Running different python version - python-2.7

I happen to have a problem in executing different versions of python. I have python 2.7 and 2.5 installed. If i want to run a script using 2.5 version i just include #!python2.5 and it works.
Now my problem is that my whole application is using 2.7. Using PIL library in 2.7 version doesn't generate the proper results and so i am using python version 2.5 to generate images using font.
My main file contains:
import func
if __name__=='__main__':
i=func.gen("Hey there")"img.png")
This calls the function written in the script
import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
def gen(txt):'RGBA',(200,200))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw (im)
draw.text ( ( 0 , 0), txt, font=font, fill="#FFFFFF" )
return im
This script runs with python2.5 version when i execute it separately.
but when i call this in main file, it runs with 2.7 version. Can anybody provide a solution?

The only way to execute a part of your application with another python version is to call it externally.
This can be achieved by using subprocess or similar methods. As long as you call the methods from the second script when the first one is started with python2.7 they will get executed by python2.7.
A second solution would be to implement an "image rendering daemon" which is running with python2.5 and gets called through socket / HTTP by your python2.7 application.

I did it. I used Popen from subprocess.
p=Popen(['cmd', '/C', 'py -2.5'], stdout = PIPE)
pp= p.communicate()[0]


launching a python 2.7 script from a Python 3 script

I am trying to launch a python 2.7 script called from a Python 3.6 script.
I am working on Windows 7
This is the 2.7 script:
#! C:\Python27\python.exe
import sys
sys.stdout.write("Hello from version %s\n" % (sys.version,))
If I launch it from the cmd window, it will return that it is using the 2.7 version,
but if I call it from the 3.6 script with this instruction:
then it will answer that it is using Python 3.6
Any ideas?
Python exec executes a string of code in the current version.
I think you'll have to run a new process using the python version you want.
If you need to read return values, use the Pipes, as described here
Follow the step here, and you'll have a distinction between python 2 and 3 (or use aliases in linux).
Then, you can use the Process class to to run your script.

Changing PATH to move from python 3.6 to 2.7 on Windows 10

New to Python. Already have Python 3.6 installed, followed by 2.7.
To continue learning I have been following online courses that only appear to use Python 2.7.
I have tried following these instructions on editing my path, however I am unsure what to change and what the impact will be if I do this incorrectly (
Is it as simple as changing \Programs\Python\Python36\ to Python27?
To run python 2.7 on cmd you just need to change the path preiority from python27 to the top.
Control Panel/security system/system/advanced system setting(on the top left)/environment Variable/(Double-clic on)Path in variable system
Get path:
Set path:
Now you can type python to run from cmd

Can't load Python module by its path - __import__ says ImportError: Import by filename is not supported

I'm far from Python expert, so please bear with me.
I'm using Slack python bot library, which utilizes module loading to execute users code.
I noticed a weird thing - when I launch my script, it says ImportError: Import by filename is not supported on a line self.module = __import__(name) (where name is relative path to the Python file). I don't quite understand the problem, because the owners of the library test their code with both 2.x and 3.x Python, and it DOES work on TravisCI.
I'm using Python 2.7.8 on Windows 7.
How do I fix the problem? I suspect something on my system is wrong. I read similar questions on SO and worked around the issue by using imp.load_source, but I would like to get to the bottom of it.
P.S. It also works if I upload it to Heroku, which by default runs 2.7.12

Can you run both python 2 and python 3? [duplicate]

