I have a simulation, with N particles, running over T timesteps. At each timestep, each particle calculates some data about itself and the other particles nearby (within radius), which is bitpacked into a c-string of 4-22 bytes long (depending on how many nearby particles there are). I call this a State String.
I need to count how many times each state string occurs, to form a histogram. I've tried using Google's Sparse Hash Map, but the memory overhead is crazy.
I've been running some reduced tests (attached) over 100,000 Timesteps, for 500 particles. This results in just over 18.2mil unique state strings out of 50mil possible state strings, which is consistent with the actual work that needs to be done.
It ends up using 323 MB in space for the char* and int for each unique entry as well as as the actual state string itself. However, task manager is reporting 870M used. This is 547M of overhead, or ~251.87 bits/entry, way over what Google advertises of about 4-5 bits.
So I figure I've got to be doing something wrong. But then I found this site, which showed similar results, however, I'm not sure if his charts show just the hash table size, or include the size of the actual data as well. Additionally, his code does not free any strings being inserted into the hashmap that already exist (Meaning if his charts do include the size of the actual data, it is going to be over).
Here is some code showing the problem with the output:
#include <google/sparse_hash_map>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//String equality
struct eqstrc
bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
return (s1 == s2) || (s1 && s2 && !strcmp(s1,s2));
//Hashing function
template <class T>
class fnv1Hash
size_t operator()(const T& c) const {
unsigned int hash = 2166136261;
const unsigned char *key = (const unsigned char*)(c);
size_t L = strlen((const char*)c);
size_t i = 0;
for(const unsigned char *s = key; i < L; ++s, ++i)
hash = (16777619 * hash) ^ (*s);
return (size_t)hash;
//Function to form new string
char * new_string_from_integer(int num)
int ndigits = num == 0 ? 1 : (int)log10((float)num) + 1;
char * str = (char *)malloc(ndigits + 1);
sprintf(str, "%d", num);
return str;
typedef google::sparse_hash_map<const char*, int, fnv1Hash<const char*>, eqstrc> HashCharMap;
int main()
HashCharMap hashMapChar;
int N = 500;
int T = 100000;
//Fill hash table with strings
for(int k = 0; k < T; ++k)
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
char * newString = new_string_from_integer(i*k);
std::pair<HashCharMap::iterator, bool> res = hashMapChar.insert(HashCharMap::value_type(newString, HashCharMap::data_type()));
if(res.second == false) //If the string already in hash map, don't need this memory
//Count memory used by key
size_t dataCount = 0;
for(HashCharMap::iterator hashCharItr = hashMapChar.begin(); hashCharItr != hashMapChar.end(); ++hashCharItr)
dataCount += sizeof(char*) + sizeof(unsigned int); //Size of data to store entries
dataCount += (((strlen(hashCharItr->first) + 1) + 3) & ~0x03); //Size of entries, padded to 4 byte boundaries
printf("Hash Map Size: %lu\n", (unsigned long)hashMapChar.size());
printf("Bytes written: %lu\n", (unsigned long)dataCount);
Hash Map Size: 18218975
Bytes written: 339018772
Peak Working Set (Reported by TaskManager): 891,228 K
Overhead: 560,155 K, or 251.87 bits/entry
I've tried both Google Sparse Hash Map v1.10 and v2.0.2.
Am I doing something wrong in my use of the hash map. Or is there a better way to approach this, because with these strings, I'd be almost as well off just storing the list of strings, sorting, then counting consecutive entries.
Thanks for any help
Because I was asked, here is format of the actual data:
Each component is 2 bytes, and broken up into two subparts. 12bits, and 4bits.
First two bytes (short): [id of current particle (12 bits) | angle of
current particle (4 bits)]
Second short: [number of interacting
particles (12 bits)(N) | previous angle of current particle (4 bits)]
For next N shorts: [id of particle i (12 bits) | previous angle of particle i (4 bits)]
Angles are approximated (divided by 16), to store in 4 bits.
That's a bit wordy, so I'll write an example:
0x120A 0x001B 0x136F = Particle 288 (0x120), with angle 10 (0xA). Had angle 11 (0xB) in previous timestep. Interacts with 1 (0x001) other particle. This other particle is Particle 310 (0x136) and had angle 15 (0xF) in previous timestep.
