Load RSA private key from a PEM encoded private key - c++

I'm trying to load an RSA private key from a std::string that contains the private key in PEM format, like this:
And I wonder if anyone can help me to use this key instead of generating a random with the following statement.
CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey rsaPrivate;
rsaPrivate.GenerateRandomWithKeySize (rnd, 512);

The key is PEM encoded. You need to strip the PEM header and footer, then convert from Base64 back to DER/BER, and finally use Crypto++'s BERDecodePrivateKey.
There's some reading on the subject at the Crypto++ wiki under Keys and Formats. Below is the code to perform the conversion (I don't believe Stack Overflow has a working example of it in Crypto++).
string RSA_PRIV_KEY =
"-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
static string HEADER = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
static string FOOTER = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
size_t pos1, pos2;
pos1 = RSA_PRIV_KEY.find(HEADER);
if(pos1 == string::npos)
throw runtime_error("PEM header not found");
pos2 = RSA_PRIV_KEY.find(FOOTER, pos1+1);
if(pos2 == string::npos)
throw runtime_error("PEM footer not found");
// Start position and length
pos1 = pos1 + HEADER.length();
pos2 = pos2 - pos1;
string keystr = RSA_PRIV_KEY.substr(pos1, pos2);
// Base64 decode, place in a ByteQueue
ByteQueue queue;
Base64Decoder decoder;
decoder.Attach(new Redirector(queue));
decoder.Put((const byte*)keystr.data(), keystr.length());
// Write to file for inspection
FileSink fs("decoded-key.der");
CryptoPP::RSA::PrivateKey rsaPrivate;
rsaPrivate.BERDecodePrivateKey(queue, false /*paramsPresent*/, queue.MaxRetrievable());
// BERDecodePrivateKey is a void function. Here's the only check
// we have regarding the DER bytes consumed.
catch (const Exception& ex)
cerr << ex.what() << endl;
exit (1);
After loading the key, you can validate it with:
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
bool valid = rsaPrivate.Validate(prng, 3);
cerr << "RSA private key is not valid" << endl;
And print it with:
cout << "N: " << rsaPrivate.GetModulus() << endl << endl;
cout << "E: " << rsaPrivate.GetPublicExponent() << endl << endl;
cout << "D: " << rsaPrivate.GetPrivateExponent() << endl << endl;
If the key is password protected, then Crypto++ cannot decode it. The library lacks the support to perform the decryption. In this case, you can convert it to BER/DER using the following OpenSSL command. Then you can use the key material with Crypto++.
openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in rsa-key.pem -inform PEM -topk8 -outform DER -out rsa-key.der
The sample program wrote the key to file with this:
FileSink fs("decoded-key.der");
The CopyTo leaves the bytes in the queue for use later. You can dump the file with an ASN.1 tool, like Gutmann's dumpasn1:
$ dumpasn1 decoded-key.der
0 314: SEQUENCE {
4 1: INTEGER 0
: 00 AF 10 F9 3A 11 E2 D5 86 B2 16 8A 61 11 CA 27
: 76 66 31 41 7A 8E 3C 02 4B FB B5 03 CB F5 B4 56
: D0 89 5A 41 97 16 01 A5 A3 5C 4F 61 0D 11 70 46
: 76 65 AA AF C5 70 4A 5D 0D 04 82 B2 AB 8A 74 AE
: 1B
74 1: INTEGER 3
77 64: INTEGER
: 74 B5 FB 7C 0B EC 8E 59 CC 0F 06 EB 61 31 6F A4
: 44 20 D6 51 B4 28 01 87 FD 23 57 DD 4E 78 39 DF
: 41 47 34 ED 21 3A BE CD F5 27 C9 BB AB 0F EB C5
: E0 77 13 D8 7A A0 68 BD 21 54 5E 6D 53 BE F7 3B
143 33: INTEGER
: 00 D6 6F FF CA 03 3A D2 3A 8D 0F D3 29 2D 9D 8E
: 7B 50 5F 50 DD 8D BA AE E9 56 23 A2 EA A6 CC 59
: 0F
178 33: INTEGER
: 00 D0 FF 72 69 60 EE B5 33 DF 83 DF 4A 63 3A D6
: 52 44 98 C1 23 2A 9F 11 07 FC 60 82 1C E6 09 E2
: 35
213 33: INTEGER
: 00 8E F5 55 31 57 7C 8C 27 08 B5 37 70 C9 13 B4
: 52 35 94 E0 93 B3 D1 C9 F0 E4 17 C1 F1 C4 88 3B
: 5F
248 33: INTEGER
: 00 8B 54 F6 F0 EB 49 CE 22 95 02 94 DC 42 27 39
: 8C 2D BB 2B 6C C7 14 B6 05 52 EB 01 68 99 5B EC
: 23
283 33: INTEGER
: 00 AF 80 62 A4 FA 5B 0B 0C 5B 63 A7 E6 5F 5D 8B
: E4 4F CE 10 D3 D5 07 46 C9 32 39 78 53 52 F8 6C
: 58
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.


