Does Direct3D11 include color space conversion? - c++

I'm investigating Direct3D11 for displaying video output; in particular, I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to give a YUV surface to Direct3D11 and have it automatically (i.e. in hardware) convert it to RGB and present it as such. The documentation of DXGI_MODE_DESC states:
Because of the relaxed render target creation rules that Direct3D 11
has for back buffers, applications can create a
DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB render target view from a
DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM swap chain so they can use automatic color
space conversion when they render the swap chain.
What does this "automatic color space conversion" refer to? Is there anything in Direct3D11 that does what I'm looking for or must this be performed either pre-render or through a shader?

When creating a texture in DX11 you can choose a number of formats that will inform shaders about the data structures. These formats belong to DXGI_FORMAT enum. They are basically various configurations of ARGB color format, so they allow you to specify for example a B8G8R8A8 or R16G16B16A16. There is however no option for YUV format.
The best thing you can do is passing your YUV data to the shader pipeline, "pretending" that they're RGB. Then in the pixel shader perform a conversion to the real RGB format. This solution should be sufficiently efficient because the conversion will be executed on GPU, in parallel for every visible pixel of your texture.


Detect single channel texture in pixel shader

Is it possible to detect when a format has a single channel in HLSL or GLSL? Or just as good, is it possible to extract a greyscale color from such a texture without knowing if it has a single channel or 4?
When sampling from texture formats such as DXGI_FORMAT_R8_*/GL_R8 or DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM, I am getting pure red RGBA values (g,0,0,1). This would not be a problem if I knew (within the shader) that the texture only had the single channel, as I could then flood the other channels with that red value. But doing anything of this nature would break the logic for color textures, requiring a separate compiled version for the grey sampling (for every texture slot).
Is it not possible to make efficient use of grey textures in modern shaders without specializing the shader for them?
The only solution I can come up with at the moment would be to detect the grey texture on the CPU side and generate a macro on the GPU side that selects a different compiled version of the shader for every texture slot. Doing this with 8 texture slots would add up to 8x8=64 compiled versions every shader that wants to support grey inputs. That's not counting the other macro-like switches that actually make sense being there.
Just to be clear, I do know that I can load these textures into GPU memory as 4-channel greyscale textures, and go from there. But doing that uses 4X the memory, and I would rather load in 3 more textures.
In OpenGL there's two ways to achieve what you're looking for:
Legacy: The INTENSITY and LUMINANCE texture formats will when sampled result in vec4(I,I,I,I) or vec4(L,L,L,1).
Modern: Use a swizzle mask to apply user defined channel swizzling per texture: glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, {GL_RED,GL_RED,GL_RED,GL_ONE});
In DirectX 12 you can use component mapping during the creation of a ShaderResourceView.

