c++ - overloading array subscript operator - c++

I'm trying to provide custom exception handling mechanism to a class inherited from mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult in mysql++ library. But what i'm finding really hard to do is to find a way to refer to the actual object within the class, so i'm unable to use the vector operation at() properly in order to retrieve a value at an index.
Here is the header
/* MySQLQueryResult.h */
#include <mysql++.h>
#include <result.h>
namespace MinesScanner {
namespace MoonStone {
class MySQLQueryResult : public mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult {
MySQLQueryResult(const MySQLQueryResult &other);
MySQLQueryResult& operator=(const MySQLQueryResult &other);
mysqlpp::Row& operator[](int index);
int _dat;
Here is the source file
/* MySQLQueryResult.cpp */
#include "MySQLQueryResult.h"
namespace MinesScanner {
namespace MoonStone {
MySQLQueryResult::MySQLQueryResult( )
: StoreQueryResult( )
MySQLQueryResult::MySQLQueryResult( const StoreQueryResult &ob )
: StoreQueryResult( ob )
MySQLQueryResult& MySQLQueryResult::operator=( const StoreQueryResult &ob )
StoreQueryResult::operator=( ob ) ;
return *this ;
mysqlpp::Row& MySQLQueryResult::operator[]( int index )
try {
std::cout << " Called " << this->at( index ) << std::endl ;
return this->at( index ) ;
} catch ( std::exception& excpn_ob ) {
std::cerr << " Exception caught : " << excpn_ob.what( ) << std::endl ;
A simple usage example will show more clearly what i want to achieve.
#include "MySQLQueryResult.h"
int main() {
StoreQueryResult lisres = getMinesData( ( string ) row.at( 0 ) ) ; // returns StoreQueryResult object storing the result
cout << lisres[0][7] << endl; // outputs "Falkreath Stormcloak Mines"
MySQLQueryResult my_lisres = getMinesData( ( string ) row.at( 0 ) ) ; // returns StoreQueryResult object storing the result
cout << my_lisres[0][7] << endl; // ERROR!
So i basically want to add more boundary checking, check for null values , and handle out_of_range exception using the operator[] in class MySQLQueryResult but its not working.
I want to be able to access MySQLQueryResult object using array subscripts . Either i'm getting a garbage value or a Seg fault. Please let me know how to get this right

but its not working
It looks like you also need to overload const version of subscript operator:
const mysqlpp::Row& operator[](int index) const;