OpenSSL: EVP_DigestSign() does't work on the Raspberry pi

I have trouble creating signatures with OpenSSL on a Raspberry Pi. RSA, ECDSA and EdDSA fail. Here is a small example:
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
void main()
// message to be sign
std::string msg_str = "my messsage";
std::vector<uint8_t> msg(msg_str.begin(), msg_str.end());
// generate a key pair
EVP_PKEY* key = EVP_PKEY_Q_keygen(nullptr, nullptr, "RSA", 2048);
// signature
std::vector<uint8_t> sig_out(1024); // reserve some memory
// signing process
EVP_MD_CTX* md_ctx(EVP_MD_CTX_new());
size_t out_len = 0; // final signature length (calculated by openssl)
if (EVP_DigestSignInit(md_ctx, nullptr, EVP_sha1(), nullptr, key) == 0)
std::cout << "EVP_DigestSignInit error: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) << std::endl;
if (EVP_DigestSign(md_ctx, sig_out.data(), &out_len, msg.data(), msg.size()) == 0)
std::cout << "EVP_DigestSign error: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) << std::endl;
std::cout << "signature length: " << sig_out .size() << " data: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_len; i++)
printf("%.2X ", sig_out[i]);
On my desktop PC all signatures work but not on the Raspberry Pi. Here is the screen output:
Windows 10, AMD CPU, x64 system, OpenSSL 3.0.0:
signature length: 256 data:
59 A9 45 F5 2B 97 51 F5 53 A8 AE 17 16 7A 26 28
F5 68 3F 1F 3D B2 05 4F 0E 28 AF F2 F5 0E DA FF
37 71 50 DD DA E1 DE F0 91 05 0A 07 79 30 00 03
A4 1E F5 60 F5 7E 47 97 EF 88 9C 27 70 CE 64 63
0B 6C 2E 50 7B D7 89 48 B6 73 44 AD 7A 02 EA 49
BC D3 95 67 B8 E6 D9 E4 A1 4F 2B E8 F4 5C F8 73
B5 53 B0 A5 FB BB 7A 81 1C 25 23 6F 30 D8 8F D8
EC 9E 02 00 C2 0D 7C 9C 23 66 D7 44 62 FF 51 1A
94 3F 6F FB D7 B2 C5 2B A4 03 09 E5 10 44 D4 AE
A2 69 F3 EB 31 1B CB 2A 14 1D 76 CD 11 09 B9 76
99 59 42 5A 74 3D 14 98 B7 87 FD 98 16 17 AC 9E
DA 55 82 0B 93 3D 24 28 4F 09 EB EA AE 82 77 47
B2 E2 C8 1E 62 FF E4 90 E6 18 E8 88 94 B4 F0 AF
DF A2 2B D7 79 32 BD C5 0F B1 03 36 B6 D8 44 9A
FA DB 02 EB 7D FE D5 D7 15 34 77 72 4D 4E 44 A8
E7 DA D9 2B 49 80 43 58 1F AA F4 1D 27 80 1C EE
Raspberry Pi, ARM CPU, Debian (bullseye), x64 system, OpenSSL 3.1.0:
EVP_DigestSign error: error:1C8000B3:Provider routines::invalid signature size
does anyone have any idea what the problem may be? I am now a bit desperate.
best regards,
this error occurs (only on ARM) when out_len is smaller than the final signature length. I need to change the code as follows:
if (EVP_DigestSign(md_ctx, sig_out.data(), &out_len, msg.data(), msg.size()) == 0)
std::cout << "EVP_DigestSign error: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) << std::endl;
EVP_DigestSign(md_ctx, nullptr, &out_len, msg.data(), msg.size()); // calculates the final length (does not perform signature; therfore a fast process)
if (EVP_DigestSign(md_ctx, sig_out.data(), &out_len, msg.data(), msg.size()) == 0)
std::cout << "EVP_DigestSign error: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) << std::endl;
now I'm happy :)

How to sign a file via Crypto++ and RSA

I'm trying to sign a file with my private key using the following function:
void Signer::SignFile(const std::string& file)
RSASS<PSSR, Whirlpool>::Signer signer(rsaPrivate);
// Encrypt and write
FileSource ss1(file.c_str(), true,
new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
new FileSink(file.c_str(), true)
, true));
As an outcome my target file gets overwritten with the signature. Why does that happen? Obviously I'd like to append it to the file, that's why I also added an extra "true" parameter for the "putMessage".
FileSource ss1(file.c_str(), true,
new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
new FileSink(file.c_str(), true), true));
I [personally] have never seen someone use the same file as a source and sink. Usually the file data and signature are separate like with a detached signature.
It looks like one file/two streams is implementation defined: C++ read and write to same file using different streams. I guess you should expect seemingly random results on different platforms.
As an outcome my target file gets overwritten with the signature. Why does that happen?
The FileSink opens with std::ios_base::tunc. Also see FileSink on the Crypto++ wiki.
You should probably do something like this. It saves the signature to an intermediate ByteQueue, and then writes the queue to the file once the file is closed.
