Ungrouping Separate Processes From The Taskbar - c++

I'm writing an application using C++ and Qt which the user can run multiple instances of on the same machine. Each instance of the application has two to three windows associated with them. At the moment, all instances of the application and their windows are grouped together in the taskbar (top image). I want each process to have its own group in the taskbar (bottom image). How can this be achieved?

You can set a different application ID for certain of the windows, or certain of the processes. This is what Windows uses to determine whether to group the icons or not.
Please see this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd942846.aspx
Pertinent quote:
Setting the application ID for a process involves a call to the SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Win32 function from shell32.dll. Setting the application ID for a window requires calling the SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow function and then manipulating the returned IPropertyStore object. The following example shows you how to do this:
InitPropVariantFromString(L"MyAppID", &pv);
IPropertyStore* pps;
VERIFY(SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pps)));
VERIFY(pps->SetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, pv));

This solution will separate taskbar according to processID. The disadvantage is that the pinning does not work well.
v.dwOSVersionInfoSize= sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if (v.dwMajorVersion == 6 && v.dwMinorVersion > 1 || v.dwMajorVersion > 6)
//on Windows 7 or higher ungroup taskbar for separate process
DWORD currentProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
WCHAR AppID[100];
swprintf(AppID, sizeof(AppID) / sizeof(AppID[0]), L"AppID%u", currentProcessId);


Name of process for active window in Windows 8/10

The following sample has reliably returned the name of the process that is associated with the active window, but does not work with the newer modern/universal apps because it returns the name of a helper process WWAHost.exe on Windows 8 and ApplicationFrameHost.exe on Windows 10 rather than the name of the app.
HWND active_window = GetForegroundWindow();
GetWindowThreadProcessId(active_window, &active_process_id);
HANDLE active_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, active_process_id);
GetProcessImageFileName(active_process, image_name, 512);
With Windows 10 the ApplicationFrameHost.exe is the process that creates the window handles and is what gets returned by GetWindowThreadProcessId(), is there another Win32 API that can be used to get the active process of universal app that is active?
Also tried using GetApplicationUserModelId() and GetPackageFullName() with no success as they return APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_APPLICATION and APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_PACKAGE respectively because the active_process handle is just the helper process and not the process of the active application.
Any other APIs to use to get the process name of a Modern/Universal application given the hwnd of the window, or otherwise figure out the process name of the universal app is active.
Thanks in advance!
Be sure to use the Spy++ utility when you want to reverse-engineer something like this. Included with Visual Studio, you need the 64-bit version in Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe. Use Search > Find Window and drag the bullseye to a UWP app, like Weather.
You'll see the window you'll find with GetForegroundWindow(), it has at least 3 child windows:
Windows.Core.UI.CoreWindow, that's the host window for the UWP app and the one you are interested in. Right-click it and select Properties, Process tab, click the Process ID. That takes you to the real owner process you want to know.
So you just need to make an extra step from the code you already have, you just have to enumerate the child windows and look for one with a different owner process. Some C code, trying to make it as universal as possible without making too many assumptions and not enough error checking:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
typedef struct {
DWORD ownerpid;
DWORD childpid;
} windowinfo;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildWindowsCallback(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lp) {
windowinfo* info = (windowinfo*)lp;
DWORD pid = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pid);
if (pid != info->ownerpid) info->childpid = pid;
return TRUE;
int main()
HWND active_window = GetForegroundWindow();
windowinfo info = { 0 };
GetWindowThreadProcessId(active_window, &info.ownerpid);
info.childpid = info.ownerpid;
EnumChildWindows(active_window, EnumChildWindowsCallback, (LPARAM)&info);
HANDLE active_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, info.childpid);
WCHAR image_name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD bufsize = MAX_PATH;
QueryFullProcessImageName(active_process, 0, image_name, &bufsize);
wprintf(L"%s\n", image_name);
return 0;
Output on the Weather program:
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.BingWeather_4.5.168.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe\
Here is a small console app application that continuously (so you can test it easily selecting different windows on your desktop) display information about the current foreground window process and store process, if any.
Apps can have a window hierarchy that can span multiple processes. What I do here is search the first sub window that has the 'Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow' class name.
This app uses the UIAutomation API (and also smart pointers, smart BSTRs and smart VARIANTs provided by the #import directive). I suppose you can do the same with standard Windows SDK, but I find the UIAutomation used this way quite elegant.
#include "stdafx.h"
#import "UIAutomationCore.dll"
using namespace UIAutomationClient;
int main()
// initialize COM, needed for UIA
// initialize main UIA class
IUIAutomationPtr pUIA(__uuidof(CUIAutomation));
// get the Automation element for the foreground window
IUIAutomationElementPtr foregroundWindow = pUIA->ElementFromHandle(GetForegroundWindow());
wprintf(L"pid:%i\n", foregroundWindow->CurrentProcessId);
// prepare a [class name = 'Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow'] condition
_variant_t prop = L"Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow";
IUIAutomationConditionPtr condition = pUIA->CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, prop);
// get the first element (window hopefully) that satisfies this condition
IUIAutomationElementPtr coreWindow = foregroundWindow->FindFirst(TreeScope::TreeScope_Children, condition);
if (coreWindow)
// get the process id property for that window
wprintf(L"store pid:%i\n", coreWindow->CurrentProcessId);
} while (TRUE);
return 0;
Does taking snapshot of running processes and pulling the name out of it by comparing process id not work?
Full reference here:
But you fix the snapshot with CreateToolhelp32Snapshot().
Or from WTSEnumerateProcesses() and surrounding API?
Pretty sure it worked in Win 8. Is it broken in 10?
Starting from Win10 Anniversary Update ApplicationFrameHost child window return anything but UWP application. It worked only in Tablet mode after relogon.