C++: bool method returning unexpected numbers after cout statement

I'm working on some exam-examples for a c++ programming exam and the example where I'm stuck at requires me to code a class for returning the contents of a "Closet" object. One of the methods required in the example adds a vector of Garment objects to a second vector of Garment objects, (so, filling the closet with clothes). Up until this point my code has passed all the references and checks I've been given (a list with the supposed runtime errors and cout/cerr statements), so I've removed method-definitions and calls in the code I'm posting here to only show the part where I'm getting the unexpected returns.
I supposed that one of the constructors or even another method might interfere with the output, so I've ran several versions of the code trough a visualizer (Python tutor for c++), but that didn't shed any new insight either, no other methods were called (as expected) and no other output prompted from the constructors either.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
enum class Color{Red, Blue, Gray, Yellow};
const std::vector<std::string> color_names{"red", "blue", "gray", "yellow"};
enum class Type{Pants, Blouse, Shirt, Skirt};
const std::vector<std::string> type_names{"pants", "blouse", "shirt", "skirt"};
class Garment {
int preis;
Color farbe;
Type typ;
Garment (int p, Color f = Color::Gray, Type t = Type::Pants){
this->preis = p;
this->farbe = f;
this->typ = t;
//negativer Preis = exception
if (p < 0){throw runtime_error("Preis kleiner als 0!");} }
int get_price() const{
return this->preis; }
Type get_type() const{
return this->typ; }
bool has_color(Color f) const{}
void deteriorate(int w){}
int get_index_color() const{}
int get_index_type() const{}
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Garment &g){
//[40000 Cent, yellow blouse]
out << "[" << g.preis << " Cent, "<< color_names[g.get_index_color()]
<< " " << type_names[g.get_index_type()];
out << "]";
return out;
class Closet {
size_t capacity;
vector<Garment> inventory;
//Konstruktor Beginn
Closet (size_t c, vector<Garment> inv){
this->capacity = c;
this->inventory = inv;
if (capacity < 5 || capacity > 300){throw runtime_error ("Komplette Kapazitaet ueber oder unterschritten!");}
if (this->inventory.size() > this->capacity){throw runtime_error ("Relative kapazitaet ueberschritten");}
vector<int>kleiderliste {0,0,0,0};
for (auto x : inv){
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Pants){kleiderliste[0]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Blouse){kleiderliste[1]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Skirt){kleiderliste[2]++;}
if (x.Garment::get_type() == Type::Shirt){kleiderliste[3]++;}
int zaehler = 0;
for (auto y : kleiderliste){
if (y != 0 ){zaehler++;}
if (zaehler <2){throw runtime_error("Nur mehr kleidungsstuecke eines typs im schrank");}
bool add(vector<Garment> v){
if ((v.size() + this->inventory.size()) <= this->capacity){
cerr << 1;
return true;
cerr << 0;
return false;
double mean_price() const{
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,const Closet &c){
out << "[" << c.capacity << ",{";
for (auto x : c.inventory){
out <<x;
out << "},";
out << c.mean_price();
out << "]";
return out;
int main(){
Garment pants{34500, Color::Blue, Type::Pants};
Garment blouse{12700, Color::Red, Type::Blouse};
const Garment shirt{2300, Color::Yellow, Type::Shirt};
Garment shirt2{23500, Color::Red, Type::Shirt};
Garment skirt{26600, Color::Gray, Type::Skirt};
Garment skirt2{4600, Color::Blue, Type::Skirt};
Closet closet {10, {skirt, blouse, shirt, pants, skirt}};
cout << closet.add({shirt2, skirt2}) << closet.add({blouse,skirt,pants}) << closet.add({}) << closet.add({pants}) << '\n';
return 0; }
This code is supposed to yield the following output via cout:
1110. The Closet::add method is supposed to return true three times and false one time in a row.
What I actually get as return values via cout << is: 0111
To test if the code does what it's supposed to I'm outputting 1 for true and 0 for false on the cerr channel too, and there I get the correct 1110 numbers.
What leads to the return output not be 1110? Are the method calls made in a different order in the compiler?
As explained by Raymond-Chen the method is not guaranteed to be called in the left to right order that would produce the expected "1110" output. Different compilers lead to different order of the calls being executed. In this specific case switching to the clang compiler yielded the expected "1110" output.

Why is the static array member variable showing nothing after calling the instance of the object?