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "osrng.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "pssr.h"
#include "rsa.h"
#include "whrlpool.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace CryptoPP;
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
std::string fname("test.bin");
///// Create test message /////
std::string msg("Yoda said, Do or do not. There is no try.");
std::ofstream out(fname.c_str());
out.write(msg.data(), msg.size());
///// Generate a key /////
RSASS<PSSR, Whirlpool>::Signer signer;
signer.AccessKey().GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 2048);
///// Sign the message /////
ByteQueue queue;
FileSource source(fname.c_str(), true,
new SignerFilter(prng, signer,
new Redirector(queue)));
///// Append the signature /////
std::ofstream out(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
///// Create a verifier /////
RSASS<PSSR, Whirlpool>::Verifier verifier(signer);
///// Verify the message /////
FileSource source(fname.c_str(), true,
new SignatureVerificationFilter(verifier, NULLPTR,
std::cout << "Verified signature on message" << std::endl;
return 0;
It does not crash and it appends the message as expected:
$ ./test.exe
Verified signature on message
$ hexdump -C test.bin
00000000 59 6f 64 61 20 73 61 69 64 2c 20 44 6f 20 6f 72 |Yoda said, Do or|
00000010 20 64 6f 20 6e 6f 74 2e 20 54 68 65 72 65 20 69 | do not. There i|
00000020 73 20 6e 6f 20 74 72 79 2e 19 f2 1c 8f f9 cb 2f |s no try......./|
00000030 f2 38 9f a8 3b a9 0b 8b 62 25 56 a8 ea 81 7e 60 |.8..;...b%V...~`|
00000040 22 55 38 ce 79 7f 32 95 a5 1a 75 c1 80 ad b2 c2 |"U8.y.2...u.....|
00000050 6f ce a5 f7 bd 4b d3 3f e4 b3 69 00 21 60 d7 09 |o....K.?..i.!`..|
00000060 a8 71 9b 5f 41 d6 66 b1 80 f1 de 00 26 19 34 01 |.q._A.f.....&.4.|
00000070 b3 65 1b 78 e2 32 71 be bc 07 25 78 36 6b 56 4e |.e.x.2q...%x6kVN|
00000080 26 4e 12 9e a8 bb 72 86 ee 0d 70 b2 f1 bd a3 2c |&N....r...p....,|
00000090 14 fd 12 61 35 98 4a 80 9f ee 3c 31 d3 70 26 0f |...a5.J...<1.p&.|
000000a0 73 a0 5d 36 ef 96 56 65 f8 ac 3a fb 44 c3 04 76 |s.]6..Ve..:.D..v|
000000b0 e5 2f ae 92 84 be 40 34 f6 4b b8 84 aa bd 67 74 |./....#4.K....gt|
000000c0 05 43 91 d2 e6 b1 50 dd 6d 64 47 cc 3e 3c 3a 9d |.C....P.mdG.><:.|
000000d0 67 ff 4f 38 c1 a5 a6 d5 92 45 bc 2d ff 96 30 3a |g.O8.....E.-..0:|
000000e0 1d 3a 42 4f 8c 13 2d 4c 3f e9 ad 08 a6 b3 5e fa |.:BO..-L?.....^.|
000000f0 46 08 24 17 43 ce ed ec f7 1a 38 62 e7 bf 42 93 |F.$.C.....8b..B.|
00000100 84 44 b6 05 22 9e e3 bd 80 a6 08 b0 34 d0 a4 89 |.D..".......4...|
00000110 78 48 20 7f 7b 33 1c 51 9d 48 b5 b7 f7 de 2f dd |xH .{3.Q.H..../.|
00000120 d7 74 7b af 04 cd 92 fc 1c |.t{......|
I was not able to get this to work. I'm pretty sure it is a dead end.
std::fstream inout(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
FileSource fs(inout, true,
new SignerFilter(prng, signer,
new FileSink(inout), true));
Obviously I'd like to append it to the file, that's why ...
Also, because you are using PSSR, you don't need the original message. PSSR is "probabilistic signature scheme with recovery". The message is include in the signature with a mask function.
You would need the original message with a SSA scheme. SSA is "signature scheme with appendix". In a SSA scheme you need to provide both the original message and the signature.
(From the comments) Here is an example that uses a Signature Scheme with Appendix (SSA). It also uses std::iftream and std::ofstream directly so FileSource and FileSink work as you expect. std::ofstream includes std::ios_base::app so the signature is appended.
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "filters.h"
#include "osrng.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "oaep.h"
#include "rsa.h"
#include "sha.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace CryptoPP;
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
std::string fname("test.bin");
///// Create test message /////
std::string msg("Yoda said, Do or do not. There is no try.");
std::ofstream out(fname.c_str());
out.write(msg.data(), msg.size());
///// Generate a key /////
RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA256>::Signer signer;
signer.AccessKey().GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 2048);
///// Create fstreams for input and output /////
std::ifstream fin(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
///// Sign the message /////
FileSource source(fin, true,
new SignerFilter(prng, signer,
new FileSink(fout)));
///// Create a verifier /////
RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA256>::Verifier verifier(signer);
///// Verify the message /////
FileSource source(fname.c_str(), true,
new SignatureVerificationFilter(verifier, NULLPTR,
std::cout << "Verified signature on message" << std::endl;
return 0;
And then:
$ ./test.exe
Verified signature on message
$ hexdump -C test.bin
00000000 59 6f 64 61 20 73 61 69 64 2c 20 44 6f 20 6f 72 |Yoda said, Do or|
00000010 20 64 6f 20 6e 6f 74 2e 20 54 68 65 72 65 20 69 | do not. There i|
00000020 73 20 6e 6f 20 74 72 79 2e c7 b3 6f 84 1d fd bf |s no try...o....|
00000030 c7 c8 38 7c 89 b1 f3 42 ee 5e f8 10 de a8 01 7f |..8|...B.^......|
00000040 7f a5 24 3d 27 7e 55 16 bc 80 8b 21 21 75 3d ed |..$='~U....!!u=.|
00000050 41 05 84 b1 3d bf d3 ae 3a 2f a8 81 7a e7 e4 ae |A...=...:/..z...|
00000060 50 d7 9b 25 04 17 a6 a3 1d 12 e2 8e cd 7a 02 42 |P..%.........z.B|
00000070 91 c0 d7 fc 43 09 94 a2 66 d9 67 95 55 5e dc 8c |....C...f.g.U^..|
00000080 eb bc 20 af e8 5c d4 63 05 d4 2c 48 57 6d f1 fe |.. ..\.c..,HWm..|
00000090 26 16 80 c3 41 11 58 8e 8d b0 cb 48 95 b9 ed 94 |&...A.X....H....|
000000a0 84 cc 86 0f a4 7e a3 6a ff 0d 0d 24 17 82 13 94 |.....~.j...$....|
000000b0 54 cb 8a ca 04 1e 65 18 c3 ab a2 3f 4d 44 de 42 |T.....e....?MD.B|
000000c0 32 07 29 e4 95 83 cc ff 39 85 08 bf d5 61 46 db |2.).....9....aF.|
000000d0 e0 96 d6 69 25 b9 ce 1e 3e bc 63 81 e5 16 bd 12 |...i%...>.c.....|
000000e0 a0 78 02 19 60 96 80 36 7d a5 79 be 0f 45 54 f4 |.x..`..6}.y..ET.|
000000f0 92 af f0 d8 74 65 7d 45 98 c7 bb 7f 6e 9b e3 cd |....te}E....n...|
00000100 c0 60 91 0f 78 aa 7c 77 a7 f5 4e 7d 6e ed e1 4c |.`..x.|w..N}n..L|
00000110 8e 5e 96 ac cd 30 16 e0 2d be 9e 2d 68 d4 25 46 |.^...0..-..-h.%F|
00000120 86 77 87 be 68 ef 06 26 55 |.w..h..&U|

SSL_accept returns SSL_ERROR_SSL

I have a strange error working with openssl in c++ with non blocking sockets.
