How to configue Pydev test runner to use Docker - django

I am developing a Django app or two using pydev as my IDE. I like it a lot :) However, I recently got really excited about Docker and am using Docker and Fig to serve my application now. My problem is that I would like to run my tests in this build environment- seems like this is kinda the point after all!
I know how to actually do it.
fig run web python3 /code/ test
would run the tests. If I didn't want to use the Django runner, I could run
fig run web python3 /code/myapp/
Either way though, I cannot figure out how to issue that command from the IDE. All of the run configurations point to the configured python.exe ... does anyone know if there is a way to replace that with a fully customized command?

Well, the PyDev launch configuration is really targeted towards running Python, but there are alternatives to running it through other ways:
Create an external tool run (run > external tools > external tools configuration): You should be able to run anything you want from there... the downside is that this isn't really integrated into PyDev, so, if you have stack-traces they won't be clickable (and you won't be able to debug either).
Create a launcher script which in turn uses subprocess to launch the command you want... if you redirect things tracebacks should be clickable. The downside is that you won't be able to create a debug session either -- but you can still use the remote debugging in this case (
Improve PyDev to do that better... (i.e.: get the code: and add docker support to a project through fig -- it should be something close to org.python.pydev.django which has special integration for running in django -- with some tweaks to the start command line, even starting in debug mode directly can work here)... if you decide to go that route, you can create a feature request at and ask code-related stuff and I'll help :)
Possibly you can create a custom executable which acts like Python but in reality just forwards things to other places (i.e.: to fig run) -- I haven't actually tested this, but in theory it should work (in the past there was work to support dummy 'python' runners such as that -- i.e.: for supporting -- so, it should work -- but you still have to create this launcher script for your use case to pass things to fig run). If the work is done properly, the debugger could work here too.


SVN and SFTP synchronisation with eclipse

I have to create and configure an eclipse (Mars 2) for a C project. The project is on a SVN repository, and can only be compiled on a specific linux redhat server that has the appropriate toolchain.
What I need is an IDE that would allow me to commit my changes to the repository and that would automagically synchronize them on the Linux server. I tried a few things but none of them worked. I must (to my great regret) avoid the need of a terminal while using that IDE, but of course not while configuring it.
Firstly, I used the Remote System Explorer feature in eclipse. I connected succefully to the server, created a "Remote Project" that I could open in the C/C++ perspective. However, the whole thing is impossible to use, as it has no indexation, I had to create "User Actions" in order to compile (which is on my point of vue pretty anti-ergonomic) and the SVN plugin does not detect the project as an SVN copy. Furthermore, in the C/C++ perspective, there is a 2s gap between the moment I type something, and the moment it appears on my screen.
I also tryed to mount a network filesystem on my local machine, with sshfs, and if it works far better, I still experience lags. Also, I had to write a Makefile and call my compiler via "ssh $(USER)#$(HOST) build.ksh". (one of the point of the projetc is to write a real Makefile...). But SVN is working.
I also tried to run eclipse on the host machine, with X forwarding, and if it works perfectly, there is still lags...
Finally, I tried an sftp synchronisation, but it seems I can't use my SVN plugin features and the sftp together.
I am out of solutions, and pretty frustrated as I feel that this kind of things should be pretty easy. I mean, all I want is that eclipse automatically copy my files on my remote home directory... Thanks for your help...
To me this sounds like a perfect use-case for a continuus integration (CI) system. Generally speaking, this CI system pulls the code from your repository (for example in regular intervals) and then executes the build chain, collects artifacts, informs you about the state of your build, etc.
Although it originated from the Java world, I have successfully used Jenkins for continuus integration of C-projects on a Linux server, but there are others, like TeamCity or GitLab CI (the latter would require you to switch to Git, but it's a really neat system with a YAML configuration for CI).
Of course CI systems have a learning curve - you don't something like a free meal - but it may really be worth the effort.

