How to do ray plane intersection? - c++

How do I calculate the intersection between a ray and a plane?
This produces the wrong results.
float denom =;
if (denom > 0)
float t = -((center - ray.origin).dot(normal)) / denom;
if (t >= 0)
rec.tHit = t;
rec.anyHit = true;
computeSurfaceHitFields(ray, rec);
return true;
ray represents the ray object.
ray.direction is the direction vector.
ray.origin is the origin vector.
rec represents the result object.
rec.tHit is the value of the hit.
rec.anyHit is a boolean.
My function has access to the plane:
center and normal defines the plane

As wonce commented, you want to also allow the denominator to be negative, otherwise you will miss intersections with the front face of your plane. However, you still want a test to avoid a division by zero, which would indicate the ray being parallel to the plane. You also have a superfluous negation in your computation of t. Overall, it should look like this:
float denom =;
if (abs(denom) > 0.0001f) // your favorite epsilon
float t = (center - ray.origin).dot(normal) / denom;
if (t >= 0) return true; // you might want to allow an epsilon here too
return false;

First consider the math of the ray-plane intersection:
In general one intersects the parametric form of the ray, with the implicit form of the geometry.
So given a ray of the form x = a * t + a0, y = b * t + b0, z = c * t + c0;
and a plane of the form: A x * B y * C z + D = 0;
now substitute the x, y and z ray equations into the plane equation and you will get a polynomial in t. you then solve that polynomial for the real values of t. With those values of t you can back substitute into the ray equation to get the real values of x, y and z.
Here it is in Maxima:
Note that the answer looks like the quotient of two dot products!
The normal to a plane is the first three coefficients of the plane equation A, B, and C.
You still need D to uniquely determine the plane.
Then you code that up in the language of your choice like so:
Point3D intersectRayPlane(Ray ray, Plane plane)
Point3D point3D;
// Do the dot products and find t > epsilon that provides intersection.
return (point3D);

Let the ray be given parametrically by q = p + t*v for initial point p and direction vector v for t >= 0.
Let the plane be the set of points r satisfying the equation dot(n, r) + d = 0 for normal vector n = (a, b, c) and constant d. Fully expanded, the plane equation may also be written in the familiar form ax + by + cz + d = 0.
The ray-plane intersection occurs when q satisfies the plane equation. Substituting, we have:
d = -dot(n, q)
= -dot(n, p + t * v)
= -dot(n, p) + t * dot(n, v)
t = -(dot(n, p) + d) / dot(n, v)
This value of t can be used to determine the intersection by plugging it back into p + t*v.
Example implementation
std::optional<vec3> intersectRayWithPlane(
vec3 p, vec3 v, // ray
vec3 n, float d // plane
) {
float denom = dot(n, v);
// Prevent divide by zero:
if (abs(denom) <= 1e-4f)
return std::nullopt;
// If you want to ensure the ray reflects off only
// the "top" half of the plane, use this instead:
// if (-denom <= 1e-4f)
// return std::nullopt;
float t = -(dot(n, p) + d) / dot(n, v);
// Use pointy end of the ray.
// It is technically correct to compare t < 0,
// but that may be undesirable in a raytracer.
if (t <= 1e-4)
return std::nullopt;
return p + t * v;

implementation of vwvan's answer
Vector3 Intersect(Vector3 planeP, Vector3 planeN, Vector3 rayP, Vector3 rayD)
var d = Vector3.Dot(planeP, -planeN);
var t = -(d + Vector3.Dot(rayP, planeN)) / Vector3.Dot(rayD, planeN);
return rayP + t * rayD;