sRGB Conversion OpenGL

Let's say I load a texture from a jpg file that has the sRGB color profile and while loading there was no conversion to a linear RGB. When a rect is displayed on screen I don't see any problems with image. the color is the same as opening it in one of the editors.
The question, since there was no conversion the RGB values remained in sRGB range. How does hardware know that no conversion is needed or why it was not converted by the GPU. Basically why XYZ -> sRGB conversion didn't happen.
I am very confused since if I feed sRGB data into something that shall in the end convert it to sRGB again will change colors, but it doesn't.
First of all, OpenGL does NOT do any color conversion by default.
Let's start from the smallest configuration, consisting of an Input Image, Window Buffer (rendered by OpenGL) and a Monitor. Each might be defined by different color space, but in simplest case it will look like that:
[RGB image|sRGB] -> [OpenGL Window Buffer|sRGB] -> [Monitor|sRGB]
By default, monitors are configured to use an sRGB preset, even the ones supporting a wider color range, to avoid incorrect color output. Rendering into OpenGL Window Buffer by default doesn't perform any color conversion, so that if input image was in sRGB colorspace it will remain the same in OpenGL Window Buffer. OS Composer normally just copies OpenGL Window Buffer onto the screen - no color conversion is implied at this step too. So basically all steps just pass-through input image and you see result as expected if it was in sRGB colorspace.
Now consider another scenario: you are applying Input Image for texture-mapping onto 3D object with lighting enabled. Lighting equation makes sense only in linear RGB colorspaces, so that without extra configuration OpenGL will basically take non-linear sRGB image values, pass them as parameters to shading equations unmodified and write result into OpenGL Window Buffer, which will be passed-through to Monitor configured to sRGB colorspace. The result will be affordable, but physically incorrect.
To solve the problem with incorrect lighting, OpenGL has introduced sRGB-awareness features, so that user may say explicitly if Input Image is in sRGB or linear RGB colorspace and if result of GLSL program color values should be implicitly converted from linear RGB colorspace into non-linear sRGB colorspace. So that:
[GLSL Texture Input|sRGB -> linear RGB implicit conversion] ->
-> [GLSL Lighting Equation|linear RGB] ->
-> [GLSL output|linear RGB -> sRGB implicit conversion]
The steps with implicit conversion will be done ONLY if OpenGL has been explicitly configured in that way by using GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 texture format and by using GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB while rendering into offscreen or Window Buffer. The whole conception might be tricky to understand and even trickier to implement.
Note that in this context "linear RGB" actually means linearized sRGB colorspace, as it is often omitted what linear RGB actual means. This is because for color math (lighting and other) it is important only that RGB values are linear on input and output in any linear colorspace, but when speaking about implicit sRGB -> linear RGB and linear RGB -> sRGB conversion - these clearly rely on conversion of RGB values defined by sRGB and OpenGL specifications. In reality, there are more linear RGB colorspaces which do not represent sRGB colorspace.
Now consider that your Input Image is not in sRGB colorspace, but using some another RGB color profile. OpenGL doesn't give much other texture formats save linear RGB and sRGB, so that a proper conversion of such image into sRGB colorspace should be done by image reader or via special GLSL program performing colorspace conversion on-the-fly.
Now consider a Monitor being configured to non-sRGB profile like AdobeRGB. In this case passing-through sRGB image to OpenGL window will produce distorted colors. By letting Windows know that your monitor in another color profile you will help some applications like Photoshop to convert colors properly, but OpenGL knows nothing about these color profiles configured in Windows! It is an application that is responsible to apply color profile information to perform a proper color transformation (via special GLSL programs or by other means). By working with an Input Image in non-sRGB colorspace application will have also an alternative to perform non-sRGB -> sRGB -> another non-sRGB color conversion or to implement GLSL program which will perform color conversion without proxy sRGB (or via proxy XYZ) directly to target colorspace to avoid losses of color precision information due to transient conversions.
Supporting arbitrary color profiles in OpenGL viewer not designed to be an image viewer might involve too much complexity. Some systems, however, define several standard color spaces to perform implicit conversion by system composer - which is much more reliable than supporting arbitrary color profiles with their special lookup tables and formulas.
For instance, macOS defines NSWindow::setColorSpace property which allows application to specify explicitly in which colorspace Window Buffer is filled in, so that system itself performs necessary conversion to actual Monitor color profile. Android system defines a similar interface for supporting a new P3 Display color profile with an extended color range compared to the old sRGB color profile. This implies, however, that OpenGL renderer actually knows how to output result in this specific colorspace - which is another topic (there are also a set of extra OpenGL extensions helping developers in this direction)... So far I haven't heard about a similar API in Windows, but I might be missed something.

Effect of GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 on texture interpolation?

OpenGL allows one to declare a texture as being in sRGB (as images typically are) by using GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, which will cause OpenGL to convert the sRGB colors to linear RGB space when sampling the texture in GLSL. This is also known as "Gamma Correction".
I've also read that linear interpolation in textures will behave differently with GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 as interpolation will supposedly happen in linear space aswell. What effect, if any, does this have? Does this mean that one should always use GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 for textures, rather than doing one's own sRGB -> linear conversion via GLSL?
As a side note, this is what the OpenGL 4.5 core profile specification has to say about this (quoting from section "8.24 sRGB Texture Color Conversion"):
Ideally, implementations should perform
this color conversion on each sample prior to filtering but
implementations are allowed
to perform this conversion after filtering (though this
post-filtering approach
is inferior to converting from sRGB prior to filtering).
So the spec won't guarantee you the ideal behavior.
In fact, most of the images are in sRGB space. And if you don't do any special processing when load image data into OpenGL or in the shader while rendering you'll get "wrong" image - you're applying linear computation on non linear data. It appears darker than it should be when you render such an image.
However, if you do conversion to linear space you should also convert final rendered image back to sRGB space, because usually monitors have 2.2 gamma curve applied (to be compatible with CRT output as it was before LCD screens).
So, you either do it manually in shader, or use sRGB extensions, which are provided both for textures (to convert from sRGB to linear) and frame buffers (to automatically convert back from linear to sRGB). To get correct image you should have both conversions applied.
Enabling gamma correction and doing it right gives more natural and softer image. Check out this article!Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction for more detailed explanation

sRGB textures. Is this correct?