Particles interact with between 0 to 9 other particles, hence the 4-22 bytes I mentioned above (although, rarely, can interact with up to 12 or more other particles. There is no limit. If all 500 particles are within the radius, then the string will be 1004 bytes long)
Additional information: The hashing function and compare function in my actual code use the size stored in the most significant 12 bits of the second short to do processing, since non-terminal 0x0000s can appear in my state strings. That all works fine.
These figures are from experiments with gcc on Linux. Allocating short chunks of 4-22 bytes requires 16 bytes for lengths from 1 - 12, 24 bytes for 13 - 20 and 32 bytes for the rest.
This means that your experiment with the 18218975 strings ("0".."50000000") requires 291503600 bytes on the heap, with the sum of their lengths (plus trailing 0) being 156681483.
Thus you have 135MB overhead simply due to malloc.
(Is this Peak Working Set size a reliable figure?)
I am implementing a custom iostream (i.e., with read, write, seek and close) which uses the RC4 stream cipher for encryption and decryption. One of the contracts of this stream is that it is bidirectional and calling code needs to be able to arbitrarily seek to any position in the stream before doing any actual reading or writing.
Now because RC4 utilizes a key that relies on all previous swap operations up to a given 'tell' position, how can I incorporate an ability to arbitrarily seek to any position?
Obviously I could seek up to the position of the given seek offset (marked by THIS BIT in the following example), before doing the actual xor-ing transformation process, something like,:
* #brief called from a stream's read or write function
* #param in the input buffer
* #param out the output buffer
* #param startPosition the current stream position (obtained via the streams
* tellg or tellp functions for read and write respectively)
* #param length the number of bytes to transform
void transform(char *in, char *out,
std::ios_base::streamoff startPosition,
long length)
// need to reset sbox from member s_box each time this
// function is called
long sbox[256];
for (int i = 0; i<256; ++i) {
// ***THIS BIT***
// need to run the swap operation startPosition times
// to get sbox integer sequence in order
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
for (int a=0; a < startPosition; ++a) {
i = (i + 1) % 256;
j = (j + sbox[i]) % 256;
swapints(sbox, i, j);
// now do the actual xoring process up to the length
// of how many bytes are being read or written
for (int a=0; a < length; ++a) {
i = (i + 1) % 256;
j = (j + sbox[i]) % 256;
swapints(sbox, i, j);
k = sbox[(sbox[i] + sbox[j]) % 256];
out[a] = in[a] ^ k;
and then the transform would be called from the read or write of the stream implementation, something like:
MyStream::read(char * const buf, std::streamsize const n)
std::ios_base::streamoff start = m_stream.tellg();
std::vector<char> in;
(void)m_stream.read(&in.front(), n);
m_byteTransformer->transform(&in.front(), buf, start, n);
return *this;
EDIT: the stream should have no knowledge of how the transformation function works. The transformation function is completely independent and I should be able to freely swap in different transformation implementations.
EDIT: the function swapints looks like this:
void swapints(long *array, long ndx1, long ndx2)
int temp = array[ndx1];
array[ndx1] = array[ndx2];
array[ndx2] = temp;
The real problem with the above transform function is in its slowness because it has to perform startPosition initial swap operations before the xor transformation-proper is performed. This is very problematic when many seek operations are performed. Now I've heard that RC4 is meant to be quick but my (probably bad implementation) suggests otherwise given the initial set of swap operations.
So my real question is: how can the above code be optimized to reduce the number of required operations? Ideally I would like to eliminate the initial ("THIS BIT") set of swap operations
EDIT: optimizing out the initial sbox setting is probably trivial (e.g. using memcpy as suggested by egur). The important optimization I think is how I can optimize out the loop marked by THIS BIT. Perhaps all those swap ints can be programmed more concisely without the need for a for-loop.
Change all % 255 to & 0xff, much faster:
i = (i + 1) % 256;
i = (i + 1) & 0xFF;
You're wasting a lot of time initializing sbox. You should pass sbox as a parameter to the transform function so the original copy is updated between calls. What you're doing now is initializing it again and again and every time it will take longer since startPosition grows.
void transform(char *in, char *out,
long length,
unsigned char* sbox)
The temporary sbox should be a member of the MyStream class. The read function should be:
MyStream::read(char * const buf, std::streamsize const n)
std::ios_base::streamoff start = m_stream.tellg();
std::vector<char> in;
(void)m_stream.read(&in.front(), n);
// init m_TempSbox on first call
if (m_FirstCall) {
m_byteTransformer->transform(&in.front(), buf, n, m_TempSbox);
return *this;
After some research, it turns out that random access of RC4's key-stream is not possible. See discussion at this link: crypto.stackexchange. A better alternative (as pointed out by Rossum in his comment) is to use a block cipher in counter mode.
