Having issues adding components within a ContainerView dynamically - ember.js

I have a container view in application level and I wanted to add some components to this container view via some action. The way I do this is :
1) I push some objects to the application controller
2) ContainerView is within the context of application controller, so I observe the length of the array holding the objects mentioned in step 1
3) and then I create the components and append them to the container view
One weird thing I noticed was initially the observer defined in the container view was not triggering, but then I added initialize hook where I log the controller, and then the observer started working for me. This tells me maybe I am not doing something right. Here is my container view:
App.MyContainerView = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
initialize: function(){
appendMyComponent: function(){
console.log("inside the observer");
}, this);
Do I have to use named outlet and then render the container view within the outlet? Not sure what I am doing wrong here.
Here is a jsbin: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/xamoxese/2/
Your feedback is much appreciated. Thanks good ppl of stackoverflow.
Ember : 1.5.0
Handlebars : 1.3.0
jQuery : 1.10.2
Allright some more updates, initially the solution provided by #bmeyers was not working for me although it was working in jsbin. So in my real app mu application.hbs looked like this:
{{outlet navbar}}
{{outlet modal}}
{{view App.MyContainerView}}
but then I re-ordered it as :
{{view App.MyContainerView}}
{{outlet navbar}}
{{outlet modal}}
and then the solution worked. Now only if I could get rid of that console.log thing :)
Here is updated jsbin that I have added on top of #bmeyers solution http://emberjs.jsbin.com/xamoxese/10/

I have fixed this for you and shown an example here: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/xamoxese/3/edit?html,css,js,output
I didn't fix your issue where you are adding the same components over and over again and never clearing the childView array, but maybe that was your intention.
Basically you do not push to the container view, you need to push to the childViews property.
Hope this helped!
Ok so looks like you just needed a reference outside your foreach function and that for some reason allowed using it the way it is documented
UPDATE 2:: Change the containerView code to....
App.MyContainerView = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
init: function() {
appendMyComponent: function(){
}, this);
This just feels a bit cleaner than creating an empty view that you will never use. Picky I know but it was bugging me.

Finally figured out how to get rid of that console.log thing. So I actually have 2 solutions for this:
1) pass the controller to the container view
{{view 'myContainer' controller=this}}
2) set an empty view to the ContainerView
App.MyContainerView = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
childViews: [Ember.View.create()],
appendMyComponent: function(){
}, this);
Actually the best solution is as #bmeyers suggested, is to have init function for container view like this:
init: function() {
Here is the working jsbin: http://jsbin.com/xamoxese/13/


EmberJS: multiple outlets within #each loop

I want to accomplish the following feature:
A list of entries - when a single entry is clicked, the details of this entry should be displayed below the current entry.
It should be possible to access a single entry via a route, e.g. tasks/1
My approach:
I tried to solve this by including {{outlet}} within my #each loop but that did not quite work.
All tutorials an solutions I found are based on a List -> Details approach where only a single outlet is used.
I have no idea how I could solve this problem. Is there a better solution?
This is not possible through routing. You are better off using a component that expands, loads and displays the details upon clicking.
{{#each task in tasks}}
{{#task-loader task=task}}
//list ui
//details ui
export default Em.Component.extend({
isOpen: false
export default Em.Component.extend({
click: function() {
//toggle isOpen
export default Em.Component.extend({
classNameBindings: ['parentView.isOpen:show:hide'],
didInsertElement: function() {
//send request and load data
If you do want to maintain state (the currently open task), use query params. Hope this helps :)

Ember 1.0.0 - can no longer access controller from view?

I'm using a render helper inside a template, which renders a searchbox with a typeahead.
Essentially (code removed for brevity):
script(type='text/x-handlebars', data-template-name='index')
{{render search}}
script(type='text/x-handlebars', data-template-name='search')
{{view App.TaggableInput valueBinding="searchText"}}
Which gives me a SearchController separated from the IndexController.
Inside App.TaggableInput I'm grabbing searchController to do some checking on the keyUp event:
App.TaggableInput = Ember.TextField.extend({
keyUp: function(e){
var controller = this.get('controller');
// Do stuff with the controller
On Ember RC7, I can access the controller inside theview as you'd expect with this.get('controller').get('searchText').
However in Ember 1.0.0 this.get('controller') returns the view, and whatever I do I can't get searchController.
I can't find any related info on the ember website regarding what's changed or what I'm supposed to do... for now I'm sticking with RC7.
Any ideas? I've spent hours on it this morning and can't figure it out. Thanks.
UPDATE: Fixed!
I swapped out this.get('controller') for this.get('targetObject') and it works as before. Had a peruse through a recent commit in ember source to find it...
Thanks for your suggestions guys!
I guess that in your code
App.TaggableInput = Ember.TextField.extend({
keyUp: function(e){
var controller = this.get('controller');
// Do stuff with the controller
this line
var controller = this.get('controller');
gets the controller associated to your (subview)
Try to use this line instead to access the route's controller:
var controller = this.get('parentView.controller');
Currently, the {{render}} helper takes 2 arguments, the first is the context, the second is the model.
I recommend using this method and following the naming convention for the model's controller rather than setting the controller explicitly.
You can find the docs here:
Accessing controllers from views was also being tracked in this discussion:
I think Ember has not changed its behaviour. I created a JSBin, where i managed to get the controller successfully.
What i did was creating a simple View and show it via {{render}} helper:
App.FooView = Ember.TextField.extend({
didInsertElement : function(){
{{render foo}}
And the first log statement showed an associated controller. Can you see any conceptual difference between my code and yours?