c++ attaching to thread (taking focus)

So, (I rewrote this since a lot of people didn't understand me. I apologize.)
I'd like to bring the window of my qt application to the very front of ALL windows on screen.
I've heard you can do this by attaching to the thread of the foreground window and then "stealing focus" aka putting yourself where that foreground window was.
(I'm using OSX, so windows.h is no option for me.)
I hope you understand now.
To bring a window to the front, ensure the window is visible, then activate the window.
As the docs state: -
Sets the top-level widget containing this widget to be the active window.
If you want to ensure that the window is stacked on top as well you should also call raise().
So, assuming you have a window called pWindow, you can do something like this: -
Also note that OS X can have multiple desktops (Spaces). If you also want the window to track the user's Space when they switch between them, you can add this function to your window class: -
void MyWindow::DisplayOnAllSpaces()
// ensure we stay on the active desktop
WId windowObject = this->winId();
objc_object* nsviewObject = reinterpret_cast<objc_object *>(windowObject);
objc_object* nsWindowObject = objc_msgSend(nsviewObject, sel_registerName("window"));
int NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces = 1 << 0;
objc_msgSend(nsWindowObject, sel_registerName("setCollectionBehavior:"), NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces);

C++ Windows System Tray wont display message

I have been stuck here for 4 days. I made a function that puts a program in the system tray but the problem here is that it wont show balloon title and message. What Am I doing Wrong? I even made a separate function to determine what windows os we are running on and initialize cbSize based on the Os detected. Any help will be appreciated. Bellow is the function.
EDIT: I am using Windows 7 and the Icon shows up in the system tray but wont show the message or title. I am also doing this Console Application right now as this will be used as a plugin in Unity3D. I want a solution that uses windows api but not windows form as I don't want any new window to open from this.
void createSystemTray()
HWND wHandler = GetDesktopWindow();
if(getOsVersion()=="Windows Vista" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 7" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 8" || getOsVersion()=="Windows 8.1")
iData.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
else if (getOsVersion()=="Windows XP"||getOsVersion()=="Windows XP Professional x64 Edition")
else if (getOsVersion()=="Windows 2000")
else if (getOsVersion()=="UNKNOWN OS")
//Assume we have old Windows Os such as Me,95....
iData.hWnd = wHandler;
iData.uID = 100;
iData.uVersion = NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4;
iData.uCallbackMessage = WM_MESSAGE;
iData.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,(LPCTSTR)IDI_WARNING);
lstrcpy(iData.szTip,"My First Tray Icon");
lstrcpy(iData.szInfo,"My App Info");
lstrcpy(iData.szInfoTitle,"My Info Title");
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_SETVERSION,&iData); //called only when usingNIM_ADD
I added NIF_INFO to the uFlags and the problem is gone. Now it displays everything including text, title and info title.
The code below is what solved it.
Your biggest problem with the code in the question is that you pass the wrong window handle. You have to pass one of your window handles. But instead you pass the window handle of the desktop.
You will need to create a window and use its handle. The window does not need to be visible. I believe that you can use a message only window.
You must also call NIM_SETVERSION after NIM_ADD.
I'm very sceptical of your version switching being based on string equality testing. Your code will break on Windows 9 for instance. Use the version helper functions.
You also perform no error checking. This isn't the easiest function to call but your failure to check for errors makes things even harder than they need to be. Please read the documentation and add error checking code.