Run C++ application with a custom script in Eclipse

I have a custom shell that I can run C++ applications in. I start the shell from a bash prompt and then run my C++ code. I want to emulate this behavior with Eclipse, particularly for debugging. I can't seem to figure this out.
I could write a simple bash script that kicks off the custom shell and runs my application but Eclipse does not let me debug when I do this.
Is there a way to achieve this functionality?
Please keep in mind eclipse can set environment variables for running/debugging job.
If your shell is more complicated than that, please provide more details about your shell.
But I'm not optimistic about it.
Btw, you can always attach an existing process for debugging.

Powerful Debuggers for Django

The Django debugger is absolutely dreading and finding errors is a daunting task.
Are there any third party Django debuggers out there?
I don't know about Django debuggers, but PyCharm by JetBrains is an awesome Python IDE with a built-in debugger. I've been using it for over 2 years (previously a decade long user of their awesome IntellJ Java IDE) for Django work and it's been worth every penny paid.
Pydevd plugin for eclipse supports debugging code run from outside the IDE. I find it works great with Django.
It's simple to use - start the debugger from eclipse, then add the line import pydevd;pydevd.settrace() and execution will break at that line, allowing you to step through etc from eclipse.
To debug code on a remote machine, include the ip address of the machine running eclipse as an argument to settrace() (ie import pydevd;pydevd.settrace('')).
Obviously the pydevd module will neeed to be on your pythonpath.
For installation instructions check the docs.

is there a way to get django tests + buildout run well integrated with Eclipse/Aptana?

it's fairly easy to set up Eclipse to run a django project's tests created with django-admin startprojects, we whould just point a Run command to ./, and supply the necessary arguments.
but what can I do if a project is built using buildout?
of course, bin/biuldout creates the handy bin/test-1.1 and bin/test-trunk files, but these are not integrated with eclipse
I can even run these as an external tool from Eclipse, but how can I get the nice code recognition of running test myapp?
does anyone know a solution? is there some buildout recipe that allows me to do this?
thanks for your help!
I'm assuming you use the djangorecipe recipe (
In that case, why can you apparently run " test myapp" and why can't you run "bin/django test myapp"? (Or "bin/test" for that matter)?
I suppose you have to configure that call somewhere, so why can't you configure bin/django in the same way? In the end, bin/django is just a python script, too. Have you tried calling it in the same way as

Eclipse/PyDev + Django debug

Eclipse/PyDev, Python 2.6, Django 1.1
All is working in run mode. If I put debug point inside file, breakpoint worked. But when I putted it in any action method, it causes nothing :(
Usually the problem is that you're running with auto-reload in django, in which case a different process is actually feeding the pages, so, you need to run it with the no reload option or use the remote debugger.
(To configure PyDev to work with Django see:
Note that if you want to execute without the auto-reload feature (which PyDev should do automatically when you create a new Django run), you can do all directly (i.e.: the debugger and launching don't need any special adjustments).
Note: the situation has improved a bit recently, so, although the above answer is still valid, there are improvements for those that do want to develop with auto-reload on:
Answer with auto-reload on:
If you want to have auto-reload on while developing, use the tips at: PyDev and Django: how to restart dev server? (to overcome an issue where Django will leave child processes alive when the main process is killed)
And see the session related to the remote debugger at: to see how to attach the debugger to PyDev when using the auto-reload feature (mainly, you'll need to start the remote debugger, but will add breakpoints regularly and PyDev will stop on those provided you call pydevd.patch_django_autoreload() before you main session -- i.e.: before if __name__ == "__main__":, add the following: import pydevd;pydevd.patch_django_autoreload()).
also if while attempting to import pydevd eclipse can't find the pydevd depependency. Make sure to add it from your plugins folder:
Look for your eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc where x.x.x is your eclipse pydev plugin version. In the eclipse/plugins folder you will find lot's of folders that start with a similar name only one of them will have a pysrc subfolder(and the right version number).
Add eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc to your project's external libraries:
Right click on your project explorer.
Go to properties/PyDev - PYTHONPATH/External Libraries/ and click on Add Source folder.
Find your eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_x.x.x/pysrc folder on the provided browser.