What you do in counter mode is to encrypt a sequence of numbers. This sequence is incremental and is the length of the entire stream of data. So, say you want to encrypt 8 bytes of data starting at position '16' of the original data stream using a 64 bit (8 bytes) block cipher.
8 bytes need to be enciphered since you operate over 8-bytes of plain text at a time. Since the position we want to randomly offset to is 16, we essentially encrypt 'block 3' of this number sequence (bytes 0 to 7 == block 1, bytes 8 to 15 == block 2, bytes 16 to 23 == block 3 and so on...)
For example using the XTEA algorithm which encrypts blocks of 8 bytes using a 128 bit key, we'd do something like:
Block 3:
// create a plain text number sequence
uint8_t plainText[8];
plainText[0] = 16;
plainText[1] = 17;
plainText[7] = 23;
// encrypt the number sequence
uint8_t cipherText[8];
applyXTEATransformation(plainText, cipherText, keyOfLength128Bit);
// use the encrypted number sequence as a
// key stream on the data to be encrypted
transformedData[16] = dataToBeEncrypted[16] ^ cipherText[0];
transformedData[17] = dataToBeEncrypted[17] ^ cipherText[1];
transformedData[23] = dataToBeEncrypted[23] ^ cipherText[7];
tldr: I wanted to do random access on RC4 but discovered it isn't possible so used counter mode on an XTEA block cipher instead.
Consider the following code snippet
double *x, *id;
int i, n; // = vector size
// allocate and zero x
// set id to 0:n-1
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
long iid = (long)id[i];
if(iid>=0 && iid<n && (double)iid==id[i]){
x[iid] = 1;
} else break;
The code uses values in vector id of type double as indices into vector x. In order for the indices to be valid I verify that they are greater than or equal to 0, less than vector size n, and that doubles stored in id are in fact integers. In this example id stores integers from 1 to n, so all vectors are accessed linearly and branch prediction of the if statement should always work.
For n=1e8 the code takes 0.21s on my computer. Since it seems to me it is a computationally light-weight loop, I expect it to be memory bandwidth bounded. Based on the benchmarked memory bandwidth I expect it to run in 0.15s. I calculate the memory footprint as 8 bytes per id value, and 16 bytes per x value (it needs to be both written, and read from memory since I assume SSE streaming is not used). So a total of 24 bytes per vector entry.
The questions:
Am I wrong saying that this code should be memory bandwidth bounded, and that it can be improved?
If not, do you know a way in which I could improve the performance so that it works with the speed of the memory?
Or maybe everything is fine and I can not easily improve it otherwise than running it in parallel?
Changing the type of id is not an option - it must be double. Also, in the general case id and x have different sizes and must be kept as separate arrays - they come from different parts of the program. In short, I wonder if it is possible to write the bound checks and the type cast/integer validation in a more efficient manner.
For convenience, the entire code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static struct timeval tb, te;
void tic()
gettimeofday(&tb, NULL);
void toc(const char *idtxt)
long s,u;
gettimeofday(&te, NULL);
printf("%-30s%10li.%.6li\n", idtxt,
(s*1000000+u)/1000000, (s*1000000+u)%1000000);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double *x = NULL;
double *id = NULL;
int i, n;
// vector size is a command line parameter
n = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("x size %i\n", n);
// not included in timing in MATLAB
x = calloc(sizeof(double),n);
memset(x, 0, sizeof(double)*n);
// create index vector
id = malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) id[i] = i;
toc("id = 1:n");
// use id to index x and set all entries to 4
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
long iid = (long)id[i];
if(iid>=0 && iid<n && (double)iid==id[i]){
x[iid] = 1;
} else break;
toc("x(id) = 1");
EDIT: Disregard if you can't split the arrays!
I think it can be improved by taking advantage of a common cache concept. You can either make data accesses close in time or location. With tight for-loops, you can achieve a better data hit-rate by shaping your data structures like your for-loop. In this case, you access two different arrays, usually the same indices in each array. Your machine is loading chunks of both arrays each iteration through that loop. To increase the use of each load, create a structure to hold an element of each array, and create a single array with that struct:
struct my_arrays
double x;
int id;
struct my_arrays* arr = malloc(sizeof(my_arrays)*n);
Now, each time you load data into cache, you'll hit everything you load because the arrays are close together.
