Mapper or Reducer, where to do more processing? - mapreduce

I have a 6 million line text file with lines up to 32,000 characters long, and I want to
measure the word-length frequencies.
The simplest method is for the Mapper to create a (word-length, 1) key-value pair for every word and let an 'aggregate' Reducer do the rest of the work.
Would it be more efficient to do some of the aggregation in the mapper? Where the key-value pair output would be (word-length, frequency_per_line).
The outputs from the mapper would be decreased by an factor of the average amount of words per line.
I know there are many configuration factors involved. But is there a hard rule saying whether most or the work should be done by the Mapper or the Reducer?
The platform is AWS with a student account, limited to the following configuration.


Application for filtering database for the short period of time

I need to create an application that would allow me to get phone numbers of users with specific conditions as fast as possible. For example we've got 4 columns in sql table(region, income, age [and 4th with the phone number itself]). I want to get phone numbers from the table with specific region and income. Just make a sql query won't help because it takes significant amount of time. Database updates 1 time per day and I have some time to prepare data as I wish.
The question is: How would you make the process of getting phone numbers with specific conditions as fast as possible. O(1) in the best scenario. Consider storing values from sql table in RAM for the fastest access.
I came up with the following idea:
For each phone number create smth like a bitset. 0 if the particular condition is false and 1 if the condition is true. But I'm not sure I can implement it for columns with not boolean values.
Create a vector with phone numbers.
Create a vector with phone numbers' bitsets.
To get phone numbers - iterate for the 2nd vector and compare bitsets with required one.
It's not O(1) at all. And I still don't know what to do about not boolean columns. I thought maybe it's possible to do something good with std::unordered_map (all phone numbers are unique) or improve my idea with vector and masks.
P.s. SQL table consumes 4GB of memory and I can store up to 8GB in RAM. The're 500 columns.
I want to get phone numbers from the table with specific region and income.
You would create indexes in the database on (region, income). Let the database do the work.
If you really want it to be fast I think you should consider ElasticSearch. Think of every phone in the DB as a doc with properties (your columns).
You will need to reindex the table once a day (or in realtime) but when it's time to search you just use the filter of ElasticSearch to find the results.
Another option is to have an index for every column. In this case the engine will do an Index Merge to increase performance. I would also consider using MEMORY Tables. In case you write to this table - consider having a read replica just for reads.
To optimize your table - save your queries somewhere and add index(for multiple columns) just for the top X popular searches depends on your memory limitations.
You can use use NVME as your DB disk (if you can't load it to memory)

Is reducer bottleneck in MR framework

I want to understand what to do in the following case.
For example, I have 1TB of text data, and lets assume that 900GB of it is the word "Hello".
After each map operation, i will have a collection of key-value pairs of <"Hello",1>.
But as I said, this is a huge collection, 900GB and as I understand , the reducer gets all of it and will crush.
My reducer RAM is of 80GB only.
Will the reducer really crush ??
In other words is reducer the bottleneck of horizontal scaling ?
Yes, all equal keys from all mappers get funneled into a single reducer.
It's not clear if you have 900GB of only one word, or a bunch of large text documents with a bunch of words.
In the later case, the string "Hello" really doesn't take that much data. Neither does a single integer.
The reducer will also get a long list of ones, sure, but if you re-used the reducer code as a Combiner, then you can mitigate the memory issues by pre-aggregating the values for each input split

