non-unique id from ews - coldfusion

I was using EWS to create a new calendar event. All of that seems to work just fine, but I wanted to add additional functionality to modify or delete the event. As a result, I was looking back at the unique ID I was storing, and I realized that the ID is always the same. Regardless of the event. If I create 10 in a row, they are always the same. Different dates, different content, etc - all the same ID. That is making me think that I am getting the unique ID correctly. Here is the code:
<cfobject type="Java" class="" name="service">
<cfobject type="Java" class="" name="credentials">
<cfobject type="Java" class="" name="uri">
<cfobject type="Java" class="" name="appointment">
<cfobject type="Java" class="" name="invite">
<cfobject type="Java" action="create" class="" name="mb">
<cfobject type="Java" action="create" class="" name="mbt">
<cfset service.init()>
<cfset credentials.init("[username]","[password]")>
<cfset service.setCredentials(credentials) />
<cfset uri.init("[url]")>
<cfset service.setUrl(uri) />
<cfset appointment = appointment.init(service) />
<cfset appointment.setStart(createDate(Year(now()), Month(now()), day(now())) />
<cfset appointment.setEnd(createDate(Year(now()), Month(now()), day(now()))) />
<cfset appointment.setSubject(" Test Appointment") />
<cfset appointment.setIsAllDayEvent(true) />
<cfset mb.setBodyType(mbt.Text) />
<cfset mb.setText("Loaded by [name] on #dateFormat(now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")#") />
<cfset appointment.setBody(mb) />
<cfset appointment.Save(invite.SendToNone) />
<!--- Both give the same results --->
ID: <cfdump var="#appointment.getId()#" />
ID: <cfdump var="#appointment.UniqueId.ToString()#" />
Result is always
AAMk ... AAA=
I'm sure I'm just missing something silly in how I'm retrieving the IDs. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I should also point out that when I add contacts ...
[contact mangling code]
<cfset contact.Save() />
ID: <cfdump var="#contact.getId()#" />
I get the exact same ID as the calendar events. Makes me think I'm actually getting an ID some something more high level like the service or something.


Best way for implementing webservice in CF

I have to create a web service in ColdFusion. I have tried the below 2 ways. Can anyone help me to find which one is the best way (Both Performance and security enhancement basis)
First Way
Created a cfm page like below;
<cfset result = StructNew() />
<cfset resultStruct = StructNew() />
<cfset validStruct = StructNew() />
<cfset VARIABLES.Sample = CreateObject("component","main.webservice.Sample")>
<cfif NOT isDefined("URL.method")>
<cfset result['status'] = false >
<cfset result['message'] = 'method is missing' />
<cfswitch expression="#URL.method#">
<cfcase value="get">
<cfset fieldList = "name">
<cfset validStruct = validate(fieldList) />
<cfif validStruct['status']>
<cfset resultStruct = VARIABLES.Sample.get(argumentCollection=URL) />
<cfcase value="put">
<cfset fieldList = "name,value">
<cfset validStruct = validate(fieldList) />
<cfif validStruct['status']>
<cfset resultStruct = VARIABLES.Sample.put(argumentCollection=URL) />
<cfset result['status'] = false >
<cfset result['message'] = 'Not a valid method' />
And Created a cfc named 'Sample' under webservice folder and called like above.
WebService URL
Second Way
Called directly from the CFC Sample
<cfcomponent displayname="Sample" hint="Sample WebService" output="false">
<cffunction name="get" access="remote" returntype="struct" returnformat="json">
<cfargument name="name" required="true" type="string" >
<cfreturn StructNew() />
<cffunction name="put" access="remote" returntype="struct" returnformat="json">
<cfargument name="name" required="true" type="string" >
<cfargument name="value" required="true" type="string" >
<cfreturn StructNew() />
WebService URL
The second method is the standard way to do WebServices in CFML. Along with the functionality, you are seeking you get standards based WSDL returns and definitions. It's a case of rebuilding the wheel. I'm sure the underlying CF code for ws could be optimized, but it's pretty good as is and has been field-tested by millions.
I would suggest setting up RESTful web services in ColdFusion. Here is an excellent article to get you started.
There's also Taffy which claims to make it simpler, although I have not used it.

