Can regex match intersection between two regular expressions? - regex

Given several regular expressions, can we write a regular expressions which is equal to their intersection?
For example, given two regular expressions c[a-z][a-z] and [a-z][aeiou]t, their intersection contains cat and cut and possibly more. How can we write a regular expression for their intersection?

A logical AND in regex is represented by

The lookahead examples are easy to use, but technically are no longer regular languages. However it is possible to take the intersection of two regular languages, and that complement is regular.
First note that Regular Expressions can be converted to and from NFAs; they both are ways of expressing regular languages.
Second, by DeMorgan's law,
Thus these are the steps to compute the intersection of two RegExs:
Convert both RegExs to NFAs.
Compute the complement of both NFAs.
Compute the union of the two complements.
Compute the complement of that union.
Convert the resulting NFA to a RegEx.
Some sources:
Union and RegEx to NFA:
NFA to RegEx:
Complement of NFA:

Mathematically speaking, an intersection of two regular languages is regular, so there has to be a regular expression that accepts it.
Building it via corresponding NFAs is probably the easiest. Consider the two NFAs that correspond to the two regexes. The new states Q are pairs (Q1,Q2) from the two NFAs. If there is a transition (P1,x,Q1) in the first NFA and (P2,x,Q2) in the second NFA, then and only then there is a transition ((P1,P2),x,(Q1,Q2)) in the new NFA. A new state (Q1,Q2) is initial/final iff both Q1 and Q2 are initial/final.
If you use NFAs with ε-moves, then also for each transition (P1,ε,Q1) there will be a transition ((P1,P2),ε,(Q1,P2)) for all states P2. Likewise for ε-moves in the second NFA.
Now convert the new NFA to a regular expression with any known algorithm, and that's it.
As for PCRE, they are not, strictly speaking, regular expressions. There is no way to do it in the general case. Sometimes you can use lookaheads, like ^(?=regex1$)(?=regex2$) but this is only good for matching the entire string and is no good for either searching or embedding in other regexps. Without anchoring, the two lookaheads may end up matching strings of different lengths. This is not intersection.

First, let's agree on terms. My syntactical assumption will be that
The intersection of several regexes is one regex that matches strings
that each of the component regexes also match.
The General Option
To check for the intersection of two patterns, the general method is (pseudo-code):
if match(regex1) && match(regex2) { champagne for everyone! }
The Regex Option
In some cases, you can do the same with lookaheads, but for a complex regex there is little benefit of doing so, apart from making your regex more obscure to your enemies. Why little benefit? Because the engine will have to parse the whole string multiple times anyway.
Boolean AND
The general pattern for an AND checking that a string exactly meets regex1 and regex2 would be:
The $ in each lookahead ensures that each string matches the pattern and nothing more.
Matching when AND
Of course, if you don't want to just check the boolean value of the AND but also do some actual matching, after the lookaheads, you can add a dot-star to consume the string:
Or... After checking the first condition, just match the second:
This is a technique used for instance in password validation. For more details on this, see Mastering Lookahead and Lookbehind.
Bonus section: Union of Regexes
Instead of working on an intersection, let's say you are interested in the union of the following regexes, i.e., a regex that matches either of those regexes:
This is accomplished with the alternation | operator:
Furthermore, such a regex can often be compressed, as in:

For And operation, we have something like this in RegEx
Taking your example
["Cat", "C", "a", "t"]
([A-Za-z]+) //Match All characters
([aeiouAEIOU]+) //Match all vowels
Combine them both will match
["StackOverflow", "StackOverfl", "o", "w"]


How to match Regular Expression with String containing a wildcard character?

