qwt build - qmake build (Qt 5.3) - c++

I want to compile the qwt library using qt 5.3. Previously I had older versions of Qt. So, when I call the Qt 5.3.0 32-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012 OpenGL) shell and move to the directory, which contains qwt (C:\qwt-6.1.0), then perform qmake qwt.pro I get this error:
Cannot read c:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/mkspecs/win32-msvc2010/qmake.conf: The system cannot find
the path specified. Could not read qmake configuration
file c:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/mkspecs/win32-msvc2010/qmake.conf.
Error processing project file: C:\qwt-6.1.0\qwt.pro
qmake -set QMAKESPEC "C:\Qt_5.3\5.3\msvc2012_opengl\mkspecs\win32-msvc2012\"
Does not help.
PS. Solution is found! I've tried not to do like is in qwt tutorial, simple open *.pro file by Qt Creator. After this just "build" and everything was done. Without console


CMake: Qt Project to CLion with MSVC 2017

I'm having a project in Qt Creator and I'm trying to port it into CLion but I found myself blocked into some problems. If any of you could help me to port this CMake project I would really appreciate it.
Qt Creator
So, here is my setup for the Qt Creator project first:
Qt: 5.14.2
Compiler: MSVC 2017 64-bits
Also, here are my custom paths and my build environment:
Also, the build (install) time in Qt Creator takes around 20-30minutes.
Now in terms of CLion and what I've tried here are the following.
and in terms of setting up the CMake:
I've also added the paths into Environment Variables from CLion
But the problem arises when I'm trying to compile the project.
I'm going to install the project via Build -> Install
After that, I need to wait for around 1h or more(even if in Qt Creator is going to take just 20-30min) to a point where the build will fail and I will receive the following error message
MASM : fatal error A1000: cannot open file : 4 [C:\PRJOJECT_NAME\build_clion\components\extern_crashpad\crashpad\util\crashpad_util.vcxproj]
but if I'm searching for that file, it exists in that folder which is specified. But the problem is that I don't understand why the same project if build with Qt Creator is working but not vice versa. Could any of you help me to understand what I'm doing wrong?
It looks like QT Creator is using Ninja as a generator and CLion is using MSVC.
Try -G Ninja in your CLion CMake Options text box. Make sure Ninja is in a path accessible by CMake.

Empty project creating by QT Creator + cmake doesn't work

I create empty C++ project in QT Creator using cmake. After some menus where I choose "cmake" as a building tool I see a project hierarchy:
- MyTestCMake2
- CMakeLists.txt
(New Project -> Non-Qt Project -> Plain C++ Application -> checked CMake for building system)
And that's all! It's strange but QTCreator opens main.cpp with some C++ code but QTCreator tells me that this file does not a part of my project. I try to add main.cpp manually to MyTestCMake2 project but I can't do it. It's disabled.
CMakeLists.txt content is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp")
I try to run cmake with: Build -> Run CMake but nothing happens. What's wrong? Why QTCreator doesn't work with CMake properly?
My env is:
cmake: 3.9.1
Qt Creator: 4.3.1 (Qt: 5.9.1)
Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5
I've upgraded Qt Creator to 4.4 and it worked out of the box! I did the same steps as before but now it works without any problems! What a magic.
I've upgraded Qt Creator to 4.4 and it worked out of the box! I did the same steps as before but now it works without any problems! What a magic.
Sometimes the mixed QT 5.x installation breaks the kits. Several kits starts to show a warning in the kit popup message balloon (Tools->Options->Kits->Kits: Auto-detected/Manual) about unsupported generator cmake server mode (cmake -E command line option).
Seems only behind the cmake server mode the Qt Creator can properly build the Projects pane.
The only way I could get it fixed is complete QT uninstall before install. Even the last QT 5.x minor version can break the kits (5.12.12 at the moment).

how to specify search directory for source code build

I am trying to install Jom (http://wiki.qt.io/Jom) for C++. When I type in qmake -r in cmd, I get the error Project MESSAGE: Cannot build jom with Qt version 4.8.7. Project ERROR: Use at least Qt 5.2.0.. This is because I have PyQt version 4.8.7 and Qt version 5.8.0 both installed. When building Jom, Jom searches for in the wrong Qt folder. How can I fix this?
If you have multiple version of Qt installed, you also have multiple version of qmake. You can check which qmake you are running by using where qmake on Windows, it will output a list of qmake executable available in your path, the first one in the list will be the one executed when running qmake.
For instance:
C:\>where qmake
If the first one, is not the one you want, you can run it by using its complete path:
C:\>C:\Qt\5.6\msvc2015\bin\qmake.exe -version
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.6.2 in C:/Qt/5.6/msvc2015/lib
If the qmake and Qt version you want is not in your PATH, you can use the scripts provided by Qt to setup a valid environment. These are available in the Start menu as Qt 5.8 64-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2015) (change according to your installation), or you can use them directly by executing qtenv2.bat (e.g C:\Qt\5.8\msvc2015\bin\qtenv2.bat).
If you are using MinGW you are all set, but if you are using MSVC you need also to run vcvarsall.bat, which can be found in your Visual installation folder.

Cannot add qmake files to Qt Versions [armhf]

I installed qt4-qmake:armhf and qt5-qmake:armhf but I cannot add it to Qt Versions in Qt Creator manually. I get error:
The qmake executable could not be added: qmake""is not an executable.
What else should I try?
I am using windows right now, but searching file list for the 2 packages in debian repository online it seems that that qmake is located in:
/usr/bin/qmake-qt4 for qt4
for qt5

qt gui project in eclipse using qt plugin

So I have made a new qt gui project, gave it a name and right after it was created i received this error:
"No default QT version is set.Open the QT page in the preferences dialogue and add a QT version."
I open the preferences dialog,click add ,but when i have to give the path for the bin and the include files,i can't find any where my QT SDK is installed.
I installed qt sdk 1.2.1,and qt eclipse integration 1.6.1.
Where are those paths installed in qt sdk?
You are asked to add a Qt version. To do so, go to the eclipse preferences, switch to the Qt page and click on "Add...".
You will then be asked the binary path (of the Qt binary files for the build process, these are for example qmake, moc, ...) and include path (where the Qt header files are stored).
Browse for your Qt installation path and select the subdirectories bin and include respectively.
If you don't know where Qt has been installed to, try to launch the Qt command line (not the Windows default command line) from your Windows start menu and type:
qmake -v
The output should then look similar to this:
QMake version ...
Using Qt version ... in C:\Qt\...\lib
Your bin path sould then be at C:\Qt\...\bin; the include path at C:\Qt\...\include.
Then accept the assistant dialog and select this version as the default version by clicking on the "Default" button. Then retry to build your project.