Why dynamic memory allocation is not linear in scale? - c++

I am investigating data structures to satisfy O(1) get operations and came across a structure called Trie.
I have implemented the below simple Trie structure to hold numbers (digits only).
Ignore the memory leak - it is not the topic here :)
The actual storage in the Data class is not related as well.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
struct Data
Data(): m_nData(0){}
int m_nData;
struct Node
Node(): m_pData(NULL)
for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; n++)
digits[n] = NULL;
void m_zAddPartialNumber(std::string sNumber)
if (sNumber.empty() == true) // last digit
m_pData = new Data;
m_pData->m_nData = 1;
size_t nDigit = *(sNumber.begin()) - '0';
if (digits[nDigit] == NULL)
digits[nDigit] = new Node;
digits[nDigit]->m_zAddPartialNumber(sNumber.substr(1, sNumber.length() - 1));
Data* m_pData;
Node* digits[10];
struct DB
DB() : root(NULL){}
void m_zAddNumber(std::string sNumber)
if (root == NULL)
root = new Node;
Node* root;
int main()
for (size_t nNumber = 0; nNumber <= 10000; nNumber++)
std::ostringstream convert;
convert << nNumber;
std::string sNumber = convert.str();
return 0;
My main function is simply inserting numbers into the data structure.
I've examined the overall memory allocated using Windows task manager and came across an interesting feature i can't explain and am seeking your advice.
I've re-executed my simple program with different numbers inserted to the structure (altering the for loop stop condition) - here is a table of the experiment results:
Plotting the numbers in a logarithmic scaled graph reveals:
As you can see, the graph is not linear.
My question is why?
I would expect the allocation to behave linear across the range.

A linear relation of y on x is of the form y=a+bx. This is a straight line in a y vs x plot, but not in a log(y) vs log(x) plot, unless the constant a=0. So, I conjecture that your relation may still be (nearly) linear with a~340 kB.


C++ permutation tree

I have tasks and I want to calculate the most profitable order to arrange them.
Instead of checking every permutation and doing n*n! calculations, I want to build a tree of permutations, that is, the number of children at each level decreases by 1, and at each node the sub-permutation that has already been calculated will be saved and not recalculated.
For example, if I have 4 tasks, the tree will look like this:
My attached code is missing. I don't know how to build the tree and the give nodes the indexes as in the figure. I know how to deal with a binary tree, but not with a tree where the number of children is different at each lavel.
(The value of each task depends on its location.
I know how to do that, so I didn't include it in the question).
int n = 4;
struct node
int task_index = -1;
double value;
struct node **next;
void build_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
if (current_level < 1 || current_level >= n)
// current_node->task_index = ? ;
current_node->next = new node *[n - current_level];
for (int i = 0; i < n - current_level; i++)
build_tree(current_node->next[i], current_level + 1);
void print_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
// print indexes
void delete_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
// delete nodes
int main()
struct node *root = new node;
delete root;
return 0;
void build_tree(node *current_node, int current_level = 0)
if (current_level < 1 || current_level >= n)
// current_node->task_index = ? ;
current_node->next = new node *[n - current_level];
for (int i = 0; i < n - current_level; i++)
build_tree(current_node->next[i], current_level + 1);
When called with the default parameter of current_level = 0, as you illustrate in your code below, this function exits on the first line without doing anything. You need to decide whether you are indexing starting from 0 or from 1.
Other than that, the general outline of the algorithm looks okay, although I did not explicitly check for correctness.
Now, more broadly: is this an exercise to see if you can write a tree structure, or are you trying to get the job done? In the latter case you probably want to use a prebuilt data structure like that in the boost graph library.
If it's an exercise in building a tree structure, is it specifically an exercise to see if you can write code dealing with raw pointers-to-pointers? If not, you should work with the correct C++ containers for the job. For instance you probably want to store the list of child nodes in a std::vector rather than have a pointer-to-pointer with the only way to tell how many child nodes exist being the depth of the node in the tree. (There may be some use case for such an extremely specialized structure if you are hyper-optimizing something for a very specific reason, but it doesn't look like that's what's going on here.)