Regular expression:
/Hello .*, what's up?/i
String which may contain any number of wildcard characters (%):
"% world, what's up?" (matches)
"Hello world, %?" (matches)
"Hello %, what's up?" (matches)
"Hey world, what's up?" (no match)
"Hello %, blabla." (no match)
I have thought of a solution myself, but I'd like to see what you are able to come up with (considering performance is a high priority). A requirement is the ability to use any regular expression; I only used .* in the example, but any valid regular expression should work.
A little automata theory might help you here. You say
this is a simplified version of matching a regular expression with a regular expression[1]
Actually, that does not seem to be the case. Instead of matching the text of a regular expression, you want to find regular expressions that can match the same string as a given regular expression.
Luckily, this problem is solvable :-) To see whether such a string exists, you would need to compute the union of the two regular languages and test whether the result is not the empty language. This might be a non-trivial problem and solving it efficiently [enough] may be hard, but standard algorithms for this do already exist. Basically you would need to translate the expression into a NFA, that one into a DFA which you then can union.
[1]: Indeed, the wildcard strings you're using in the question build some kind of regular language, and can be translated to corresponding regular expressions
Not sure that I fully understand your question, but if you're looking for performance, avoid regular expressions. Instead you can split the string on %. Then, take a look at the first and last matches:
// Anything before % should match at start of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[0]) === 0;
// Anything after % should match at the end of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[1]) + splits[1].length === targetString.length;
If you can use % multiple times within the string, then the first and last splits should follow the above rules. Anything else just needs to be in the string, and .indexOf is how you can check that.
I came to realize that this is impossible with a regular language, and therefore the only solution to this problem is to replace the wildcard symbol % with .* and then match two regular expressions with each other. This can however not be done by traditional regular expressions, look at this SO-question and it's answers for details.
Or perhaps you should edit the underlying Regular Expression engine for supporting wildcard based strings. Anyone being able to answer this question by extending the default implementation will be accepted as answer to this question ;-)

Negation of a regular expression

I am not sure how it is called: negation, complementary or inversion. The concept is this. For example having alphabet "ab"
R = 'a'
!R = the regexp that matche everyhting exept what R matches
In this simple example it should be soemthing like
!R = 'b*|[ab][ab]+'
How is such a regexp called? I remeber from my studies that there is a way to calculate that, but it is something complicated and generally too hard to make by hand. Is there a nice online tool (or regular software) to do that?
jbo5112's answer gives good practical help. However, on the theoretical side: a regular expression corresponds to a regular language, so the term you're looking for is complementation.
To complement a regex:
Convert into the equivalent NFA. This is a well-known and defined process.
Convert the NFA to a DFA via the powerset construction
Complement the DFA by making accept states not accept and vice versa.
Convert the DFA to a regular expression.
You now have the complement of the original regular expression!
If all you're doing is searching, then some software/languages for regular expressions have a way to negate the match built in. For example, with grep you can use a '-v' option to get lines that don't match and the SQL variants I've seen allow you to use a 'not' qualifier to negate the match.
Another option that some/most/all regex dialects support is to use "negative lookahead". You may have to look up your specific syntax, but it's an interesting tool that is well worth reading about. Generally it's something like this: if R='<regex>', then Negative_of_R='(?!<regex>)'. Unfortunately, it can vary with the peculiarities of your language (e.g. vim uses \(<regex>\)\#!).
A word of caution: If you're not careful, a negated regular expression will match more than you expect. If you have the text This doesn't match 'mystring'. and search for (?!mystring), then it will match everything except the 'm' in mystring.

will a regular expression applied in reverse produce the same match?

Suppose we have some text and a regular expression that matches it. Question: if I apply the same expression to text backwards (starting from the last letter to the first one), will it still match?
regex -----> text
xereg --?--> txet
In practice that seems to work, the question is rather about what the theory says about the general case.
Not if you use the Kleene star - if you reverse the regex, you will end up with an invalid regex or one that matches a different pattern:
ab* -> *ba (invalid syntax)
a*b -> b*a (the first one matches aaab but not abbb, while the second one matches bbba but not baaa)
On the other hand, I'm quite sure that it would be possible to design an algorithm that, given a regex, produces a regex that matches the reverse strings. The following recursive algorithm should work (if r is a regex, rev(r) means the regex that matches the reversed strings):
If r is a single symbol x, then rev(r) = x.
If r is a union A|B, then rev(r) = rev(A)|rev(B).
If r is a concatenation AB, then rev(r) = rev(B)rev(A).
If r is a Kleene star A*, then rev(r) = rev(A)*.
The general cause is that it will not
for example, the regex
will match
but not
How come you think that the general case is that it should?
There are regexes that matches the reverse string as well like
Will match
The cases where regex and xeger would both produce the same match on a text are:
regex is a simple (atomic) pattern that is a palindrome. e.g., abcba
regex is composed of several atomic patterns using commutative functions (e.g., or) and you do not reverse those individual atomic patterns. If you do, then they should be a palindrome too. e.g., adef|bd881|cdavr if you do not reverse the atomic components or [aba|defed] if you do reverse the atomic components.
In general I would definitely say "no", but it really just depends on the complexity of the expressions.
Because not only would one need to reverse any simple (sub-)expressions, but if applicable one would also need to take into account more complex stuff which is not so easily "reversed" in just any regex: what about repetition operators, laziness vs. greediness, or back-references and look-arounds, quantifiers and modifiers… – items explained in e.g. this tutorial?
Perhaps if you have more specific examples or issues regarding such a "reversal", a more appropriate answer can be thought of.