I'm running Windows and the shell/OS automatically runs Python based on the registry settings when you run a program on the command line. Will this break if I install a 2.x and 3.x version of Python on the same machine?
I want to play with Python 3 while still being able to run 2.x scripts on the same machine.
The official solution for coexistence seems to be the Python Launcher for Windows, PEP 397 which was included in Python 3.3.0. Installing the release dumps py.exe and pyw.exe launchers into %SYSTEMROOT% (C:\Windows) which is then associated with py and pyw scripts, respectively.
In order to use the new launcher (without manually setting up your own associations to it), leave the "Register Extensions" option enabled. I'm not quite sure why, but on my machine it left Py 2.7 as the "default" (of the launcher).
Running scripts by calling them directly from the command line will route them through the launcher and parse the shebang (if it exists). You can also explicitly call the launcher and use switches: py -3
All manner of shebangs seem to work
#!/usr/bin/env python3
as well as wanton abuses
#! notepad.exe
Here's my setup:
Install both Python 2.7 and 3.4 with the windows installers.
Go to C:\Python34 (the default install path) and change python.exe to python3.exe
Edit your environment variables to include C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\;C:\Python34\;C:\Python34\Scripts\;
Now in command line you can use python for 2.7 and python3 for 3.4.
From version 3.3 Python introduced Launcher for Windows utility
So to be able to use multiple versions of Python:
install Python 2.x (x is any version you need)
install Python 3.x (x is any version you need also you have to have one version 3.x >= 3.3)
open Command Prompt
type py -2.x to launch Python 2.x
type py -3.x to launch Python 3.x
You can have both installed.
You should write this in front of your script:
#!/bin/env python2.7
or, eventually...
#!/bin/env python3.6
My solution works perfectly with Unix, after a quick search on Google, here is the Windows solution:
#!c:/Python/python3_6.exe -u
Same thing: in front of your script.
Here is a neat and clean way to install Python2 & Python3 on windows.
My case: I had to install Apache cassandra. I already had Python3 installed in my D: drive. With loads of development work under process i didn't wanted to mess my Python3 installation. And, i needed Python2 only for Apache cassandra.
So i took following steps:
Downloaded & Installed Python2.
Added Python2 entries to classpath (C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts)
Modified python.exe to python2.exe (as shown in image below)
Now i am able to run both. For Python 2(python2 --version) & Python 3 (python --version).
So, my Python3 installation remained intact.
I'm using 2.5, 2.6, and 3.0 from the shell with one line batch scripts of the form:
:: The # symbol at the start turns off the prompt from displaying the command.
:: The % represents an argument, while the * means all of them.
#c:\programs\pythonX.Y\python.exe %*
Name them pythonX.Y.bat and put them somewhere in your PATH. Copy the file for the preferred minor version (i.e. the latest) to pythonX.bat. (E.g. copy python2.6.bat python2.bat.) Then you can use python2 from anywhere.
However, this doesn't help or even affect the Windows file association situation. For that you'll need a launcher program that reads the #! line, and then associate that with .py and .pyw files.
When you add both to environment variables there will a be a conflict because the two executable have the same name: python.exe.
Just rename one of them. In my case I renamed it to python3.exe.
So when I run python it will execute python.exe which is 2.7
and when I run python3 it will execute python3.exe which is 3.6
Here you go...
# Looks for a directive in the form: #! C:\Python30\python.exe
# The directive must start with #! and contain ".exe".
# This will be assumed to be the correct python interpreter to
# use to run the script ON WINDOWS. If no interpreter is
# found then the script will be run with 'python.exe'.
# ie: whatever one is found on the path.
# For example, in a script which is saved as utf-8 and which
# runs on Linux and Windows and uses the Python 2.6 interpreter...
# #!/usr/bin/python
# #!C:\Python26\python.exe
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# When run on Linux, Linux uses the /usr/bin/python. When run
# on Windows using it uses C:\Python26\python.exe.
# To set up the association add this to the registry...
# HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open\command
# (Default) REG_SZ = "C:\Python30\python.exe" S:\usr\bin\ "%1" %*
# NOTE: itself works with either 2.6 and 3.0. Once
# this entry has been added python files can be run on the
# commandline and the use of will be transparent.
import subprocess
import sys
USAGE = """
USAGE: <> [arg1] [arg2...]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
script = sys.argv[1]
args = sys.argv[2:]
if script.endswith(".py"):
interpreter = "python.exe" # Default to wherever it is found on the path.
lines = open(script).readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("#!") and line.find(".exe") != -1:
interpreter = line[2:].strip()
process = subprocess.Popen([interpreter] + [script] + args)
I've just knocked this up on reading this thread (because it's what I was needing too). I have Pythons 2.6.1 and 3.0.1 on both Ubuntu and Windows. If it doesn't work for you post fixes here.
Try using Anaconda.
Using the concept of Anaconda environments, let’s say you need Python 3 to learn programming, but you don’t want to wipe out your Python 2.7 environment by updating Python. You can create and activate a new environment named "snakes" (or whatever you want), and install the latest version of Python 3 as follows:
conda create --name snakes python=3
Its simpler than it sounds, take a look at the intro page here: Getting Started with Anaconda
And then to handle your specific problem of having version 2.x and 3.x running side by side, see:
Managing Python Versions with Anaconda
Switching between Python 2 and Python 3 environments
As far as I know Python runs off of the commandline using the PATH variable as opposed to a registry setting.
