Reading and printing progress bar that is being updated on same line while it is still updating - python-2.7

So I'm using subprocess.Popen in order to load new OS onto multiple devices.
my script:
done = None
command = 'my loading command'
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while proc.poll() is None:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
print line.strip()
if "Done" in line:
done = True
So the loading process should start off by detecting the device plugged into the system and then the loader/progress bar starts:
Connecting to Device:
[ Writing ] [ 0 ]
[ Writing ] [ 1 ]
[ Writing ] [ 2 ]
[ Writing ] [############## 100 ##############]
Now to be sure that the loading is completely done I use Popen with stdout=PIPE in order to check when the "Done." string is printed to stdout and then I print stdout onto the cmd window. Now my issue is that since proc.stdout.readline() is reading every line at a time, it prints the 1st 2 lines about detecting and connecting to device and then nothing for 10 min then it prints this line:
[ Writing ] [############## 100 ##############]
So my output on the cmd window looks like this:
Connecting to Device:
[ Writing ] [############## 100 ##############]
So it doesn't start from [Wrtiting 0] and then [Writing 1].... till it gets to [100]. this is because the loader is being updated on the same line so proc.stdout.readline() waits till the loading line is complete and then prints it out which pretty much defies the purpose of having the progress bar to show the progress made every coupe of seconds.
Can anyone help me solve this? I tried printing to both a file and the cmd window at same time to check for the "Done." string but no luck as it only prints '0' to the txt file.

alright So i found the answer t solve this problem:
In order to be able to check for the done string and print the progress bar as it progresses to 100% i use the same code except I have to specify the number of characters in readline(). So I did the loading and made it print it to a file and then copied the last line where the progress bar was full, entered it into a print len(str), got the length of the string and then added it as argument to the readline() command:
done = None
command = 'my loading command'
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while proc.poll() is None:
line = proc.stdout.readline(77)
print line.strip()
if "Done" in line:
done = True

The issue is that a progress bar line ends with '\r' and not '\n'. If you change the code to the following it should work:
done = None
command = 'my loading command'
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
while proc.poll() is None:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
print line.strip()
if "Done" in line:
done = True


Searching for an expression returned from a shell process that never finishes using python 2.7 on raspberry PI

I am having a raspberry pi 4 (RPI) with python 2.7 installed. Within a python script, I am executing a shell script, which flashes a µController (µC) connected to the pi. The shell script prints some stuff and reaches idle after printing "Connecting". Note that the script does not finish at this point!
Now I want to use subprocess (or any other function) to forward me all the prints from the shell script. I do then want to check if the keyphrase "Connecting" has been printed. Besides, I need a timeout if the shell script gets stuck before printing "Connecting".
However, I am quite new to python, thus I dont know how to use the subprocess correctly to be able to retrieve the prints from the shell script and set a timeout for the script as well.
Here is some sort of pseudo code:
output = subprocess.Popen(["./prebuilt/bin/bbb_cc13xx-sbl /dev/ttyACM0 {hexfileName} cc13x2 -e -p -v"], \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
expression_found = False
for i in range(5)
if(output.stdout.find('Expression') != -1):
expression_found = True
do that..
do this...
Is there an easy way to implement my two needs?
EDIT: Adding the prints to the terminal like os.system() does would be great, too.
Best wishes
I actually found a simple solution, the mistake is to pipe stderr instead of stdout. The first one being empty all/most of the time.
Here is a solution where the prints from the child process where displayed on the terminal in real time and where I was able to search for a keyword within the stdout pipe. I was also able to terminate the child process without errors. I could also add a timeout as well for terminating the child process. The codes was also validated on raspberry pi 4B with python 2.7.
Here the main process:
import subprocess, sys
import time
cmd = ""
p = subprocess.Popen( cmd , shell=True,
startTime = time.time()
maxTime = 8
while True:
currentTime = time.time()
if (currentTime - startTime) > maxTime:
output = p.stdout.readline()
keyWord = "EOF"
if keyWord in output:
print("Keyword {} has be found".format(keyWord))
if len(output) == 0:
print("Output is empty")
if p.poll() is not None:
print("p.poll is not none")
And here the child process:
import time, sys
count = 0
count += 1
print("Escape Error!")
if(count == 10):
if(count == 20):
pass`enter code here`
Any comments are welcome.