EDIT: Since your intent is to check for an integer value, and you make the explicit assumption that the values are small enough to be represented precisely in a double with no loss of precision, then I think your comparison is fine.
My previous answer had a reference to beware comparing large doubles after implicit casting, and I referenced this:
What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?
It might be worth considering examination of double type representation.
For example, the following code shows how to compare a double number greater than 1 to 999:
bool check(double x)
double d;
uint32_t y[2];
d = x;
bool answer;
uint32_t exp = (y[1] >> 20) & 0x3ff;
uint32_t fraction1 = y[1] << (13 + exp); // upper bits of fractiona part
uint32_t fraction2 = y[0]; // lower 32 bits of fractional part
if (fraction2 != 0 || fraction1 != 0)
answer = false;
else if (exp > 8)
answer = false;
else if (exp == 8)
answer = (y[1] < 0x408f3800); // this is the representation of 999
answer = true;
return answer;
This looks like much code, but it might be vectorized easily (using e.g. SSE), and if your bound is a power of 2, it might simplify the code further.
I am using GPU to do some calculation for processing words.
Initially, I used one block (with 500 threads) to process one word.
To process 100 words, I have to loop the kernel function 100 times in my main function.
for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
kernel <<< 1, 500 >>> (length_of_word);
My kernel function looks like this:
__global__ void kernel (int *dev_length)
int length = *dev_length;
while (length > 4)
{ //do something;
length -=4;
Now I want to process all 100 words at the same time.
Each block will still have 500 threads, and processes one word (per block).
dev_totalwordarray: store all characters of the words (one after another)
dev_length_array: store the length of each word.
dev_accu_length: stores the accumulative length of the word (total char of all previous words)
dev_salt_ is an array of of size 500, storing unsigned integers.
Hence, in my main function I have
kernel2 <<< 100, 500 >>> (dev_totalwordarray, dev_length_array, dev_accu_length, dev_salt_);
to populate the cpu array:
for (int i=0; i<wordnumber; i++)
int length=0;
while (word_list_ptr_array[i][length]!=0)
actualwordlength2[i] = length;
to copy from cpu -> gpu:
int* dev_array_of_word_length;
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMalloc( (void**)&dev_array_of_word_length, 100 * sizeof(int) ) );
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaMemcpy( dev_array_of_word_length, actualwordlength2, 100 * sizeof(int),
My function kernel now looks like this:
__global__ void kernel2 (char* dev_totalwordarray, int *dev_length_array, int* dev_accu_length, unsigned int* dev_salt_)
tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
unsigned int hash[N];
int length = dev_length_array[blockIdx.x];
while (tid < 50000)
const char* itr = &(dev_totalwordarray[dev_accu_length[blockIdx.x]]);
hash[tid] = dev_salt_[threadIdx.x];
unsigned int loop = 0;
while (length > 4)
{ const unsigned int& i1 = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(itr)); itr += sizeof(unsigned int);
const unsigned int& i2 = *(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(itr)); itr += sizeof(unsigned int);
hash[tid] ^= (hash[tid] << 7) ^ i1 * (hash[tid] >> 3) ^ (~((hash[tid] << 11) + (i2 ^ (hash[tid] >> 5))));
length -=4;
tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
However, kernel2 doesn't seem to work at all.
It seems while (length > 4) causes this.
Does anyone know why? Thanks.
I am not sure if the while is the culprit, but I see few things in your code that worry me:
Your kernel produces no output. The optimizer will most likely detect this and convert it to an empty kernel
In almost no situation you want arrays allocated per-thread. That will consume a lot of memory. Your hash[N] table will be allocated per-thread and discarded at the end of the kernel. If N is big (and then multiplied by the total amount of threads) you may run out of GPU memory. Not to mention, that accessing the hash will be almost as slow as accessing global memory.
All threads in a block will have the same itr value. Is it intended?
Every thread initializes only a single field within its own copy of hash table.
I see hash[tid] where tid is a global index. Be aware that even if hash was made global, you may hit concurrency problems. Not all blocks within a grid will run at the same time. While one block will initialize a portion of hash, another block might not even start!
I come across a very tricky problem with bit manipulation.
As far as I know, the smallest variable size to hold a value is one byte of 8 bits. The bit operations available in C/C++ apply to an entire unit of bytes.