Ray-bounded plane intersection

I'm trying to write a ray tracer in my freetime. Currently trying to do ray - bounded plane intersections.
My program is already working with infinite planes. I'm trying to work out the math for non-infinite planes. Tried to google, but all of the resources talk only about infinite planes.
My plane has a corner point (called position), from which two vectors (u and v) extend (their length correspond to the length of the sides). The ray has an origin and a direction.
First I calculate the intersection point with an infinite plane with the formula
t = normal * (position - origin) / (normal * direction)
The normal is calculated as a cross product of u and v.
Then with the formula
origin + direction * t
I get the intersection point itself.
The next step is checking if this point is in the bounds of the rectangle, and this is where I'm having trouble.
My idea was to get the relative vector intersection - position that is extending from the corner of the plane to the intersection point, then transform it to a new basis of u, normal and v then check if the lengths of the transformed vectors are shorter than the u and v vectors.
bool BoundedPlane::intersect(const Vec3f &origin, const Vec3f &direction, float &t) const {
t = normal * (position - origin) / (normal * direction);
Vec3f relative = (origin + direction * t) - position;
Mat3f transform{
Vec3f(u.x, normal.x, v.x),
Vec3f(u.y, normal.y, v.y),
Vec3f(u.z, normal.z, v.z)
Vec3f local = transform.mul(relative);
return t > 0 && local.x >= 0 && local.x <= u.x && local.z <= 0 && local.z <= v.z;
At the end I check if t is larger than 0, meaning the intersection is in front of the camera, and if the lengths of the vectors are inside the bounds. This gives me a weird line:
The plane should appear below the spheres like this:
(this used manual checking to see if it appears correctly if the numbers are right).
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and if there's an easier way to check the bounds. Thanks in advance.
I moved the transformation matrix calculations into the constructor, so now the intersection test is:
bool BoundedPlane::intersect(const Vec3f &origin, const Vec3f &direction, float &t) const {
if (!InfinitePlane::intersect(origin, direction, t)) {
return false;
Vec3f local = transform.mul((origin + direction * t) - position);
return local.x >= 0 && local.x <= 1 && local.z >= 0 && local.z <= 1;
The transform member is the inverse of the transformation matrix.
Could I suggest another approach? Consider the frame with origin
position and basis vectors
u = { u.x, u.y, u.z }
v = { v.x, v.y, v.z }
direction = { direction.x, direction.y, direction.z}
Step 1: Form the matrix
M = {
{u.x, v.x, direction.x},
{u.y, v.y, direction.y},
{u.z, v.z, direction.z}
Step 2: Calculate the vector w, which is a solution to the 3 x 3 system of liner equations
M * w = origin - position, i.e.
w = inverse(M) * (origin - position);
Make sure that direction is not coplanar with u, v, otherwise there is no intersection and inverse(M) does not exist.
Step 3: if 0.0 <= w.x && w.x <= 1.0 && 0.0 <= w.y && w.y <= 1.0 then the line intersects the parallelogram spanned by the vectors u, v and the point of intersection is
w0 = { w.x, w.y , 0 };
intersection = position + M * w0;
else, the line does not intersect the parallelogram spanned by the vectors u, v
The idea of this algorithm is to consider the (non-orthonormal) frame position, u, v, direction. Then the matrix M changes everything in the coordinates of this new frame. In this frame, the line is vertical, parallel to the "z-"axis, the point origin has coordinates w, and the vertical line through w intersects the plane at w0.
Edit 1: Here is a templet formula for the inverse of a 3x3 matrix:
If original matrix M is
a b c
d e f
g h i
inverse is
(1 / det(M)) * {
{e*i - f*h, c*h - b*i, b*f - c*e},
{f*g - d*i, a*i - c*g, c*d - a*f},
{d*h - e*g, b*g - a*h, a*e - b*d},
det(M) = a*(e*i - f*h) + b*(f*g - d*i) + c*(d*h - e*h)
is the determinant of M.
So the inversion algorithm can be as follows:
M = {
{a, b, c},
{d, e, f},
{g, h, i},
inv_M = {
{e*i - f*h, c*h - b*i, b*f - c*e},
{f*g - d*i, a*i - c*g, c*d - a*f},
{d*h - e*g, b*g - a*h, a*e - b*d},
det_M = a*inv_M[1][1] + b*inv_M[2][1] + c*inv_M[3][1];
Return inverse matrix of M
inv_M = (1/det_M) * inv_M;
Edit 2: Let's try another approach in order to speed things up.
Step 1: For each plane, determined by the point position and the two vectors u and v, precompute the following quatntities:
normal = cross(u, v);
u_dot_u = dot(u, u);
u_dot_v = dot(u, v);
v_dot_v = dot(v, v); // all these need to be computed only once for the u and v vectors
det = u_dot_u * v_dot_v - u_dot_v * u_dot_v; // again only once per u and v
Step 2: Now, for a given line with point origin and direction direction, as before, calculate the intersection point int_point with the plane spanned by u and v:
t = dot(normal, position - origin) / dot(normal, direction);
int_point = origin + t * direction;
rhs = int_point - position;
Step 3: Calcualte
u_dot_rhs = dot(u, rhs);
v_dot_rhs = dot(v, rhs);
w1 = (v_dot_v * u_dot_rhs - u_dot_v * v_dot_rhs) / det;
w2 = (- u_dot_v * u_dot_rhs + u_dot_u * v_dot_rhs) / det;
Step 4:
if (0 < = w1 && w1 <= 1 && 0 < = w2 && w2 <= 1 ){
int_point is in the parallelogram;
int_point is not in the parallelogram;
So what I am doing here is basically finding the intersection point of the line origin, direction with the plane given by position, u, v and restricting myself to the plane, which allows me to work in 2D rather than 3D. I am representing
int_point = position + w1 * u + w2 * v;
rhs = int_point - position = w1 * u + w2 * v
and finding w1 and w2 by dot-multiplying of this vector expression with the basis vectors u and v, which results in a 2x2 linear system, which I am solving directly.

