Remove my name from a Wikipedia article - wiki

My full name is mentioned on a (German) Wikipedia article. Do I have the rights to remove it if I prove my identity?
If so, what are the required steps?

Register on wikipedia, edit the article yourself, flag the article as controversial. Leave a note explaining the edit claiming your right to privacy.
However, this question is completely off topic here, my friend.


How to prove ownership of sourcecode?

I am looking for some online tools to help me preventing my digital products from cloning/copying under DMCA legally.
I am a PHP/WordPress developer, selling some premium plugins on my site, I found a man who is selling the items matching with a couple of items I coded originally but I am confused how I will verify my ownership if I proceed legally?
I apologize if I posted this question on wrong place, but any help regarding my question/request will be highly appreciated.
Watermarking is what you need. This introduces small 'features' into the source code which you can later prove that it's yours. For example you can obviously choose distinctive variable names but these can be renamed. You can use distinctive layout i.e. whitespace characters. You can add redundant code that doesn't do anything but looks as though it does. If the copier retains this then it's pretty clear where it came from.
Additionally, you could obfuscate your code so the copier has a hard time understanding and therefore changing it. If your obfuscation is good enough then you could add code to nodelock it i.e. tie it to your domain and so then copying it to another domain will break it.

Please suggest an e-book for anti design pattern?

I would like to know "anti-design". Please suggest an e-book for anti design pattern.
You may like to check out:
The daily wtf & Anti patterns
Not an e-book, but the only book I know: “AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis” (the link is to Wikipedia's book review).
For some reason I always thought that book was by Martin Fowler, but it wasn’t.
Wikipedia also has an incomplete list of common antipatterns.
Cheers & hth.,
I have seen books on refactoring.
But I don't think I have ever seen a book on presenting bad code.
The closest thing you can find that shows examples of bad code is in Code Complete by Steven McConnel. The author puts in these little snippets called "Coding Horror" that are examples of bad code. He then explains how to write good code instead, in those situations.
This book is simply the best book on good coding practices I have ever seen.
You may find the articles from SourceMaking interesting.

Asking for a method used in data mining(especially for blog webpages)

recently I attended a talk on data-mining,and I missed some points by the lecturer,which is about a technique used on data-mining,and which is especially useful for blog webpages.
I think I sort of remembered the term is named as "td/tdf" something,but really not sure.
I googled for this for a while,still have no result.
It would be great if you could point out what this technique is,since I want to look further into this topic.
Thanks a lot.
I think maybe you mean temporal difference learning.
As mentioned in the comments, actual answer is Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency.