Imagine that I have a map to replace a binary pattern 100100 (6 bits) with a signal 10000 (5 bits). If the 1st byte of input data from a file is 10010001 (8 bits) being stored in a char variable, part of it matches the 6 bit pattern and therefore be replaced by the 5 bit signal to give a result of 1000001 (7 bits).
I can use a mask to manipulate the bits within a byte to get a result of the left most bits to 10000 (5 bit) but the right most 3 bits become very tricky to manipulate. I cannot shift the right most 3 bits of the original data to get the correct result 1000001 (7 bit) followed by 1 padding bit in that char variable that should be filled by the 1st bit of next followed byte of input.
I wonder if C/C++ can actually do this sort of replacement of bit patterns of length that do not fit into a Char (1 byte) variable or even Int (4 bytes). Can C/C++ do the trick or we have to go for other assembly languages that deal with single bits manipulations?
I heard that Power Basic may be able to do the bit-by-bit manipulation better than C/C++.
If time and space are not important then you can convert the bits to a string representation and perform replaces on the string, then convert back when needed. Not an elegant solution but one that works.
<< shiftleft
>> shift right
~ one's complement
Using these operations, you could easily isolate the pieces that you are interested in and compare them as integers.
say the byte 001000100 and you want to check if it contains 1000:
char k = (char)68;
char c = (char)8;
int i = 0;
if((k<<i)>>(8-3-i) == c){
//do stuff
This is very sketchy code, just meant to be a demonstration.
I wonder if C/C++ can actually do this
sort of replacement of bit patterns of
length that do not fit into a Char (1
byte) variable or even Int (4 bytes).
What about std::bitset?
Here's a small bit reader class which may suit your needs. Of course, you may want to create a bit writer for your use case.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
class BitReader {
typedef unsigned char BitBuffer;
BitReader(std::istream &input) :
input(input), bufferedBits(8) {
BitBuffer peekBits(int numBits) {
assert(numBits <= 8);
assert(numBits > 0);
skipBits(0); // Make sure we have a non-empty buffer
return (((input.peek() << 8) | buffer) >> bufferedBits) & ((1 << numBits) - 1);
void skipBits(int numBits) {
assert(numBits >= 0);
numBits += bufferedBits;
while (numBits > 8) {
buffer = input.get();
numBits -= 8;
bufferedBits = numBits;
BitBuffer readBits(int numBits) {
assert(numBits <= 8);
assert(numBits > 0);
BitBuffer ret = peekBits(numBits);
return ret;
bool eof() const {
return input.eof();
std::istream &input;
BitBuffer buffer;
int bufferedBits; // How many bits are buffered into 'buffer' (0 = empty)
Use a vector<bool> if you can read your data into the vector mostly at once. It may be more difficult to find-and-replace sequences of bits, though.
If I understood your questions correctly, you have an input stream and and output stream and you want to replace the 6bits of the input with 5 in the output - and your output still should be a bit stream?
So, the most important programmer's rule can be applied: Divide et impera!
You should split your component in three parts:
Input Stream converter: Convert every pattern in the input stream to a char array (ring) buffer. If I understood you correctly your input "commands" are 8bit long, so there is nothing special about this.
Do the replacement on the ring buffer in a way that you replace every matching 6-bit pattern with the 5bit one, but "pad" the 5 bit with a leading zero, so the total length is still 8bit.
Write an output handler that reads from the ring buffer and let this output handler write only the 7 LSB to the output stream from each input byte. Of course some bit manipulation is necessary again for this.
If your ring buffer size can be divided by 8 and 7 (= is a multiple of 56) you will have a clean buffer at the end and can start again with 1.
The most simplest way to implement this is to iterate over this 3 steps as long as input data is available.
If a performance really matters and you are running on a multi-core CPU you even could split the steps and 3 threads, but then you must carefully synchronize the access to the ring buffer.
I think the following does what you want.