From your explanation what you are trying to build is a data structure that reuses sub-trees for common permutations:
012 -> X
210 -> X
such that X is only instantiated once. This, of course, is recursive, seeing as
01 -> Y
10 -> Y
Y2 -> X
If you look at it closely, there are 2^n such subtrees, because any prefix can have any one of the n input tasks used or not. This means you can represent the subtree as an index into an array of size 2^n, with a total footprint O(n*2^n), which improves on the vastly larger >n! tree:
struct Edge {
std::size_t task;
std::size_t sub;
struct Node {
std::vector<Edge> successor; // size in [0,n]
std::vector<Node> permutations; // size exactly 2^n
This will have this structure:
permutations: 0 1 2 3 4 ...
Where the node at, e.g., location 3 has both task 0 and 1 already used and "points" to all (n-2) subtrees.
Of course, building this is not entirely trivial, but it compressed the search space and allows you re-use results for specific sub-trees.
You can build the table like this:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size(permutations); ++i) {
permutations[i].successor.reserve(n); // maybe better heuristic?
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (((1<<j) & i) == 0) {
Here is a live demo for n=4.
The recursive way to generate permutations is if you have n items then all of the permutations of the items are each of the n items concatenated with the permutations of the n-1 remaining items. In code this is easier to do if you pass around the collection of items.
Below I do it with an std::vector<int>. Once using a vector it makes more sense to just follow the "rule of zero" pattern and let the nodes have vectors of children and then not need to dynamically allocate anything manually:
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
struct node
int task_index = -1;
double value;
std::vector<node> next;
std::vector<int> remove_item(int item, const std::vector<int>& items) {
std::vector<int> output(items.size() - 1);
std::copy_if(items.begin(), items.end(), output.begin(),
[item](auto v) {return v != item; }
return output;
void build_tree(node& current_node, const std::vector<int>& tasks)
auto n = static_cast<int>(tasks.size());
for (auto curr_task : tasks) {
node child{ curr_task, 0.0, {} };
if (n > 1) {
build_tree(child, remove_item(curr_task, tasks));
void print_tree(const node& current_node)
std::cout << "( " << current_node.task_index << " ";
for (const auto& child : current_node.next) {
std::cout << " )";
int main()
node root{ -1, 0.0, {} };
build_tree(root, { 1, 2, 3 });
return 0;

A* Performance at large maps

i would like some help for my AStar algorithm search, which takes from my point of view far to long. Even though my map is with 500 * 400 coordinates(objectively is my tile graph a bit smaller since I don't took the walls into the TileGraph.) large, I would like to expect the result after a few seconds. The world looks like this, despite the task not being mine
I want to search from marked coordinates "Start"(120|180) to "Ziel"(320|220), which currently takes 48 minutes. And sorry for all, who don't speak german, but the text at the picture isn't important.
At first I want to show you, what I've programmed for A*. In General adapted myself to the pseudocode at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm .
bool AStarPath::Processing(Node* Start, Node* End)
m_Start = Start;
m_End = End;
for (Node* n : m_SearchRoom->GetAllNodes())
DistanceToStart[n] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
CameFrom[n] = nullptr;
DistanceToStart[m_Start] = 0;
NotEvaluatedNodes.AddElement(0, m_Start);
while (NotEvaluatedNodes.IsEmpty() == false)
Node* currentNode = NotEvaluatedNodes.GetElement();
if (currentNode == m_End)
return true;
return false;
//End Processing
void AStarPath::ExamineNeighbours(Node* current)
for (Node* neighbour : m_SearchRoom->GetNeighbours(current))
if (std::find(EvaluatedNodes.begin(), EvaluatedNodes.end(), neighbour) != EvaluatedNodes.end())
bool InOpenSet = NotEvaluatedNodes.ContainsElement(neighbour);
float tentative_g_score = DistanceToStart[current] + DistanceBetween(current, neighbour);
if (InOpenSet == true && tentative_g_score >= DistanceToStart[neighbour])
CameFrom[neighbour] = current;
DistanceToStart[neighbour] = tentative_g_score;
float Valuation = tentative_g_score + DistanceBetween(neighbour, m_End);
if (InOpenSet == false)
NotEvaluatedNodes.AddElement(Valuation, neighbour);
NotEvaluatedNodes.UpdatePriority(neighbour, Valuation);
//END ExamineNeighbours
double AStarPath::DistanceBetween(Node* a, Node* b)
return sqrt(pow(m_SearchRoom->GetNodeX(a) - m_SearchRoom->GetNodeX(b), 2)
+ pow(m_SearchRoom->GetNodeY(a) - m_SearchRoom->GetNodeY(b), 2));
//END DistanceBetween
I'm sorry for the bad formatting, but I don't really know how to work with the code blocks here.