SSL_accept return SSL_ERROR_SSL.
error string is
"error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol"
as obtained from
ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL);
New TCP connection #1: localhost(35677) <-> localhost(8084)
1 1 1443513828.4788 (0.0001) C>SV3.1(153) Handshake
Version 3.3
e9 fc d9 2b 25 20 77 9f 5f a4 b1 eb 5d 50 15 f2
38 7a a9 86 16 49 f8 a3 e9 00 7f 93 11 cd 7b b1
cipher suites
Unknown value 0xc02b
Unknown value 0xc02f
Unknown value 0xc00a
Unknown value 0xc009
Unknown value 0xc013
Unknown value 0xc014
Unknown value 0xc012
Unknown value 0xc007
Unknown value 0xc011
Unknown value 0x45
Unknown value 0x88
Unknown value 0x41
Unknown value 0x84
compression methods
1 2 1443513828.4790 (0.0002) S>CV3.3(53) Handshake
Version 3.3
aa d6 10 d1 eb b5 de b1 ed f8 6b 2f 44 fa 9f 57
14 1d c0 27 a1 e9 24 3a 20 cb 09 fa 75 33 1c c7
cipherSuite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
compressionMethod NULL
1 3 1443513828.4790 (0.0000) S>CV3.3(1003) Handshake
30 82 03 dd 30 82 02 c5 a0 03 02 01 02 02 09 00
bc 6b da c1 c3 f0 3f 14 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86
f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 81 84 31 0b 30 09 06 03
55 04 06 13 02 49 4e 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 08
0c 02 49 4e 31 10 30 0e 06 03 55 04 07 0c 07 67
75 72 67 61 6f 6e 31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 0a 0c
05 69 72 65 78 78 31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 0b 0c
03 64 65 76 31 12 30 10 06 03 55 04 03 0c 09 6c
6f 63 61 6c 68 6f 73 74 31 24 30 22 06 09 2a 86
48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16 15 76 69 6b 61 73 73 6f
6f 64 31 31 40 67 6d 61 69 6c 2e 63 6f 6d 30 1e
17 0d 31 35 30 39 32 39 30 38 30 32 35 36 5a 17
0d 31 36 30 39 32 38 30 38 30 32 35 36 5a 30 81
84 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06 13 02 49 4e 31 0b
30 09 06 03 55 04 08 0c 02 49 4e 31 10 30 0e 06
03 55 04 07 0c 07 67 75 72 67 61 6f 6e 31 0e 30
0c 06 03 55 04 0a 0c 05 69 72 65 78 78 31 0c 30
0a 06 03 55 04 0b 0c 03 64 65 76 31 12 30 10 06
03 55 04 03 0c 09 6c 6f 63 61 6c 68 6f 73 74 31
24 30 22 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16 15
76 69 6b 61 73 73 6f 6f 64 31 31 40 67 6d 61 69
6c 2e 63 6f 6d 30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48
86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01
0a 02 82 01 01 00 e2 9e cb 0c 9a c2 a4 0a ff 81
77 23 ad 74 c6 a0 12 9f f4 a4 86 94 bf 02 57 cc
ff 13 cf 4f 13 83 6e 70 8b 2d ee 92 93 94 44 d4
db 20 e1 67 65 3a 67 c1 d5 91 67 ab f9 98 aa 59
16 b4 38 99 92 66 c2 de e7 88 82 cd a0 10 95 89
78 f5 64 6a e5 b6 75 a2 e0 d0 76 c3 57 92 03 c7
d3 7d f3 c5 18 e5 bf 8d f5 71 17 4c dd 18 fa 11
8c d1 ed 8b 0f b6 5c fb 16 bf 5a 44 23 71 c8 83
83 5a 4d ca b0 8c 15 96 66 dc cd 9a 06 33 b3 eb
71 43 25 b1 0f df 1a c6 f1 7a 4c 4d 5e 34 12 b7
70 76 b6 f9 7e 40 6c 2e 70 df 26 cd f9 c9 0b 90
57 dd 0b c3 57 b8 55 ad 63 13 16 15 bf 8d 3b 48
9d 11 cf 15 55 a1 f2 ab ff 8f 43 48 09 e7 c9 b0
21 66 e7 e4 76 14 aa d4 a9 88 ef bf e1 db 0f b3
