News feed using Celery and RabbitMQ - django

I am developing a news feed backend for multiple applications. The idea is that a user can subscribe to multiple groups and receive posts from the groups that he is subscribed to via push.
I was thinking of: on creating a new post have a create_post_task(content) that goes to the Celery feed queue, so that Celery workers can consume it. What I am not sure is what should I do afterwards to deliver the posts to the clients, dynamically create a new RabbitMQ queue for each group, and route the posts to the respective queue, so that subscribed clients will be pushed the posts from those queues? If so, how do I do that after the task was consumed? Is having a lot of RabbitMQ/Celery queues a problem? Any suggestions on an effective solution would be valuable.


How to subscribe a celery task to an existing RabbitMQ exchange?

I'm currently writing a chat messenger using GRPC/RabbitMQ for group chats. I have an API in Django/DRF that handles authentication/message logs/text and email alerts etc.
To do this I would like to create a celery task that subscribes to each group message exchange but I'm unclear if there is there a way to bind a celery task to the message exchanges.
Is it realistic/possible to create celery tasks that subscribe to the chat exchanges I create? If not how would you solve/handle these duties?
Quick followup, I found an article that detailed using Kombu and Yosun to publish and/or subscribe via Django.
Super helpful!

Django Priority Queue

I want to build a delivery app in Django, wherein I will create delivery objects to be delivered according to priority(attribute of the object) by a delivery person. I will login and create the tasks and there can be many delivery persons to login and accept task asynchronously.
Objects(tasks) will be popped out as a delivery person logs in and accepts the task, and the next logged in delivery person would see the next priority task.
How can this be implemented in Django? Any references and implementation links are welcomed. Thanks in advance!

Django Celery FIFO

So I have this 2 applications connected with a REST API (json messages). One written in Django and the other in Php. I have an exact database replica on both sides (using mysql).
When i press "submit" on one of them, i want that data to be saved on the current app database, and start a cron job with celery/redis to update the remote database for the other app using rest.
My question is, how do i attribute the same worker to my tasks in order to keep a FIFO order?
I need my data to be consistent and FIFO is really important.
Ok i am going to detail what i want to do a little further:
So i have this django app, and when i press submit after i fill in the form my celery worker wakes up and takes care of taking that submitted data and posting to a remote server. This i can do without problems.
Now, imagine that my internet goes down at that exact time, my celery worker keeps retrying to send until it is successful But imagine i do another submit before my previous data is submitted, my data wont be consistent on the other remote server.
Now that is my problem. I am not able to make this requests FIFO with the retry option given by celery so i that's were i need some help figuring that out.
this is the answer i got from another forum:
Use named queues with celery:
Start a worker process with a single worker:
Set this worker to consume from the appropriate queue:
For the fifo part i can sort my celery broker in a fifo order before sending my requests

Periodic tasks in Django/Celery - How to notify the user on screen?

I have now succesfully setup Django-celery to check after my existing tasks to remind the user by email when the task is due:
def check_for_tasks():
tasks = mdls.Task.objects.all()
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc,second=00, microsecond=00)
for task in tasks:
if task.reminder_date_time == now:
So far so good, however what if I wanted to also display a popup to the user as a reminder?
Twitter bootstrap allows creating popups and displaying them from javascript:
The problem is though, how can a celery worker daemon run this javascript on the user's browser? Maybe I am going a complete wrong way and this is not possible at all. Therefore the question remains can a cronjob on celery ever be used to achieve a ui notification on the browser?
Well, you can't use the Django messages framework, because the task has no way to access the user's request, and you can't pass request objects to the workers neither, because they're unpickable.
But you could definitely use something like django-notifications. You could create notifications in your task and attach them to the user in question. Then, you could retrieve those messages from your view and handle them in your templates to your liking. The user would see the notification on their next request (or you could use AJAX polling for real-time-ish notifications or HTML5 websockets for real real-time [see django-websocket]).
Yes it is possible but it is not easy. Ways to do/emulate server to client communication:
The most trivial approach would be polling the server from javascript. Your celery task could create rows in your database that can be fetched by a url like /updates which checks for new updates, marks the rows as read and returns them.
long polling
Often referred to as comet. The client does a request to the server which pends until the server decides to return something. See django-comet for example.
To enable true server to client communication you need an open connection from the client to the server. django-socketio and django-websocket are examples of reusable apps that make this possible.
My advice judging by your question's context: either do some basic polling or stick with the emails.

Simulating Google Appengine's Task Queue with Gearman

One of the characteristics I love most about Google's Task Queue is its simplicity. More specifically, I love that it takes a URL and some parameters and then posts to that URL when the task queue is ready to execute the task.
This structure means that the tasks are always executing the most current version of the code. Conversely, my gearman workers all run code within my django project -- so when I push a new version live, I have to kill off the old worker and run a new one so that it uses the current version of the code.
My goal is to have the task queue be independent from the code base so that I can push a new live version without restarting any workers. So, I got to thinking: why not make tasks executable by url just like the google app engine task queue?
The process would work like this:
User request comes in and triggers a few tasks that shouldn't be blocking.
Each task has a unique URL, so I enqueue a gearman task to POST to the specified URL.
The gearman server finds a worker, passes the url and post data to a worker
The worker simply posts to the url with the data, thus executing the task.
Assume the following:
Each request from a gearman worker is signed somehow so that we know it's coming from a gearman server and not a malicious request.
Tasks are limited to run in less than 10 seconds (There would be no long tasks that could timeout)
What are the potential pitfalls of such an approach? Here's one that worries me:
The server can potentially get hammered with many requests all at once that are triggered by a previous request. So one user request might entail 10 concurrent http requests. I suppose I could have a single worker with a sleep before every request to rate-limit.
Any thoughts?
As a user of both Django and Google AppEngine, I can certainly appreciate what you're getting at. At work I'm currently working on the exact same scenario using some pretty cool open source tools.
Take a look at Celery. It's a distributed task queue built with Python that exposes three concepts - a queue, a set of workers, and a result store. It's pluggable with different tools for each part.
The queue should be battle-hardened, and fast. Check out RabbitMQ for a great queue implementation in Erlang, using the AMQP protocol.
The workers ultimately can be Python functions. You can trigger workers using either queue messages, or perhaps more pertinent to what you're describing - using webhooks
Check out the Celery webhook documentation. Using all these tools you can build a production ready distributed task queue that implements your requirements above.
I should also mention that in regards to your first pitfall, celery implements rate-limiting of tasks using a Token Bucket algorithm.