Ember force template sync before longer operation - ember.js

I have some actions that take some time and I wan't to indicate that to the user by showing a loading spinner. I know realized that sometimes the longer running action is directly triggered before the loading spinner is shown:
this.set('betRound.isLoading', true);
var _this = this;
_this.transitionToRoute('betround.edit', _this.get('betRound.content'));
}, 50);
I tried to achieve this by delaying the transition with 50ms, but on some slower mobile devices, the loading spinner that depends on "isLoading" is not shown.

I would go with some kind of callback mechanism, where you'd put your loading spinner in a view or component and notify the controller when DOM is ready. Here's an example of a Mixin you can attach to any view or component to make it send a notice after it loads.
App.LoadAware = Ember.Mixin.create({
didInsertElement: function () {
var target = this.get("loadedNoticeTarget");
Ember.assert("We must have loadedNoticeTarget in LoadAware component or view", target);
You would then apply it like this:
App.LoadingSpinnerComponent = Ember.Component.extend(App.LoadAware);
In your template:
{{#if isLoading}}
{{loading-spinner loadedNoticeTarget=this}}
And then, in your controller:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
goToSlowRoute: function () {
this.set("_waitingForSpinner", true);
this.set("isLoading", true);
loadAwareLoaded: function () {
Ember.assert("We must be waiting on spinner at this point", this.get("_waitingForSpinner"));
this.set("_waitingForSpinner", false);
isLoading: false
In this example, you would initiate transition by sending goToSlowRoute message to the controller. Full JSBin here.


Ember: How to cleanly replace model data and have progress indicators

I have a certain route that shows a list of projects, and it gets initial data from my RESTAdapter based on who the user is.
I am now implementing a search function that will issue a new API call so the user can get records besides the default ones for them, and the response should replace the model for that route. I have all that working, but I'm not sure how to do a loading or progress indicator (as the response from the database could potentially take 5-10 seconds depending on the amount of data). I know about loading substates, but in this case I'm not transitioning between routes. I just want to have at minimum a spinner so the user knows that it's working on something.
Would anyone that's done this before be willing to share how they handled a)replacing the model with new data, and b)keeping the user informed with a spinner or something?
Form action called when user clicks the Search button
searchProjects: function() {
var query = this.get('queryString');
if (query) {
var _this = this;
var projects = this.store.find('project', {q: query});
_this.set('model', projects);
a) replacing the model with new data
You don't need to do anything. If you sideload records properly from the backend, Ember will automatically update them on the frontend.
b) keeping the user informed with a spinner or something
The loading substate is an eager transition. Ember also supports lazy transitions via the loading event.
You can use that event in order to display the spinner.
Here's an example from the docs:
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
loading: function(transition, route) {
this.router.one('didTransition', function() {
return true; // Bubble the loading event
I need to do at least what I'm doing right? Setting the model to the response?
You need to reflect the search in the URL via query params. This will let the router automatically update the model for you.
what I would put in showSpinner to affect stuff on the page (like, can I use jQuery to show or hide a spinner element?), or show the actual loading substate.
I would set a property on that page's controller:
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
queryParams: {
search: {
refreshModel: true
model () {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
actions: {
loading (transition, route) {
this.controller.set('showSpinner', true);
this.router.one('didTransition', () => {
this.controller.set('showSpinner', false);
return true;
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
queryParams: ['search'],
search: null,
showSpinner: false,
Demo: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/poxika/2/edit?html,js,output
Or you could simply put the spinner into the loading template, which will hide obsolete data:
Or you could put your spinner into the loading template:
Just in case others want to see, here's my working code based on #lolmaus's answers.
These Docs pages were helpful as well
Route's queryParams and Find method
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
queryParams: ['q'],
q: null,
actions: {
searchProjects: function() {
var query = this.get('queryString');
if (query) {
this.set('q', query);
export default Ember.Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, {
model: function(params) {
if (params.q) {
return this.store.find('project', params);
} else {
return this.store.findAll('project');
queryParams: {
q: {
refreshModel: true
actions: {
loading: function(/*transition, route*/) {
var _this = this;
this.controllerFor('projects').set('showSearchSpinner', true);
this.router.one('didTransition', function() {
_this.controllerFor('projects').set('showSearchSpinner', false);
return true; // Bubble the loading event
My issue now is that when I use the parameter query, it works great, but then if I clear the query (with an action, to effectively "go back") then the records fetched by the query stay in the store, so when it does a findAll() I have both sets of records, which is not at all what I want. How do I clear out the store before doing findAll again?

Emberjs go back on cancel

I have a link to User displayed from various screens(From User List, User Groups etc.). When the link is clicked, User is presented to edit. When cancel button is pressed in the edit form, I would like to transition to previous screen userlist/group. How is this generally achieved in Emberjs.
You need nothing more than
One of the main design objectives of Ember, and indeed most OPA frameworks, is to work harmoniously with the browser's history stack so that back "just works".
So you don't need to maintain your own mini-history stack, or global variables, or transition hooks.
You can put a back action in your application router to which actions will bubble up from everywhere, so you can simply say {{action 'back'}} in any template with no further ado.
Here's my solution, which is very simple and high performance.
// file:app/routers/application.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
transitionHistory: [],
transitioningToBack: false,
actions: {
// Note that an action, like 'back', may be called from any child! Like back below, for example.
willTransition: function(transition) {
if (!this.get('transitioningToBack')) {
this.set('transitioningToBack', false);
back: function() {
var last = this.get('transitionHistory').pop();
last = last ? last : '/dash';
this.set('transitioningToBack', true);
There is probably a way to DRY(don't repeat yourself) this up, but one way of doing it is to have 2 actions: willTransition which Ember already gives you and goBack which you define yourself. Then, there is a "global" lastRoute variable that you keep track of as follows:
App.OneRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
willTransition: function(transition){
this.controllerFor('application').set('lastRoute', 'one');
goBack: function(){
var appController = this.controllerFor('application');
And your template would look as follows:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id='one'>
<div><a href='#' {{ action 'goBack' }}>Back</a></div>
Working example here