class AStarPath
std::unordered_set<Node*> EvaluatedNodes;
Binary_Heap NotEvaluatedNodes;
std::unordered_map<Node*, float> DistanceToStart;
std::unordered_map<Node*, Node*> CameFrom;
std::vector<Node*> m_path;
TileGraph* m_SearchRoom;
//END Class AStarPath
Anyway, i have thought myself over my problem already and changed some things.
Firstly, I implemented a binary heap instead of the std::priority_queue. I used a page at policyalmanac for it, but I'm not permitted to add another link, so I can't really give you the address. It improved the performance, but it still takes quite long as I told at the beginning.
Secondly, I used unordered containers (if there are two options), so that the containers don't have to be sorted after the changes. For my EvaluatedNodes I took the std::unordered_set, since from my knowledge it's fastest for std::find, which I use for containment checks.
The usage of std::unordered_map is caused by the need of having seperate keys and values.
Thirdly, I thought about splitting my map into nodes, which represent multiple coordinates(instead of now where one node represents one coordinate) , but I'm not really sure how to choose them. I thought about setting points at position, that the algorithm decises based on the length and width of the map and add neighbouring coordinates, if there aren't a specific distance or more away from the base node/coordinate and I can reach them only from previous added coordinates. To Check whether there is a ability to walk, I would have used the regular A*, with only the coordinates(converted to A* nodes), which are in these big nodes. Despite this I'm unsure which coordinates I should take for the start and end of this pathfinding. This would probably reduce the number of nodes/coordinates, which are checked, if I only use the coordinates/nodes, which were part of the big nodes.(So that only nodes are used, which where part of the bigger nodes at an upper level)
I'm sorry for my english, but hope that all will be understandable. I'm looking forward to your answers and learning new techniques and ways to handle problems and as well learn about all the hundreds of stupids mistakes I produced.
If any important aspect is unclear or if I should add more code/information, feel free to ask.
EDIT: Binary_Heap
class Binary_Heap
std::vector<int> Index;
std::vector<int> m_Valuation;
std::vector<Node*> elements;
int NodesChecked;
int m_NumberOfHeapItems;
void TryToMoveElementUp(int i_pos);
void TryToMoveElementDown(int i_pos);
Binary_Heap(int i_numberOfElements);
void AddElement(int Valuation, Node* element);
void DeleteElement();
Node* GetElement();
bool IsEmpty();
bool ContainsElement(Node* i_node);
void UpdatePriority(Node* i_node, float newValuation);
Binary_Heap::Binary_Heap(int i_numberOfElements)
NodesChecked = 0;
m_NumberOfHeapItems = 0;
void Binary_Heap::AddElement(int valuation, Node* element)
Index[m_NumberOfHeapItems] = NodesChecked;
m_Valuation[NodesChecked] = valuation;
elements[NodesChecked] = element;
void Binary_Heap::DeleteElement()
elements[Index[1]] = nullptr;
m_Valuation[Index[1]] = 0;
Index[1] = Index[m_NumberOfHeapItems];
bool Binary_Heap::IsEmpty()
return m_NumberOfHeapItems == 0;
Node* Binary_Heap::GetElement()
return elements[Index[1]];
bool Binary_Heap::ContainsElement(Node* i_element)
return std::find(elements.begin(), elements.end(), i_element) != elements.end();
void Binary_Heap::UpdatePriority(Node* i_node, float newValuation)
if (ContainsElement(i_node) == false)
AddElement(newValuation, i_node);
int treePosition;
for (int i = 1; i < Index.size(); i++)
if (elements[Index[i]] == i_node)
treePosition = i;
//Won't influence each other, since only one of them will change the position
void Binary_Heap::TryToMoveElementDown(int i_pos)
int nextPosition = i_pos;
while (true)
int currentPosition = nextPosition;
if (2 * currentPosition + 1 <= m_NumberOfHeapItems)
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition;
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition + 1]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition + 1;
if (2 * currentPosition <= m_NumberOfHeapItems)
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition;
if (currentPosition != nextPosition)
int tmp = Index[currentPosition];
Index[currentPosition] = Index[nextPosition];
Index[nextPosition] = tmp;
void Binary_Heap::TryToMoveElementUp(int i_pos)
int treePosition = i_pos;
while (treePosition != 1)
if (m_Valuation[Index[treePosition]] <= m_Valuation[Index[treePosition / 2]])
int tmp = Index[treePosition / 2];
Index[treePosition / 2] = Index[treePosition];
Index[treePosition] = tmp;
treePosition = treePosition / 2;
This line introduces major inefficiency, as it needs to iterate over all the nodes in the queue, in each iteration.