PATTERNMASK = 0x3F //6 bits
PATTERN = 0x24 //b100100
REPLACEMENT = 0x10 //b10000
void compress(uint8* inbits, uint8* outbits, int len)
uint16 accumulator=0;
int nbits=0;
uint8 candidate;
while (len--) //for all input bytes
//for each bit (msb first)
for (i=7;i<=0;i--)
//add 1 bit to accumulator
//check for pattern
candidate = accumulator&PATTERNMASK;
if (candidate==PATTERN)
//remove pattern
//add replacement
//move accumulator to output to prevent overflow
while (nbits>8)
//copy the highest 8 bits
*outbits++ = (accumulator>>nbits)&0xFF;
//clear them from accumulator
accumulator&= ~(0xFF<<nbits);
//copy remainder of accumulator to output
while (nbits>0)
*outbits++ = (accumulator>>nbits)&0xFF;
accumulator&= ~(0xFF<<nbits);
You could use a switch or a loop in the middle to check the candidate against multiple patterns. There might have to be some special handling after doing a replacment to ensure the replacement pattern is not re-checked for matches.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
size_t matchCount(const char* str, size_t size, char pat, size_t bsize) noexcept
if (bsize > 8) {
return 0;
size_t bcount = 0; // curr bit number
size_t pcount = 0; // curr bit in pattern char
size_t totalm = 0; // total number of patterns matched
const size_t limit = size*8;
while (bcount < limit)
auto offset = bcount%8;
char c = str[bcount/8];
c >>= offset;
char tpat = pat >> pcount;
if ((c & 1) == (tpat & 1))
if (pcount == bsize)
pcount = 0;
else // mismatch
bcount -= pcount; // backtrack
pcount = 0;
return totalm;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const char* str = "abcdefghiibcdiixyz";
char pat = 'i';
std::cout << "Num matches = " << matchCount(str, 18, pat, 7) << std::endl;
return 0;
here's a problem I've solved from a programming problem website(codechef.com in case anyone doesn't want to see this solution before trying themselves). This solved the problem in about 5.43 seconds with the test data, others have solved this same problem with the same test data in 0.14 seconds but with much more complex code. Can anyone point out specific areas of my code where I am losing performance? I'm still learning C++ so I know there are a million ways I could solve this problem, but I'd like to know if I can improve my own solution with some subtle changes rather than rewrite the whole thing. Or if there are any relatively simple solutions which are comparable in length but would perform better than mine I'd be interested to see them also.
Please keep in mind I'm learning C++ so my goal here is to improve the code I understand, not just to be given a perfect solution.
The purpose of this problem is to verify whether the method you are using to read input data is sufficiently fast to handle problems branded with the enormous Input/Output warning. You are expected to be able to process at least 2.5MB of input data per second at runtime. Time limit to process the test data is 8 seconds.
The input begins with two positive integers n k (n, k<=10^7). The next n lines of input contain one positive integer ti, not greater than 10^9, each.
Write a single integer to output, denoting how many integers ti are divisible by k.
7 3
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
//n is number of integers to perform calculation on
//k is the divisor
//inputnum is the number to be divided by k
//total is the total number of inputnums divisible by k
int n,k,inputnum,total;
//initialize total to zero
//read in n and k from stdin
//loop n times and if k divides into n, increment total
for (n; n>0; n--)
if(inputnum % k==0) total += 1;
//output value of total
return 0;
The speed is not being determined by the computation—most of the time the program takes to run is consumed by i/o.
Add setvbuf calls before the first scanf for a significant improvement:
setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768);
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOFBF, 32768);
-- edit --
The alleged magic numbers are the new buffer size. By default, FILE uses a buffer of 512 bytes. Increasing this size decreases the number of times that the C++ runtime library has to issue a read or write call to the operating system, which is by far the most expensive operation in your algorithm.
By keeping the buffer size a multiple of 512, that eliminates buffer fragmentation. Whether the size should be 1024*10 or 1024*1024 depends on the system it is intended to run on. For 16 bit systems, a buffer size larger than 32K or 64K generally causes difficulty in allocating the buffer, and maybe managing it. For any larger system, make it as large as useful—depending on available memory and what else it will be competing against.
Lacking any known memory contention, choose sizes for the buffers at about the size of the associated files. That is, if the input file is 250K, use that as the buffer size. There is definitely a diminishing return as the buffer size increases. For the 250K example, a 100K buffer would require three reads, while a default 512 byte buffer requires 500 reads. Further increasing the buffer size so only one read is needed is unlikely to make a significant performance improvement over three reads.
I tested the following on 28311552 lines of input. It's 10 times faster than your code. What it does is read a large block at once, then finishes up to the next newline. The goal here is to reduce I/O costs, since scanf() is reading a character at a time. Even with stdio, the buffer is likely too small.
Once the block is ready, I parse the numbers directly in memory.
This isn't the most elegant of codes, and I might have some edge cases a bit off, but it's enough to get you going with a faster approach.