Currently working on Object Oriented Programming in c++ and having problems with an instance showing nothing changed from a method I've created.
The whole code is based off of this object I've created from a header file.
#ifndef DEQUE_H_
#define DEQUE_H_
#include <iostream>
const int CAPACITY = 5;
const int DEFAULT = -1;
class Deque
int get_size() const;
bool is_empty() const;
bool is_full() const;
int operator[](int i) const;
static Deque insert_tail(int);
int size_;
static int array_[CAPACITY];
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Deque &);
One of the problems I'm having is the insert_tail method that doesn't show any changes to my static array.
In the cpp file itself.. these are the function declarations.
include <iostream>
#include "Deque.h"
int Deque::array_[5] = {};
int Deque::get_size() const
return size_;
bool Deque::is_full() const
if (size_ == 5) return 1;
else return 0;
bool Deque::is_empty() const
if (size_!= 5) return 1;
else return 0;
int Deque::operator[](int i) const
int something = array_[i];
return something;
Deque Deque::insert_tail(int x)
Deque d;
d.size_ += 1;
int size = d.size_;
d.array_[size - 1] = x;
return d;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & cout, const Deque & dq)
cout << dq.get_size() << " [ ";
for (int i = 0; i < dq.get_size(); ++i)
cout << dq[i] << " ";
cout << "]";
return cout;
The operator works just fine. The bools work just fine and the remove_head and remove_tail thing I'll do once I figure out insert tail. Right now, it's not making any chances to the very object I've created inside the main.
#include <iostream>
#include "Deque.h"
void print(const Deque & deque)
static int i = 1;
std::cout << i << ". " << deque << ", empty: " << deque.is_empty()
<< ", full: " << deque.is_full();
void test_insert_tail(Deque & deque, int x)
print(deque); std::cout << "\n";
int main()
Deque deque;
std::cout << "\n";
test_insert_tail(deque, 2);
return 0;
The output should look like this,
1. 1 [ 2 ], empty: 0, full: 0
but looks like this
1. 0 [], empty: 1, full: 0
What's going on inside my static method for handling all the private attributes that I'm missing on? What did I do wrong exactly?
The problem with your code is the misuse of the static word. In fact, static means that is not associated with an instance of the object: this means that the content of the static member (the array_ variable in this case) is shared between every instance you will create.
That's the same for the insert_tail method, that can be used even if you don't create an instance. Now, let's try to understand what you've written in this method:
Deque d;
d.size_ += 1;
int size = d.size_;
d.array_[size - 1] = x;
return d;
In the first line, you created a new Deque object. That's the first mistake, cause you're not modifying the actual Deque. Then you add the operations, and in the end, you return the created Deque. However, this object is not saved anywhere, because when you call deque.insert_tail() you aren't assigning the returned value anywhere.
Let's try and get this a little bit more concrete.
Since what you're doing is creating a data structure, you won't need any static member. This because everything needs to be saved inside the data structure.
Then, inside the insert_tail you'll need to remove the object you created inside. It'll look something like this:
size_ += 1;
int size = size_;
array_[size - 1] = x;
With those two modifications the code will probably work as expected, however, I suggest you focus on improving the appearance of your code. Using the underscore character at the end of the variable name is a little bit confusing. In C the only scenario you can use it inside the name int foo_bar for normal variables, and at the beginning int _foo for reserved variables.

Changing a private value of a class in method not returning the changes to main()

I'm having a problem that I haven't found an answer for in a week now. I have a dynamic array class and it has a method to add string values to it. It's supposed to represent an inventory you can add items to. However, I find that the changes made in the method to the private values of the class element aren't "updated" when I try to call for a print-method for the class element "backpack" later in the main(). I think this might be a problem due to referencing issues, but I've seen this work when a class hasn't been in a different module.
My "backpack" module print and add methods:
const int INITIAL_SIZE = 5;
array_(new string[INITIAL_SIZE]),
used_space_(0) {}
void Inventory::add(string item){
if ( size() == max_space_ ) {
string* new_array = new string[2 * max_space_];
for ( int i = 0; i < size(); ++i ) {
new_array[i] = array_[i];
delete [] array_;
array_ = new_array;
max_space_ = 2 * max_space_;
array_[used_space_] = item;
void Inventory::print() {
for ( int i = 0; i < size(); ++i ) {
cout << array_[i] << endl;
The main():
Inventory inv;
string input;
while (cout << "input> "
and getline(cin,input)){
So the point is you reset the inventory when you give it new contents. The function add_to_bag(); is:
void add_to_bag(string input, Inventory inv){
const string WHITESPACE1_REGEX = "[[:space:]]*";
const string WHITESPACE2_REGEX = "[[:space:]]+";
const string WORD_REGEX = "[[:alpha:]_]+";
const string LINE_REGEX =
"(" +
")*" +
regex line_reg(LINE_REGEX);
regex word_regex(WORD_REGEX);
string line = input;
if ( regex_match(line, line_reg) ) {
sregex_iterator iter(line.begin(), line.end(), word_regex);
sregex_iterator end;
while ( iter != end ) {
} else {
cout << "Error: unknown inventory contents." << endl;
Your problem is:
void add_to_bag(string input, Inventory inv);
You pass a copy of the Inventory object to add_to_bag. You modify that copy ... and then it gets thrown away. The fix is to pass by reference:
void add_to_bag(string input, Inventory &inv);
Incidentally, in real-life code, I would strongly advise the use of std::vector<std::string> rather than "roll your own". There are a number of tricky exception handling issues you have got wrong here - and unless Inventory doesn't have a destructor (implying a memory leak), or does have a correct copy constructor I would have expected you to run into "double free" issues. (Read about "The Rule of Three".)
A simple way to design your class would be as follows:
class Inventory {
std::vector<std::string> items_;
void addItem( const std::string& item ) {
items_.push_back( item );
void printInventory() const {
int idx = 0;
for (; idx < items_.size(); ++idx ) {
std::cout << items_[idx] << std::endl;
void clearInventory() {
And as for your problem Martin Bonner had already answered it with the modifying of the copy and the removal of it afterwards and the other issues with the memory management.

