I'm trying to write a program to smooth discrete digitized data for use in a motion simulator. The data will be provided as a set of t, x(t) points and is intended to be used to create cyclic motion; thus the smoothed data must be not only continuous over the range of t values but also between the two endpoints. In addition, data provided will most likely be of significantly lower resolution than required and thus significant interpolation will take place.
I've looked at various techniques such as Gauss-Newton and Levenberg–Marquardt curve fits, but these assume that an objective function is known beforehand (and it will not be). Unfortunately the users of said motion simulator may not be able to choose an appropriate function (due to their differing backgrounds). Finally, the code must be usable on a non-proprietary, cross-platform (and preferably compiled) language which can run on embedded platforms (most likely Linux on ARM) - this precludes the use of Maple (which provides a generic 'fit' routine that selects an appropriate objective function), Matlab (similar IIRC) or other math-related languages. I should say that I'm predisposed to C++ due to experience.
Some typical data can be found on pages here.
What technique would be useful for this?
It would likely be simpler and more adaptive to different data sets to apply Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques for rate conversion by upsampling and interpolation. The C++ SPUC library may help you here - it supports several interpolation filters.
I implemented a generic cubic spline fitting function that can be applied to any dimensional euclidean and quaternion data, which might fit (no pun intended) your purpose. I don't know how well the fitting compares to other algorithms though since only the input data keys are considered as potential spline key placement, but you can have a look at it here: http://sourceforge.net/p/spinxengine/code/HEAD/tree/sxp_src/core/math/parametric.inl (fit_spline function).
For creating cyclic motion you should be able to replicate the keys before and after the fitted data sequence and modify the function so that it forces creation of a key at end of the cycle. This is relatively simple function so it shouldn't be a big effort to modify it like that. You need to also setup a spline fitting constraint to define in what kind of conditions new splines are created (e.g. what's distance tolerance from fitted data to input data, etc.)
Cheers, Jarkko
I work on palmprint recognition using feature2D with Open_CV library, and I use algorithms such as SIFT, SURF, ORB... to detect features and extract/match descriptors. My test include (1 vs 1) palmprint and also (1 vs Data Base) of palmprint.
Ones I get the result, I need to evaluate the algorithm, and for this I know that there are some rates or scores (like EER, rank-1 identification, recall and accuracy) which gives an estimation about how much this method was successful. Now I need to know if any of those rates are implemented in Open_CV, and how to use them. If they aren't, what are the different formulas used in the literary.
As far as I know there is little implemented in OpenCV. A common way is to store the results (e.g. in JSON) and process those with other programs such as Matlab or Python. This also allows you to change the evaluation without the need to recompute the algorithms.
There is no overall best method to show the results. It always depends on what you want to show. In my opinion ROC is the best way to express your output. It is also very widely used in research.
If you insist on doing it in C++, then you could use:
Roceasy or
I was just curious to have a better control over outcome of the SVM.
Tried to search the documentation, but couldn't find a function that seems to do the same.
One could say that SVM does not have hidden nodes, but this is only partially true.
SVM, originally, were called Support Vector Networks (this is what Vapnik himself called them), and they were seen as a kind of neural networks with a single hidden layer. Due to the popularity of neural networks in this time, many people till this day use sigmoid "kernel" even though it is rarely a valid Mercer's kernel (only because NN community was so used to using it they started doing so even though it has no mathematical justification).
So is SVM a neural net or not? Yes, it can be seen as a neural network. In fact, many classifiers can be seen through such prism. However, what makes SVM really different is the way they are trained and parametrized. In particular, SVMs work with "activation functions" which are valid Mercer's kernels (they denote dot product in some space). Furthermore, weights of the hidden nodes are equal to training samples, thus you get the same amount of hidden units as you have training examples. During training, SVM, on its own, reduces number of hidden units through solving an optimization problem which "prefers" sparse solutions (removal of hidden units), thus ending up with the hidden layer consisting of the subset of training samples, we call them support vectors. To underline, this is not a classical view of SVMs, but it is a valid perspective, which might be more easy to understand by someone from NN community.