How to determine if a 2x2 matrix scales more in the x axis than the y axis?

Let M be an invertible 2x2 matrix. Let C be a circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0). Let E be the ellipse M*C with semi-major axis s1 and semi-minor axis s2. (Then s1 >= s2.) I need to find sx, the horizontal scale applied to C by M, and sy, the vertical scale applied to C by M.
I can measure s1 and s2 by performing singular value decomposition on M. (The algorithm I use is based on Pedro Gimeno's answer to Robust algorithm for 2x2 SVD. s1 is the bigger singular value and s2 is the smaller singular value.) I know that <sx,sy> equals either <s1,s2> or <s2,s1>, but I don't know which one; however, if I can determine that sx > sy, (by implementing the scalesMoreInXAxis(mat2) function below), then I can conclude that <sx,sy> = <s1,s2> (and vice versa if sx <= sy).
Here is my GLSL code:
bool scalesMoreInXAxis(mat2 m){
// TODO: implement
return false;
void main(){
float a = M[0][0];
float b = M[1][0];
float c = M[0][1];
float d = M[1][1];
float e = (a + d) / 2.0;
float f = (a - d) / 2.0;
float g = (c + b) / 2.0;
float h = (c - b) / 2.0;
float q = sqrt(e*e + h*h);
float r = sqrt(f*f + g*g);
float s1 = q + r; // Semi major axis
float s2 = abs(q - r); // Semi minor axis
vec2 s = scalesMoreInXAxis(M) ? vec2(s1,s2) : vec2 (s2,s1);
What do you want to achieve? I don't understand what do you mean by semi-x axis.
However, here's what I think, how can you calculate semi axises:
let M=U*s*V (SVD decomposition)
V*C will be C, as V is just a rotation (rotating a circle wouldn't change it).
So, we left with U*s. This transformation is angle preserving. U*s will first scale the circle (so it becomes an ellipse with semi axises s*[1 0]' and s*[0 1]'), and then rotate it. So, the final semi axises are U*s*[1 0]' and U*s*[0 1]', which are the columns of U*s.
Note: for a general matrix, there is no such question that "how does it scale in the horizontal direction". All one can say is how much scale happened for the original x-axis (I mean, how long become the original x-axis after the transformation), which is just the length of M*[1 0]', the length of the first column.

