Amazon Message Queue Service (SQS) sending and confirmation - amazon-web-services

A elastic beanstalk environment has a few web servers which sends a request to another worker environment for user sign up, etc.
When one of the worker machines have finished the task, I also want it to send a confirmation to the web server.
It seems that SQS does not have "confirmation" message.
When we offload a job to send a email, but I also want to let the web server to know that send email was successful.
One solution I could do is implement another queue that the web server polls, however, many servers can poll on the same queue, and the confirmation for Server 1, can be recieved by Server 2, and we would need to wait for a timeout for the message, but then Server 3 might intercept the message. It could wait a while for Server 1 to get a confirmation.

The way your worker machines "confirm" they processed a message is by deleting it from the queue. The lifecycle of a queue message is:
Web server sends a message with a request.
Worker receives the message.
Worker processes the message successfully.
Worker deletes the message.
A message being deleted is the confirmation that it was processed successfully.
If the worker does not delete the message in step 4 then the message will reappear in the queue after a specified timeout, and the next worker to check for messages will get it and process it.
If you are concerned that a message might be impossible to process and keep reappearing in the queue forever, you can set up a "dead letter" queue. After a message has been received a specified number of times but never deleted, the message is transferred to the dead letter queue, where you can have a process for dealing with these unusual situations.
Amazon's Simple Queue Service Developer Guide has a good, clear explanation of this lifecycle and how you can be sure that every message is processed or moved to a dead letter queue for special handling.


How to keep SQS message alive when it fails?

I am using SQS to hold http requests. How can I keep the message alive (in the queue) to be re-processed when the request fails, without another process grabbing it?
The typical process is:
A message is placed into the Amazon SQS queue
A worker process calls ReceiveMessage() to retrieve a message from the queue
The message is temporarily marked as 'invisible' (in-flight) so that other workers cannot see the message
If the worker successfully processes the message, it calls DeleteMessage() to permanently remove the message
If the worker does not respond within the Invisibility Timeout period (eg if it fails), the message will reappear on the queue. The message can then be grabbed by another worker.
If a Dead Letter Queue has been configured, then a message that is retrieved from the queue more than a defined number of times will be moved to the Dead Letter Queue for separate investigation or re-processing.
Your question seems to fit the scenario for using a Dead Letter Queue.

Is it possible to load the same message from AWS SQS more than once

I have an SQS FIFO queue which we send bunch of ids for processing on the other end. We have 4 workers digesting the message. Once the worker receives the message, it deletes the msg and stores these ids until it hits a limit before performing actions.
What I've noticed is that some ids are received more than once when each id is only sent once. Is it normal?
Your current process appears to be:
A worker pulls (Receives) a message from a queue
It deletes the message
It performs actions on the message
This is not the recommended way to use a queue because the worker might fail after it has deleted the message but before it has completed the action. Thus, the message would be "lost".
The recommended way to use a queue would be:
Pull a message from the queue (makes the message temporarily invisible)
Process the message
Delete the message
This way, if the worker fails while processing the message, it will automatically "reappear" on the queue after the invisibility period. The worker can also send a "still working" signal to keep the message invisible for longer while it is being processed.
Amazon SQS FIFO queues provide exactly-once processing. This means that a message will only be delivered once. (However, if the invisibility period expires before the message is deleted, it will be provided again.)
You say that "some ids are received more than once". I would recommend adding debug code to try and understand the circumstances in which this happens, since it should not be happening if the messages are deleted within the invisibility period.

Azure Storage Queue and multiple WebJobs instances: will QueueTrigger set the message lease time on triggered?