C++11 Cereal: load_and_allocate not loading correctly

I am using cereal, a C++11 serialization library. I am uncertain if this is a bug with the library or an issue with how I am using it and I would like some assistance.
Given the following minimal repro which is representative (but not reliant) on my own code I am getting an exception thrown from JSONInputArchive::search as invocated by the line next to my comment in the code sample below (//breaks here.)
I'm currently on commit 436a0a275cda007f137876f37b4fc8783e615352 in this github repro (at the time of writing, the tip of their develop branch.)
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "cereal/cereal.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/map.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/vector.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/memory.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/string.hpp"
#include "cereal/types/base_class.hpp"
#include "cereal/archives/json.hpp"
#include <cereal/types/polymorphic.hpp>
class BaseClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<BaseClass> {
virtual ~BaseClass(){}
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive){
archive(CEREAL_NVP(name), CEREAL_NVP(baseMember));
BaseClass(const std::string &a_name):
std::string name;
int baseMember; //let this have random junk so we can see if it saves right.
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
friend cereal::access;
static std::shared_ptr<DerivedClass> make(const std::string &a_name, int a_derivedMember){
return std::shared_ptr<DerivedClass>(new DerivedClass(a_name, a_derivedMember));
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive){
archive(CEREAL_NVP(derivedMember), cereal::make_nvp("base", cereal::base_class<BaseClass>(this)));
DerivedClass(const std::string &a_name, int a_derivedMember):
template <class Archive>
static DerivedClass * load_and_allocate(Archive &archive){
int derivedMember;
archive(CEREAL_NVP(derivedMember)); //breaks here.
DerivedClass* object = new DerivedClass("", derivedMember);
archive(cereal::make_nvp("base", cereal::base_class<BaseClass>(object)));
return object;
int derivedMember;
void saveTest(){
std::stringstream stream;
cereal::JSONOutputArchive archive(stream);
auto testSave = DerivedClass::make("TestName", 4);
archive(cereal::make_nvp("test", testSave));
std::cout << stream.str() << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<DerivedClass> loaded;
cereal::JSONInputArchive archive(stream);
archive(cereal::make_nvp("test", loaded));
std::stringstream stream2;
cereal::JSONOutputArchive archive(stream2);
archive(cereal::make_nvp("test", loaded));
std::cout << stream2.str() << std::endl;
std::cout << "TA-DA!" << std::endl;
int main(){
The sample output I get from the above (before the exception) is:
"test": {
"id": 1073741824,
"ptr_wrapper": {
"id": 2147483649,
"data": {
"derivedMember": 4,
"base": {
"name": "TestName",
"baseMember": -1163005939
I've modified the throwing method (in cereal/archive/json.hpp) to print what it is searching for and each of the values it is looking through in an effort to debug the problem. Here is my modified version:
//! Adjust our position such that we are at the node with the given name
/*! #throws Exception if no such named node exists */
inline void search( const char * searchName )//, GenericValue const & parent )
size_t index = 0;
std::cout << "_____" << std::endl;
for( auto it = itsMemberItBegin; it != itsMemberItEnd; ++it, ++index )
if( std::strcmp( searchName, it->name.GetString() ) == 0 )
itsIndex = index;
} else{
//I added this part here
std::cout << "!" << searchName << " == " << it->name.GetString() << std::endl;
throw Exception("JSON Parsing failed - provided NVP not found");
Output for the above method before it excepts:
!derivedMember == id
!derivedMember == data
The output I get from this seems to indicate that search is looking through the members of "test.ptr_wrapper" instead of "test.ptr_wrapper.data".
My question is this: am I doing something wrong? Or is there an issue with cereal?
It seems like this is indeed a bug with Cereal. My temporary work-around is as follows:
For now, to work around the issue I added a line 144 in memory.hpp (as
it appears on line 168 in the case of no load_and_allocate which means
that there is a default constructor.)
ar( *ptr );
I will simply avoid using the load_and_allocate archive
directly and will use my serialization functions. In my
load_and_allocate method I will construct an object with "default"
like information.
When this is fixed I should be able to correctly load in the parameters required to construct the object properly.
*edit: this has been fixed on the develop branch.

