SciPy Quad Integration: Accuracy Warning - python-2.7

I am currently trying to compute out an integral with scipy.integrate.quad, and for certain values I get the following error:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ AccuracyWarning: divmax (20) exceeded. Latest difference = 2.005732e-02
Looking at the documentation, it isn't entirely clear to me why this warning is raised, what it means, and why it only occurs for certain values.

in scipy.integrate.quad there's a lower-level call to a difference function that is iterated over, and it's iterated over divmax times. In your case, the default for divmax=20. There are some functions that you can override this default -- for example scipy.integrate.quadrature.romberg allows you to set divmax (default here is 10) as a keyword. The warning is thrown when the tolerances aren't met for the difference function. Setting divmax to a higher value will run longer, and hopefully meet the tolerance requirements.


floating point exceptions in LINUX -- how to convert them into something useful

I've got some piece of code calculating a vector of functions of a vector of independent variables (and parameters):
struct instance
{ double m_adParam1, m_adParam2;
std::array<double, OUTSIZE> calculate(const std::array<double, INSIZE>&x) const;
When any part of this code fails due to a division by (nearly) zero or due to a domain error, the entire code should fail and tell the caller, that it cannot calculate this function for the given input.
This should also apply for calculated values used for comparison only. So testing the result vector for NAN or infinity is not sufficient. Inserting tests after every fallible operation is infeasible.
How could one do this?
I read about fetestexcept(). But it is unclear what is resetting this state flag.
SIGFPE is useless for anything other than debugging.
Having the ability to convert this into C++ exceptions as on Windows would be great, but inserting a final check would be sufficient as well.
Inserting code to check for invalid inputs for the following code is also infeasible, as it would slow down the calculation dramatically.
I read about fetestexcept(). But it is unclear what is resetting this state flag.
That is what feclearexcept() does. So you can do something like
std::feclearexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW | FE_DIVBYZERO);
// do lots of calculations
// now check for exceptions
if (std::fetestexcept(FE_INVALID))
throw std::domain_error("argh");
else if (std::fetestexcept(FE_OVERFLOW))
throw std::overflow_error("eek");
// ...
The exception flags are "sticky" and no other operation, besides an explicit feclearexcept(), should clear them.
The main benefits of using feenablexcept() to force a SIGFPE are that you would detect the error immediately, without waiting until you happen to get around to testing the exception flag, and that you could pinpoint the exact instruction that caused the exception. It doesn't sound like either of those are needed in your use case.

Why would clEnqueueNDRangeKernel crash with a floating-point exception?

I'm trying to launch a certain kernel using clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(), from within a C++ program. But instead of enqueuing, or returning an error, it gets a floating-point exception signal (SIGFPE).
For IP reasons which I can't go into, it's difficult for me to provide an example triggering this signal. But - there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason for this to occur. Are there known cases of that function itself actually performing an invalid floating-point operation?
tl;dr: It's a divide-by zero due to a problem with your dimensions.
With NVIDIA CUDA's OpenCL library (at least with v11.2.152), passing workgroup dimensions and overall grid dimensions of different dimensionality may indeed trigger such a situation. OpenCL users have reported similar behavior in the past.
NVIDIA has deplorably chosen to provide its libraries as closed-source only, so I can only speculate about the reason, but it seems to be the following: When you construct a cl::NDRange with two dimensions, the third value in the international representation is initialized to 0 (explicitly and necessarily, or just sometimes). Now, if you read the documentation for clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() carefully, you'll notice that the both the global dimensions and the local dimensions must have the same dimensionality, i.e. same number of dimensions; clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() probably assumes this is the case, and calculates the number of grid blocks (number of workgroups) in the third dimension using global_dims_it_got[i] / local_dims_it_got[i] for every dimension of the global dimensions it received. Thus when the global dimensionality is higher, it ends up dividing by 0. That triggers SIGFPE, which, despite its name, is not only used for invalid floating-point operations, but rather any arithmetic error.

FORTRAN 77 Divide By Zero Behavior

I am working on re-engineering an old FORTRAN77 program to Python for a while now. I'm running into an issue, though: when dividing by zero, it appears that the FORTRAN program just continues processing the data without issue. However, predictably it causes an issue in Python. I'm not able to find a discussion about this on any official channel for F77, and I only have an old version of the source code for the program I am translating that I can't get to compile.
TL;DR: How does F77 handle division by zero for the following cases?:
REAL division
INT division
The numerator is also zero (e.g. 0./0.)
Yes, I also have code that does nothing when a divide by zero error is encountered. Usually, it is the programmers responsibility to ensure that the results are either expected (the target variable's value is unchanged) or an error is thrown etc. In other words, you need to inspect any division operation for a possible zero divisor. Modern operating systems throw an internal exception on divide by zero (and assign NAN to the target variable if the system would pause under these circumstances), most older Fortran code is written such that divide by zero doesn't matter.