Can regexes containing ordered alternation be rewritten to use only unordered alternation?

Suppose I have a regex language supporting literals, positive and negative character classes, ordered alternation, the greedy quantifiers ?, *, and +, and the nongreedy quantifiers ??, *?, and +?. (This is essentially a subset of PCRE without backreferences, look-around assertions, or some of the other fancier bits.) Does replacing ordered alternation with unordered alternation decrease the expressive power of this formalism?
(Unordered alternation---also sometimes called "unordered choice"---is such that L(S|T) = L(S) + L(T), while ordered alternation is such that L(S|T) = L(S) + (L(T) - { a in L(T) : a extends some b in L(S) }). Concretely, the pattern a|aa would match the strings a and aa if the alternation is unordered, but only a if the alternation is ordered.)
Put another way, given a pattern S containing an ordered alternation, can that pattern be rewritten to an equivalent pattern T which contains no ordered alternations (but possibly unordered alternations instead)?
If this question has been considered in the literature, I'd appreciate any references which anyone can provide. I was able to turn up almost no theoretical work on the expressive power of extended regex formalisms (beyond the usual things about how backreferences move you from regular languages to context-free grammars).
in [section "Does the regexp match a substring of the string? If so, where?"] it's necessary to introduce the idea of priorities within the "DFA" (you need to read the entire series to understand, i suspect, but the "DFA" in question is expanded from the NFA graph "on the fly") to handle ordered alternations. while this is only an appeal to authority, and not a proof, i think it's fair to say that if russ cox can't do it (express ordered alternations as a pure DFA), then no-one knows how to.
I haven't checked any literature but I think you can construct a DFA for the ordered alternation and thus prove that it doesn't add any expressive power in the following way:
Let's say we have the regex x||y where x and y are regexen and || means the unordered alternation. If so we can construct DFA's accepting x and y. We will mark those DFA_x and DFA_y
We will construct the DFA for x||y in phases by connecting DFA_x and DFA_y
For every path in DFA_x corresponding to some string a (by path I mean a path in the graph sense without traversing and edge twice so a is a path in DFA_"a*" but aa is not)...
For every symbol in the alphabet s
If DFA_y consumes as (that is if run on as DFA_y will not stop early but it may not necessarily accept) and DFA_x does not and DFA_x doesn't accept any prefix of as create a transition from the state DFA_x ends in after consuming a to the state DFA_y ends in after consuming as
The accepting states of the final DFA are all the accepting states of both the input DFA's. The starting state is the starting state of DFA_x.
Intuitively what this does is it creates two regions in the output DFA. One of them corresponds to the first argument of the alternation and the other to the second. As long as it's possible that the first argument of the alternation will match we stay in the first part. When a symbol is encountered which makes it certain that the first argument won't match we switch to the second part if possible at this point. Please comment if this approach is wrong.

Regular Expression to match sequences of one or more letters except for a specific value

Looking for some help with a Regular Expression to do the following:
Must be Alpha Char
Must be at least 1 Char
Must NOT be a specific value, e.g. != "Default"
Thanks for any help,
Use a negative lookahead:
Solve this in two steps:
compare against the regular expression [a-zA-Z]+ which means "one or more of the letters from a-z or A-Z
if it passes that test, look it up in a list of specific values you are guarding against.
There's no point in trying to cram these two tests into a single complex regular expression that you don't understand. A good rule of thumb with regular expressions is, if you have to ask someone how to do it, you should strive to use the least complex solution possible. If you don't understand the regular expression you won't be able to maintain the code over time.
In pseudocode:
if regexp_matches('[a-zA-Z]+', string) && string not in ['Default', 'Foobar', ...] {
print "it's a keeper!"