Create a 3D sphere and 3D box C++

I need to implement a tool to detect intersction between a 3D box and 3D Sphere in c++. Write now I find a way how to detect the intersection using that code.
inline float squared(float v) { return v * v; }
bool doesCubeIntersectSphere(vec3 C1, vec3 C2, vec3 S, float R)
float dist_squared = R * R;
/* assume C1 and C2 are element-wise sorted, if not, do that now */
if (S.X < C1.X) dist_squared -= squared(S.X - C1.X);
else if (S.X > C2.X) dist_squared -= squared(S.X - C2.X);
if (S.Y < C1.Y) dist_squared -= squared(S.Y - C1.Y);
else if (S.Y > C2.Y) dist_squared -= squared(S.Y - C2.Y);
if (S.Z < C1.Z) dist_squared -= squared(S.Z - C1.Z);
else if (S.Z > C2.Z) dist_squared -= squared(S.Z - C2.Z);
return dist_squared > 0;
What I need is an example of C++ code to create a 3D sphere using origin vector and a radius and
I need to create a 3D sphere using origin vector and a radius and a 3D box through its maximum and minimum corner vector.
I may be mistaken, but (assuming Axis-Aligned boxes):
The length of a vector from origin to corner C1 or C2 should be the radius r, right?
Explanation for my deriviation below: An Axis-Aligned-box with equal distance from center to all corners is a perfect cube. Translating such a cube to the origin puts two of the corners exactly at the line from the origin through the point {x=1,y=1,z=1}. Thus those two corners will have coordinates {d,d,d} and {-d, -d, -d}, where d is "distance" of the corner along the axises X,Y,Z. The distance to say the first corner is squaring and adding all components of the vector, and taking the square root, e.g:
|C1| = |{d,d,d}| = sqrt(d * d + d * d + d * d) = sqrt(3 * d * d)
Therefore solve:
r = sqrt(3 *d * d)
r * r = 3 * d * d
d = sqrt(r*r/3)
d = r/sqrt(3)
This needs to be translated back to the center of the Sphere, thus:
C1 = { S.x+d, S.y+d, S.z+d}
C2 = { S.x-d, S.y-d, S.z-d}
Your explanation is a little vague, so I made some assumptions. Perhaps I'm dead wrong. Anyway here is some non-tested code showing what I mean:
void makeCube(vec3 S, float R, vec3* C1, vec3* C2)
static const float sqrt_one_third = sqrtf(1.0f/3.0f);
float d = R * sqrt_one_third;
C1->X = S.X + d;
C1->Y = S.Y + d;
C1->Z = S.Z + d;
C2->X = S.X - d;
C2->Y = S.Y - d;
C2->Z = S.Z - d;

Ray Tracing - Geometric Sphere Intersection - Intersection function returns true for all rays despite no intersection