Here are the timings (without the optimizer my solution is only about 6-7 times faster than your original reference)
[xavier:~/tmp] dalke% g++ -O3 my_solution.cpp
[xavier:~/tmp] dalke% time ./a.out < c.dat
0.284u 0.057s 0:00.39 84.6% 0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w
[xavier:~/tmp] dalke% g++ -O3 your_solution.cpp
[xavier:~/tmp] dalke% time ./a.out < c.dat
3.585u 0.087s 0:03.72 98.3% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
Here's the code.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
const int BUFFER_SIZE=400000;
const int EXTRA=30; // well over the size of an integer
void read_to_newline(char *buffer) {
int c;
while (1) {
c = getc_unlocked(stdin);
if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) {
*buffer = '\0';
*buffer++ = c;
int main() {
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+EXTRA];
char *end_buffer;
char *startptr, *endptr;
//n is number of integers to perform calculation on
//k is the divisor
//inputnum is the number to be divided by k
//total is the total number of inputnums divisible by k
int n,k,inputnum,total,nbytes;
//initialize total to zero
//read in n and k from stdin
sscanf(buffer, "%i%i",&n,&k);
while (1) {
// Read a large block of values
// There should be one integer per line, with nothing else.
// This might truncate an integer!
nbytes = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin);
if (nbytes == 0) {
cerr << "Reached end of file too early" << endl;
// Make sure I read to the next newline.
startptr = buffer;
while (n>0) {
inputnum = 0;
// I had used strtol but that was too slow
// inputnum = strtol(startptr, &endptr, 10);
// Instead, parse the integers myself.
endptr = startptr;
while (*endptr >= '0') {
inputnum = inputnum * 10 + *endptr - '0';
// *endptr might be a '\n' or '\0'
// Might occur with the last field
if (startptr == endptr) {
// skip the newline; go to the
// first digit of the next number.
if (*endptr == '\n') {
// Test if this is a factor
if (inputnum % k==0) total += 1;
// Advance to the next number
startptr = endptr;
// Reduce the count by one
// Either we are done, or we need new data
if (n==0) {
// output value of total
return 0;
Oh, and it very much assumes the input data is in the right format.
try to replace if statement with count += ((n%k)==0);. that might help little bit.
but i think you really need to buffer your input into temporary array. reading one integer from input at a time is expensive. if you can separate data acquisition and data processing, compiler may be able to generate optimized code for mathematical operations.
The I/O operations are bottleneck. Try to limit them whenever you can, for instance load all data to a buffer or array with buffered stream in one step.
Although your example is so simple that I hardly see what you can eliminate - assuming it's a part of the question to do subsequent reading from stdin.
A few comments to the code: Your example doesn't make use of any streams - no need to include iostream header. You already load C library elements to global namespace by including stdio.h instead of C++ version of the header cstdio, so using namespace std not necessary.
You can read each line with gets(), and parse the strings yourself without scanf(). (Normally I wouldn't recommend gets(), but in this case, the input is well-specified.)
A sample C program to solve this problem:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n,k,in,tot=0,i;
char s[1024];
sscanf(s,"%d %d",&n,&k);
while(n--) {
for(i=1; s[i]!=0; i++) {
in=in*10 + s[i]-'0'; /* For each digit read, multiply the previous
value of in with 10 and add the current digit */
tot += in%k==0; /* returns 1 if in%k is 0, 0 otherwise */
return 0;
This program is approximately 2.6 times faster than the solution you gave above (on my machine).
You could try to read input line by line and use atoi() for each input row. This should be a little bit faster than scanf, because you remove the "scan" overhead of the format string.
I think the code is fine. I ran it on my computer in less than 0.3s
I even ran it on much larger inputs in less than a second.
How are you timing it?
One small thing you could do is remove the if statement.
start with total=n and then inside the loop:
total -= int( (input % k) / k + 1) //0 if divisible, 1 if not
Though I doubt CodeChef will accept it, one possibility is to use multiple threads, one to handle the I/O, and another to process the data. This is especially effective on a multi-core processor, but can help even with a single core. For example, on Windows you code use code like this (no real attempt at conforming with CodeChef requirements -- I doubt they'll accept it with the timing data in the output):
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "queue.hpp"
namespace jvc = JVC_thread_queue;
struct buffer {
static const int initial_size = 1024 * 1024;
char buf[initial_size];
size_t size;
buffer() : size(initial_size) {}
jvc::queue<buffer *> outputs;
void read(HANDLE file) {
// read data from specified file, put into buffers for processing.
char temp[32];
int temp_len = 0;
int i;
buffer *b;
DWORD read;
do {
b = new buffer;
// If we have a partial line from the previous buffer, copy it into this one.
if (temp_len != 0)
memcpy(b->buf, temp, temp_len);
// Then fill the buffer with data.