Scenario: producer send a message into the Storage Queue, a WebJobs process the message on QueueTrigger, each message must only be processed once, there could be multiple WebJob instances.
I've been googling and from what I've read, I need to write the function that processes the message to be idempotent so a message isn't processed twice. I've also read that there is a default lease time of 10 minutes for a message.
My question is, when the QueueTrigger is triggered on one WebJob instance, does it set the lease time on the message so that another WebJob can't pick up the same message? If so why do I need to account for the possibility that the message can be processed twice? Or am I misunderstanding this?
If you are using the built-in queue trigger attributes, it will automatically ensure that any given message gets processed once, even when a site scales out to multiple instances. This is posted on the article in the discussion section,
In the same article you will find clarification regarding the 10 minute lease. In summary, the QueueTrigger attribute directs the WebJobs SDK to call a method when a new message is received in queue. The message is processed and when the method completes, the queue message is deleted. If the method fails before completing, the queue message is not deleted; after a 10-minute lease expires, the message is released to be picked up again and processed. This sequence won't be repeated indefinitely if a message always causes an exception. After 5 unsuccessful attempts to process a message, the message is moved to the poison queue. The maximum number of attempts is configurable.
Your process need to be idempotent. Because
A webjob leases a message (No other webjob can get it).
A webjob deletes a message when its job is done.
If a webjob crashes while processing a message, its lease will time out and another webjob will get and start to process that. (default retry is 5 for a messsage, after that it goes to poison queue)
So if a webjob crashes after its job is done but before it deletes the message, then the message will be released after a while and the same job will be done again.
Therefore your process need to be idempotent.

SQS Messages never gets removed/deleted after script runs

I'm having issues where my SQS Messages are never deleted from the SQS Queue. They are only removed when the lifetime ends, which is 4 days.
So to summarize the app:
Send URL to SQS Queue to wait to be crawled
Send message to Elastic Beanstalk App that crawls the data and store it in database
The script seems to be working in the meaning that it does receive the message, and it does crawl it successfully and store the data successfully in the database. The only issue is that the messages remain in the queue, stuck at "Message Available".
So if I for example load the queue with 800 messages, it will be stuck at ~800 messages for 4 days and then they will all be deleted instantly because of the lifetime value. It seems like a few messages get deleted because the number changes slightly, but a large majority is never removed from the queue.
So question:
Isn't SQS supposed to remove the message as soon as it has been send and received by the script?
Is there a manual way for me to in the script itself, delete the current message? From what I know the message is only sent 1 way. From SQS -> App. So from what I know, I can not do SQS <-> App.
Any ideas?
A web application in a worker environment tier should only listen on
the local host. When the web application in the worker environment
tier returns a 200 OK response to acknowledge that it has received and
successfully processed the request, the daemon sends a DeleteMessage
call to the SQS queue so that the message will be deleted from the
queue. (SQS automatically deletes messages that have been in a queue
for longer than the configured RetentionPeriod.) If the application
returns any response other than 200 OK or there is no response within
the configured InactivityTimeout period, SQS once again makes the
message visible in the queue and available for another attempt at
So I guess that answers my question. Some messages do not return HTTP 200 and then they are stuck in an infinite loop.
No the messages won't get deleted when you read a Queue Item; it is only hidden for a specific amount of time it is called as Visibility Timeout. The idea behind visibility timeout is to ensure that if there are multiple consumers for a single queue, no two consumer pick the same item and start processing.
The is the change you need to do your app to get the expected behavior
Send URL to SQS Queue to wait to be crawled
Send message to Elastic Beanstalk App that crawl the data and store it in database
On the event of successful crawled status, use the receipt-handle(not the message id) and delete the Queue Item from the Queue.
AWS Documentation - DeleteMessage

How to handle large Emailing queue and delivery with AWS SES?

We are developing an app. that need to handle large email queues. We have planned to store emails in a SQS queue and use SES to send emails. but a bit confused on how to actually handle the queue and process queue. should I use cronjob to regularly read the SQS queue and send emails? What would be the best way to actually trigger the script that will be emailing from our app?
Using SQS with SES is a great way to handle this. If something goes wrong while emailing the request will still be on the queue and will be processed next time around.
I just use a cron job that starts my queue processing/email sending job once an hour. The job runs for an hour as a simple loop:
while i've been running < 1 hour:
if there's a message in the queue:
process the message
delete the message from the queue
I set the WaitTimeSeconds parameter to the maximum (20 seconds) so that the check for a new message will wait a while for a new message if necessary so that the job isn't hitting AWS every few milliseconds. Otherwise, I could put a sleep statement of some kind in the loop.
The reason I run for just an hour is that the job might encounter some error that kills it, or have a memory leak, or some other unanticipated problem. This way any queued email requests will still get handled the next time the job is started.
If you want, you can start the job every fifteen minutes so you'll always have four worker processes handling queue requests. If one of them dies for some reason, you'll still be processing with the other three.