I am writing a ray tracing project with C++ and OpenGL and am running into some obstacles with my sphere intersection function: I've checked multiple sources and the math looks right, but for some reason for every single ray, the intersection method is returning true. Here is the code to the sphere intersection function as well as some other code for clarification:
bool intersect(Vertex & origin, Vertex & rayDirection, float intersection)
bool insideSphere = false;
Vertex oc = position - origin;
float tca = 0.0;
float thcSquared = 0.0;
if (oc.length() < radius)
insideSphere = true;
tca =;
if (tca < 0 && !insideSphere)
return false;
thcSquared = pow(radius, 2) - pow(oc.length(), 2) + pow(tca, 2);
if (thcSquared < 0)
return false;
insideSphere ? intersection = tca + sqrt(thcSquared) : intersection = tca - sqrt(thcSquared);
return true;
Here is some context from the ray tracing function that calls the intersection function. FYI my camera is at (0, 0, 0) and that is what is in my "origin" variable in the ray tracing function:
#define WINDOW_WIDTH 640
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 480
#define FOCAL_LENGTH 25
rayDirection.z = FOCAL_LENGTH * -1;
for (int r = 0; r < WINDOW_HEIGHT; r++)
rayDirection.y = (WINDOW_METERS_HEIGHT / 2 * -1) + (r * ((float)WINDOW_METERS_HEIGHT / (float)WINDOW_HEIGHT));
for (int c = 0; c < WINDOW_WIDTH; c++)
intersection = false;
t = 0.0;
rayDirection.x = (WINDOW_METERS_WIDTH / 2 * -1) + (c * ((float)WINDOW_METERS_WIDTH / (float)WINDOW_WIDTH));
rayDirection = rayDirection - origin;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPHERES; i++)
if (spheres[i].intersect(CAM_POS, rayDirection, t))
intersection = true;
Thanks for taking a look and let me know if there is any other code that may help!
It seems you got your math a bit mixed. The first part of the function, ie until the first return false, is ok and will return false if the ray start outside of the sphere and don't go toward it. However, I think you put the camera outside all your spheres in such a manner that all spheres are visible, that's why this part never return false.
thcSquared is really wrong and I don't know what it is supposed to represent.
Let's do the intersection mathematically. We have:
origin : the start of the ray, let's call this A
rayDirection : the direction of the infinite ray, let's call this d.
position : the center of the sphere, called P
radius : self-explanatory, called r
What you want is a point on both the sphere and the line, let's call it M:
M = A + t * d because it is on the line
|M - P| = r because it is on the sphere
The second equation can be changed to be |A + t * d - P|² = r², which gives (A - P)² + 2 * t * (A - P).dot(d) + t²d² = r². This is a simple quadratic equation. Once solved, you have 0, 1 or 2 solutions, select the closest to the ray origin (but which is positive).
edit: You are forced to use another approach that I will detail here:
Compute the distance between the center of the sphere and the line (calling it l). This is done by 'projecting' the center on the line. So:
tca = ( (P - A) dot d ) / |d|, or with your variable names, tca = (OC dot rd) / |rd|. The projection is H = A + tca * d, and l = |H - P|.
If l > R then return false, there is no intersection.
Let's call M one intersection point. The triangle MHP have a right angle, so MH² + HP² = MP², in other terms thc² + l² = r², so we now have thc, the distance from H to the sphere.
With all that, t = tca +- thc, simply take the lowest non-negative of the two.
The paper you linked explain this, but without saying that it assumes the norm of the ray direction to be 1. I don't see a normalization in your code, that may be why your code fails (not verified).
Side note: the name Vertex for a 3d vector is really badly chosen, something like Vector3 or vec3 would be way better.