Query created from Query returned from cfspreadsheet not having proper values

Today I came across a very odd case while reading a vlue from a spreadsheet and trying to filter them on a condition and a create a spreadsheet from the filtered data. Here are my steps
Read Excel sheet
<cfspreadsheet action="read" src="#local.sFilePath#" excludeHeaderRow="true" headerrow ="1" query="local.qExcelData" sheet="1" />
Create a holding Query
<cfset local.columnNames = "LoanNumber,Product," />
<cfset local.qSuccessData = queryNew(local.columnNames,"VarChar,VarChar") />
Filter the Excel returned query on a condition and add the valid ones into the new Holding query
<cfloop query="local.qExcelData" >
<cfif ListFind(local.nExceptionRowList,local.qExcelData.currentrow) EQ 0>
<cfset queryAddRow(local.qSuccessData) />
<cfset querySetCell(local.qSuccessData, 'LoanNumber', local.qExcelData['Loan Number']) />
<cfset querySetCell(local.qSuccessData, 'Product', local.qExcelData['Product']) />
Create the new spreadsheet
<cfspreadsheet action="write" query="local.qSuccessData" filename="#local.sTempSuccessFile#" overwrite="true">
However I am getting the following content in my excel sheet
Loannumber Product
coldfusion.sql.column#87875656we coldfusion.sql.column#89989ER
Please help on this to get it work.
I believe the query loop is not mapping values to the Holding-Query properly.
Please modify your loop as below:
<cfloop query="local.qExcelData" >
<cfif ListFind(local.nExceptionRowList,local.qExcelData.currentrow) EQ 0>
<cfset queryAddRow(local.qSuccessData) />
<cfset querySetCell(local.qSuccessData, 'LoanNumber', local.qExcelData['Loan Number'][currentRow]) />
<cfset querySetCell(local.qSuccessData, 'Product', local.qExcelData['Product'][currentRow]) />

Error with multiple PDF Generation in CF

I'm getting an error when producing a multi-page PDF.
The pages attribute is not specified for the MERGE action in the cfpdf tag.
The line that is causing the issue is: <cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" destination="promega.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
I tried looking in Adobe's documentation bug cannot find an attribute pages for the merge action. Thoughts?
<!--- Append PDF to list for merge printing later --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(variables.pdfList, "#expandPath('.')#\general.pdf") />
<cfset variables.userAgenda = GetAttendeeSchedule(
) />
<!--- Field CFID is the id of the agenda item; use this for certificate selection --->
<cfif variables.userAgenda.recordcount>
<cfloop query="variables.userAgenda">
<cfset variables.title = Trim(variables.userAgenda.CUSTOMFIELDNAMEONFORM) />
<cfpdfform source="#expandPath('.')#\promega_certificate.pdf" destination="#cfid#.pdf" action="populate">
<cfset variables.startdate = replace(CUSTOMFIELDSTARTDATE, "T", " ") />
<cfpdfformparam name="WORKSHOP" value="#variables.title#">
<cfpdfformparam name="NAME" value="#variables.badgeInfo.FirstName# #variables.badgeInfo.LastName#">
<cfpdfformparam name="STARTDATE" value="#DateFormat(variables.startdate, "medium" )#">
<!--- Append PDF to list for merge printing later --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(variables.pdfList, "#expandPath('.')#\#cfid#.pdf") />
<cfif ArrayLen(variables.pdfList)>
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" destination="promega.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
<!--- Delete individual files --->
<cfloop list="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" index='i'>
<cffile action="delete" file="#i#" />
<cffile action="delete" file="#expandPath('.')#\general.pdf" />
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;filename=promega.pdf">
<cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" file="#expandPath('.')#\promega.pdf" deletefile="Yes">
<cflocation url="index.cfm" addtoken="false" />
This happens when source is a single file rather than a comma separated list of files. I'm guessing that if it's a single file is is expecting to extract some pages rather than add.
I tried the following on my coldfusion 9 machine and it worked just fine:
<cfset strPath = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) />
<Cfset pdflist = arrayNew(1)>
<Cfset pdflist[1] = "#strPath#page1.pdf">
<Cfset pdflist[2] = "#strPath#page2.pdf">
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(pdflist)#" destination="#strPath#merged.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
You could try to merge the pages like this and check whether you still get an error:
<cfset strPath = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) />
<Cfset pdflist = arrayNew(1)>
<Cfset pdflist[1] = "#strPath#page1.pdf">
<Cfset pdflist[2] = "#strPath#page2.pdf">
<cfpdf action="merge" destination="#strPath#merged.pdf" overwrite="yes">
<Cfloop from=1 to="#arraylen(pdflist)#" index="x">
<cfpdfparam source="#pdfList[x]#">