Making an event like subscribing system for C++ * chars

For simple data like ints or constants something like this would work
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std ;
typedef void FuncInt (int) ;
class GraphElementProto {
void add (FuncInt* f)
FuncVec.push_back (f) ;
} ;
void call()
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < FuncVec.size() ; i++)
FuncVec[i] (i) ;
} ;
vector<FuncInt*> FuncVec ;
} ;
static void f0 (int i) { cout << "f0(" << i << ")" << endl ; }
static void f1 (int i) { cout << "f1(" << i << ")" << endl ; }
int main() {
GraphElementProto a ;
a.add (f0) ;
a.add (f1) ;
a.call() ;
So now imagine we work with some data buffer like char.
We have threads that wait for data pointers and on appearance of that pointers want to change data at the same time. So we would need to create copy's of that data and give to each subscriber pointer to his own copy.
So how to do such thing? (sorry C++ nube - code is only thing I can understand)
Consider the similarities between each node of the graph that you describe and create a class for them (class GraphElement below). It should encapsulate its relationship to its child nodes, and it should do something locally with any incoming messages (function localAction). You should then derive classes that represent specific variations - such as the image generator you mention - and change the local action. Each class may take a copy of the original message, or change it as you need.
In my example code here I have create the default graph node - GraphNode - and made it simply print incoming messages before passing them to its child nodes. I have used a string object for the incoming message - a lot nicer than a plain old C char * array [example: you can derive a string from char * when message2 is created in the code below]. I have made those object const references as its cheap, fast, and never changes the original.
I have derived a class called CatNode as an example of the variation you need. Objects of this type contain a history of all messages, and print out that history when a new message arrives. Not very useful - but a good example none the less. This demonstrates how each node may do anything to a copy of the original message - rewrite localAction(). It also passes that history to any child nodes - rewrite incomingMessage with a change to the parameter passed to deliverMessage().
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
class GraphNode
GraphNode( string & name ) : mChildren(), mName(name) {}
GraphNode( const char * const name ) : mChildren(), mName(name==NULL?"":name) {}
virtual void incomingMessage( const string & str ) {
localAction(str); // This node is to do something.
deliverMessage(str); // Child nodes are to do things too.
void addChild( GraphNode * child ) {
mChildren.push_back( child );
// Rewrite this function for child classes who are to do different things with messages.
virtual void localAction( const string & str ) {
cout << mName << " : " << str << endl;
void deliverMessage( const string & str ) {
vector<GraphNode*>::iterator itr = mChildren.begin();
for( ; itr != mChildren.end(); ++itr )
// Data members
vector<GraphNode*> mChildren;
string mName;
}; // [ GraphNode ]
class CatNode : public GraphNode
CatNode( string & name ) : GraphNode(name), mHistory() {}
CatNode( const char * const name ) : GraphNode(name), mHistory() {}
virtual void incomingMessage( const string & str ) {
virtual void localAction( const string & str ) {
mHistory += str;
cout << mName << " : " << mHistory << endl;
// Data members
string mHistory;
}; // [ CatNode ]
// root -> childA
GraphNode root("Root Node");
CatNode childA("Child A");
root.addChild( &childA );
cout << endl;
// root -> childA -> childC
// \-> childB
GraphNode childB("Child B");
root.addChild( &childB );
GraphNode childC("Child C");
childA.addChild( &childC );
string message2("Message2");
} // [ main ]