How do I bind a controller to the view when the controller is create by Ember.js

this question is slightly related to How to display the “content” of an ObjectController?
However, in the provided solution and all other examples I can find the controllers are always created explicitly. The nice thing about Ember.js is that the Route takes care of mostly everything. So I don't want to create the controller but want to bind it to a view:
{{view App.myview controllerBinding="App.applicationController"}}
You can see the complete example in this fiddle. The example is not that great because Ember usually sets the controller of a child view to its parent view.
In the end I need to know, how I can access a controller which is created by Ember from a view.
Thanks for any help!
I provided the wrong fiddle or it did not save my changes. Here is the link to the right version: http://jsfiddle.net/ncaZz/1/
What should I provide in line 9 in the templates?
From the view you can access the controller with
If you need other controllers than your view controller you can use the needs in the viewcontroller:
App.DatasetEditController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['mappingIndex']
and then use:
You don't really need to bind to it. You can access the controller from the view by calling it like this.
Updated Answer:
You really should not have your click event inside your view. Your actions should either be in your controller or your router.
Your template should become
<span style="background-color: green" {{action doStuff}}>
and you should have a controller that should have this
App.MyController = Em.Controller.extend({
needs: ['application'],
doStuff: function(){
Also, the MyView and MyController should be capitalized, because when extending these items from ember that are not instances, and the capitalization is required. The view should only really have stuff in the didInsertElement that handles special things like any kind of jquery animations or initializing a date picker. But, the "ember way" is to have action in the router or controller.

Populating Ember.Select from a dependent controller using EmberData lazy-loading

I have spent about 10 days on a simple problem I could have solved in about 10 minutes with Dojo. I hope I am missing something simple - I'm a noob who would like to use Ember.
I am simply trying to populate the content of an Ember.Select with data from another Controller using EmberData. Consider the case: being able to select a FoodGroup for a Raw Ingredient.
It seemed clear to use a 'needs' dependency between RawIngredientController and FoodGroupsController, and bind on the content.
This is the closest I have gotten to success and it does not look sufficient to me - I will explain.
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="rawIngredients">
{{#each item in controller itemController="rawIngredient" }}
{{! view Ember.Select
prompt="select Food Group" }}
Cook.RawIngredientController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isEditing: false,
needs: ['foodGroups'],
Cook.RawIngredient = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
nameKey: DS.attr('string'),
foodGroup: DS.belongsTo('Cook.FoodGroup')
Cook.FoodGroupsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller) {
controller.set('content', Cook.FoodGroup.all()); // have also tried find()
Cook.FoodGroup = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
nameKey: DS.attr('string')
This actually renders all RawIngredients with no errors, but the Selects are empty because the FoodGroups store is empty. I can navigate to the FoodGroups screen which loads the store, come back to RawIngredients, and the selects are populated with FoodGroups.
I've seen a number of posts on this issue but none sufficiently address the issue when EmberData is involved. There are plenty of post-loaded examples, like this clever one from pangratz http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz/hcxrJ/ - but I haven't found any using EmberData to lazy-load the content.
This post is pretty close
Ember.js: Ember.Select valueBinding and lazy loading
and contains a workaround using an observer, which I couldn't get to work. I ended up binding to a binding which never invoked the actual loading of the FoodGroup data. Here's an example, maybe not the best, of one such attempt (of probably 20+):
Cook.FoodGroupsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
// NOTE: This seems redundant
values: function() {
return this.get('content');
Cook.RawIngredientController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
// this should be the instance; also tried the object name FoodGroupsController....also tried using needs + 'controllers.foodGroups.values' in the binding
allFoodGroups: Ember.Binding.oneWay('Cook.foodGroupsController.values'), '
// ... or rather ....??
allFoodGroups: function() {
foodGroupsBinding: "Cook.foodGroupsController.values",
{{view Ember.Select
prompt="select Food Group" }}
but it errors saying 'allFoodGroups' is providing a Binding not an Ember.Array. I think I am lost in a sea of swirling naming conventions. I could show my other attempts at this, but all had errors of undefined content.
Ugh. So backing up a bit... at least using my original solution and pre-loading the FoodGroups store should provide a workaround, however I cannot seem to get EmberData to go out and load the data, programmatically. I tried an init() function in the RawIngredientController like
init: function() {
var item = this.get('controllers.foodGroups.content.firstObject');
but I haven't found the right combination there either. And even if I do, it seems like the wrong approach because this will set up a reference for each RawIngredient rather than use a single reference from RawIngredients (or FoodGroups?) - but that seems like a different topic.
This is my attempt at a fiddle describing the problem http://jsfiddle.net/jockor/Xphhg/13/
Has anyone figured out an efficient, effective way to load and use stores defined in other controllers, using EmberData to lazy-load the associated content?
Your basic problem seems to be that you're not accessing the foodGroups route, so its setupController() never gets executed, thus the content of the select controller never gets set.
In your example, when adding a link to the route in question and clicking it, the route gets initialized and the bindings work.
I tried to update your JSFiddle, but it is linking to the "latest" version of ember-data from Github which has not been updated in a while (you're supposed to build it yourself until they make an official release), and it's also using an old version of Ember, so I was getting some weird errors.
So here is a version with the latest Ember and Ember-data: http://jsfiddle.net/tPsp5/
Notice what happens when you click the Countries link. I left behind some debugger; statements that may help you understand what gets invoked when.
As a design note, your "parent" controller should probably not depend on "child" controllers.