ReadFile(file, b->buf+temp_len, b->size-temp_len, &read, NULL);
// Look for partial line at end of buffer.
for (i=read; b->buf[i] != '\n'; --i)
// copy partial line to holding area.
memcpy(temp, b->buf+i, temp_len=read-i);
// adjust size.
b->size = i;
// put buffer into queue for processing thread.
// transfers ownership.
} while (read != 0);
// A simplified istrstream that can only read int's.
class num_reader {
buffer &b;
char *pos;
char *end;
num_reader(buffer *buf) : b(*buf), pos(b.buf), end(pos+b.size) {}
num_reader &operator>>(int &value){
int v = 0;
// skip leading "stuff" up to the first digit.
while ((pos < end) && !isdigit(*pos))
// read digits, create value from them.
while ((pos < end) && isdigit(*pos)) {
v = 10 * v + *pos-'0';
value = v;
return *this;
// return stream status -- only whether we're at end
operator bool() { return pos < end; }
int result;
unsigned __stdcall processing_thread(void *) {
int value;
int n, k;
int count = 0;
// Read first buffer: n & k followed by values.
buffer *b = outputs.pop();
num_reader input(b);
input >> n;
input >> k;
while (input >> value && ++count < n)
result += ((value %k ) == 0);
// Ownership was transferred -- delete buffer when finished.
delete b;
// Then read subsequent buffers:
while ((b=outputs.pop()) && (b->size != 0)) {
num_reader input(b);
while (input >> value && ++count < n)
result += ((value %k) == 0);
// Ownership was transferred -- delete buffer when finished.
delete b;
return 0;
int main() {
HANDLE standard_input = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
HANDLE processor = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, processing_thread, NULL, 0, NULL);
clock_t start = clock();
WaitForSingleObject(processor, INFINITE);
clock_t finish = clock();
std::cout << (float)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " Seconds.\n";
std::cout << result;
return 0;
This uses a thread-safe queue class I wrote years ago:
namespace JVC_thread_queue {
template<class T, unsigned max = 256>
class queue {
HANDLE space_avail; // at least one slot empty
HANDLE data_avail; // at least one slot full
CRITICAL_SECTION mutex; // protect buffer, in_pos, out_pos
T buffer[max];
long in_pos, out_pos;
queue() : in_pos(0), out_pos(0) {
space_avail = CreateSemaphore(NULL, max, max, NULL);
data_avail = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, max, NULL);
void add(T data) {
WaitForSingleObject(space_avail, INFINITE);
buffer[in_pos] = data;
in_pos = (in_pos + 1) % max;
ReleaseSemaphore(data_avail, 1, NULL);
T pop() {
T retval = buffer[out_pos];
out_pos = (out_pos + 1) % max;
ReleaseSemaphore(space_avail, 1, NULL);
return retval;
~queue() {
Exactly how much you gain from this depends on the amount of time spent reading versus the amount of time spent on other processing. In this case, the other processing is sufficiently trivial that it probably doesn't gain much. If more time was spent on processing the data, multi-threading would probably gain more.
2.5mb/sec is 400ns/byte.
There are two big per-byte processes, file input and parsing.
For the file input, I would just load it into a big memory buffer. fread should be able to read that in at roughly full disc bandwidth.
For the parsing, sscanf is built for generality, not speed. atoi should be pretty fast. My habit, for better or worse, is to do it myself, as in:
#define DIGIT(c)((c)>='0' && (c) <= '9')
bool parsInt(char* &p, int& num){
while(*p && *p <= ' ') p++; // scan over whitespace
if (!DIGIT(*p)) return false;
num = 0;
num = num * 10 + (*p++ - '0');
return true;
The loops, first over leading whitespace, then over the digits, should be nearly as fast as the machine can go, certainly a lot less than 400ns/byte.
Dividing two large numbers is hard. Perhaps an improvement would be to first characterize k a little by looking at some of the smaller primes. Let's say 2, 3, and 5 for now. If k is divisible by any of these, than inputnum also needs to be or inputnum is not divisible by k. Of course there are more tricks to play (you could use bitwise and of inputnum to 1 to determine whether you are divisible by 2), but I think just removing the low prime possibilities will give a reasonable speed improvement (worth a shot anyway).