So can you control this number? Yes and no. No, because SVM needs all this hidden units to have a valid optimization problem, and it will remove all redundant ones on its own. Yes, because there is an alternative optimization problem, called nu-SVM, which uses nu-hyperparamer, which is lower bound of support vectors, thus lower bound of hidden units. You cannot, unfortunately, directly specify the upper bound.
But I really need to! If this is the case, you can go with approximate solutions which will follow your restriction. You can use H-dimensional sampler which approximate the kernel space explicitely (http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/kernel_approximation.html). One of such methods is Nystroem method. In short terms, if you want to have "H hidden units" you simply fit Nystroem model to produce H dimensional output, you transfrom your input data through it, and fit linear SVM on top. This, from mathematical perspective** is approximating true non-linear SVM with a given kernel, however quite slowly.
I'm working on the analysis of a particle's trajectory in a 2D plane. This trajectory typically consists of 5 to 50 (in rare cases more) points (discrete integer coordinates). I have already matched the points of my dataset to form a trajectory (thus I have time resolution).
I'd like to perform some analysis on the curvature of this trajectory, unfortunately the analysis framework I'm using has no support for fitting a trajectory. From what I heard one can use splines/bezier curves for getting this done but I'd like your opinion and/or suggestions what to use.
As this is only an optional part of my work I can not invest a vast amount of time for implementing a solution on my own or understanding a complex framework. The solution has to be as simple as possible.
Let me specify the features I need from a possible library:
- create trajectory from varying number of points
- as the points are discrete it should interpolate their position; no need for exact matches for all points as long as the resulting distance between trajectory and point is less than a threshold
- it is essential that the library can yield the derivative of the trajectory for any given point
- it would be beneficial if the library could report a quality level (like chiSquare for fits) of the interpolation
EDIT: After reading the comments I'd like to add some more:
It is not necessary that the trajectory exactly matches the points. The points are created from values of a pixel matrix and thus they form a discrete matrix of coordinates with a space resolution limited by the number of pixel per given distance. Therefore the points (which are placed at the center of the firing pixel) do not (exactly) match the actual trajectory of the particle. Either interpolation or fit is fine for me as long as the solution can cope with a trajectory which may/most probably will be neither bijective nor injective.
Thus most traditional fit approaches (like fitting with polynomials or exponential functions using a least squares fit) can't fulfil my criterias.
Additionaly all traditional fit approaches I have tried yield a function which seems to describe the trajectory quite well but when looking at their first derivative (or at higher resolution) one can find numerous "micro-oscillations" which (from my interpretation) are a result of fitting non-straight functions to (nearly) straight parts of the trajectory.
Edit2: There has been some discussion in the comments, what those trajectories may look like. Essentially thay may have any shape, length and "curlyness", although I try to exclude trajectories which overlap or cross in the previous steps. I have included two examples below; ignore the colored boxes, they're just a representation of the values of the raw pixel matrix. The black, circular dots are the points which I'd like to match to a trajectory, as you can see they are always centered to the pixels and therefore may have only discrete (integer) values.
Thanks in advance for any help & contribution!
This MIGHT be the way to go
From your description I would say that a parametric spline interpolation may suit your requirements. I have not used the above library myself, but it does have support for spline interpolation. Using an interpolant means you will not have to worry about goodness of fit - the curve will pass through every point that you give it.
If you don't mind using matrix libraries, linear least squares is the easiest solution (look at the end of the General Problem section for the equation to use). You can also use linear/polynomial regression to solve something like this.
Linear least squares will always give the best solution, but it's not scalable, because matrix multiplication is moderately expensive. Regression is an iterative heuristic method, so you can just run it until you have a "sufficiently good" answer. I've seen guidelines for the cutoff at about 1000-10000 dimensions in your data. So, with your data set, I'd recommend linear least squares, unless you decide to make them highly dimensioned for some reason.
currently I'm dealing with implementing a CBIR-System for object recognition (object classification in detail) and now since I have some working feature-detectors and -descriptors I try to find the best way for handling these features for the task of content based image retrieval.
As far as I know there are two main trends for this task, the discrete- and the continuous-approach. Where discrete stands for methods like bag-of-visual words and codebooks for building up inverted indices to apply methods referring text-retrieval, and continuous stands for methods like Best Bin First search with k-d trees and nearest neighbor classification.