rerender view when model property change in EmberJS

I'm trying to develop a small app using EmberJS and HighchartJS, and I have some problem to re-render the the HighChartJS after the Model property has changed. This is http://www.loancomparison.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
App.Loan = DS.Model.extend({
name : DS.attr('string'),
principal : DS.attr('number'),
interest_rate : DS.attr('number'),
months_to_pay : DS.attr('number')
App.LoansView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: "loans",
loansChanged: function() {
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, 'propertyChanged');
}.observes('controller.#each.principal', 'controller.#each.name', 'controller.#each.interest_rate', 'controller.#each.months_to_pay'),
propertyChanged : function() {
console.log("property changed");
this.loadHighChart(); // This will load the highchart function.
What I want is to notify the view whenever the model property finishes their change. However, when using observes, it notify the view when the model starts to change. This causes the scheduleOnce to run at the initial state of model property change only.
Edit: Resolved
The solution for this turned out to be very simple that I just need to create a "modified" property under the model loan. Then whenever the edit is made, I update this model. Now the view just need to observe the change of this "modified" property.
You'll want to hook into the save action within your LoanController: https://github.com/pmkhoa/loan-comparison/blob/master/source/assets/js/app/controllers/loanController.js#L7
You can communicate really easily between views and controllers by using Ember.Evented:
App.LoanController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(Ember.Evented, { <--PASS IN EMBER.EVENTED
save: function () {
this.set('isEditing', false);
this.get('model').save().then(function () {
Notice that I've passed Ember.Evented into the controller (just like you would with any mixin...) and I've added a trigger to the save action.
Now, we'll want to listen for that event within the view: https://github.com/pmkhoa/loan-comparison/blob/master/source/assets/js/app/views/loansView.js#L3
App.LoansView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function () {
this.get('controller.controllers.loan').on('highChartReload', $.proxy(this.loadHighChart, this));
Now the view will listen to LoanController for the event to trigger, then fire off the loadHighChart method.
The last thing to do will be to tell the LoansController to need 'loan':
App.LoansController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['loan'],
That should do it. Hope that helps!

How do I make my items in my ArrayController listen to an event from a third party API?

I want my items in my ArrayController to listen to
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response){
Ember.Instrumentation.instrument("facebook.like", response);
I'm making use of the a seperate itemController.
Like2win.ContestsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: "contest",
Like2win.ContestController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
init: function() {
instance = this;
Ember.subscribe("facebook.like", {
before: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
instance.send('onLike', payload);
after: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
For some reason only the last item in my array ends up listening to the event. I'm just starting out with Emberjs so I expect the answer to be simple.
Ember.Instrumentation is a simple software instrumentation api. It's purpose is performance profiling, tracing, not application level event dispatching.
You can see this api in action by setting Ember.STRUCTURED_PROFILE to true. This will start logging the render times for all templates rendered to the DOM by ember.
The specific issue you are having deals with how the Ember runloop works. The after hooks are only fired once with the last context given. This is done to ensure that multiple property changes of the same property do not result in re-rendering the DOM that many times. So the last property change on the runloop wins and the DOM updates with that property value.
What you really need to do is just translate the FB.Event of type edge.create into an application event that your app understands, something like `facebookLike', similar to what you have done above.
I would do this in the enter hook of your ContestRoute. Further exiting from the ContestRoute should probably unsubscribe from this event. So you probably need an unsubscribe in the exit hook.
enter: function() {
var self = this;
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) {
self.get('controller').send('facebookLike', response);
exit: function() {
// unsubscribe from edge.create events here
Then you can handle this event in your ContestController like so,
facebookLike: function(response) {

some help on Em.Route#send?

I am trying to implement router events and using the send function of the router to trigger the events on the router. But couldn't get any documentation on this.
What I am trying to implement is that I am raising an event from controller/view to get the data from the server. And the events asynchronously fetches the data from the server and when the data has been successfully fetched I wanted to initialize the child view of the view from where I called the event i.e. I need to know when the data has been fetched. But I don't think the events on router returns anything such that I can know when the call has been over.
Something like:
click: function(){
var recordsPromise = this.get('controller.target').send('getRecords');
showChild: false,
initiateProtocol: function(){
//this showChild is used as a condition in the template to show/hide
// the childview. And is being set after the call completed
// successfully
//here childOneView is present some other js file and is fetched using requirejs
require(['childOneView'], $.proxy(function(childOneView){
this.set('childOne', childOneView.extend({
templateName: 'childOne'
this.set('showChild', true);
}, this));
events: {
getRecords: function(){
//make an ajax call to fetch the records and return the ajax as a
// promise
{{#if view.showChild}}
{{view view.childOne}}
I think the idiomatic Ember approach would be a bit different. Send the action up to the controller and let it bubble to the route, and then set properties that your view will respond to via bindings:
App.RecordsView = Em.View.extend(Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport, {
click: function(){
this.triggerAction({action: 'getRecords'})
App.RecordsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
content: [],
isLoaded: false
<!-- records.handlebars -->
{{#if isLoaded}}
render stuff here... perhaps {{#each this}}{{someRecordProperty}}{{/each}}
App.RecordsRoute = Em.Route.extend({
events: {
getRecords: function(){
var controller = this.controllerFor('records');
content: data.foo,
isLoaded: true