27 95 d0 c9 50 6f 36 c8 5e 47 3f c3 a8 59 9c a6
8a 75 57 0b db 83 c6 08 13 fa 9c 64 3c 5a 4e d5
ba 4f 23 39 67 77 02 03 01 00 01 a3 50 30 4e 30
1d 06 03 55 1d 0e 04 16 04 14 29 86 80 ff 9c 14
00 5e 2e 89 81 4a 1e 3c 32 82 ec 44 35 7b 30 1f
06 03 55 1d 23 04 18 30 16 80 14 29 86 80 ff 9c
14 00 5e 2e 89 81 4a 1e 3c 32 82 ec 44 35 7b 30
0c 06 03 55 1d 13 04 05 30 03 01 01 ff 30 0d 06
09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 03 82 01 01
00 c9 f4 f7 0f bd a4 f2 81 e4 4e c5 4d 86 9d f3
30 fe df f6 b1 b5 a3 a6 ef 41 51 fc f3 1b c5 be
e1 1f 75 fe f1 ee 94 95 54 c7 07 13 d4 b6 89 2b
a3 86 e3 7b 12 6d 0a 51 66 31 74 d5 83 67 92 79
45 b3 03 1d 77 6b b0 71 a0 07 c0 06 e6 6b 81 74
01 8e 6d a6 c1 82 8b 34 b2 6c 52 b9 3e a6 c0 c5
ce f6 c8 b2 4b 6a 8c 43 4a 20 38 61 8a 09 1f 39
cd e6 4a 0b 6c 89 b8 88 74 d7 1e fa 86 dc 0a cd
d4 73 39 5f 53 4b 13 79 f8 cd 62 ee 38 42 61 56
26 31 44 ac 5b 39 24 2b 3f f9 21 b4 59 25 14 95
69 e6 33 41 df ef b5 ea 20 7d 38 a9 f4 c3 d1 f7
c5 37 4a c9 01 cd f4 3a e7 3c a7 16 33 0f 5d 46
19 bc 50 3d 33 05 63 ee 29 51 d1 79 c4 01 04 0f
be 27 65 57 ab e5 e8 d3 bf 4d 11 55 bc 52 e4 9f
d9 0c 87 be a9 62 9d be 65 21 a8 8a 46 63 d1 91
f9 2b e1 c6 5d 33 fb ae b6 9e a0 36 0b 37 2a fa
1 4 1443513828.4790 (0.0000) S>CV3.3(4) Handshake
1 5 1443513828.4800 (0.0009) C>SV3.3(262) Handshake
76 58 13 c2 dd ed fb 6e 7b 49 aa 0c 26 40 a1 1f
8b 87 b0 f6 a5 f8 24 fe 0c 7b a9 e6 b0 51 b1 92
2c 52 33 ba af 2a d2 52 b8 80 0f ea fd 24 b7 89
15 2f 0e 90 86 ef 9c 9d 52 02 ca 56 09 b5 81 5f
e1 05 a8 9a 44 32 7f 4f ec 58 33 4a 97 96 23 15
7d a8 1d 8c bc 5d 20 13 39 54 2f 61 27 be aa 6a
ec 49 be 82 cc 2b c7 3d a3 b0 cb 4f 26 cb 14 41
d4 4b 00 57 6f 52 2b 66 aa 23 97 ed e9 e7 9c d9
ed 81 28 0c 08 9f dd 9d e4 00 b5 ba aa a4 f6 3b
23 87 f6 da 64 c0 1e 33 87 bb ef bc c3 fe 28 64
d1 c8 ff ae f9 3f 5a fe 38 e6 ab 3e 34 2c b5 96
f7 a8 99 b6 8e b3 46 d3 c9 f8 f8 94 26 97 27 85
5f 3e ff 85 15 5f c8 1f 10 53 26 e4 88 32 4f 48
62 87 ac a8 9f 14 f1 e3 f4 c4 1a 71 49 e6 33 15
16 66 66 ec 68 ee f7 91 0c 4c b3 3a 49 88 e1 31
a5 fe 4c 31 35 3d dc 01 f6 be f2 e5 65 a0 bb 78
1 6 1443513828.4800 (0.0000) C>SV3.3(1) ChangeCipherSpec
1 7 1443513828.4800 (0.0000) C>SV3.3(64) Handshake
Unknown SSL content type 72
1 1443513828.4801 (0.0001) S>C TCP RST
I am not sure why the server resets the connection.
I am using a self signed certificate to test a websocket connection using scheme wss. Client is Mozilla Firefox and websocket server is what I am trying to implement.
Any pointers on why the server is resetting the connection?
error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol
What possible reason could throw unknown protocol?
Edited: Adding code. It is not all the code but gives a fair idea of what i did.
Here is how my code looks like:
this the main method that accepts incoming connection on a listening socket.
int ret = 0;
while(!mFinished) {
ret = epoll_wait(millis);
if(ret == -1) {
else if(ret == 0) {
else if(ret > 0) {
//some events are triggered
for(int i=0; i<ret; i++) {
//getEvent method is in the base class.
//SecureServer is derived from this class.