Continuing the loop

Ok so I have code that is supposed to run through a txt file and ping the Ip's if the ping is equal to 0 its does an 'nslookup' on it and then it's supposed to continue but after it does the first one in the terminal it's left on a > as if waiting for input. In other instances, my code runs through the txt file fine but once I added in the 'nslookup' it stops after the first one and waits for input.
Is there a way to make it continue to cycle through the txt file till it gets to the end?
Heres the code I'm using I know there are other ways to do a look up on an Ip address but I'm trying to use 'nslookup' in this case unless its impossible.
import os
with open('test.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + line)
if response == 0:
print os.system('nslookup')
print(line, "is down!")
that's simply because you forgot to pass the argument to nslookup
When you don't pass any argument, the program starts in interactive mode with its own shell.
Default server :
But using os.system won't make you able to get the output of the command. For that you would need
output = subprocess.check_output(['nslookup',line.strip()])
print(output) # or do something else with it
instead of your os.system command

How to capture output without preventing it from output in python

I want to run command line in python, and capture the output. I can use subprocess.check_output. But it will suppress the output, how can i do it without suppressing the console output?
How about this?
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
proc = Popen(["/usr/bin/nc", "-l", "9999"], stdout=PIPE)
buffer = []
line = proc.stdout.readline()
while line:
print "LINE", line.strip()
line = proc.stdout.readline()
print "buffer", ''.join(buffer)
Using another terminal send some text
nc localhost 9999
# type something. the text should appear from the python code
Break the nc, and you get the output in buffer as well

Reading from COM port into a text file in python

I have a list of commands saved in text file ('command.log') which I want to run against a unit connected to 'COM5' and save the response for each command in a text file ('output.log'). The script gets stuck on the first command and I could get it to run the remaining commands. Any help will be appreciated.
import serial
def cu():
ser = serial.Serial(
## ser.write('/sl/app_config/status \r \n') #sample command
fw = open('output.log','w')
with open('data\command.log') as f:
for line in f:
ser.write(line + '\r\n')
out = ''
while out != '/>':
out += ser.readline()
print "Finished ... "
The bytes problem
First of all, you're misusing the serial.readline function: it returns a bytes object, and you act like it was a str object, by doing out += ser.readline(): a TypeError will be raised. Instead, you must write out += str(ser.readline(), 'utf-8'), which first converts the bytes into a str.
How to check when the transmission is ended ?
Now, the problem lays in the out != '/>' condition: I think you want to test if the message sent by the device is finished, and this message ends with '/<'. But, in the while loop, you do out += [...], so in the end of the message, out is like '<here the message>/>', which is totally different from '/>'. However, you're lucky: there is the str.endswith function! So, you must replace while out != '\>' by while not out.endswith('\>'.
WWhatWhat'sWhat's theWhat's the f*** ?
Also, in your loop, you write the whole message, if it's not already ended, in each turn. This will give you, in output.log, something like <<me<mess<messag<messag<message>/>. Instead, I think you want to print only the received characters. This can be achieved using a temporary variable.
Another issue
And, you're using the serial.readline function: accordingly to the docstrings,
The line terminator is always b'\n'
It's not compatible with you're code: you want your out to finish with "\>", instead, you must use only, which returns all the received characters.
Haaaa... the end ! \o/
Finally, your while loop will look as follows:
# Check if the message is already finished
while not out.endswith('/>'):
# Save the last received characters
# A `bytes` object is encoded in 'utf-8'
received_chars = str(, 'utf-8')
# Add them to `out`
out += received_chars
# Log them
# Print them, without ending with a new line, more "user-friendly"
print(received_chars, end='')
# Finally, print a new line for clarity

python run external program and print output by character

How can I print out the output of an external command by characters or at least by lines?
This code prints it in one block after the command returns.
import subprocess as sub
output, errors = sub.Popen(command, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()
print output + errors
You can access to the standart output stream as
p = sub.Popen("cmd", stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE)
print(p.stdout.readline()) # This read a line
You can perform any operation o the file streams.
When you use readline in a standart output of a proccess the main thread of the app wait for that proccess to write some thing on the ouput. When that process write to the output you program continue.
You must know that before read a line from the proceess you need to call flush() on the stream. Because the streams have a cache time before the real values are written to it.
You can see this post, this is a good explanation of how this work on python
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
out =
if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
if out != '':
It prints out the output of the cmd character by character.