binding context to action in ember textfield

I've got an ember application that needs to manage multiple chat windows. A window for each active chat is created within an {{#each}} loop. This is straightforward enough. The place that I'm having trouble is sending the chat message when the user presses enter.
The window looks like this
{{#each chats}}
... stuff to display already existing chats...
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="text" action="sendChat"}}
<button {{action sendChat this}}> Send </button>
This works fine for the button, since I can pass this to it. By default the function defined in the textfield view action just gets the text within that textfield, which is not enough in this case. Since there can be multiple chat windows open, I need to know which window the message was typed into. Is it possible to pass this to the textfield action function? (or can you suggest a different way to solve this problem?)
Add contentBinding="this" to the definition of the view, like:
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="text" action=sendChat contentBinding="this"}}
Ember master already has this change, but the official downloadable verstion still don't.. so you will need to subclass the Ember.TextField and change its insertNewline to achieve required functionality:
App.ActionTextField = Em.TextField.extend({
insertNewline: function(event) {
var controller = this.get('controller'),
action = this.get('action');
if (action) {
controller.send(action, this.get('value'), this);
if (!this.get('bubbles')) {
After that, the action handler will receive additional argument, the view:
{{view App.ActionTextField valueBinding="text" action=sendChat myfieldBinding="this"}}
and in controller:
sendChat: function (text, view) {
var myField = view.get('myfield');
//do stuff with my field
You may use ember master instead of subclassing Ember.TextField..
I hope the ember guys will release the next version soon..
I know this question has been answered but I said let me add some information that may help out someone in the situation of actions and TextField. One word "Component". TextField in Ember is a Component so if you think of TextField from that perspective it may help when it comes to sending actions and using TextField in an application.
So when you say App.SomeTextField = Ember.TexField.extend({...});App.SomeTextField is subclassing Ember.TextField (remember which is a component). You could add your logic inside and that works and you could access it from your template such as {{view App.SomeTextField}}
You may be thinking I see the word 'view' this guy sucks, TextField is a View. Well, it is sort of a View because Ember Components are a subclass of Ember.View so they have all that Views have. But there are some important things to keep in mind Components un-like Views do not absorb their surrounding context(information/data), they lock out everything and if you want to send something from the outside surrounding context you must explicitly do so.
So to pass things into App.SomeTextField in your template where you have it you would do something like {{view App.SomeTextField value=foo action="sendChat"}} where you are passing in two things value, and action in this case. You may be able to ride the fine line between View/Component for a bit but things come crashing why is your action not sending?
Now this is where things get a little trippy. Remember TextField is a Component which is subclassed from View but a View is not a Component. Since Components are their own encapsulated element when you are trying to do this.get('controller').send('someAction', someParam), "this" is referring to the Component its self, and the controller is once again the component its self in regards to this code. The action that you are hoping will go to the outside surrounding context and your application will not.
In order to fix this you have to follow the protocol for sending actions from a Component. It would be something like
App.SomeTextField = Ember.TextField.extend({
//this will fire when enter is pressed
insertNewline: function() {
//this is how you send actions from components
//we passed sendChat action in
//Your logic......then send...
Now in the controller that is associated with where your SomeTextField component/view element is you would do
App.SomeController = Ember.Controller.extend({
//In actions hash capture action sent from SomeTextField component/view element
actions: {
sendChat: function() {
//Your logic well go here...
Now I said to think of TextField as a Component but I have been riding the tail of the view and declaring {{view AppSomeTextField...}}. Lets do it like a component.
So you would have in your template where you want to use it
//inside some template
Then you get a specfic template for the component with the name:
//template associated with component
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/some-text-field">
Add what you want
In your JS declare your component:
//important word 'Component' must be at end
App.SomeTextFieldComponent = Ember.TextField.extend({
//same stuff as above example
Since we on a role you could probably get the same functionality using Ember input helpers. They are pretty powerful.
{{input action="sendChat" onEvent="enter"}}
Welp hopefully this information will help someone if they get stuck wondering why is my action not sending from this textField.
This jsBin is a sandBox for Components/Views sending actions etc....Nothing too fancy but it may help someone..
Peace, Im off this...