//Base class is just an epoll wrapper
epoll_event* ev = getEvent(i);
//check for error
if( (ev->events & EPOLLERR) || (ev->events & EPOLLHUP) || !(ev->events & EPOLLIN)) {
ERROR(Log::eSecureServer, "Error occured on fd = %d", ev->data.fd);
//check if its a new incoming connection on server socket
else if(ev->data.fd == mServerSocket) {
//accept the connection
struct sockaddr peerAddress;
socklen_t socklen = sizeof(peerAddress);
int newSocket = accept(mSocket, &peerAddress, &socklen);
if(newSocket == -1) {
ERROR(Log::eSecureServer, "Error in accept, listen address = %s, port = %d epoll_wait returned = %d", mHost.c_str(), mPort, ret);
rxUShort port = ntohs(*((rxUShort*) &(peerAddress.sa_data[0])));
char ipPort[32] = {0};
sprintf(ipPort, "%hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu:%hu", peerAddress.sa_data[2],peerAddress.sa_data[3],peerAddress.sa_data[4],
INFO(Log::eSecureServer, "SecureTCPServer received incoming client connection from = %s", ipPort);
//add epoll fd
// This method also makes the socket NON BLOCKING
//check the handshake from a previously accepted connection
else {
//process the handshake
This method determines the client and server protocol
int Protocol::processHandshake(int fd)
int length = 0;
length = recv(fd, handshake, 1024, MSG_PEEK);
if(length == 0) {
else if((bcmp(handshake, "\x16", 1) == 0) ||
(bcmp(handshake, "\x80", 1) == 0)) {
//secure connection requested on this fd
SSL* pSSL = 0;
int ret = NewSSLSocket(pSSL, fd);
if(SSL_ERROR_NON == ret) {
else {
NFO(Log::eProtocol, "Handshake error, in progress.");
return eProtocolHandshakeInProgress;
} else if(SSL_ERROR_SSL == ret) {
INFO(Log::eProtocol, "Handshake error, library error");
return eProtocolInvalidHeader;
} else if(SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL == ret) {
INFO(Log::eProtocol, "Handshake error, possibly syscall error");
return eProtocolInvalidHeader;
int Protocol::NewSSLSocket(SSL* pSSL, rxUInt fd)
pSSL = SSL_new(mSSLContext);
SSL_set_fd(pSSL, fd);
int ret = SSL_accept(pSSL);
switch(SSL_get_error(pSSL, ret)) {
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL Handshake is in progress on fd = %d %s", fd, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL syscall error during handshake on fd = %d %s", fd, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL library error during handshake on fd = %d %s", fd, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL handshake on fd = %d complete", fd);
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL unknown error during handshake on fd = %d %s", fd, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
return -1;
return -1;
//Protocol Constructor Init the SSL Context
const SSL_METHOD* pSSLMethod = SSLv23_server_method();
char err[1024] = {0};
mSSLContext = SSL_CTX_new(pSSLMethod);
if(mSSLContext == NULL) {
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, "Failed to initialize SLS_CTX. TLS Unavaliable.");
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), err));
} else
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "Initialized SSL Context.");
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(mSSLContext, "ALL");
//Load the SSL Certificates
rxUInt ret = 0;
ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(mSSLContext, mCACertificateFile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if(ret <=0 ) {
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, "Failed to read ssl sertificate. We should exit.");
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), err));
} else
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "SSL Certificate read complete. OK!");
//Load the private key file
ret = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(mSSLContext, mPrivateKeyFile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if(ret <=0 ) {
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, "Failed to read private key file. We should exit.");
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), err));
} else
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "Private Key read complete. OK!");
if(!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(mSSLContext)) {
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, "Private key does not match the SSL Certificate. We should exit.");
ERROR(Log::eNetwork, ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), err));
} else
INFO(Log::eNetwork, "Private Key and SSL Certificate Matched. OK!");
1 7 1443513828.4800 (0.0000) C>SV3.3(64) Handshake
Unknown SSL content type 72
My guess is that you are sending some plain data on the connection, i.e. write to the plain socket instead to the SSL socket. This is just a guess because you did not provide any code but looking for such error one finds issues like this.

OpenSSL's rsautl cannot load public key created with PEM_write_RSAPublicKey

I've generated a public key using openssl
BIGNUM* e = BN_new();
BN_set_word(e, 17);
RSA* rsa = RSA_new();
if(!RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa, 2048, e, NULL)) {
LOG(security, debug) << "failed to generate private key";
And these are written to files:
FILE* pubwriter = fopen("key.pub", "wb");
int err = PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(pubwriter, key);
if(!err) {
throw new std::runtime_error("Failed to store public key");
FILE* privwriter = fopen("key.priv", "wb");
std::string password = "password";
err = PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(privwriter, key, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(),
(unsigned char*)password.c_str(),
password.size(), NULL, NULL);
And they seem to be stored correctly, key.pub then contains something like
Now I want to try these to make sure I haven't got anything wrong but it wont' load:
$ openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey key.pub -pubin -in data.txt -out enc.txt
unable to load Public Key
What am I missing?
int err = PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(pubwriter, key);
PEM_write_RSAPublicKey writes just the public key. You can make the command work using PEM_write_PUBKEY. The various *_PUBKEY routines write the SubjectPublicKeyInfo, which includes the algorithm OID and public key.
When you write the SubjectPublicKeyInfo, OpenSSL calls it "traditional" format. It will also have the header -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- (and not -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----).
Below, I used PEM_write_PUBKEY to save the public key rsa-public.pem:
$ openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey rsa-public.pem -pubin -in data.txt -out enc.bin
$ hexdump enc.bin
0000000 45 53 31 ad 9d 6a c4 37 1e 22 4b 83 c6 27 c8 3c
0000010 df cb 87 a4 60 d8 63 9a 83 9f ee ca e5 8f 8e dd
0000020 d4 d0 98 97 1c b3 36 55 f1 84 ea 7f fe bf 22 b6
0000030 93 20 a2 d5 b2 bd 20 cc 52 8e c7 1b 33 e6 40 40
0000040 cb 7d 6f 17 f1 eb f1 d4 9d 66 fb 67 eb 67 ba 2a
0000050 44 c2 52 15 54 8d 79 76 ad 26 61 35 27 9c bb 6c
0000060 5b 0e 79 b3 d3 27 0b a9 72 17 0d 2d 19 d7 60 19
0000070 16 46 80 4b c0 ae 75 53 9e 6f f5 24 d9 1a a3 6a
0000080 2f 38 13 f6 72 19 20 94 de 40 75 20 51 f4 08 f4
0000090 74 b8 ac 49 01 d6 f8 f4 e5 79 38 88 2d 02 b7 bd
00000a0 f7 63 c1 e1 e5 ec 39 a1 fa 7c ce 0f 83 16 70 7e
00000b0 cd 7e f5 6b 51 c2 db d7 f6 c4 46 5d e5 93 d3 3d
00000c0 ab e6 3b 1a 97 d4 c9 54 e7 aa 90 2d 0a b9 c2 4b
00000d0 3c 58 fd 26 58 5a 63 c0 8c ae b9 72 24 a1 68 5d
00000e0 83 d7 5b ae 56 2a 78 46 8c f4 21 96 bd d3 0c 93
00000f0 8e 35 61 9c b8 56 2e 3a 4e 05 d9 1e 0b 59 14 11
PEM_write_PUBKEY requires a EVP_PKEY. Just use something like:
EVP_PKEY* pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
ASSERT(pkey != NULL);
int rc = EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(pkey, rsa);
ASSERT(rc == 1);
The set1 bumps the reference count on the RSA key, so you have to free it through EVP_PKEY_free.