Reducers for Hive data

I'm a novice. I'm curious to know how reducers are set to different hive data sets. Is it based on the size of the data processed? Or a default set of reducers for all?
For example, 5GB of data requires how many reducers? will the same number of reducers set to smaller data set?
Thanks in advance!! Cheers!
In open source hive (and EMR likely)
# reducers = (# bytes of input to mappers)
/ (hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer)
default hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer is 1G.
Number of reducers depends also on size of the input file
You could change that by setting the property hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer:
either by changing hive-site.xml
hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer 1000000
or using set
hive -e "set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=100000
In a MapReduce program, reducer is gets assigned based on key in the reducer input.Hence the reduce method is called for each pair in the grouped inputs.It is not dependent of data size.
Suppose if you are going a simple word count program and file size is 1 MB but mapper output contains 5 key which is going to reducer for reducing then there is a chance to get 5 reducer to perform that task.
But suppose if you have 5GB data and mapper output contains only one key then only one reducer will get assigned to process the data into reducer phase.
Number of reducer in hive is also controlled by following configuration:
Default Value: -1
The default number of reduce tasks per job. Typically set to a prime close to the number of available hosts. Ignored when mapred.job.tracker is "local". Hadoop set this to 1 by default, whereas hive uses -1 as its default value. By setting this property to -1, Hive will automatically figure out what should be the number of reducers.
Default Value: 1000000000
The default is 1G, i.e if the input size is 10G, it will use 10 reducers.
Default Value: 999
Max number of reducers will be used. If the one specified in the configuration parameter mapred.reduce.tasks is negative, hive will use this one as the max number of reducers when automatically determine number of reducers.
How Many Reduces?
The right number of reduces seems to be 0.95 or 1.75 multiplied by (<no. of nodes> * mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum).
With 0.95 all of the reduces can launch immediately and start transfering map outputs as the maps finish. With 1.75 the faster nodes will finish their first round of reduces and launch a second wave of reduces doing a much better job of load balancing.
Increasing the number of reduces increases the framework overhead, but increases load balancing and lowers the cost of failures.The scaling factors above are slightly less than whole numbers to reserve a few reduce slots in the framework for speculative-tasks and failed tasks.
Please check below link to get more clarification about reducer.
Hadoop MapReduce: Clarification on number of reducers
Default Value: 1,000,000,000 prior to Hive 0.14.0; 256 MB (256,000,000) in Hive 0.14.0 and later

Storm and stop words

I am new in storm framework(,
I test locally with my code and I think If I remove stop words, it will perform well, but i search on line and I can't see any example that removing stopwords in storm.
If the size of the stop words list is small enough to fit in memory, the most straighforward approach would be to simply filter the tuples with an implementation of storm Filter that knows that list. This Filter could possibly poll the DB every so often to get the latest list of stop words if this list evolves over time.
If the size of the stop words list is bigger, then you can use a QueryFunction, called from your topology with the stateQuery function, which would:
receive a batch of tuples to check (say 10000 at a time)
build a single query from their content and look up corresponding stop words in persistence
attach a boolean to each tuple specifying what to with each one
+ add a Filter right after that to filter based on that boolean.
And if you feel adventurous:
Another and faster approach would be to use a bloom filter approximation. I heard that Algebird is meant to provide this kind of functionality and targets both Scalding and Storm (how cool is that?), but I don't know how stable it is nor do I have any experience in practically plugging it into Storm (maybe Sunday if it's rainy...).
Also, Cascading (which is not directly related to Storm but has a very similar set of primitive abstractions on top of map reduce) suggests in this tutorial a method based on left joins. Such joins exist in Storm and the right branch could possibly be fed with a FixedBatchSpout emitting all stop words every time, or even a custom spout that reads the latest version of the list of stop words from persistence every time, so maybe that would work too? Maybe? This also assumes the size of the stop words list is relatively small though.

Sharing counter values between MapReduce mappers

I have a mapper that reads input and writes to a database. I want to limit how many inputs are actually converted and written to that database, and all mappers must contribute to the limit and then stop once that limit is reached (approximately; one or two extra isn't a big deal.)
I implemented a limiter function on our mapper that asks the other tasks, "How many records have you imported?" Once a given limit is reached, it will stop importing those records (although it will continue processing them for other purposes.)
the map code in question looks something like this:
public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable key, Result row, Context context) {
// prepare the input
// ...
if (context.getCounter(Metrics.IMPORTED).getValue()<IMPORT_LIMIT){
// do other things
// ...
So each mapper checks to see if there is more room to import, and only if the limit hasn't been reached does it perform any importing. However, each mapper itself is importing up to the limit, so that for 16 mappers, we get 16*IMPORT_LIMIT records imported. It's definitely doing SOME limiting (the count is much much lower than the normal number of imported records.)
When are counter values pushed to other mappers, or are they even available to each mapper? Can I actually get somewhat real-time values from the counter, or do they only update when a mapper is finished? Is there a better way to share a value between mappers?
Okay: from what I've seen, MapReduce doesn't share counters between mappers until the job is finished (ie. not at all.) I'm not sure if mappers that commit partway through will allow later mappers to see their counters, but it's not reliable enough to be done real time.
Instead what I'll do is I will run a simple java application that iterates over the rows on its own and write to a column, which the existing MapReduce job will use to determine if it should import the row or not.