So if you point to the correct version on your PATH you will use that. Remember to restart your command prompt to use the new PATH settings.
The Python installation normally associates .py, .pyw and .pyc files with the Python interpreter. So you can run a Python script either by double-clicking it in Explorer or by typing its name in a command-line window (so no need to type python, just will do).
If you want to manually change this association, you can edit these keys in the Windows registry:
Python Launcher
People have been working on a Python launcher for Windows: a lightweight program associated with .py and .pyw files which would look for a "shebang" line (similar to Linux et al) on the first line, and launch Python 2.x or 3.x as required. See "A Python Launcher for Windows" blog post for details.
Here is how to run Python 2 and 3 on the same machine
install Python 2.x
install Python 3.x
Start Powershell
Type Python -2 to launch Python 2.x
Type Python -3 to launch Python 3.x
The Python Launcher for Windows was embedded into Python since Version 3.3, as promised in 2011 when the Stand alone first made its debut:
Python Launcher for Windows
Easy-peasy ,after installing both the python versions add the paths to the environment variables ;see. Then go to python 2 and python 3 folders and rename them to python2 and python3 respectively as shown and . Now in cmd type python2 or python3 to use your required version see .
I think there is an option to setup the windows file association for .py files in the installer. Uncheck it and you should be fine.
If not, you can easily re-associate .py files with the previous version. The simplest way is to right click on a .py file, select "open with" / "choose program". On the dialog that appears, select or browse to the version of python you want to use by default, and check the "always use this program to open this kind of file" checkbox.
You should make sure that the PATH environment variable doesn't contain both python.exe files ( add the one you're currently using to run scripts on a day to day basis ) , or do as Kniht suggested with the batch files .
Aside from that , I don't see why not .
P.S : I have 2.6 installed as my "primary" python and 3.0 as my "play" python . The 2.6 is included in the PATH . Everything works fine .
Before I courageously installed both simultaneously, I had so many questions. If I give python will it go to py3 when i want py2? pip/virtualenv will happen under py2/3?
It seems to be very simple now.
Just blindly install both of them. Make sure you get the right type(x64/x32).
While/after installing make sure you add to the path to your environment variables.
Replace the x in the command above to set the path.
Then go to both the folders.
Navigate to
and rename pip to pip3.
If pip3 already exists delete the pip. This will make sure that just pip will run under python2. You can verify by:
pip --version
In case you want to use pip with python3 then just use
pip3 install
You can similarly do the same to python file and others.
I had the same problem where I wanted to use python3 for most work but IDA pro required python2. SO, here's what I did.
I first created 3 variables in the user environment variable as follows:
PYTHON_ACTIVE : This is initially empty
HOME_PYTHON27 : Has a path to a folder where Python 2 is installed. Eg. ";/scripts;"
HOME_PYTHON38 : Similar to python 2, this variable contains a path to python 3 folders.
Now I added
to PATH variable. So, basically saying that whatever this "PYTHON_ACTIVE" contains is the active python. We programmatically change the contains of "PYTHON_ACTIVE" to switch python version.
Here is the example script:
:: This batch file is used to switch between python 2 and 3.
set /p choice= "Please enter '27' for python 2.7 , '38' for python 3.8 : "
IF %choice%==27 (
IF %choice%==38 (
This script takes python version as input and accordingly copies HOME_PYTHON27 or HOME_PYTHON38 to PYTHON_ACTIVE. Thus changing the global Python version.
I would assume so, I have Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 installed side-by-side on the same computer.
I am just starting out with python now. I'm reading Zed Shaw's book "Learn Python the Hard Way" which requires python version 2.x but am also taking a class that requires python 3.x
So here is what I did.
Download python 2.7
run power shell (should already be installed on windows)
run python IN POWERSHELL (if it doesn't recognize then go to step 4)
Only if powershell doesn't recognize python 2.7 type in the following:
(no outside quotes)
Now type python and you should see it say python 2.7 blah blah blah
NOW for python 3.x
Simple, python 3.x download comes with python for windows app. SO simply pin the Python for Windows app to your task bar, or create shortcut to the desktop and you are done!
Open Python for Windows for 3.x
Open Powershell for python 2.x
I hope this helps!
Hmm..I did this right now by just downloading Python 3.6.5 for Windows at and made sure that the launcher would be installed. Then, I followed the instructions for using python 2 and python 3. Restart the command prompt and then use py -2.7 to use Python 2 and py or py -3.6 to use Python 3. You can also use pip2 for Python 2's pip and pip for Python 3's pip.

Compile a Python 2.7 program that uses tktable

I have a program which uses a tkinter GUI along with the tktable module (I use it to display the results of a SQL query). It works fine when running it as a .py file, but compiling it into a .exe results in an error with the program not being able to locate tktable.
I am using pyinstaller to make my .exe and I know that tktable is not on the list of supported modules. Is there a way to make this work? I made an attempt to use py2exe as well using the following code:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
options = {'py2exe': {
'packages': ['pyodbc','tktable'],
'includes': 'decimal',
'bundle_files': 1,
'dist_dir': "exe/dist/dir"
'dll_excludes' }}
setup(console=['<PYTHON FILE>'], options=options,zipfile = None)
but the compiled executable simply crashes (works fine for pyodbc, but not for tktable). Is there support out there for compiling the tktable module to be used with an executable?