Work with version control Offline \ Online - offline

How can I change the status from version control work offline to working online using the API?
Can I do it to all of the model or to a particular package?

No, The API does not have the ability to change the version control status from offline to online or vice versa.


Detecting PCF version(s)

I have access to our corporate PCF, though both the Apps Manager webpage and the "cf" CLI (and thus the API).
How can I detect what version of PCF they're running? There's nothing in the website that lists it, and the best I can find is using cf api which returns:
api version: 2.98.0
How can I map that to the PCF version, or is there another way to detect it?
Usually via Ops Manager however another quick way is to click on the 'Docs' in Apps Manager it should take you to the documentation of relevant PCF version. For ex: means PCF 2.6
Please be advised that documentation link requires to be updated during upgrades so if someone doesn't do - it will be pointing out to older version..
I don't believe Apps Manager or the API (i.e. Cloud Controller) will report that information. Both are just single parts of the entire system, so I think you could really only expect them to publish their own version information.
If you want to see versions of what is installed, you need to look at Ops Manager. That will show you the tiles that are installed and each version.
If you don't have access to Ops Manager, you'd need to ask your platform operators.
Hope that helps!

Does Restfb support real time update

I have tried facebook4j and it does not support real time update.
I am also developing a php endpoint but can anyone tell me does restfb support real time update?
RestFB supports realtime updates only by converting the JSON to Java object.
You have to write the endpoint that is called by Facebook yourself, because RestFB does not know which technology you use.
So a simple yes or no is not the answer. It supports you, but you have to do some work ;)

Is there a way to connect thunderbird/lightning to the redmine's calendar?

I just started my adventure with the Redmine 3.0, the project manager.
I can't Google out if there is an option to export its calendar to e.g. thunderbird-ligthning. There are some plugins, but they are not compatible with current Redmine 3.0. I couldn't find out anything relevant in the changelog, too.
Can anyone tell me from their own experience, if (and how) this feature is available?
Generally, anything that exports to the ics format can be made available to Thunderbird/Lightning, or any other calendaring program. The other option is to make use of the caldav protocol, which is also standardized.
I have heard reports that this fork of the redmime ics export plugin works for 3.x, but I haven't tested it myself. Maybe you can give it a try.
If you would like to create your own, I'd suggest adapting sabreDAV to use redmime as a backend. As an example for how to write a custom sabre frontend for a different service, check out this work.

Asterisk and multitenant module for vtiger 6

I am new to vtiger. I would like to know is there any modules available for Asterisk and multitenant. If so can you please give me the link. I saw some post saying it will be in future release.
as per developers, setting PBX Manager back in action is planned in version 6.1
Meantime, you'll need to wait or create your custom module.
check out
PBX manager is available in 6.1. For multi-tenancy you have to customize.

What is the difference between Glass Mirror API and Google GDK?

What is the difference between Glass Mirror API and Google GDK?
Google has announced the GDK here:
but they haven't exposed any new features specific to Glass yet. How do we actually use the Google GDK?
Looking at the examples listed on the above link, we can create APKs, load APKs onto Glass and launch them using adb shell but is there a complete app or example anywhere?
The difference between the Mirror API and the forthcoming GDK boils down to where the application being written will run.
The Mirror API specifies how a web-based application will communicate with Google's servers to send updates to a user's Glass and how it will receive notifications when the user takes an action (such as a share, or a location change) that is directed at the Glassware.
The GDK is intended for applications that will run on Glass itself and have more low-level access to the sensors and to the underlying Android environment that Glass is built on top of. Google has not released the GDK yet - that page is where it will be released, and provides some early "getting started" concepts for developers who are interested in building native apps that run on Glass.
GDK has not been launched yet, so you cannot actually use it right now.
GDK will allow you to work directly on the Glass device using your Android development skills whereas Mirror API is a cloud/web-based API for interacting with a user's timeline only. See Prisoner's answer for more detail on this.
Because GDK has not been released yet, "complete" apps and examples do not exist. There are three samples (Compass, Level, and Stopwatch) listed on the link that you posted. The page says that these samples will eventually be updated into a "full Glass experience" when GDK is launched.
When we launch the GDK, we'll also update these samples to show the migration path from a traditional Android app to a full Glass experience. Make sure to check regularly for updates
Glass Mirror API is for developing the Glassware(Pushing Webcards from server to Glass).
Google GDK(Glass Development KIT) is similar to current Android SDK, but they will have some special tool that will help develop Android Apps for google glass. Even now without GDK, developers are developing apps using Android SDK.
GDK will allow you to run apks on GLASS along with the GlassHome. GlassHome is the main display that you see within GLASS. If you install an APK without the GDK, the only way to get to it is using something like Launcher2.apk. With the GDK, and this is an assumption, your apk will be represented as a card within GlassHome.