending on the version of the Facebook API used.
My advice: check the scopes defined with API version in your code first.
I had the same issue and the solution is very simple. The only thing you need to do is copy paste an instagram url in the input field saying: Please provide a URL where we can test Oembed Read.
I did the this link: https://www.instagram.com/p/G/
Which is actually the first instagram post :) Got approved. Hope this helps everybody!

Get instagram ID from facebook graph API without manage_pages permission

I'm creating an app that's using facebook login to get instagram follower insights. Currently I've followed and and successfully made the soloution written here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started/
But here's the problem. Facebook won't approve the "manage_pages" permission for my app. Without manage_pages I have no idea how to get the instagram account id.
I've tried for a couple of weeks now, and facebook won't give any explanation other than "This permission is not required for your app's intended function, or it doesn't appear to enhance the user experience" and then referencing this https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions
I currently have a facebook support ticket regarding the issue but they haven't replied for almost 2 weeks. And I'm getting a little desperate.
Using below URL for version 3.0 and 3.2 to get the instagram accounts - It works with "manage_permissions" but without it the response is empty.
Facebook has finally replied to my support ticket and accepted my app review! The approach and guide I was using above was correct.
I have similar problem to get Instagram Id without extra manage_pages permission. I see no point to ask users for manage page permissions (just read it - its includes ads/create/delete etc permissions, crazy) just to get their Instagram accounts id connected to the page. I've found pages_read_engagement permission will provide this data! So, read only permission fixed my problem. Try it! Its better than manage_pages I guess.

Deprecated Facebook login permissions

My app integrates Facebook login with the following permissions :user_education_history and user_work_history. The app was working just fine until today morning when I attempt to login I get the following error:
invalid scopes: user_education_history, user_work_history. This message is only shown to developers other app users will ignore these permissions if present.
I went through the docs and I discovered that they were deprecated on the 4th of this month but I cannot seem to find the new permissions for the education and the work history ... any help ?
Facebook is removing access to a lot of things as a result of recent negative press surrounding data mining of their users. In almost all cases the information is simply no longer available, there is no alternative method to access it.
More information is available in the Facebook developer blog:
Note that the message you mention is only shown to Facebook accounts with developer credentials. Regular Facebook users don't see this message and the Facebook API simply ignores requests for scopes which are no longer allowed. If the data being requested are optional in the context of the app, you should create a test Facebook account and see how it behaves when requesting the data doesn't return anything (or causes unexpected errors).

Desktop App Workflow Error When Logging In

Our desktop application integrates with Facebook using the desktop app workflow and for approx. 18 months has been working without any problems. However, we are starting to get reports from some users that they cannot get past the login process.
When the login is successful Facebook should be attaching the access_token to the redirect_uri. Our application detects this and moves the user to the main part of our Facebook integration. What appears to be happening in some situations is that the access_token parameter is missing which causes our application to leave our embedded browser window open with the following message from Facebook:
SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone."
What is strange is that this does not occur with all Facebook accounts and which Facebook accounts it occurs with seems to be changing. For example, we had a report of this approx. 1 week ago but could not duplicate it with my own Facebook account or with a colleague's Facebook account. Today, I still cannot duplicate it with my own Facebook account but my colleague now gets the problem.
The URL our code sends to Facebook is:
Reading the latest API documentation it looks like they recommend a different way to connect which we have also tried:
To rule out our application as the cause we have tried these URLs directly within a web browser. What we find is that when using my Facebook account the browser re-directs to the success URL that includes the access_token parameter but when using my colleague's account the browser re-directs to the success URL that includes the access_token and then immediately re-directs again to the success URL without the access_token.
so... As far as we can tell this is either:
a) A change to the API which we cannot find documented anywhere
b) A bug in Facebook
c) Something that is now controlled by the user's Facebook security settings
Is there anybody who could explain why Facebook is acting differently with different accounts and how we can go about fixing this?
I have the same problem in my desktop applications.
And I just solve it with careful reading in ht*ps://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login/login-for-desktop/. The solution is to change redirect_uri from ht*p://www.facebook.com/... into ht*ps://www.facebook.com/...
Hope this will help you just like it help me
change ht*p into http
sorry i have to change the http into ht*p so that i can post the answer.

Cannot retrieve public posts via Facebook Graph Explorer due to "Unsupported GET request"

I'm trying to retrieve a number of public posts from facebook via the Graph Explorer Interface, and I'm running into the "Unsupported get request" exception.
A lot of posts on StackOverflow say that this is because you need to acquire some user_access permission, but as far as I understand, that shouldn't be the case here.
The ID of one of the posts I'm trying to access is:
If it were restricted, I shouldn't be able to see post here without logging into facebook:
So that should rule out the problem with restriced access.
So is this a bug in the facebook graph explorer?
Or am I missing something?
Ok, weird.
The link to facebook I put in does actually require you to login to facebook. But if you copy-paste the link into the addressbar instead, you apparently bypass that restriction, which led me to believe that the link didn't require login.
So I suppose I'm back to figring out the access restriction issue.