bool InOpenSet = NotEvaluatedNodes.ContainsElement(neighbour);
Try using a more efficient data structure, e.g. the unordered_set you use for EvaluatedNodes. Whenever you push or pop a node from the heap, modify the set accordingly to always contain only the nodes in the heap.

Exponential tree implementation

I was trying to implement exponential tree from documentation, but here is one place in the code which is not clear for me how to implement it:
using namespace std;
struct node
int level;
int count;
node **child;
int data[];
int binary_search(node *ptr,int element)
if(element>ptr->data[ptr->count-1]) return ptr->count;
int start=0;
int end=ptr->count-1;
int mid=start+(end-start)/2;
if(element>ptr->data[mid]) { start=mid+1;}
return mid;
void insert(node *root,int element)
node *ptr=root,*parent=NULL;
int i=0;
int level=ptr->level,count=ptr->count;
for(int j=count;j<=i-1;j--)
return ;
//Create a new Exponential Node at ith child of parent and
//insert element in that
return ;
int main()
return 0;
Here is a link for the paper I'm referring to:
This place is in comment, how can I create a new exponential node at level i? Like this?
parent->child[i]=new node;
The presence of the empty array at the end of the structure indicates this is C style code rather than C++ (it's a C Hack for flexible arrays). I'll continue with C style code as idiomatic C++ code would prefer use of standard containers for the child and data members.
Some notes and comments on the following code:
There were a number of issues with the pseudo-code in the linked paper to a point where it is better to ignore it and develop the code from scratch. The indentation levels are unclear where loops end, all the loop indexes are not correct, the check for finding an insertion point is incorrect, etc....
I didn't include any code for deleting the allocated memory so the code will leak as is.
Zero-sized arrays may not be supported by all compilers (I believe it is a C99 feature). For example VS2010 gives me warning C4200 saying it will not generate the default copy/assignment methods.
I added the createNode() function which gives the answer to your original question of how to allocate a node at a given level.
A very basic test was added and appears to work but more thorough tests are needed before I would be comfortable with the code.
Besides the incorrect pseudo-code the paper has a number of other errors or at least questionable content. For example, concerning Figure 2 it says "which clearly depicts that the slope of graph is linear" where as the graph is clearly not linear. Even if the author meant "approaching linear" it is at least stretching the truth. I would also be interested in the set of integers they used for testing which doesn't appear to be mentioned at all. I assumed they used a random set but I would like to see at least several sets of random numbers used as well as several predefined sets such as an already sorted or inversely sorted set.