3D Line Segment and Plane Intersection

I'm trying to implement a line segment and plane intersection test that will return true or false depending on whether or not it intersects the plane. It also will return the contact point on the plane where the line intersects, if the line does not intersect, the function should still return the intersection point had the line segmenent had been a ray. I used the information and code from Christer Ericson's Real-time Collision Detection but I don't think im implementing it correctly.
The plane im using is derived from the normal and vertice of a triangle. Finding the location of intersection on the plane is what i want, regardless of whether or not it is located on the triangle i used to derive the plane.
The parameters of the function are as follows:
contact = the contact point on the plane, this is what i want calculated
ray = B - A, simply the line from A to B
rayOrigin = A, the origin of the line segement
normal = normal of the plane (normal of a triangle)
coord = a point on the plane (vertice of a triangle)
Here's the code im using:
bool linePlaneIntersection(Vector& contact, Vector ray, Vector rayOrigin, Vector normal, Vector coord) {
// calculate plane
float d = Dot(normal, coord);
if (Dot(normal, ray)) {
return false; // avoid divide by zero
// Compute the t value for the directed line ray intersecting the plane
float t = (d - Dot(normal, rayOrigin)) / Dot(normal, ray);
// scale the ray by t
Vector newRay = ray * t;
// calc contact point
contact = rayOrigin + newRay;
if (t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f) {
return true; // line intersects plane
return false; // line does not
In my tests, it never returns true... any ideas?
I am answering this because it came up first on Google when asked for a c++ example of ray intersection :)
The code always returns false because you enter the if here :
if (Dot(normal, ray)) {
return false; // avoid divide by zero
And a dot product is only zero if the vectors are perpendicular, which is the case you want to avoid (no intersection), and non-zero numbers are true in C.
Thus the solution is to negate ( ! ) or do Dot(...) == 0.
In all other cases there will be an intersection.
On to the intersection computation :
All points X of a plane follow the equation
Dot(N, X) = d
Where N is the normal and d can be found by putting a known point of the plane in the equation.
float d = Dot(normal, coord);
Onto the ray, all points s of a line can be expressed as a point p and a vector giving the direction D :
s = p + x*D
So if we search for which x s is in the plane, we have
Dot(N, s) = d
Dot(N, p + x*D) = d
The dot product a.b is transpose(a)*b.Let transpose(N) be Nt.
Nt*(p + x*D) = d
Nt*p + Nt*D*x = d (x scalar)
x = (d - Nt*p) / (Nt*D)
x = (d - Dot(N, p)) / Dot(N, D)
Which gives us :
float x = (d - Dot(normal, rayOrigin)) / Dot(normal, ray);
We can now get the intersection point by putting x in the line equation
s = p + x*D
Vector intersection = rayOrigin + x*ray;
The above code updated :
bool linePlaneIntersection(Vector& contact, Vector ray, Vector rayOrigin,
Vector normal, Vector coord) {
// get d value
float d = Dot(normal, coord);
if (Dot(normal, ray) == 0) {
return false; // No intersection, the line is parallel to the plane
// Compute the X value for the directed line ray intersecting the plane
float x = (d - Dot(normal, rayOrigin)) / Dot(normal, ray);
// output contact point
*contact = rayOrigin + normalize(ray)*x; //Make sure your ray vector is normalized
return true;
Aside 1:
What does the d value mean ?
For two vectors a and b a dot product actually returns the length of the orthogonal projection of one vector on the other times this other vector.
But if a is normalized (length = 1), Dot(a, b) is then the length of the projection of b on a. In case of our plane, d gives us the directional distance all points of the plane in the normal direction to the origin (a is the normal). We can then get whether a point is on this plane by comparing the length of the projection on the normal (Dot product).
Aside 2:
How to check if a ray intersects a triangle ? (Used for raytracing)
In order to test if a ray comes into a triangle given by 3 vertices, you first have to do what is showed here, get the intersection with the plane formed by the triangle.
The next step is to look if this point lies in the triangle. This can be achieved using the barycentric coordinates, which express a point in a plane as a combination of three points in it. See Barycentric Coordinates and converting from Cartesian coordinates
I could be wrong about this, but there are a few spots in the code that seem very suspicious. To begin, consider this line:
// calculate plane
float d = Dot(normal, coord);
Here, your value d corresponds to the dot product between the plane normal (a vector) and a point in space (a point on the plane). This seems wrong. In particular, if you have any plane passing through the origin and use the origin as the coordinate point, you will end up computing
d = Dot(normal, (0, 0, 0)) = 0
And immediately returning false. I'm not sure what you intended to do here, but I'm pretty sure that this isn't what you meant.
Another spot in the code that seems suspicious is this line:
// Compute the t value for the directed line ray intersecting the plane
float t = (d - Dot(normal, rayOrigin)) / Dot(normal, ray);
Note that you're computing the dot product between the plane's normal vector (a vector) and the ray's origin point (a point in space). This seems weird because it means that depending on where the ray originates in space, the scaling factor you use for the ray changes. I would suggest looking at this code one more time to see if this is really what you meant.
Hope this helps!
This all looks fine to me. I've independently checked the algebra and this looks fine for me.
As an example test case:
A = (0,0,1)
B = (0,0,-1)
coord = (0,0,0)
normal = (0,0,1)
This gives:
d = Dot( (0,0,1), (0,0,0)) = 0
Dot( (0,0,1), (0,0,-2)) = -2 // so trap for the line being in the plane passes.
t = (0 - Dot( (0,0,1), (0,0,1) ) / Dot( (0,0,1), (0,0,-2)) = ( 0 - 1) / -2 = 1/2
contact = (0,0,1) + 1/2 (0,0,-2) = (0,0,0) // as expected.
So given the emendation following #templatetypedef's answer, the only area where I can see a problem is with the implementation of one of the other operations, be it Dot(), or the Vector operators.
This version worked for me in OpenGL C# application.
bool GetLinePlaneIntersection(out vec3 contact, vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_end, vec3 normal, vec3 coord)
contact = new vec3();
vec3 ray = ray_end - ray_origin;
float d =, coord);
if (, ray) == 0)
return false;
float t = (d -, ray_origin)) /, ray);
contact = ray_origin + ray * t;
return true;