The difference between PEM_write_RSAPublicKey and PEM_write_PUBKEY is very obvious when you save in ASN.1/DER. But it gets lost in the PEM encoding.
Here's the non-traditional key in ASN.1/DER and dumped. Its the ASN.1 equivalent of PEM_write_RSAPublicKey. Its just {n,e}:
$ dumpasn1 rsa-public-1.der
0 266: SEQUENCE {
4 257: INTEGER
: 00 D1 C8 05 BF AC 04 72 AA 0E 84 FB 47 75 59 97
: E1 81 65 0B 0A 1D 9D 2A A8 A1 E0 B1 14 5D 57 69
: D4 D2 E2 C6 64 54 94 C2 92 CC C7 99 1A 97 89 72
: F6 36 6A A7 B8 34 2C AB A9 CB 77 EB 0D A1 4E 72
: 24 9F 96 D6 1C 28 ED 44 E8 0B 22 7F F3 5B 52 E2
: 7E A6 5E F1 7C A2 29 4F F1 8B 9D 0F 94 27 05 D5
: BD 2E 1A AD B4 12 0D E0 69 3E 0B 1B A7 F8 71 B5
: AD 22 4B 18 FF 72 88 F3 C5 77 B0 CF 88 5C F4 19
: [ Another 129 bytes skipped ]
265 3: INTEGER 65537
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.
Here's the traditional public key in ASN.1/DER and dumped. Its the ASN.1 equivalent of PEM_write_PUBKEY. Its the one that writes the SubjectPublicKeyInfo, and it includes an algorithm OID and public key:
$ dumpasn1 rsa-public-2.der
0 290: SEQUENCE {
4 13: SEQUENCE {
6 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
17 0: NULL
: }
19 271: BIT STRING, encapsulates {
24 266: SEQUENCE {
28 257: INTEGER
: 00 D1 C8 05 BF AC 04 72 AA 0E 84 FB 47 75 59 97
: E1 81 65 0B 0A 1D 9D 2A A8 A1 E0 B1 14 5D 57 69
: D4 D2 E2 C6 64 54 94 C2 92 CC C7 99 1A 97 89 72
: F6 36 6A A7 B8 34 2C AB A9 CB 77 EB 0D A1 4E 72
: 24 9F 96 D6 1C 28 ED 44 E8 0B 22 7F F3 5B 52 E2
: 7E A6 5E F1 7C A2 29 4F F1 8B 9D 0F 94 27 05 D5
: BD 2E 1A AD B4 12 0D E0 69 3E 0B 1B A7 F8 71 B5
: AD 22 4B 18 FF 72 88 F3 C5 77 B0 CF 88 5C F4 19
: [ Another 129 bytes skipped ]
289 3: INTEGER 65537
: }
: }
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.
err = PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(privwriter, key, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(),
(unsigned char*)password.c_str(),
password.size(), NULL, NULL);
I believe the OpenSSL folks recommend you use PEM_write_PKCS8PrivateKey. See PEM(3) and pkcs8(1).
Now I want to try these to make sure I haven't got anything wrong but it wont' load:
$ openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey key.pub -pubin -in data.txt -out enc.txt
You can understand the behavior by looking at <openssl src>/apps/rsautl.c. Here are the relevant lines:
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-pubin")) {
key_type = KEY_PUBKEY;
pkey = load_pubkey(bio_err, keyfile, keyform, 0, NULL, e, "Public Key");
Then, in apps.c:
if (format == FORMAT_ASN1) {
pkey = d2i_PUBKEY_bio(key, NULL);
else if (format == FORMAT_PEM) {
pkey = PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(key, NULL, ...);
The observation above is the routines are using *_PUBKEY.
There's also a code path based on format == FORMAT_PEMRSA that calls PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey, but I don't know how to trigger it. Looking at rsautl(1), I don't think you can because there's no switch that exposes it.
If it was going to trigger, it would be based on a combination of the -keyform option combined with format == FORMAT_PEMRSA. But apps.c's str2fmt does not return a FORMAT_PEMRSA.
I think that means your only option is to use a SubjectPublicKeyInfo. And that means using PEM_write_PUBKEY (or convert the key after the fact).
Now related: OpenSSL Bug Report, Issue 3887: rsautl and intelligent retry for Public Key parse after Traditional/Subject Public Key Info parse fails.
I faced the same problem and managed to debug by following #jww answer above. In the process I discover a simple command that does not require a EVP_PKEY.
Just use PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(BIO * bp, RSA * x) directly. Read PEM_write documentation for details.

Example of LUC algorithm with Crypto++

I am looking for an example of LUC algorithm, but I can't find anything. I know that it is in Crypto++, but I don't know C++ too well to use it.
I look for an example of algorithm of LUC...
It kind of depends on what you want to do. You might want to browse luc.h to see some of the things Crypto++ offers for LUC. There's a LUCES, a LUCSS and a LUC_IES. The *ES is encryption scheme, the *SS is a signature scheme, and the *IES is an integrated encryption scheme (which includes a key agreement algorithm and mask function).