int binary_search(node *ptr, int element)
if (ptr->count == 0) return 0;
if (element > ptr->data[ptr->count-1]) return ptr->count;
int start = 0;
int end = ptr->count - 1;
int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
while (start < end)
if (element > ptr->data[mid])
start = mid + 1;
end = mid;
mid = start + (end - start)/2;
return mid;
node* createNode (const int level)
if (level <= 0) return NULL;
/* Allocate node with 2**(level-1) integers */
node* pNewNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node) + sizeof(int)*(1 << (level - 1)));
memset(pNewNode->data, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << (level - 1 )));
/* Allocate 2**level child node pointers */
pNewNode->child = (node **) malloc(sizeof(node *)* (1 << level));
memset(pNewNode->child, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << level));
pNewNode->count = 0;
pNewNode->level = level;
return pNewNode;
void insert(node *root, int element)
node *ptr = root;
node *parent = NULL;
int i = 0;
while (ptr != NULL)
int level = ptr->level;
int count = ptr->count;
i = binary_search(ptr, element);
if (count < (1 << (level-1)))
for(int j = count; j >= i+1; --j)
ptr->data[j] = ptr->data[j-1];
ptr->data[i] = element;
parent = ptr;
ptr = ptr->child[i];
parent->child[i] = createNode(parent->level + 1);
insert(parent->child[i], element);
void InOrderTrace(node *root)
if (root == NULL) return;
for (int i = 0; i < root->count; ++i)
if (root->child[i]) InOrderTrace(root->child[i]);
printf ("%d\n", root->data[i]);
if (root->child[root->count]) InOrderTrace(root->child[root->count]);
void testdata (void)
node* pRoot = createNode(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
insert(pRoot, rand());

C++ Lock free producer/consumer queue

I was looking at the sample code for a lock-free queue at:
(Also reference in many SO questions such as Is there a production ready lock-free queue or hash implementation in C++)
This looks like it should work for a single producer/consumer, although there are a number of typos in the code. I've updated the code to read as shown below, but it's crashing on me. Anybody have suggestions why?
In particular, should divider and last be declared as something like:
atomic<Node *> divider, last; // shared
I don't have a compiler supporting C++0x on this machine, so perhaps that's all I need...
// Implementation from http://drdobbs.com/high-performance-computing/210604448
// Note that the code in that article (10/26/11) is broken.
// The attempted fixed version is below.
template <typename T>
class LockFreeQueue {
struct Node {
Node( T val ) : value(val), next(0) { }
T value;
Node* next;
Node *first, // for producer only
*divider, *last; // shared
first = divider = last = new Node(T()); // add dummy separator
while( first != 0 ) // release the list
Node* tmp = first;
first = tmp->next;
delete tmp;
void Produce( const T& t )
last->next = new Node(t); // add the new item
last = last->next; // publish it
while (first != divider) // trim unused nodes
Node* tmp = first;
first = first->next;
delete tmp;
bool Consume( T& result )
if (divider != last) // if queue is nonempty
result = divider->next->value; // C: copy it back
divider = divider->next; // D: publish that we took it
return true; // and report success
return false; // else report empty
I wrote the following code to test this. Main (not shown) just calls TestQ().
#include "LockFreeQueue.h"
const int numThreads = 1;
std::vector<LockFreeQueue<int> > q(numThreads);
void *Solver(void *whichID)
int id = (long)whichID;
printf("Thread %d initialized\n", id);
int result = 0;
do {
if (q[id].Consume(result))
int y = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < result; x++)
{ y++; }
y = 0;
} while (result != -1);
return 0;
void TestQ()
std::vector<pthread_t> threads;
for (int x = 0; x < numThreads; x++)
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Solver, (void *)x);
for (int y = 0; y < 1000000; y++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < threads.size(); x++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < threads.size(); x++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < threads.size(); x++)
pthread_join(threads[x], 0);
Update: It ends up that the crash is being caused by the queue declaration:
std::vector<LockFreeQueue<int> > q(numThreads);
When I change this to be a simple array, it runs fine. (I implemented a version with locks and it was crashing too.) I see that the destructor is being called immediate after the constructor, resulting in doubly-freed memory. But, does anyone know WHY the destructor would be called immediately with a std::vector?
You'll need to make several of the pointers std::atomic, as you note, and you'll need to use compare_exchange_weak in a loop to update them atomically. Otherwise, multiple consumers might consume the same node and multiple producers might corrupt the list.