So one main difference between those both approaches is, one works with an extra representation for features like visual-words and the other one works with the n-D features calculated from the descriptor.
My question is now, is there any comparison between the two method for CBIR which could help me in finding the best approach for my task?
The full answer to this question would be quite complex and long.
but generally, a continuous method can give you more accurate results, but it's slower as you can effectively build a search index, and you need to work with large descriptors.
you should consider a combination that uses discrete features (visual words) for initial results, and afterwards filter the result set using continuous methods.
I thought about:
1) Implement everything for the b/w images, then make wrappers for the methods that check if it's a color image. If it is, split the channels, make the operations on each individually and then merge them.
2) Use functors to correctly update the values depending on what I'm dealing with. Problem is that the compiler errors would be really complicated and I'm not used to it, and I think I may end up needing quite a few of them. Not sure if this is a good idea tbh.
There might be a correct design pattern here I'm not seeing too. There could also be a way to do this that's channel/color agnostic in OpenCV though I haven't found it yet, and so far the book I'm reading (OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook) hasn't shown me such a possibility yet.
If speed is important, Don't.
It sounds like you're trying to encapsulate or abstract away the type of pixel using OO techniques or the like. This could add an extra level of indirection for every pixel access, killing your performance.
If you're calling staight to a function vs. a pointer to one (e.g., delegate, overriden method, functor) it can still be faster for the CPU, but if you're doing function calls at all reconsider; they're still extra work and if you can nest everything in the outer FOR loop, it will look ugly and functional programming snobs will sneer at you, remember, this isn't a big LOB app that will get hard to maintain. That's why engineers can still perfectly maintain 30 year old quickbasic code, the problem space doesn't need anything smarter (however usually their problems themselves need something a lot smarter than I!)
It's best to implement simple things (e.g., a threshold op or resizing) optimized for each kind of image if you want speed. You can also research transformation matrix and see if you can accomplish your work like that. That way you can write 2 transformer algorithms (b&w) only, and, using a similar (or same) matrix do the same thing for both types of pictures.
Hence accomplishing a major goal of abstraction anyway, seamless reuse, separation of concerns. And speed to boot (but hopefully not reboot!) good luck
Splitting the channels could work well with algorithms that work with the channels independently; not all of them do, so this will be quite limiting. You'll also spend a bit of time and space making all those copies.
By functors I presume you mean making templates out of your algorithm functions, with a pixel type as the template parameter. That could work also, but it means defining your basic pixel operations in a way that they could be implemented as functions or operators on a generic pixel type. This is harder than it looks and should be done after you've had some experience in implementing the algorithms.
A third option not mentioned is to promote the b/w images to full color, process them, and convert back to b/w. This optimizes the full color processing at the expense of the b/w.
For most algorithms it is not necessary to worry about monochrome vs. colour images. You either use the grey value of the monochrome image or you calculate the luminance/intensity/whatever of the colour and use that. You choose the measure luminance etc. by looking at which colour space will give you the result you want.
When you have calculated how you are going to modify your images you use some pixel aware processing, e.g. blending two pixels might be pixel_a*0.5 + pixel_b*0.5, your pixel class will sort out how to apply that to the different colour channels, i.e. Pixel::operator+(const Pixel &), Pixel::operator*(float) and so on.
There are algorithms that are applied individually to each colour channel but they are not as common and often there is some correlation between the spatiotemporal changes in the colours so you wouldn't do something as basic as process each channel totally independently of each other.
My own Image class uses a planar structure (that is, color channels are separate) instead of an interleaved structure. However this is VERY limiting when it comes to image quantization and other joint color processing tasks.
I am planning to rewrite it to use the other approach, to simply be a two dimensional array of pixels. At the moment I am not sure how will I implement it exactly (template pixel class, Pixel base class or a simple three dimensional array).
I also plan to write a planar wrapper for this interleaved image structure to ease any disadvantage I might encounter. One thing is sure, this wrapper will be much efficient than a pixel wrapper would be for planar images.
Frankly I believe splitting planes is rather inefficient, since you calculate various overheads several times. For example, if you want to resize an image, calculation of the various filter coefficients is very expensive, and it would be MUCH better to just calculate them once and apply Pixel::operator * and + instead of the same with the underlying subpixel components.