Generally speaking, LUC is a public key encryption system. Using it is like using any other public key encryption system offered by Crypto++. That's because all the public key encryption systems inherit from the same classes (more correctly, base interfaces). You can see the design in the comments for file pubkey.h.
$ grep -R LUCES *
typedef LUCES<OAEP<SHA> >::Decryptor LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor;
typedef LUCES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor;
And that's pretty much all you need, though you may not know it.
Here's the easier problem to solve. How do you perform RSA encryption in Crypto++?
$ grep -R RSAES *
typedef RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Decryptor RSAES_PKCS1v15_Decryptor;
typedef RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor RSAES_PKCS1v15_Encryptor;
typedef RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Decryptor RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor;
typedef RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor;
If you find an RSAES_PKCS1v15_Decryptor or RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor example, you just copy/replace with LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor and it will work just fine. And if you find an RSAES_PKCS1v15_Encryptor or RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor example, you just copy/replace with LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor and it will work just fine.
You can find the examples of using RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor and RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor on the Crypto++ wiki page for RSA Encryption Schemes. Or you can use the ECIES examples at Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (remember, all the public key systems inherit from the same base interfaces, so they all have the same methods and you use them the same way).
This should get you started. It creates a private key, saves it, then creates a public key, and saves it.
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
FileSink fs1("lucs-private.der", true);
FileSink fs2("lucs-public.der", true);
InvertibleLUCFunction params;
params.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(prng, 2048);
LUC::PrivateKey privateKey(params);
LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor decryptor(privateKey);
// ...
LUC::PublicKey publicKey(params);
LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor encryptor(publicKey);
// ...
catch(CryptoPP::Exception& ex)
cerr << ex.what() << endl;
If you don't want to use InvertibleLUCFunction, the do something like this to generate the key. Note: RSA has an InvertibleRSAFunction.
LUC::PrivateKey privateKey;
privateKey.Initialize(prng, 2048);
LUC::PublicKey publicKey(privateKey);
An here's yet another way to do it:
FileSink fs1("lucs-private.der", true);
FileSink fs2("lucs-public.der", true);
LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor decryptor;
decryptor.AccessKey().Initialize(prng, 2048);
LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor encryptor(decryptor);
And here's a dump of the private key created by the test program:
$ dumpasn1 lucs-private.der
0 662: SEQUENCE {
4 1: INTEGER 0
7 257: INTEGER
: 00 B8 7A CA 6A 61 D9 CF 2F D8 89 5C A4 7D 74 7B
: AC F5 10 4C 3D 95 BF DD 2E F5 4E E5 F4 20 CF CD
: 44 7F C7 27 41 48 6B 83 E0 7C D9 66 16 8D 54 36
: 97 B9 CE 2D 80 A6 F6 E5 25 87 83 6E B9 41 45 DC
: 2A EB EC 4E EC D9 C0 17 B4 E0 04 F0 58 61 60 F8
: 87 18 27 16 58 BA 56 4E DD 9B C8 CD 18 46 28 38
: A2 6A A6 14 36 D0 A6 FF 9C B8 A8 B5 0F 3A 11 B5
: 00 08 44 B3 31 58 AF 01 F8 57 17 E8 FC 68 B2 5F
: [ Another 129 bytes skipped ]
268 1: INTEGER 17
271 129: INTEGER
: 00 C8 DF 47 D0 B2 6F C2 1A E4 B7 E8 3D 12 BB FF
: 04 F7 34 40 A0 0E ED DC F7 24 7B D9 46 EE 10 C4
: D5 E2 9C 93 05 CF 13 53 40 F4 50 EC 1F 6D D7 33
: FF FF 46 42 88 8D FC F4 EE 7F 0C 8B 71 71 51 D2
: 3C 32 E3 9A 11 B7 D8 CF EA 10 B2 07 49 3F 93 CD
: A0 3F 71 A9 23 27 35 1F 6A C9 1D FE CE 24 75 33
: 8F 53 71 B9 0B DE BC 05 93 98 A3 EA 94 8E 04 B1
: 29 A1 4F 4C 82 34 7A 08 3A 0E 07 98 8B 00 30 D7
: 5B
403 129: INTEGER
: 00 EB 1B D0 EF 5C 0F FC FC B7 56 A7 70 8C AA B7
: A6 90 C8 1F AA AD A0 0B 66 E5 33 75 F2 BE 68 35
: 29 2E 57 AC E0 E0 C8 04 A7 C4 13 1D 10 30 8B 50
: 20 17 0C 83 A7 14 4A 7D 25 31 77 50 66 08 36 13
: BE 9D C0 4E F4 44 74 7A BB D2 92 D0 F7 AE 7C EB
: 8E 84 5C 27 61 2C C9 7A D1 D0 C5 A0 13 98 96 E3
: 76 CD B0 E7 E8 7E 4E 0A 2D 00 86 07 57 DB 8A 51
: 1E 59 76 EA 88 44 4D DA F3 D6 AB 75 CB A6 45 F3
: F3
535 128: INTEGER
: 2E 6A AA BA B4 E8 DD 11 2D 31 A4 D5 F7 08 AB E3
: 1A 9A 15 58 AE C8 59 BE C4 75 85 90 6D 5D A4 18
: 39 27 8F FF 1C 9A FD 0F 0C 29 05 98 9C 16 FE 84
: A4 5C 85 15 F7 98 E6 D5 5B 23 CA 2F A2 27 8A 00
: 6E B1 BB 02 6E 93 53 85 30 30 61 F5 1C 49 5D 19
: EF DF CD 6F 11 7C 6D DC AE F6 A2 06 53 BB 7E 03
: C3 E5 4E E9 59 E0 D8 5F C3 28 0E E0 17 5C 63 6E
: 8E A6 18 FC AD A5 9B 08 D1 8B 7B 28 9D E2 CF E2
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.