It's critically important that these writes (just one example from your code) occur in order:
last->next = new Node(t); // add the new item
last = last->next; // publish it
That's not guaranteed by C++ -- the optimizer can rearrange things however it likes, as long as the current thread always acts as-if the program ran exactly the way you wrote it. And then the CPU cache can come along and reorder things further.
You need memory fences. Making the pointers use the atomic type should have that effect.
This could be totally off the mark, but I can't help but wonder whether you're having some sort of static initialization related issue... For laughs, try declaring q as a pointer to a vector of lock-free queues and allocating it on the heap in main().

A Problem with Vectors (std::out_of_range)

Here is the description of my problem:
The Program's Description:
I am implementing a program in C++ that tests Prim's algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees. The objective of the program is calculating the number of seconds it takes to find the minimum spanning tree for a selected number of random graphs.
What i have done up to now?
I finished the implementation of the functions and the header files for the whole program. Since the source code is small, i decided for clarity reasons to paste it with this mail in order to provide a better visualization of the problem.
The Problem:
For some reason, i am facing some sort of "out of range" vector problem during the run time of the application.
The problem is marked in the ("Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp") file.
Requesting help:
I would be really grateful if anyone can help me spotting the problem. I have inlined the source code with this question.
The Source Code:
The (Undirected_Graph.h) file:
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <climits>
class Edge;
class Node
Node(int); //The constructor.
int id; //For the id of the node.
bool visited; //For checking visited nodes.
int distance;
vector <Edge*> adj; //The adjacent nodes.
class Edge
Edge(Node*, Node*, int); //The constructor.
Node* start_Node; //The start_Node start of the edge.
Node* end_Node; //The end of the edge.
int w; //The weight of the edge.
bool isConnected(Node* node1, Node* node2) //Checks if the nodes are connected.
return((node1 == this->start_Node && node2 == this->end_Node) ||
(node1 == this->end_Node && node2 == this->start_Node));
class Graph
Graph(int); //The Constructor.
int max_Nodes; //Maximum Number of allowed Nodes.
vector <Edge*> edges_List; //For storing the edges of the graph.
vector <Node*> nodes_List; //For storing the nodes of the graph.
void insertEdge(int, int, int);
int getNumNodes();
int getNumEdges();
The (Undirected_Graph.cpp) file:
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
Node::Node(int id_Num)
id = id_Num;
visited = 0;
distance = INT_MAX;
Edge::Edge(Node* a, Node* b, int weight)
start_Node = a;
end_Node = b;
w = weight;
Graph::Graph(int size)
max_Nodes = size;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_Nodes; ++i)
Node* temp = new Node(i);
void Graph::insertEdge(int x, int y, int w)
Node* a = nodes_List[x-1];
Node* b = nodes_List[y-1];
Edge* edge1 = new Edge(a, b, w);
Edge* edge2 = new Edge(b, a, w);
int Graph::getNumNodes()
return max_Nodes;
int Graph::getNumEdges()
return edges_List.size();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h) File:
class PKA
//inline void generateRandomGraph();
//-No Protected Data Members in this Class.
void runAlgorithms();
void prim();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp) file
*(The problem is in this file and is marked below):*
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <cstdlib>
using std::rand;
using std::srand;
#include <ctime>
using std::time;
//============Global Variables and Settings for the program====================
const int numIterations = 1; //How many times the Prim function will run.
const int numNodes = 10; //The number of nodes in each graph.
const int numEdges = 9; //The number of edges for each graph.
const int sRandWeight = 1; //The "start" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
const int eRandWeight = 100; //The "end" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
void PKA::runAlgorithms() //Runs the Algorithms
srand( time(0) );
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
//Calling the Functions:
cout << "\nRunning the Prim's Algorithms:\nPlease wait till the completion of the execution time" << endl;
//Start the clock for Prim's Algorithm:
clock_t start, finish;
start = clock();
for(int iter1 = 1; iter1 <= numIterations; ++iter1)
//Stop the clock for Prim and print the results:
finish = clock();
cout << "\n\tThe execution time of Prim's Algorithm:\t" << ((double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s";
void PKA::prim()
//=============================Generating A Random Graph=======================
//Randomizing Values:
int randStartNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generation a random start node.
int randEndNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generating a random end node.
int randWeight; //Random weight for the edge.
while(randEndNode == randStartNode) //Checking if both randomized nodes are equal.
randEndNode = (rand() % numNodes);
Graph myGraph(numNodes);
for(int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
//Generating a random weight:
randWeight = sRandWeight + rand() % eRandWeight;
//Inserting a new Edge:
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
int currentNode = 0; //The current Node being under investigation.
int adjCounter = NULL; //How many adjacent nodes do we have for the current node.
int minDistance = NULL;
int minIndex = 0;
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->distance = 0; //Indicate the start node.