Does anyone know which relation may exist between registration-free COM and drag/drop functionality?

Does anyone know which relation may exist between registration-free COM and drag/drop functionality?
Specifically, we have a huge C++ CAD/CAM application comprising a number of EXEs and several hundreds DLLs. Many of them serve as COM servers (both in-proc and out-of-proc) and/or clients, and also implement ActiveX controls.
The most of ActiveX controls and the main CMDIFrameWnd-based window of one of EXEs implement drag/drop functionality. ActiveX controls implement the both drop source and drop target, and the main window is only drop target, in particular, for files from Windows Explorer.
The drag/drop implementation is pretty standard and based on two data members derived from COleDataSource and COleDropTarget for drop source and drop target respectively. The COleDropTarget-derived member is registered with respective window in the window's OnCreate method. It also overrides OnDragEnter, OnDragOver and OnDrop methods in a similar way. Namely, the system-supplied COleDataObject parameter is asked for specific format (in particular, CF_HDROP), and in the case of positive answer, the data (e.g., file path) is extracted from the clipboard. The code looks like the following:
// Inside OnDragEnter, OnDragOver or OnDrop method
STGMEDIUM stgmedium = {0,0,0};
if (pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(g_FileFmt.cfFormat))
HRESULT hr = pDataObject->GetData(g_FileFmt.cfFormat, &stgmedium);
HDROP hdrop = (HDROP)GlobalLock(stgmedium.hGlobal);
if (hdrop != 0)
int FilesCount = DragQueryFile(hdrop, (UINT)-1, 0, 0);
if (FilesCount != 0)
DragQueryFile(hdrop, 0, FileName, _MAX_PATH);
// Check file extension and store the file name for farther use.
The drop source implementation is also straightforward and looks like the following:
void CDmDocListCtrl::OnBeginDrag(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if (pNMListView->iItem != -1 && m_pOleDataSource && prv_BeginDrag())
DROPEFFECT DE = m_pOleDataSource->DoDragDrop(
*pResult = 0;
where prv_BeginDrag() function collects dragged data, packs it and puts on the clipboard by calling SetData method from the m_pOleDataSource object's IDataObject interface.
The all this stuff worked perfectly until it was decided to make the whole application registration-free. It took me three months to force the application run isolated (without registration of COM components) by embedding manifests, launching out-of-proc COM servers on demand and altering CLSID of some classes in order to separate instances of the same server launched from different folders. At last it begins to work - but without drag/drop functionality, despite it wasn't even touched by my changes.
On the drop target side, when I drag file from Windows Explorer, depicted above call to COleDataObject::IsDataAvailable returns false, although before my changes returned true. At the same time, if I add a single line of code "DragAcceptFiles();" to the main window's OnCreate method, drag/drop begins working via the standard CFrameWnd's WM_DROPFILE message handler.
On the drop source side, the dragged data are successfully packed and placed on the clipboard, but COleDataSource::DoDragDrop method fails, because a call to ::DoDragDrop API inside MFC implementation returns REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG "Class not registered" result.
It means, that COM activation changes somehow influence drag/drop behavior. How?
P.S. 1) The EXE, to which I drag files from Windows Explorer, has in its project properties "UAC Execution Level = asInvoker". As far as I understand, it tells that the EXE will run at the same UAC level as Windows Explorer when launched by double-click on the file.
2) Quite surprisingly, although drag/drop stopped working with symptoms described above, Copy/Paste continues work well, despite the both technologies have similar implementation.
3) I believe, that if find out when ::DoDragDrop API returns "Class not registered" error, and which class it is looking for, it would be possible to solve the problem.
Thanks for help,
Following to MartinBa advice, I solved the problem with the help of Process Monitor. The Process Monitor showed me that while I drag an item in the ActiveX control (mentioned in the question), the system unsuccessfully tries get access to a class ID in the Registry. Looking for that ID, I found that it is really not class ID, but IDataObject interface ID. It was referenced in one of my manifest files.
The most of manifests I have written by hand, but a few, especially at the beginning of the project having no experience in the area, I generated automatically by Visual Studio from existing type library. In one of them Studio included the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub statement for a couple of system interfaces, in which proxyStubClsid32 element was (erroneously) equal to the interface ID.
I'm still not sure whether those system interfaces should present in the manifest; for example, the IDataObject is only mentioned as a method's parameter in one of IDL definitions. Anyway, I corrected only the proxyStubClsid32 value, and the problem disappeared...
The moral of this very painful for me story is to always check output of automatic tools...