I've recently been reading a little about sRGB formats and how they allow the hardware to automatically perform colour correction for typical monitors. As part of my reading, I see that you can simulate this step with an ordinary texture and a pow function on the return result.
Anyway I want to ask two questions as I've never used this feature before. Firstly, can anyone confirm from my screenshot that this is what you would expect to see? The left picture is ordinary RGBA and the right picture is with an sRGB target. There is no ambient lighting in the scene and the model is bog standard Phong (the light is a spotlight).
The second question I would like to ask is at what point is the correction actually performed by the hardware? For example I am writing frames to an FBO, then later I'm rendering a screen-sized quad to the back buffer using an FBO colour buffer (I'm intending to switch to deferred shading soon). Should I use sRGB textures attached to the FBO, or do I only need to specify an sRGB texture as the back buffer target? If you're using sRGB, should ALL texture resources be sRGB?
Note: the following discussion assumes you understand what the sRGB colorspace is, what gamma correction is, what a linear RGB colorspace is, and so forth. This focuses primarily on the OpenGL implementation of the technology.
If you want an in-depth discussion of these subjects, I would suggest looking at my tutorials on HDR/Gamma correction (to understand linear colorspaces and gamma), as well the tutorial on sRGB images and how they handle gamma correction.
Firstly, can anyone confirm from my screenshot that this is what you would expect to see?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that question. If you apply proper gamma correction (which is what sRGB does more or less), you will generally get more detail in darker areas of the image and a "brighter" result.
However, the correct way to think about it is that until you do proper gamma correction all of your images have been wrong. Your images have been too dark, and the gamma correction is now making them the appropriate brightness. Every decision you've made about what colors things should be and how bright lights ought to be has been wrong.
The second question I would like to ask is at what point is the correction actually performed by the hardware?
This is a very different question than the "for example" part that you continue on with covers.
sRGB images (remember: a texture contains images, but framebuffers can have images too) can be used in the following contexts:
Transferring data from the user directly to the image (for example, with glTexSubImage2D and so forth). OpenGL assumes that you are providing data that is already in the sRGB colorspace. So there is no translation of the data when you upload it. This is done because it makes the most sense: generally, any image you get from an artist will be in the sRGB colorspace unless the artist took great pains to put it in some other colorspace. Virtually every image editor works directly in sRGB.
Reading values in shaders via samplers (ie: accessing a texture). This is quite simple as well. OpenGL knows that the texel data in the image is in the sRGB colorspace. OpenGL assumes that the shader wants linear RGB color data. Therefore, all attempts to sample from a texture with an sRGB image format will result in the sRGB->lRGB conversion. Which is free, btw.
And on the plus side, if you've got GL 3.x+ capable hardware, you'll almost certainly get filtering done in the linear colorspace, where it makes sense. sRGB is a non-linear colorspace, so linear interpolation of sRGB values is always wrong.
Storing values output from the fragment shader to the framebuffer image(s). This is where it gets slightly complicated. Even if the framebuffer image you're rendering to is in the sRGB colorspace, that's not enough to force conversion. You must explicitly glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB); this tells OpenGL that the values you're writing from your fragment shader are linear colorspace values. Therefore, OpenGL needs to convert these to sRGB when storing them in the image
Again, if you've got GL 3.x+ hardware, you'll almost certainly get blending in the linear colorspace. That is, OpenGL will read the sRGB value from the framebuffer, convert it to a linear RGB value, blend it with the incoming linear RGB value (the one you wrote from your shader), convert the blended value into the sRGB colorspace and store it. Again, that's what you want; blending in the sRGB colorspace is always bad.
Now that we understand that, let's look at your example.
For example I am writing frames to an FBO, then later I'm rendering a screen-sized quad to the back buffer using an FBO colour buffer (I'm intending to switch to deferred shading soon).
The problem with this is that you're not asking the right questions. What you need to keep in mind, especially as you move into deferred rendering, is this question:
Is this linear RGB or not?
In general, you should hold off on storing any intermediate data in gamma-correct space for as long as possible. So any intermediate buffers (ie: where you accumulate your lights) should not be sRGB.
This isn't about the cost of the conversion; it's really about what you're doing. If you're doing deferred rendering, then you're probably also doing HDR lighting and so forth. So your light accumulation buffer needs to be floating-point. And float buffers are always linear; there's no reason for them to not be linear.
Your final image, the default framebuffer, must be sRGB if you want to take advantage of free gamma correction (and you do). If you do all your work in HDR float buffers, and then tone-map the result down for the final display, you should write that to an sRGB image.