Detecting bad input for `boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima()`

This documentation page of boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima says about its first argument:
The function to minimise: a function object (or C++ lambda) ... with no maxima occurring in that interval.
But what happens if this is not the case? (After all, this condition is rather difficult to pre-ensure, especially since the function is usually expensive to evaluate at many points.) Best would be to detect violations to this condition on the fly.
If this condition is violated, does boost throw an exception, or does it exhibit undefined behavior?
A workaround I am thinking of is to build the checking into the lambda ("function to minimize"), by capturing and maintaining a std::map<double,double> holding all the points that have been evaluated, and comparing each new evaluation with its nearest neighbor in each direction, to check whether there may be a local maximum. But I don't want to do all that if it isn't necessary.
There is no way for this to be done. If you read Corless's A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods, you'll read a very interesting point: All numerically defined functions are discontinuous halfway between representables, and have zero derivatives between representables. Basically they can be thought of as a sum of Heaviside functions.
So none of them are differentiable in the mathematical sense. Ok, maybe you think this is a bit unfair-the scale should be zoomed out. But how much? We know that |x-1| isn't differentiable at x=1, but how could a computer tell that? How does it know that there isn't some locally smooth mollifier that makes it differentiable between x=1-eps and x=1+eps? I don't think there's a good answer to this question.
One of the most difficult problems in this class arises in quadrature. Some of these methods work fast when the complex extension of the function has poles far from the real axis. Try to numerically determine that.
Function spaces are impossible to determine numerically. Users just have to get it right.

Signaling or catching 'nan' as they occur in computations in numerical code base in c++

We have numerical code written in C++. Rarely but under certain specific inputs, some of the computations result in an 'nan' value.
Is there a standard or recommended method by which we can stop and alert the user when a certain numerical calculation results in an 'nan' being generated? (under debug mode).Checking for each result if it is equal to 'nan' seems impractical given the huge sizes of matrices and vectors.
How do standard numerical libraries handle this situation? Could you throw some light on this?
NaN is propagated, when applied to a numeric operation. So, it is enough to check the final result for being a NaN. As for, how to do it -- if building for >= C++11, there is std::isnan, as Goz noticed. For < C++11 - if want to be bulletproof - I would personally do bit-checking (especially, if there may be an optimization involved). The pattern for NaN is
? 11.......1 xx.......x
sign bit ^ ^exponent^ ^fraction^
where ? may be anything, and at least one x must be 1.
For platform dependent solution, there seams to be yet another possibility. There is the function feenableexcept in glibc (probably with the signal function and the compiler option -fnon-call-exceptions), which turns on a generation of the SIGFPE sinals, when an invalid floating point operation occure. And the function _control87 (probably with the _set_se_translator function and compiler option /EHa), which allows pretty much the same in VC.
Although this is a nonstandard extension originally from glibc, on many systems you can use the feenableexcept routine declared in <fenv.h> to request that the machine trap particular floating-point exceptions and deliver SIGFPE to your process. You can use fedisableexcept to mask trapping, and fegetexcept to query the set of exceptions that are unmasked. By default they are all masked.
On older BSD systems without these routines, you can use fpsetmask and fpgetmask from <ieeefp.h> instead, but the world seems to be converging on the glibc API.
Warning: glibc currently has a bug whereby (the C99 standard routine) fegetenv has the unintended side effect of masking all exception traps on x86, so you have to call fesetenv to restore them afterward. (Shows you how heavily anyone relies on this stuff...)
On many architectures, you can unmask the invalid exception, which will cause an interrupt when a NaN would ordinarily be generated by a computation such as 0*infinity. Running in the debugger, you will break on this interrupt and can examine the computation that led to that point. Outside of a debugger, you can install a trap handler to log information about the state of the computation that produced the invalid operation.
On x86, for example, you would clear the Invalid Operation Mask bit in FPCR (bit 0) and MXCSR (bit 7) to enable trapping for invalid operations from x87 and SSE operations, respectively.
Some individual platforms provide a means to write to these control registers from C, but there's no portable interface that works cross-platform.
Testing f!=f might give problems using g++ with -ffast-math optimization enabled: Checking if a double (or float) is NaN in C++
The only foolproof way is to check the bitpattern.
As to where to implement the checks, this is really dependent on the specifics of your calculation and how frequent Nan errors are i.e. performance penalty of continuing tainted calculations versus checking at certain stages.