WSO2 API Manager - Add Custom Endpoint Security Scheme? - wso2

We are currently evaluating the WSO2 API Manager (v1.6.0) to Front our internal APIs so they can be securely exposed to thirdparty developers and partners. Our internal APIs have implemented an HMAC-SHA1 based custom authorization scheme similar to AWS, where clients construct a HMAC-SHA1 hash string using the request url, the current timestamp and a secret key assigned to that client.
I would like to configure/customize the API Manager to employ this custom scheme when routing requests to our service endpoint. This way the API Manager operates as just another client to our internal API. What is the best way to achieve this? Currently the API Manager only supports Basic Auth (When I select "Secured" in the "Endpoint Security Scheme" drop-down when setting up my API). How do I update the API Manager so it:
Supports my custom scheme - constructs the Authorization Header using our custom scheme when calling our service endpoint
Maintains the secret key used for generating the about header within it's configuration/data store

Although this is a very very old question, I'm answering so it can be useful to someone, someday.
You can do this by either writing a custom handler or custom sequence. What you have to do is,
1) Send the token in a custom header.
2) Copy that token to Authorization header by a custom handler/sequence.


How to have multiple endpoints for one API in WSO2 API Manager?

Can I add multiple endpoints to 1 API in WSO2 Api Manager?
As far as I know I have to create a context and a version. The background is that I just want to make a request like or
The userList REST-Controller is implemented on backend A and tasks REST-Controller is implemented in backend B. (A and B are separate web applications)
As far as I know I have to create in my API Manager two APIs with different context values.
The API Manager application would simply subscribe both APIs.
But this would mean that I have to change my requests on the javascript side. This is in my opinion not good because I dont want my javascript application to care about the context. I want that the API Manager delegates to the correct backend automatically. Is this possible? What is best practise?
You can have multiple endpoints per API using Dynamic Endpoint Feature. When creating the API you need to set the Endpoint Type as "Dynamic Endpoint" and upload a mediation in-sequence that sets the "To" header. Within the sequence you can specify your logic to route to the correct endpoint (setting the correct "To" header) according to the request path. Please read [1] for more information.

Restrict REST API access

I have a public facing API that returns some data, internally using the Google Maps API Service. This API is mostly for interal purposes right now, invoked through the webapplication.
However, I wish to restrict the usage of this API i.e. it should only be invoked from my Web Application ( or mobile app) when a user (non-registered) browses it. An http request directly to this API should not be authorized.
I cannot use API keys since the webapp flow should work for non-registered users as well.
If you're not using HTTPS, any security mechanism is flawed, because it can be replicated. IMHO, you could add a HTTP header (e.g. "Request-source: YourApp") and check for its existance in your API.
Of course, once it's documented somehow, anyone can mimic this header. But if you use HTTPS and create a header that's unknown for other people, you prevent this from happening.

Authorizing APIs with different mechanisms in API Manager-WSO2

WSO2 APIM by default supports OAuth2 for securing APIs. If I want to secure my APIs with other standard mechanisms such as BASIC or custom authorization mechanism(eg: based on xml body elements values of request), what is the approach I should follow?
In documentation it tells about writing a custom handler link . I guess this handler is invoked at transport level which will apply for all the API requests over that transport ??.
Does APIM supports adding other security(eg:Basic) mechanisms for each API when an API is added by publisher? and if so does that happen inside the ESB proxy service sequence or before it hits the proxy service?
The API Manager UI supports only OAuth based security, you can modify the synapse configuration of the API to support Basic auth to validate based on HTTP header. Customer authentication can be supported through handler. A reference to the handler has to be included in each API that you want to secure using the custom logic. This can be done by modifying the synapse config of the API.
You need write custom authentication handler and set as an handler configuration for that specific API

WSO2 API Manager redirect according to client

Is it possible to have the API Manager redirect an incoming client API call to a back-end URL customized according to the client data?
In our back-end we're activating different instance URLs for each client, e.g.:
Clients connect to the API Manager to a unique shared address, e.g. api.domain.ext, and then clients shall be routed to the internal API accordingly (the parameter is bound to the client profile).
Is this achievable via configuration or is it necessary to develop a custom component?
You can use API manager.
Publish one API-A to the clients to subscribe publicly via publisher. Define another internal API-B (dont publish it) where do routing logic based on the clients' requests.
Point the API_B as the production URL to the API_A. So, requests will be routed to your internal API-B, where you can define your mediation logic.
But for defining mediation logic, what you have to do is, open the API configuration in a TEXT editor and need to edit or via source view of the management console. You can follow ESB guide for various mediators to pick a right one.
Hope this helps!

WSO2 API Manager Authentication

I have an application that uses Basic Authentication to authenticate and authorize service calls. I am setting up our WSO2 API Manager on a separate server but are unsure how to pass the base64 encryption from the API Manager through to my application to authorize certain service calls.
This information is not readily available in the documentation so I am not sure it is even supported.
Has anyone used this or knows how to achieve this?
If you want to provide your own authentication mechanism you can do this very easily by implementing the and set it in authentication handlers chain.
You can refer the for reference.
You can provide the credentials when you create an API at publisher. You can check the WSO2 documentation about adding an API. At publisher for "Endpoint Type" you have to select Secured and then need to provide username/password.
Authentication occurs in API Manager via the APIAuthenticationHandler, which is among the handlers defined in your API sequence definition (/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api). To disable authentication for that particular API (since API Manager handles basic authentication itself), just remove or comment out the handler. Users should then provide the basic authentication required by the back-end service rather than the API Manager token, since they will no longer need it.