sRGB FBO render to texture

In my renderer, I produce an anti-aliased scene on a multisampled FBO, which is blitted to an FBO whose color attachment is a texture. The texture is then read during rendering to the framebuffer.
I'd like to update it so that I get gamma-correct results. The benefit of using an sRGB framebuffer is that it allows me to have a somewhat better color precision by storing nonlinear sRGB values directly in the framebuffer.
What I'm not sure about is what changes should I be making to get this, and what is being changed by the different settings.
It looks like extension ARB_framebuffer_sRGB is just dealing with reading and blending operations with sRGB framebuffers. In my situation I'll need to use a texture specifying a sRGB representation type, which means I'd be using extension EXT_texture_sRGB... using a linear texture format would disable the sRGB translation.
Edit: But I just saw this:
3) Should the ability to support sRGB framebuffer update and blending
be an attribute of the framebuffer?
RESOLVED: Yes. It should be a capability of some pixel formats
(mostly likely just RGB8 and RGBA8) that says sRGB blending can
be enabled.
This allows an implementation to simply mark the existing RGB8
and RGBA8 pixel formats as supporting sRGB blending and then
just provide the functionality for sRGB update and blending for
such formats.
Now I'm not so sure what to specify for my texture's pixel format.
Okay, and what about renderbuffers? the ARB_framebuffer_sRGB doc does not mention anything about renderbuffers. Is it possible to use glRenderbufferStorageMultisample with a sRGB format, so I can get sRGB storage enabled blending?
Also, what is the difference between GL_SRGB_ALPHA and GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 when specifying the internal format for glTexImage2D?
What I'm not sure about is what changes should I be making to get this
That's because your question seems unsure about what you're trying to do.
The key to all of this stuff is to at all times know what your input data is and what your output data is.
Your first step is to know what is stored in each of your textures. Does a particular texture store linear data or data in the sRGB colorspace? If it stores linear data, then use one of the linear image formats. If it stores sRGB colorspace data, then use one of the sRGB image formats.
This ensures that you are fetching the data you want in your shaders. When it comes time to write/blend them to the framebuffer, you now need to decide how to handle that.
Your screen expects values that have been pre-gamma corrected to the gamma of the display device. As such, if you provide linear values, you will get incorrect color output.
However, sometimes, you want to write to intermediate values. For example, if you're doing forward or deferred rendering, you will write accumulated lighting to a floating-point buffer, then use HDR tone mapping to boil it down to a [0, 1] image for display. Post-processing techniques can again be used. Only the outputs to [0, 1] need to be to images in the sRGB colorspace.
When writing linear RGB values that you want converted into sRGB, you must enable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB. This is a special enable (note that textures don't have a way to turn off sRGB decoding) because sometimes, you want to write values that already are in sRGB. This is often the case for GUI interface widgets, which were designed and built using colors already in the sRGB colorspace.
I cover issues relating to writing gamma-correct values and reading them from textures in my tutorial series. The first one explains why gamma is important and does explicitly gamma correction in the shader. The second link covers how to use sRGB images, both in textures and framebuffers.
Okay, and what about renderbuffers? the ARB_framebuffer_sRGB doc does not mention anything about renderbuffers.
And why would it? ARB_framebuffer_sRGB is only interested in the framebuffer and the nature of images in it. It neither knows nor cares where those images come from. It doesn't care if it's talking about the default framebuffer, a texture attached to an FBO, a renderbuffer attached to an FBO, or something entirely new someone comes up with tomorrow.
The extension states what happens when the destination image is in the sRGB colorspace and when GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB is enabled. Where that image comes from is up to you.
Also, what is the difference between GL_SRGB_ALPHA and GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 when specifying the internal format for glTexImage2D?
One is sized. The other is not. In theory, GL_SRGB_ALPHA could give you any bitdepth the implementation wanted. It could give you 2 bits per component. You're giving the implementation freedom to pick what it wants.
In practice, I doubt you'll find a difference. That being said, always used sized internal formats whenever possible. It's good to be specific about what you want, and to prevent the implementation from doing something stupid. OpenGL even has some sized formats which are required to be supported explicitly as stated.