Variable Datasource is undefined

I have defined a datasource in the admin console of ColdFusion Admin. I have declared the configuration with the same datasource name in set_datasource_util file. I have a webpage that connects to a DB(Oracle) using the datasource given and it works fine most of the time. But lately I am starting to see exceptions like "Variable datasource-name(my app name) is undefined". I am not able to identify the root cause as I am not able to recreate it as it works most of the time. I can say on average on 1000 hits of page, it fails 1 time with that exception. Can anyone help in identifying what could be the possible issue so that I can investigate in that direction.
I have configured WOCD080P_ABC in CFAdmin.
Below is the code from Application.cfm
<cfif client.securityLevel NEQ ''>
<cfinvoke component="#siteroot#.CFC.Set_Data_Source_Util" method="fnSetABCDataSource" returnvariable="ABCDataSourceDefinition">
<cfinvokeargument name="Environment" value="#variables.thisServerType#" />
<cfif ABCDataSourceDefinition.DataSource NEQ 'Error'>
<cfset DATASOURCE_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DataSource />
<cfset DBUSER_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DBUser />
<cfset DBPASSWORD_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DBPassword />
Below is the code from Set_datasource_UTil :
<cffunction name="fnSetABCDataSource" access="public" returntype="struct">
<cfargument name="Environment" type="string" required="yes">
<cfset ReturnParameters = StructNew() />
<cfif Environment IS 'prod'>
<cfset ReturnParameters.DataSource = 'WOCD080P_ABC' />
<cfset ReturnParameters.DBUser = ''/>
<cfset ReturnParameters.DBPassword = '' />
<cfset ReturnParameters.DataSource = 'WOCD080T_ABC'/>
<cfset ReturnParameters.DBUser = ''/>
<cfset ReturnParameters.DBPassword = '' />
<cfreturn ReturnParameters>
Below is the code which i am executing from HTML file.
<cfinvoke component="#siteroot#.cfc.ABC_UTIL" method="GetRegion" returnVariable = "USregion" >
<cfinvokeargument name="dbSource" value=#DATASOURCE_ABC# />
<cfinvokeargument name="dbUser" value=#DBUSER_ABC# />
<cfinvokeargument name="dbPass" value=#DBPASSWORD_ABC# />
The code in the HTML file works most of the time but breaks sometime with error Variable DATASOURCE_ABC not defined.
Any help appreciated.
Please ensure you are using the var keyword for local variables inside of CFC Functions:
<cfset var ReturnParameters = StructNew() />
CF9+ local scope can be used in lieu of var:
<cfset local.ReturnParameters = StructNew() />
For extra protection, improve this statement in your application.cfm:
<cfif isDefined("ABCDataSourceDefinition.DataSource")
AND ABCDataSourceDefinition.DataSource NEQ 'Error'>
<cfset DATASOURCE_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DataSource />
<cfset DBUSER_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DBUser />
<cfset DBPASSWORD_ABC = ABCDataSourceDefinition.DBPassword />
Also, the could be another source of why a datasource is not being defined. I assume you have an interceptor that catches that before this datasource error occurs and sends them to a login page or something.

fusebox5 noxml Parsed file 'app.deleterecord.cfm' changed or did not exist

I have a code below
<cffunction name="DeleteRecord">
<cfargument name="myFusebox" />
<cfargument name="event" />
<cfset event.xfa("ShowForm", "app.ShowForm") />
<cfset event.xfa("AddNew", "app.AddNew") />
<cfset event.xfa("EditRecord", "app.EditRecord") />
<cfset event.xfa("DeleteRecord", "app.DeleteRecord") />
<cfset event.xfa("UpdateRecord", "app.UpdateRecord") />
<cfset DeleteForecastRecord ="id"))/>
<cflocation url="#myFusebox.getMyself()##event.xfa('manageforecastreport')#" addtoken="false" />
and in my cfc file below
<!--- ::::: Forecast Record Show ::::: --->
<cffunction name="ForecastRecordShow" returntype="query" access="public" output="true" hint="Add Forecast Record">
<cfargument name="ForecastID" type="any" default="">
<cfquery name="qryGetForcastRecord" datasource="#variables.dsn#">
SELECT * FROM tbl_forecast
WHERE ForecastID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#trim(arguments.ForecastID)#">
<cfreturn qryGetForcastRecord>
i have an error
Parsed file 'app.deleterecord.cfm' changed or did not exist
Request failed with exception 'Application' (The method ForecastRecordDelete was not found in component C:\Websites\\DiscountTire_dev\model\report.cfc.)
The method ForecastRecordDelete was not found in component C:\Websites\\model\report.cfc.
Please help me about what can i do to solve this error
Make sure the "mode" is set to dev and not to prod (prod I think). When set to prod it will assume the file in the parsed directory is the correct one. When set to dev it "reparses" all your fuses with each request.
The "mode" setting is buried in your fusebox setttings - check the fbx_settings.cfm file. I'm doing this from memory so I might be wrong about the name of the setting (maybe appsettingStyle or something like that).