Dual purpose code commenting(users & maintainers)...HOW? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am writing a C++ static library and I have been commenting with doxygen comments in the implementation files. I have never really had to care very much about documentation but I am working on something now that needs to be documented well for the users and also I am trying to replace my previous bad habit of just wanting to code and not document with better software engineering practices.
Anyway, I realized the other day that I need a couple different types of documentation, one type for users of the library(doxygen manual) and then comments for myself or a future maintainer that deal more with implementation details.
One of my solutions is to put the doxygen comments for file, class, and methods at the bottom of the implementation file. There they would be out of the way and I could include normal comments in/around the method definitions to benefit a programmer. I know it's more work but it seems like the best way for me to achieve the two separate types of commenting/documentation. Do you agree or have any solutions/principles that might be helpful. I looked around the site but couldn't really find any threads that dealt with this.
Also, I don't really want to litter the interface file with comments because I feel like it's better to let the interface speak for itself. I would rather the manual be the place a user can look if they need a deeper understanding of the library interface. Am I on the right track here?
Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I have learned alot from hearing them. I think I have a better uderstanding of how to go about separating my user manual from the code comments that will be useful to a maintainer. I like the idea that #jalf has about having a "prose" style manual that helps explain how to use the library. I really think this is better than just a reference manual. That being said...I also feel like the reference manual might really come in handy. I think I will combine his advice with the thoughts of others and try to create a hybrid.(A prose manual(using the doxygen tags like page, section, subsection) that links to the reference manual.) Another suggestion I liked from #jalf was the idea of the code not having a whole manual interleaved into it. I can avoid this by placing all of my doxygen comments at the bottom of the implementation file. That leaves the headers clean and the implementation clean to place comments useful for someone maintaining the implementation. We will see if this works out in reality. These are just my thoughts on what I have learned so far. I am not positive my approach is going to work well or even be practical. Only time will tell.
I generally believe that comments for users should not be inline in the code, as doxygen comments or anything like that. It should be a separate document, in prose form. As a user of the library, I don't need to, or want to, know what each parameter for a function means. Hopefully, that's obvious. I need to know what the function does. And I need to know why it does it and when to call it. And I need to know what pre- and postconditions apply. What assumptions does the function make when I call it, and what guarantees does it provide when it returns?
Library users don't need comments, they need documentation. Describe how the library is structured and how it works and how to use it, and do so outside the code, in an actual text document.
Of course, the code may still contain comments directed at maintainers, explaining why the implementation looks the way it does, or how it works if it's not obvious. But the documentation that the library user needs should not be in the code.
I think the best approach is to use Doxygen for header files to describe (to the users) how to use each class/method and to use comments within the .cpp files to describe the implementation details.
Well done, Doxygen commenting can be very useful both when reading code and when reading generated HTML. All the difficulty lies in Well done.
My approach is as following:
For users of library, I put Doxygen comments in header files for explaining what is the purpose of that function and how to use it by detailing all arguments, return values and possible side effects. I try to format it such that generated documentation is a reference manual.
For maintainers, I put basic (not Doxygen) comments in implementation files whenever self-commenting code is not enough.
Moreover, I write a special introductory file (apart from the code) in Doxygen format for explaining to new users of libray how to use the various features of the library, in the form of a user's guide which points to details of reference manual. This intro appears as the front page of the Doxygen generated documentation.
Doxygen allows the creation of two versions of the documentation (one for users and one for "internal use") through the \internal command and the INTERNAL_DOCS option. It is also possible to have a finer grained control with conditional sections (see the \if command and the ENABLED_SECTIONS option.)
As others have already noted, it is also useful to provide users (and also maintainers sometimes) something at a higher level than strictly code comments. Doxygen can also be used for that, with the \mainpage, \page, [sub[sub]]section and \par commands
I recommend you to take a look at this paper:
I normally applied those ideas to my projects (using Doxygen). It also helps in keeping the doc up to date because it is not necessary to leave the IDE, so one can make annotations while coding and, later on, revise the final pdf document to see what needs to be updated or more detailed.
In my experience, Doxygen requires some work so that the pdf look nice, the graphs and pics in place, etc. but once you find your ways and learn the limitations of the tool, it gets the job done quite well.
My suggestion, besides what Kyle Lutz and Eric Malefant have already said, is to put long explanations about related classes in its own file (I use a header file for that) and add references to other parts using Doxygen tags. You only need to include those headers in the Doxygen configuration file (using pattern matching). This avoids cluttering your headers too much.
There is no quick easy answer, good documentation is hard.
I personally feel a layered model is best.
high level docs in prose. Pictures and videos are very appropriate.
reference level docs should Doxygen (well done doxygen, not just off hand comments).
maintainer docs should not show up in the reference docs, but they could still be doxygen as pointed out by by Éric.
I really like the documentation style used in RakNet. The author uses extensive Doxygen comments and provides a generated reference manual. He also provides some plain html tutorials. Best of all he supplies video walk-throughs of some of the more complicated features.
Another good example is SFML. The quality isn't as good as RakNet but it's still very good. He provides a good overview page in the doxygen generated documentation. There are a few plain html tutorials and a plain html Features/Overview page.
I prefer these styles as Doxygen generated documentation is generally too low level when I'm just starting out, but perfectly concise once I'm in the groove.

Boost Fusion articles, examples, tutorials?

Do you know any good resources/articles/examples of boost::fusion library usage?
Boost Fusion looks extremely interesting, I think I understand how it works and how to use the basics, but I'm looking for some resources that show any interesting usage/practices e.g. articles or blogs (apart from itself).
I thought the comment by johannes-schaub-litb should be an answer, as I nearly overlooked it.
So here it is:
Johannes' excellent example.
There are also some other examples in Stackoverflow. I particularly liked the first answer here.
Brief intro to Fusion, but you might prefer it to docs.
Seems like there aren't as many articles/posts about the usage (apart from the actual boost documentation of course).
Here is what I have found while trying to learn fusion :
the slides of the boostcon 09 presentation of fusion by one of its authors
the slides of the talk of Michael Caisse at boostcon 13 (NoSenseEtAl provided a link to the recording of the talk)