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->visited = 1; //The starting node is already considered as a visited node.
for(int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
//Determine how many adjacent nodes there are for the current node:
adjCounter = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.size();
if(adjCounter == 0) //If there are no adjacent nodes to the current node:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.at(minIndex)->end_Node->visited = 1;
cout << "\n*******Not all nodes are connected!*******" << endl;
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.at(0)->w;
minIndex = 0;
for(int counter = 0; adjCounter > 0; adjCounter--, counter++)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->end_Node->visited == false)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
if(minDistance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
minIndex = counter;
//=========================The Problem is in the following two lines====================
//Mark the current node as visited:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.at(minIndex)->end_Node->visited = 1;
//Switching to the next node that we have just visited:
currentNode = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.at(minIndex)->start_Node->id;
The (Client_Code.cpp) file: For testing the program.
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "\nWelcome to the Prim and Kruskal Algorithms Comparison!" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease wait until the completion of the algorithms." << endl;
PKA myPKA; //Creating an object of the class.
myPKA.runAlgorithms(); //Running the Algorithm.
cout << "\n\nThe program terminated successfully!" << endl;
return 0;
Look at this line:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.at(minIndex)->end_Node->visited = 1;
As an experienced C++ programmer, I find that line terrifying.
The immediate cause of trouble is that adj doesn't have as many members as you think it does; you're asking for (in my test run) the 5th element of a list of size zero. That sends you off the map, where you then start manipulating memory.
More generally, you are not checking bounds.
More generally still, you should allow these classes to manage their own members. Use accessors and mutators (getX() and setX(...)) so that member access happens all in one place and you can put the bounds checking there. Reaching down myGraph's throat like that is very unsafe.
You'll notice that I haven't said where/when/how the program diverges from intention so that the list doesn't have as many elements as it should. That's because it's too much trouble for me to track it down. If you organize the classes as I suggest, the code will be a lot cleaner, you can check your assumptions in various places, and the bug should become obvious.
To create a random connected graph, try this:
Graph myGraph(numNodes); //Create a new Graph.
// This ensures that the kth node is connected to the [1...(k-1)] subgraph.
for(int k=2 ; k<=numNodes ; ++k)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
myGraph.insertEdge(k, rand()%(k-1)+1, randWeight);
// This adds as many extra links as you want.
for(int i = 0; i < numExtraEdges; ++i)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
randStartNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
randEndNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
You have too much code for a casual examination to be sure of anything. But the .at() method will throw the out-of-range exception that you mentioned and that crashing line occurs right after you've updated minIndex so I would suggest reviewing the code that determines that value. Are you using a debugger? What is the value of minIndex at the point of the exception and what is the allowable range?
Also, when you have a monster line of compounded statements like that, it can help in debugging problems like this and give you clearer, simpler looking code if you break it up. Rather than repeating big chunks of code over and over, you can have something like this:
Node * node = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode];
Edge * minAdjEdge = node->adj.at(minIndex);
Then use minAdjEdge to refer to that edge instead of that repeated compound statement.
It also seems odd to me that your first use of minIndex in the big loop is still using the value determined from the node in the previous iteration, but it's applying it to the new current node. Then you reset it to zero after possibly using the stale value. But that isn't near the line that you say is causing the crash, so that may not be your problem. Like I said, you have a lot of code pasted here so it's hard to follow the entire thing.
It is too much code, but what I can observe at the first glance is that for some reason you are mixing 0-based and 1-based iteration.
Is this intentional? Couldn't that be the cause of your problem?