windows 8 IShellIconOverlayIdentifier shell extension not working properly

I have an application where i want to have icon overlays for specific files and folders.
For this purpose i've written a shell extension that implements the IShellIconOverlayIdentifier interface. Its written in c++ / Qt (activeqt) as a dll that connects to the application in question using tcp to query the application to decide wether to show the icon overlay or not. Its buildt much the same way this is.
It works fine in XP/Vista/7 but it wont work in windows 8.
In windows 8 the dll is loaded. I can see it in process explorer and also as a part of debugging it also logs output to a file so i can see whats happening and infer whats not.
Using ShellExView i can also see thats its registered, not disabled and in general everything looks ok.
The class declaration looks more or less like this:
class Q_DECL_EXPORT OverlayClass :
public QAxAggregated,
public IShellIconOverlayIdentifier{
// Implements IUnknown
// Implements IShellIconOverlayIdentifier
STDMETHOD(GetOverlayInfo)(LPWSTR pwszIconFile, int cchMax, int *pIndex, DWORD* pdwFlags);
STDMETHOD(GetPriority)(int* pPriority);
STDMETHOD(IsMemberOf)(LPCWSTR pwszPath, DWORD dwAttrib);
//pure virtual from QAxAggregated
long queryInterface(const QUuid &iid, void**iface);
Whats happens on XP/Vista/7 :
that explorer on load first call queryInterface() and gets an S_OK if iid == IID_IShellIconOverlayIdentifier and E_NOINTERFACE for all other iid's
and then it goes on to call GetOverlayInfo() to initialize stuff. Get the icon file path etc.
And then as the shell needs to it calls IsMemberOf() to see if it should display the icon for a file or folder.
What happens on windows 8 :
that explorer on load calls queryInterface() and gets an S_OK when iid == IID_IShellIconOverlayIdentifier and E_NOINTERFACE for all other iid's
And nothing else. queryInterface() is getting called, but after that nothing happens. I can see my application connecting successfully to the tcp socket created by the shell extension and IPC is working( i can send data back and forth between the application and the dll, but again. Nothing else happens. Explorer is not using the implemented interface.
The dll is registered using:
regsvr32.exe shellext.dll
and the registry key below is also added
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\Shellextname ( value = CSLID )
for testing on windows 8 i've also added the following key to
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved
with my shell extensions CSLID as the name and data = Shellextname ( as above in the previous key) though this doesn't seem to matter on XP/Vista/7 so i'm guessing its inconsequential here as well.
Again, this works on every windows( >= xp) except windows 8.
What am i missing? Where do i go from here to find out?
It seems the problem was that the registry key
ThreadingModel = Apartment
as specified here was not set by regsvr32.exe. I guess previous windows versions ignored this if it wasn't set, but windows 8 required it. Setting it manually worked.